// shardkey.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/pch.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk.h" #include "mongo/s/shard_key_pattern.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/util/startup_test.h" #include "mongo/util/timer.h" namespace mongo { ShardKeyPattern::ShardKeyPattern( BSONObj p ) : pattern( p.getOwned() ) { pattern.toBSON().getFieldNames( patternfields ); BSONObjBuilder min; BSONObjBuilder max; BSONObjIterator it(p); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e (it.next()); min.appendMinKey(e.fieldName()); max.appendMaxKey(e.fieldName()); } gMin = min.obj(); gMax = max.obj(); } bool ShardKeyPattern::hasShardKey( const BSONObj& obj ) const { /* this is written s.t. if obj has lots of fields, if the shard key fields are early, it is fast. so a bit more work to try to be semi-fast. */ for(set::const_iterator it = patternfields.begin(); it != patternfields.end(); ++it) { BSONElement e = obj.getFieldDotted(it->c_str()); if( e.eoo() || e.type() == Array || (e.type() == Object && !e.embeddedObject().okForStorage())) { // Don't allow anything for a shard key we can't store -- like $gt/$lt ops return false; } } return true; } bool ShardKeyPattern::isUniqueIndexCompatible( const KeyPattern& uniqueIndexPattern ) const { return mongo::isUniqueIndexCompatible( pattern.toBSON(), uniqueIndexPattern.toBSON() ); } string ShardKeyPattern::toString() const { return pattern.toString(); } BSONObj ShardKeyPattern::moveToFront(const BSONObj& obj) const { vector keysToMove; keysToMove.push_back("_id"); BSONForEach(e, pattern.toBSON()) { if (strchr(e.fieldName(), '.') == NULL && strcmp(e.fieldName(), "_id") != 0) keysToMove.push_back(e.fieldName()); } if (keysToMove.size() == 1) { return obj; } else { BufBuilder buf (obj.objsize()); buf.appendNum((unsigned)0); // refcount buf.appendNum(obj.objsize()); vector > copies; pair toCopy ((const char*)NULL, 0); // C++ NULL isn't a pointer type yet BSONForEach(e, obj) { bool moveToFront = false; for (vector::const_iterator it(keysToMove.begin()), end(keysToMove.end()); it!=end; ++it) { if (strcmp(e.fieldName(), *it) == 0) { moveToFront = true; break; } } if (moveToFront) { buf.appendBuf(e.fieldName()-1, e.size()); if (toCopy.first) { copies.push_back(toCopy); toCopy.first = NULL; } } else { if (!toCopy.first) { toCopy.first = e.fieldName()-1; toCopy.second = e.size(); } else { toCopy.second += e.size(); } } } for (vector >::const_iterator it(copies.begin()), end(copies.end()); it!=end; ++it) { buf.appendBuf(it->first, it->second); } if (toCopy.first) { buf.appendBuf(toCopy.first, toCopy.second); } buf.appendChar('\0'); BSONObj out ((BSONObj::Holder*)buf.buf()); buf.decouple(); return out; } } /* things to test for compound : \ middle (deprecating?) */ class ShardKeyUnitTest : public StartupTest { public: void hasshardkeytest() { ShardKeyPattern k( BSON( "num" << 1 ) ); BSONObj x = fromjson("{ zid : \"abcdefg\", num: 1.0, name: \"eliot\" }"); verify( k.hasShardKey(x) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{foo:'a'}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{x: {$gt: 1}}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{num: {$gt: 1}}") ) ); BSONObj obj = BSON( "num" << BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << 1)); verify( k.hasShardKey(obj)); // try compound key { ShardKeyPattern k( fromjson("{a:1,b:-1,c:1}") ); verify( k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{foo:'a',a:'b',c:'z',b:9,k:99}") ) ); BSONObj obj = BSON( "foo" << "a" << "a" << BSON("$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << 1) << "c" << 1 << "b" << 9 << "k" << 99 ); verify( k.hasShardKey( obj ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{foo:'a',a:[1,2],c:'z',b:9,k:99}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{foo:'a',a:{$gt:1},c:'z',b:9,k:99}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{foo:'a',a:'b',c:'z',bb:9,k:99}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{k:99}") ) ); } // try dotted key { ShardKeyPattern k( fromjson("{'a.b':1}") ); verify( k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{a:{b:1,c:1},d:1}") ) ); verify( k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{'a.b':1}") ) ); BSONObj obj = BSON( "c" << "a" << "a" << BSON("$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << 1) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( obj ) ); obj = BSON( "c" << "a" << "a" << BSON( "b" << BSON("$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << 1) << "c" << 1)); verify( k.hasShardKey( obj ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{'a.c':1}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{'a':[{b:1}, {c:1}]}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{a:{b:[1,2]},d:1}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{a:{c:1},d:1}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{a:1}") ) ); verify( !k.hasShardKey( fromjson("{b:1}") ) ); } } void extractkeytest() { ShardKeyPattern k( fromjson("{a:1,'sub.b':-1,'sub.c':1}") ); BSONObj x = fromjson("{a:1,'sub.b':2,'sub.c':3}"); verify( k.extractKey( fromjson("{a:1,sub:{b:2,c:3}}") ).binaryEqual(x) ); verify( k.extractKey( fromjson("{sub:{b:2,c:3},a:1}") ).binaryEqual(x) ); } void isSpecialTest() { ShardKeyPattern k1( BSON( "a" << 1) ); verify( ! k1.isSpecial() ); ShardKeyPattern k2( BSON( "a" << -1 << "b" << 1 ) ); verify( ! k2.isSpecial() ); ShardKeyPattern k3( BSON( "a" << "hashed") ); verify( k3.isSpecial() ); ShardKeyPattern k4( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << "hashed") ); verify( k4.isSpecial() ); } void moveToFrontTest() { ShardKeyPattern sk (BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1)); BSONObj ret; ret = sk.moveToFront(BSON("z" << 1 << "_id" << 1 << "y" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "x" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "w" << 1)); verify(ret.binaryEqual(BSON("_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "z" << 1 << "y" << 1 << "x" << 1 << "w" << 1))); ret = sk.moveToFront(BSON("_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "z" << 1 << "y" << 1 << "x" << 1 << "w" << 1)); verify(ret.binaryEqual(BSON("_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "z" << 1 << "y" << 1 << "x" << 1 << "w" << 1))); ret = sk.moveToFront(BSON("z" << 1 << "y" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "Z" << 1 << "Y" << 1)); verify(ret.binaryEqual(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "z" << 1 << "y" << 1 << "Z" << 1 << "Y" << 1))); } void uniqueIndexCompatibleTest() { ShardKeyPattern k1( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); verify( k1.isUniqueIndexCompatible( BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ) ); verify( k1.isUniqueIndexCompatible( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ) ); verify( k1.isUniqueIndexCompatible( BSON( "a" << -1 ) ) ); verify( ! k1.isUniqueIndexCompatible( BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); ShardKeyPattern k2( BSON( "a" << "hashed") ); verify( k2.isUniqueIndexCompatible( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ); verify( ! k2.isUniqueIndexCompatible( BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); } void moveToFrontBenchmark(int numFields) { BSONObjBuilder bb; bb.append("_id", 1); for (int i=0; i < numFields; i++) bb.append(BSONObjBuilder::numStr(i), 1); bb.append("key", 1); BSONObj o = bb.obj(); ShardKeyPattern sk (BSON("key" << 1)); Timer t; const int iterations = 100*1000; for (int i=0; i< iterations; i++) { sk.moveToFront(o); } const double secs = t.micros() / 1000000.0; const double ops_per_sec = iterations / secs; cout << "moveToFront (" << numFields << " fields) secs: " << secs << " ops_per_sec: " << ops_per_sec << endl; } void run() { extractkeytest(); ShardKeyPattern k( BSON( "key" << 1 ) ); BSONObj min = k.globalMin(); // cout << min.jsonString(TenGen) << endl; BSONObj max = k.globalMax(); BSONObj k1 = BSON( "key" << 5 ); verify( min < max ); verify( min < k.extractKey( k1 ) ); verify( max > min ); hasshardkeytest(); verify( k.hasShardKey( k1 ) ); verify( ! k.hasShardKey( BSON( "key2" << 1 ) ) ); BSONObj a = k1; BSONObj b = BSON( "key" << 999 ); verify( k.extractKey( a ) < k.extractKey( b ) ); isSpecialTest(); // add middle multitype tests moveToFrontTest(); uniqueIndexCompatibleTest(); if (0) { // toggle to run benchmark moveToFrontBenchmark(0); moveToFrontBenchmark(10); moveToFrontBenchmark(100); } LOG(1) << "shardKeyTest passed" << endl; } } shardKeyTest; } // namespace mongo