/* Copyright 2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/s/shard_key_pattern.h" #include "mongo/db/hasher.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" namespace { using std::string; using namespace mongo; TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ValidShardKeyPatternSingle) { BSONObj empty; ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(empty).isValid()); // // Single field ShardKeyPatterns // ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1.0f)).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << (long long)1L)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << -1)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << -1.0)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << "1")).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << "hashed")).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << "hash")).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("" << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("." << 1)).isValid()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ValidShardKeyPatternComposite) { // // Composite ShardKeyPatterns // ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1.0f << "b" << 1.0)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << -1)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << "1")).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1.0 << "c" << 1.0f)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b." << 1.0)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "" << 1.0)).isValid()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ValidShardKeyPatternNested) { // // Nested ShardKeyPatterns // ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a.b" << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a.b" << -1)).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a.b.c.d" << 1.0)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << BSON("b" << 1))).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a.b." << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a.b.." << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a..b" << 1)).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "c.d" << 1.0 << "e.f.g" << 1.0f)).isValid()); ASSERT(ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "a.b" << 1.0 << "a.b.c" << 1.0f)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "a.b." << 1.0)).isValid()); ASSERT(!ShardKeyPattern(BSON("a" << BSON("b" << 1) << "c.d" << 1.0)).isValid()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, IsShardKey) { ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 1.0f)); ASSERT(pattern.isShardKey(BSON("a.b" << 10 << "c" << 30))); ASSERT(pattern.isShardKey(BSON("c" << 30 << "a.b" << 10))); ASSERT(!pattern.isShardKey(BSON("b" << 10))); ASSERT(!pattern.isShardKey(BSON("a" << 10 << "c" << 30))); ASSERT(!pattern.isShardKey(BSON("a" << BSON("b" << 10) << "c" << 30))); } static BSONObj normKey(const ShardKeyPattern& pattern, const BSONObj& doc) { return pattern.normalizeShardKey(doc); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, NormalizeShardKey) { ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 1.0f)); ASSERT_EQUALS(normKey(pattern, BSON("a.b" << 10 << "c" << 30)), BSON("a.b" << 10 << "c" << 30)); ASSERT_EQUALS(normKey(pattern, BSON("c" << 30 << "a.b" << 10)), BSON("a.b" << 10 << "c" << 30)); ASSERT_EQUALS(normKey(pattern, BSON("b" << 10)), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(normKey(pattern, BSON("a" << 10 << "c" << 30)), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(normKey(pattern, BSON("a.b" << BSON("$gt" << 10) << "c" << 30)), BSONObj()); } static BSONObj docKey(const ShardKeyPattern& pattern, const BSONObj& doc) { return pattern.extractShardKeyFromDoc(doc); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractDocShardKeySingle) { // // Single field ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a" << 1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:10}, c:30}")), fromjson("{a:{b:10}}")); const BSONRegEx regex("abc"); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << regex << "b" << "20")), BSON("a" << regex)); const BSONObj ref = BSON("$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << ref)), BSON("a" << ref)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSONObj()), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{b:10}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("" << 10)), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[1, 2]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$invalid:true}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$gt:10}}")), BSONObj()); // BSONObjIterator breaks this for now // ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << 10 << "a" << 20)), BSONObj()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractDocShardKeyCompound) { // // Compound ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1.0)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:'20', c:30}")), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("c" << 30 << "b" << "20" << "a" << 10)), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:[1, 2]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:{$invalid:true}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{b:20}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("" << 10 << "b" << "20")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:{$gt:20}}")), BSONObj()); // Ordering ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("b" << 20 << "a" << 10)).firstElement().numberInt(), 10); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractDocShardKeyNested) { // // Nested ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 1.0f)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:10}, c:30}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{d:[1,2],b:10},c:30,d:40}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); const BSONObj ref = BSON("$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << ref) << "c" << 30)), BSON("a.b" << ref << "c" << 30)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, c:30}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{d:40}, c:30}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:10}, {b:20}], c:30}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:[10, 20]}, c:30}")), BSONObj()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractDocShardKeyDeepNested) { // // Deeply nested ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b.c" << 1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:{c:10}}}")), fromjson("{'a.b.c':10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:{c:10}}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:[{c:10}]}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:{c:[10, 20]}}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:[{c:10}, {c:20}]}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:{c:10}},{b:{c:20}}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:[{c:10},{c:20}]},{b:[{c:30},{c:40}]}]}}")), BSONObj()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractDocShardKeyHashed) { // // Hashed ShardKeyPattern // const string value = "12345"; const BSONObj bsonValue = BSON("" << value); const long long hashValue = BSONElementHasher::hash64(bsonValue.firstElement(), BSONElementHasher::DEFAULT_HASH_SEED); ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << "hashed")); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << value))), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << value) << "c" << 30)), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("c" << 30 << "b" << value))), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("c" << value))), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << BSON_ARRAY(value)))), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("b" << value)))), BSONObj()); } static BSONObj queryKey(const ShardKeyPattern& pattern, const BSONObj& query) { StatusWith status = pattern.extractShardKeyFromQuery(query); if (!status.isOK()) return BSONObj(); return status.getValue(); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractQueryShardKeySingle) { // // Single field ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a" << 1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:10}, c:30}")), fromjson("{a:{b:10}}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:{$gt:20}}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$gt:10}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:{$invalid:'20'}}")), BSONObj()); // Doc