// engine.cpp /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "pch.h" #include "engine.h" #include "../util/file.h" #include "../client/dbclient.h" #include namespace mongo { long long Scope::_lastVersion = 1; int Scope::_numScopes = 0; Scope::Scope() : _localDBName("") , _loadedVersion(0), _numTimeUsed(0) { _numScopes++; } Scope::~Scope() { _numScopes--; } ScriptEngine::ScriptEngine() : _scopeInitCallback() { } ScriptEngine::~ScriptEngine() { } void Scope::append( BSONObjBuilder & builder , const char * fieldName , const char * scopeName ) { int t = type( scopeName ); switch ( t ) { case Object: builder.append( fieldName , getObject( scopeName ) ); break; case Array: builder.appendArray( fieldName , getObject( scopeName ) ); break; case NumberDouble: builder.append( fieldName , getNumber( scopeName ) ); break; case NumberInt: builder.append( fieldName , getNumberInt( scopeName ) ); break; case NumberLong: builder.append( fieldName , getNumberLongLong( scopeName ) ); break; case String: builder.append( fieldName , getString( scopeName ).c_str() ); break; case Bool: builder.appendBool( fieldName , getBoolean( scopeName ) ); break; case jstNULL: case Undefined: builder.appendNull( fieldName ); break; case Date: // TODO: make signed builder.appendDate( fieldName , Date_t((unsigned long long)getNumber( scopeName )) ); break; case Code: builder.appendCode( fieldName , getString( scopeName ) ); break; default: stringstream temp; temp << "can't append type from:"; temp << t; uassert( 10206 , temp.str() , 0 ); } } int Scope::invoke( const char* code , const BSONObj* args, const BSONObj* recv, int timeoutMs ) { ScriptingFunction func = createFunction( code ); uassert( 10207 , "compile failed" , func ); return invoke( func , args, recv, timeoutMs ); } bool Scope::execFile( const string& filename , bool printResult , bool reportError , bool assertOnError, int timeoutMs ) { boost::filesystem::path p( filename ); if ( ! exists( p ) ) { log() << "file [" << filename << "] doesn't exist" << endl; if ( assertOnError ) verify( 0 ); return false; } // iterate directories and recurse using all *.js files in the directory if ( boost::filesystem::is_directory( p ) ) { boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end; bool empty = true; for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it (p); it != end; it++) { empty = false; boost::filesystem::path sub(*it); if (!endsWith(sub.string().c_str(), ".js")) continue; if (!execFile(sub.string().c_str(), printResult, reportError, assertOnError, timeoutMs)) return false; } if (empty) { log() << "directory [" << filename << "] doesn't have any *.js files" << endl; if ( assertOnError ) verify( 0 ); return false; } return true; } File f; f.open( filename.c_str() , true ); unsigned L; { fileofs fo = f.len(); verify( fo <= 0x7ffffffe ); L = (unsigned) fo; } boost::scoped_array data (new char[L+1]); data[L] = 0; f.read( 0 , data.get() , L ); int offset = 0; if (data[0] == '#' && data[1] == '!') { const char* newline = strchr(data.get(), '\n'); if (! newline) return true; // file of just shebang treated same as empty file offset = newline - data.get(); } StringData code (data.get() + offset, L - offset); return exec( code , filename , printResult , reportError , assertOnError, timeoutMs ); } void Scope::storedFuncMod() { _lastVersion++; } void Scope::validateObjectIdString( const string &str ) { massert( 10448 , "invalid object id: length", str.size() == 24 ); for ( string::size_type i=0; i= '0' && c <= '9' ) || ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) || ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) ) { continue; } massert( 10430 , "invalid object id: not hex", false ); } } void Scope::loadStored( bool ignoreNotConnected ) { if ( _localDBName.size() == 0 ) { if ( ignoreNotConnected ) return; uassert( 10208 , "need to have locallyConnected already" , _localDBName.size() ); } if ( _loadedVersion == _lastVersion ) return; _loadedVersion = _lastVersion; string coll = _localDBName + ".system.js"; static DBClientBase * db = createDirectClient(); auto_ptr c = db->query( coll , Query(), 0, 0, NULL, QueryOption_SlaveOk, 0 ); verify( c.get() ); set thisTime; while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj o = c->nextSafe(); BSONElement n = o["_id"]; BSONElement v = o["value"]; uassert( 10209 , str::stream() << "name has to be a string: " << n , n.type() == String ); uassert( 10210 , "value has to be set" , v.type() != EOO ); setElement( n.valuestr() , v ); thisTime.insert( n.valuestr() ); _storedNames.insert( n.valuestr() ); } // --- remove things from scope that were removed list toremove; for ( set::iterator i=_storedNames.begin(); i!=_storedNames.end(); i++ ) { string n = *i; if ( thisTime.count( n ) == 0 ) toremove.push_back( n ); } for ( list::iterator i=toremove.begin(); i!=toremove.end(); i++ ) { string n = *i; _storedNames.erase( n ); execSetup( (string)"delete " + n , "clean up scope" ); } } ScriptingFunction Scope::createFunction( const char * code ) { if ( code[0] == '/' && code [1] == '*' ) { code += 2; while ( code[0] && code[1] ) { if ( code[0] == '*' && code[1] == '/' ) { code += 2; break; } code++; } } map::iterator i = _cachedFunctions.find( code ); if ( i != _cachedFunctions.end() ) return i->second; ScriptingFunction f = _createFunction( code ); _cachedFunctions[code] = f; return f; } namespace JSFiles { extern const JSFile collection; extern const JSFile db; extern const JSFile mongo; extern const JSFile mr; extern const JSFile query; extern const JSFile utils; extern const JSFile utils_sh; } void Scope::execCoreFiles() { // keeping same order as in SConstruct execSetup(JSFiles::utils); execSetup(JSFiles::utils_sh); execSetup(JSFiles::db); execSetup(JSFiles::mongo); execSetup(JSFiles::mr); execSetup(JSFiles::query); execSetup(JSFiles::collection); } typedef map< string , list > PoolToScopes; class ScopeCache { public: ScopeCache() : _mutex("ScopeCache") { _magic = 17; } ~ScopeCache() { verify( _magic == 17 ); _magic = 1; if ( inShutdown() ) return; clear(); } void done( const string& pool , Scope * s ) { scoped_lock lk( _mutex ); list & l = _pools[pool]; bool oom = s->hasOutOfMemoryException(); // do not keep too many contexts, or use them for too long if ( l.size() > 10 || s->getTimeUsed() > 100 || oom ) { delete s; } else { l.push_back( s ); s->reset(); } if (oom) { // out of mem, make some room log() << "Clearing all idle JS contexts due to out of memory" << endl; clear(); } } Scope * get( const string& pool ) { scoped_lock lk( _mutex ); list & l = _pools[pool]; if ( l.size() == 0 ) return 0; Scope * s = l.back(); l.pop_back(); s->reset(); s->incTimeUsed(); return s; } void clear() { set seen; for ( PoolToScopes::iterator i=_pools.begin() ; i != _pools.end(); i++ ) { for ( list::iterator j=i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); j++ ) { Scope * s = *j; verify( ! seen.count( s ) ); delete s; seen.insert( s ); } } _pools.clear(); } private: PoolToScopes _pools; mongo::mutex _mutex; int _magic; }; thread_specific_ptr scopeCache; class PooledScope : public Scope { public: PooledScope( const string pool , Scope * real ) : _pool( pool ) , _real( real ) { _real->loadStored( true ); }; virtual ~PooledScope() { ScopeCache * sc = scopeCache.get(); if ( sc ) { sc->done( _pool , _real ); _real = 0; } else { // this means that the Scope was killed from a different thread // for example a cursor got timed out that has a $where clause log(3) << "warning: