// v8_db.cpp /* Copyright 2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/scripting/v8-3.25_db.h" #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/client/sasl_client_authenticate.h" #include "mongo/client/syncclusterconnection.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/s/d_state.h" #include "mongo/scripting/engine_v8-3.25.h" #include "mongo/scripting/v8-3.25_utils.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/base64.h" #include "mongo/util/hex.h" #include "mongo/util/text.h" using namespace std; using boost::scoped_array; using boost::shared_ptr; namespace mongo { namespace { std::vector _mongoPrototypeManipulators; bool _mongoPrototypeManipulatorsFrozen = false; MONGO_INITIALIZER(V8MongoPrototypeManipulatorRegistry)(InitializerContext* context) { return Status::OK(); } MONGO_INITIALIZER_WITH_PREREQUISITES(V8MongoPrototypeManipulatorRegistrationDone, ("V8MongoPrototypeManipulatorRegistry")) (InitializerContext* context) { _mongoPrototypeManipulatorsFrozen = true; return Status::OK(); } } // namespace void v8RegisterMongoPrototypeManipulator(const V8FunctionPrototypeManipulatorFn& manipulator) { fassert(16467, !_mongoPrototypeManipulatorsFrozen); _mongoPrototypeManipulators.push_back(manipulator); } static v8::Local newInstance(v8::Local f, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { // need to translate arguments into an array v8::EscapableHandleScope handle_scope(args.GetIsolate()); const int argc = args.Length(); static const int MAX_ARGC = 24; uassert(16858, "Too many arguments. Max is 24", argc <= MAX_ARGC); // TODO SERVER-8016: properly allocate handles on the stack v8::Local argv[MAX_ARGC]; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { argv[i] = args[i]; } return handle_scope.Escape(f->NewInstance(argc, argv)); } v8::Local getInternalCursorFunctionTemplate(V8Scope* scope) { v8::Local ic = scope->createV8Function(internalCursorCons); ic->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); v8::Local icproto = ic->PrototypeTemplate(); scope->injectV8Method("next", internalCursorNext, icproto); scope->injectV8Method("hasNext", internalCursorHasNext, icproto); scope->injectV8Method("objsLeftInBatch", internalCursorObjsLeftInBatch, icproto); scope->injectV8Method("readOnly", internalCursorReadOnly, icproto); return ic; } v8::Local getMongoFunctionTemplate(V8Scope* scope, bool local) { v8::Local mongo; if (local) mongo = scope->createV8Function(mongoConsLocal); else mongo = scope->createV8Function(mongoConsExternal); mongo->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); v8::Local proto = mongo->PrototypeTemplate(); scope->injectV8Method("find", mongoFind, proto); scope->injectV8Method("insert", mongoInsert, proto); scope->injectV8Method("remove", mongoRemove, proto); scope->injectV8Method("update", mongoUpdate, proto); scope->injectV8Method("auth", mongoAuth, proto); scope->injectV8Method("logout", mongoLogout, proto); scope->injectV8Method("cursorFromId", mongoCursorFromId, proto); fassert(16468, _mongoPrototypeManipulatorsFrozen); for (size_t i = 0; i < _mongoPrototypeManipulators.size(); ++i) _mongoPrototypeManipulators[i](scope, mongo); return mongo; } v8::Local mongoConsExternal(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { string host = ""; if (args.Length() > 0 && args[0]->IsString()) { v8::String::Utf8Value utf(args[0]); host = string(*utf); } // only allow function template to be used by a constructor uassert(16859, "Mongo function is only usable as a constructor", args.IsConstructCall()); verify(scope->MongoFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(host, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { return v8AssertionException(errmsg); } DBClientBase* conn; conn = cs.connect(errmsg); if (!conn) { return v8AssertionException(errmsg); } v8::Local connHandle = scope->dbClientBaseTracker.track(scope->getIsolate(), args.This(), conn); ScriptEngine::runConnectCallback(*conn); args.This()->SetInternalField(0, connHandle); args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("slaveOk"), v8::Boolean::New(scope->getIsolate(), false)); args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("host"), scope->v8StringData(host)); return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } v8::Local mongoConsLocal(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 0, "local Mongo constructor takes no args") // only allow function template to be used by a constructor uassert(16860, "Mongo function is only usable as a constructor", args.IsConstructCall()); verify(scope->MongoFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); DBClientBase* conn = createDirectClient(scope->getOpContext()); v8::Local connHandle = scope->dbClientBaseTracker.track(scope->getIsolate(), args.This(), conn); args.This()->SetInternalField(0, connHandle); args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("slaveOk"), v8::Boolean::New(scope->getIsolate(), false)); args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("host"), scope->v8StringData("EMBEDDED")); return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } boost::shared_ptr getConnection( V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { verify(scope->MongoFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); verify(args.This()->InternalFieldCount() == 1); v8::Local c = v8::Local::Cast(args.This()->GetInternalField(0)); boost::shared_ptr* conn = static_cast*>(c->Value()); massert(16667, "Unable to get db client connection", conn && conn->get()); return *conn; } /** * JavaScript binding for Mongo.prototype.find(namespace, query, fields, limit, skip) */ v8::Local mongoFind(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 7, "find needs 7 args") argumentCheck(args[1]->IsObject(), "needs to be an object") boost::shared_ptr conn = getConnection(scope, args); const