// engine.h /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" namespace mongo { typedef unsigned long long ScriptingFunction; typedef BSONObj (*NativeFunction)(const BSONObj& args, void* data); typedef std::map FunctionCacheMap; class DBClientBase; class OperationContext; struct JSFile { const char* name; const StringData source; }; class Scope { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(Scope); public: Scope(); virtual ~Scope(); virtual void reset() = 0; virtual void init(const BSONObj* data) = 0; virtual void registerOperation(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; virtual void unregisterOperation() = 0; void init(const char* data) { BSONObj o(data); init(&o); } virtual void localConnectForDbEval(OperationContext* opCtx, const char* dbName) = 0; virtual void externalSetup() = 0; virtual void setLocalDB(const std::string& localDBName) { _localDBName = localDBName; } virtual BSONObj getObject(const char* field) = 0; virtual std::string getString(const char* field) = 0; virtual bool getBoolean(const char* field) = 0; virtual double getNumber(const char* field) = 0; virtual int getNumberInt(const char* field) = 0; virtual long long getNumberLongLong(const char* field) = 0; virtual Decimal128 getNumberDecimal(const char* field) = 0; virtual void setElement(const char* field, const BSONElement& e, const BSONObj& parent) = 0; virtual void setNumber(const char* field, double val) = 0; virtual void setString(const char* field, StringData val) = 0; virtual void setObject(const char* field, const BSONObj& obj, bool readOnly = true) = 0; virtual void setBoolean(const char* field, bool val) = 0; virtual void setFunction(const char* field, const char* code) = 0; virtual int type(const char* field) = 0; virtual void append(BSONObjBuilder& builder, const char* fieldName, const char* scopeName); virtual void rename(const char* from, const char* to) = 0; virtual std::string getError() = 0; virtual bool hasOutOfMemoryException() = 0; virtual bool isKillPending() const = 0; virtual void gc() = 0; virtual void advanceGeneration() = 0; virtual void requireOwnedObjects() = 0; virtual ScriptingFunction createFunction(const char* code); /** * @return 0 on success */ int invoke(const char* code, const BSONObj* args, const BSONObj* recv, int timeoutMs = 0); virtual int invoke(ScriptingFunction func, const BSONObj* args, const BSONObj* recv, int timeoutMs = 0, bool ignoreReturn = false, bool readOnlyArgs = false, bool readOnlyRecv = false) = 0; void invokeSafe(ScriptingFunction func, const BSONObj* args, const BSONObj* recv, int timeoutMs = 0, bool ignoreReturn = false, bool readOnlyArgs = false, bool readOnlyRecv = false) { int res = invoke(func, args, recv, timeoutMs, ignoreReturn, readOnlyArgs, readOnlyRecv); if (res == 0) return; uasserted(9004, std::string("invoke failed: ") + getError()); } void invokeSafe(const char* code, const BSONObj* args, const BSONObj* recv, int timeoutMs = 0) { if (invoke(code, args, recv, timeoutMs) == 0) return; uasserted(9005, std::string("invoke failed: ") + getError()); } virtual void injectNative(const char* field, NativeFunction func, void* data = 0) = 0; virtual bool exec(StringData code, const std::string& name, bool printResult, bool reportError, bool assertOnError, int timeoutMs = 0) = 0; virtual void execSetup(StringData code, const std::string& name = "setup") { exec(code, name, false, true, true, 0); } void execSetup(const JSFile& file) { execSetup(file.source, file.name); } virtual bool execFile(const std::string& filename, bool printResult, bool reportError, int timeoutMs = 0); void execCoreFiles(); virtual void loadStored(OperationContext* opCtx, bool ignoreNotConnected = false); /** * if any changes are made to .system.js, call this * right now its just global - slightly inefficient, but a lot simpler */ static void storedFuncMod(OperationContext* opCtx); static void validateObjectIdString(const std::string& str); /** increments the number of times a scope was used */ void incTimesUsed() { ++_numTimesUsed; } /** gets the number of times a scope was used */ int getTimesUsed() const { return _numTimesUsed; } /** return true if last invoke() return'd native code */ virtual bool isLastRetNativeCode() { return _lastRetIsNativeCode; } class NoDBAccess { Scope* _s; public: NoDBAccess(Scope* s) : _s(s) {} ~NoDBAccess() { _s->rename("____db____", "db"); } }; NoDBAccess disableDBAccess(const char* why) { rename("db", "____db____"); return NoDBAccess(this); } protected: friend class PooledScope; /** * RecoveryUnit::Change subclass used to commit work for * Scope::storedFuncMod logOp listener. */ class StoredFuncModLogOpHandler; virtual ScriptingFunction _createFunction(const char* code) = 0; std::string _localDBName; int64_t _loadedVersion; std::set _storedNames; static AtomicInt64 _lastVersion; FunctionCacheMap _cachedFunctions; int _numTimesUsed; bool _lastRetIsNativeCode; // v8 only: set to true if eval'd script returns a native func }; class ScriptEngine : public KillOpListenerInterface { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(ScriptEngine); public: ScriptEngine(); virtual ~ScriptEngine(); virtual Scope* newScope() { return createScope(); } virtual Scope* newScopeForCurrentThread() { return createScopeForCurrentThread(); } virtual void runTest() = 0; virtual bool utf8Ok() const = 0; virtual void enableJIT(bool value) = 0; virtual bool isJITEnabled() const = 0; virtual void enableJavaScriptProtection(bool value) = 0; virtual bool isJavaScriptProtectionEnabled() const = 0; virtual int getJSHeapLimitMB() const = 0; virtual void setJSHeapLimitMB(int limit) = 0; static void setup(); static void dropScopeCache(); /** gets a scope from the pool or a new one if pool is empty * @param db The db name * @param scopeType A unique id to limit scope sharing. * This must include authenticated users. * @return the scope */ std::unique_ptr getPooledScope(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& db, const std::string& scopeType); void setScopeInitCallback(void (*func)(Scope&)) { _scopeInitCallback = func; } static void setConnectCallback(void (*func)(DBClientBase&)) { _connectCallback = func; } static void runConnectCallback(DBClientBase& c) { if (_connectCallback) _connectCallback(c); } // engine implementation may either respond to interrupt events or // poll for interrupts. the interrupt functions must not wait indefinitely on a lock. virtual void interrupt(unsigned opId) {} virtual void interruptAll() {} static std::string getInterpreterVersionString(); protected: virtual Scope* createScope() = 0; virtual Scope* createScopeForCurrentThread() = 0; void (*_scopeInitCallback)(Scope&); private: static void (*_connectCallback)(DBClientBase&); }; void installGlobalUtils(Scope& scope); bool hasJSReturn(const std::string& s); const char* jsSkipWhiteSpace(const char* raw); ScriptEngine* getGlobalScriptEngine(); void setGlobalScriptEngine(ScriptEngine* impl); }