scopeCache is empty!" << endl; delete _real; _real = 0; } } void reset() { _real->reset(); } void init( const BSONObj * data ) { _real->init( data ); } void localConnect( const char * dbName ) { _real->localConnect( dbName ); } void externalSetup() { _real->externalSetup(); } double getNumber( const char *field ) { return _real->getNumber( field ); } string getString( const char *field ) { return _real->getString( field ); } bool getBoolean( const char *field ) { return _real->getBoolean( field ); } BSONObj getObject( const char *field ) { return _real->getObject( field ); } int type( const char *field ) { return _real->type( field ); } void setElement( const char *field , const BSONElement& val ) { _real->setElement( field , val ); } void setNumber( const char *field , double val ) { _real->setNumber( field , val ); } void setString( const char *field , const char * val ) { _real->setString( field , val ); } void setObject( const char *field , const BSONObj& obj , bool readOnly=true ) { _real->setObject( field , obj , readOnly ); } void setBoolean( const char *field , bool val ) { _real->setBoolean( field , val ); } // void setThis( const BSONObj * obj ) { // _real->setThis( obj ); // } void setFunction( const char *field , const char * code ) { _real->setFunction(field, code); } ScriptingFunction createFunction( const char * code ) { return _real->createFunction( code ); } ScriptingFunction _createFunction( const char * code ) { return _real->createFunction( code ); } void rename( const char * from , const char * to ) { _real->rename( from , to ); } /** * @return 0 on success */ int invoke( ScriptingFunction func , const BSONObj* args, const BSONObj* recv, int timeoutMs , bool ignoreReturn, bool readOnlyArgs, bool readOnlyRecv ) { return _real->invoke( func , args , recv, timeoutMs , ignoreReturn, readOnlyArgs, readOnlyRecv ); } string getError() { return _real->getError(); } bool hasOutOfMemoryException() { return _real->hasOutOfMemoryException(); } bool exec( const StringData& code , const string& name , bool printResult , bool reportError , bool assertOnError, int timeoutMs = 0 ) { return _real->exec( code , name , printResult , reportError , assertOnError , timeoutMs ); } bool execFile( const string& filename , bool printResult , bool reportError , bool assertOnError, int timeoutMs = 0 ) { return _real->execFile( filename , printResult , reportError , assertOnError , timeoutMs ); } void injectNative( const char *field, NativeFunction func, void* data ) { _real->injectNative( field , func, data ); } void gc() { _real->gc(); } void append( BSONObjBuilder & builder , const char * fieldName , const char * scopeName ) { _real->append(builder, fieldName, scopeName); } private: string _pool; Scope * _real; }; auto_ptr ScriptEngine::getPooledScope( const string& pool ) { if ( ! scopeCache.get() ) { scopeCache.reset( new ScopeCache() ); } Scope * s = scopeCache->get( pool ); if ( ! s ) { s = newScope(); } auto_ptr p; p.reset( new PooledScope( pool , s ) ); return p; } void ScriptEngine::threadDone() { ScopeCache * sc = scopeCache.get(); if ( sc ) { sc->clear(); } } void ( *ScriptEngine::_connectCallback )( DBClientWithCommands & ) = 0; const char * ( *ScriptEngine::_checkInterruptCallback )() = 0; unsigned ( *ScriptEngine::_getInterruptSpecCallback )() = 0; ScriptEngine * globalScriptEngine = 0; bool hasJSReturn( const string& code ) { size_t x = code.find( "return" ); if ( x == string::npos ) return false; return ( x == 0 || ! isalpha( code[x-1] ) ) && ! isalpha( code[x+6] ); } const char * jsSkipWhiteSpace( const char * raw ) { while ( raw[0] ) { while (isspace(*raw)) { raw++; } if ( raw[0] != '/' || raw[1] != '/' ) break; while ( raw[0] && raw[0] != '\n' ) raw++; } return raw; } }