key extraction shouldn't work with query ASSERT_EQUALS(docKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$eq:[10, 20]}, c:30}")), BSONObj()); // $eq/$or/$and/$all ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$eq:10}}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$or:[{a:{$eq:10}}]}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$and:[{a:{$eq:10}},{b:'20'}]}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$all:[10]}}")), fromjson("{a:10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$or:[{a:{$eq:10}},{a:10}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$and:[{a:10},{a:10}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$all:[10,10]}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$or:[{a:{$eq:10}},{b:'20'}]}")), BSONObj()); // Regex can't be extracted from query const BSONRegEx regex("abc"); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << regex << "b" << "20")), BSONObj()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractQueryShardKeyCompound) { // // Compound ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1.0)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:'20', c:30}")), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("c" << 30 << "b" << "20" << "a" << 10)), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:[1, 2]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:{$invalid:true}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{b:20}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("" << 10 << "b" << "20")), BSONObj()); // $eq/$or/$and/$all ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{$eq:10}, b:{$all:['20']}}")), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$and:[{a:{$eq:10},b:{$eq:'20'}}]}")), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$and:[{a:{$eq:10}},{b:{$eq:'20'}}]}")), fromjson("{a:10, b:'20'}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, b:{$gt:20}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$or:[{a:{$eq:10}},{b:'20'}]}")), BSONObj()); // Ordering ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("b" << 20 << "a" << 10)).firstElement().numberInt(), 10); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractQueryShardKeyNested) { // // Nested ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 1.0f)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:10}, c:30}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{'a.b':{$eq:10}, c:30, d:40}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$or:[{'a.b':10, c:30, d:40}]}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{'a.b':{$all:[10]}, c:30, d:40}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:10,d:40}, c:30}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$and:[{'a.b':{$eq:10}}, {c:30}]}")), fromjson("{'a.b':10, c:30}")); // Nested $eq is actually a document element ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:{$eq:10}}, c:30}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$and:[{a:{b:{$eq:10}}}, {c:30}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{$or:[{a:{b:{$eq:10}}}, {c:30}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:10, c:30}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:10}, c:{$gt:30}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{d:40}, c:30}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:10}, {b:20}], c:30}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:{$eq:[10, 20]}}, c:30}")), BSONObj()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractQueryShardKeyDeepNested) { // // Deeply nested ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b.c" << 1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:{c:10}}}")), fromjson("{'a.b.c':10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{'a.b.c':10}")), fromjson("{'a.b.c':10}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{'a.b.c':{$eq:10}}")), fromjson("{'a.b.c':10}")); // Arrays at any nesting level means we can't extract a shard key ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{'a.b.c':[10]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{'a.b':[{c:10}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:{c:10}}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:[{c:10}]}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:{c:[10, 20]}}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:{b:[{c:10}, {c:20}]}}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:{c:10}},{b:{c:20}}]}")), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, fromjson("{a:[{b:[{c:10},{c:20}]},{b:[{c:30},{c:40}]}]}}")), BSONObj()); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, ExtractQueryShardKeyHashed) { // // Hashed ShardKeyPattern // const string value = "12345"; const BSONObj bsonValue = BSON("" << value); const long long hashValue = BSONElementHasher::hash64(bsonValue.firstElement(), BSONElementHasher::DEFAULT_HASH_SEED); // Hashed works basically the same as non-hashed, but applies the hash function at the end ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << "hashed")); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a.b" << value)), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << value))), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a.b" << BSON("$eq" << value))), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << value) << "c" << 30)), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("c" << 30 << "b" << value))), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, // BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("a.b" << BSON("$eq" << value))))), BSON("a.b" << hashValue)); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << BSON("$eq" << value)))), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a.b" << BSON("$gt" << value))), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("c" << value))), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON("b" << BSON_ARRAY(value)))), BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(queryKey(pattern, BSON("a" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("b" << value)))), BSONObj()); } static bool indexComp(const ShardKeyPattern& pattern, const BSONObj& indexPattern) { return pattern.isUniqueIndexCompatible(indexPattern); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, UniqueIndexCompatibleSingle) { // // Single field ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a" << 1)); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << -1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << -1 << "b" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("_id" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("_id" << -1 << "b" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("b" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("b" << -1 << "a" << 1))); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, UniqueIndexCompatibleCompound) { // // Compound ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1.0)); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << -1.0))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << -1.0 << "c" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("_id" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("_id" << -1 << "c" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("b" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1 << "c" << 1.0f))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("b" << -1 << "a" << 1 << "c" << 1))); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, UniqueIndexCompatibleNested) { // // Nested ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 1.0)); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 1.0f))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("a.b" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("a" << 1 << "c" << -1.0))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("c" << -1 << "a.b" << 1))); } TEST(ShardKeyPattern, UniqueIndexCompatibleHashed) { // // Hashed ShardKeyPatterns // ShardKeyPattern pattern(BSON("a.b" << "hashed")); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a.b" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a.b" << -1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("a.b" << -1 << "c" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("_id" << 1))); ASSERT(indexComp(pattern, BSON("_id" << -1 << "c" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("c" << 1))); ASSERT(!indexComp(pattern, BSON("c" << -1 << "a.b" << 1))); } }