* Copyright (C) 2015 MongoDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
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* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
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* it in the license file.
#pragma once
#include "mongo/s/sharding_test_fixture_common.h"
namespace mongo {
class BSONObj;
class ShardingCatalogClient;
struct ChunkVersion;
class CollectionType;
class DistLockManagerMock;
class RemoteCommandTargeterFactoryMock;
class RemoteCommandTargeterMock;
class ShardRegistry;
class ShardType;
namespace transport {
class TransportLayerMock;
} // namespace transport
* Sets up the mocked out objects for testing the replica-set backed catalog manager and catalog
* client.
class ShardingTestFixture : public unittest::Test, public ShardingTestFixtureCommon {
// Syntactic sugar for getting sharding components off the Grid, if they have been initialized.
ShardingCatalogClient* catalogClient() const;
ShardRegistry* shardRegistry() const;
RemoteCommandTargeterFactoryMock* targeterFactory() const;
executor::TaskExecutor* executor() const;
DistLockManagerMock* distLock() const;
RemoteCommandTargeterMock* configTargeter() const;
ServiceContext* serviceContext() const;
OperationContext* operationContext() const;
* Blocking methods, which receive one message from the network and respond using the
* responses returned from the input function. This is a syntactic sugar for simple,
* single request + response or find tests.
void onCommand(executor::NetworkTestEnv::OnCommandFunction func);
void onCommandWithMetadata(executor::NetworkTestEnv::OnCommandWithMetadataFunction func);
void onFindCommand(executor::NetworkTestEnv::OnFindCommandFunction func);
void onFindWithMetadataCommand(
executor::NetworkTestEnv::OnFindCommandWithMetadataFunction func);
* Same as the onCommand* variants, but expects the request to be placed on the arbitrary
* executor of the Grid's executorPool.
void onCommandForPoolExecutor(executor::NetworkTestEnv::OnCommandFunction func);
* Setup the shard registry to contain the given shards until the next reload.
void setupShards(const std::vector& shards);
* Adds ShardRemote shards to the shard registry.
void addRemoteShards(const std::vector>& shards);
* Wait for the shards listing command to be run and returns the specified set of shards.
void expectGetShards(const std::vector& shards);
* Wait for a single insert request and ensures that the items being inserted exactly match the
* expected items. Responds with a success status.
void expectInserts(const NamespaceString& nss, const std::vector& expected);
* Waits for a count command and returns a response reporting the given number of documents
* as the result of the count, or an error.
void expectCount(const HostAndPort& configHost,
const NamespaceString& expectedNs,
const BSONObj& expectedQuery,
const StatusWith& response);
void expectFindSendBSONObjVector(const HostAndPort& configHost, std::vector obj);
* Waits for an operation which creates a capped config collection with the specified name and
* capped size.
void expectConfigCollectionCreate(const HostAndPort& configHost,
StringData collName,
int cappedSize,
const BSONObj& response);
* Wait for a single insert in one of the change or action log collections with the specified
* contents and return a successful response.
void expectConfigCollectionInsert(const HostAndPort& configHost,
StringData collName,
Date_t timestamp,
const std::string& what,
const std::string& ns,
const BSONObj& detail);
* Wait for the config.changelog collection to be created on the specified host.
void expectChangeLogCreate(const HostAndPort& configHost, const BSONObj& response);
* Expect a log message with the specified contents to be written to the config.changelog
* collection.
void expectChangeLogInsert(const HostAndPort& configHost,
Date_t timestamp,
const std::string& what,
const std::string& ns,
const BSONObj& detail);
* Expects an update call, which changes the specified collection's namespace contents to match
* those of the input argument.
void expectUpdateCollection(const HostAndPort& expectedHost,
const CollectionType& coll,
bool expectUpsert = true);
* Expects a setShardVersion command to be executed on the specified shard.
void expectSetShardVersion(const HostAndPort& expectedHost,
const ShardType& expectedShard,
const NamespaceString& expectedNs,
const ChunkVersion& expectedChunkVersion);
void setUp() override;
void tearDown() override;
void shutdownExecutor();
void setRemote(const HostAndPort& remote);
* Checks that the given command has the expected settings for read after opTime.
void checkReadConcern(const BSONObj& cmdObj,
const Timestamp& expectedTS,
long long expectedTerm) const;
ServiceContext::UniqueClient _client;
ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext _opCtx;
transport::SessionHandle _transportSession;
RemoteCommandTargeterFactoryMock* _targeterFactory;
RemoteCommandTargeterMock* _configTargeter;
// For the Grid's fixed executor.
executor::TaskExecutor* _executor;
// For the Grid's arbitrary executor in its executorPool.
std::unique_ptr _networkTestEnvForPool;
DistLockManagerMock* _distLockManager = nullptr;
} // namespace mongo