string ns = toSTLString(args[0]); BSONObj fields; BSONObj q = scope->v8ToMongo(args[1]->ToObject()); bool haveFields = args[2]->IsObject() && args[2]->ToObject()->GetPropertyNames()->Length() > 0; if (haveFields) fields = scope->v8ToMongo(args[2]->ToObject()); boost::shared_ptr cursor; int nToReturn = args[3]->Int32Value(); int nToSkip = args[4]->Int32Value(); int batchSize = args[5]->Int32Value(); int options = args[6]->Int32Value(); cursor = conn->query(ns, q, nToReturn, nToSkip, haveFields ? &fields : NULL, options, batchSize); if (!cursor.get()) { return v8AssertionException("error doing query: failed"); } v8::Local cons = scope->InternalCursorFT()->GetFunction(); v8::Local c = cons->NewInstance(); c->SetInternalField(0, v8::External::New(scope->getIsolate(), cursor.get())); scope->dbConnectionAndCursor.track( scope->getIsolate(), c, new V8Scope::DBConnectionAndCursor(conn, cursor)); return c; } v8::Local mongoCursorFromId(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 2 || args.Length() == 3, "cursorFromId needs 2 or 3 args") argumentCheck(scope->NumberLongFT()->HasInstance(args[1]), "2nd arg must be a NumberLong") argumentCheck(args[2]->IsUndefined() || args[2]->IsNumber(), "3rd arg must be a js Number") boost::shared_ptr conn = getConnection(scope, args); const string ns = toSTLString(args[0]); long long cursorId = numberLongVal(scope, args[1]->ToObject()); boost::shared_ptr cursor( new DBClientCursor(conn.get(), ns, cursorId, 0, 0)); if (!args[2]->IsUndefined()) cursor->setBatchSize(args[2]->Int32Value()); v8::Local cons = scope->InternalCursorFT()->GetFunction(); v8::Local c = cons->NewInstance(); c->SetInternalField(0, v8::External::New(scope->getIsolate(), cursor.get())); scope->dbConnectionAndCursor.track( scope->getIsolate(), c, new V8Scope::DBConnectionAndCursor(conn, cursor)); return c; } v8::Local mongoInsert(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 3, "insert needs 3 args") argumentCheck(args[1]->IsObject(), "attempted to insert a non-object") verify(scope->MongoFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); if (args.This()->Get(scope->v8StringData("readOnly"))->BooleanValue()) { return v8AssertionException("js db in read only mode"); } boost::shared_ptr conn = getConnection(scope, args); const string ns = toSTLString(args[0]); v8::Local flags = args[2]->ToInteger(); if (args[1]->IsArray()) { v8::Local arr = v8::Local::Cast(args[1]); vector bos; uint32_t len = arr->Length(); argumentCheck(len > 0, "attempted to insert an empty array") for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { v8::Local el = arr->CloneElementAt(i); argumentCheck(!el.IsEmpty(), "attempted to insert an array of non-object types") // Set ID on the element if necessary if (!el->Has(scope->v8StringData("_id"))) { v8::Local argv[1]; el->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_id"), scope->ObjectIdFT()->GetFunction()->NewInstance(0, argv)); } bos.push_back(scope->v8ToMongo(el)); } conn->insert(ns, bos, flags->Int32Value()); } else { v8::Local in = args[1]->ToObject(); if (!in->Has(scope->v8StringData("_id"))) { v8::Local argv[1]; in->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_id"), scope->ObjectIdFT()->GetFunction()->NewInstance(0, argv)); } BSONObj o = scope->v8ToMongo(in); conn->insert(ns, o); } return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } v8::Local mongoRemove(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 2 || args.Length() == 3, "remove needs 2 or 3 args") argumentCheck(args[1]->IsObject(), "attempted to remove a non-object") verify(scope->MongoFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); if (args.This()->Get(scope->v8StringData("readOnly"))->BooleanValue()) { return v8AssertionException("js db in read only mode"); } boost::shared_ptr conn = getConnection(scope, args); const string ns = toSTLString(args[0]); v8::Local in = args[1]->ToObject(); BSONObj o = scope->v8ToMongo(in); bool justOne = false; if (args.Length() > 2) { justOne = args[2]->BooleanValue(); } conn->remove(ns, o, justOne); return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } v8::Local mongoUpdate(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() >= 3, "update needs at least 3 args") argumentCheck(args[1]->IsObject(), "1st param to update has to be an object") argumentCheck(args[2]->IsObject(), "2nd param to update has to be an object") verify(scope->MongoFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); if (args.This()->Get(scope->v8StringData("readOnly"))->BooleanValue()) { return v8AssertionException("js db in read only mode"); } boost::shared_ptr conn = getConnection(scope, args); const string ns = toSTLString(args[0]); v8::Local q = args[1]->ToObject(); v8::Local o = args[2]->ToObject(); bool upsert = args.Length() > 3 && args[3]->IsBoolean() && args[3]->ToBoolean()->Value(); bool multi = args.Length() > 4 && args[4]->IsBoolean() && args[4]->ToBoolean()->Value(); BSONObj q1 = scope->v8ToMongo(q); BSONObj o1 = scope->v8ToMongo(o); conn->update(ns, q1, o1, upsert, multi); return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } v8::Local mongoAuth(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { boost::shared_ptr conn = getConnection(scope, args); if (NULL == conn) return v8AssertionException("no connection"); BSONObj params; switch (args.Length()) { case 1: params = scope->v8ToMongo(args[0]->ToObject()); break; case 3: params = BSON(saslCommandMechanismFieldName << "MONGODB-CR" << saslCommandUserDBFieldName << toSTLString(args[0]) << saslCommandUserFieldName << toSTLString(args[1]) << saslCommandPasswordFieldName << toSTLString(args[2])); break; default: return v8AssertionException("mongoAuth takes 1 object or 3 string arguments"); } try { conn->auth(params); } catch (const DBException& ex) { return v8AssertionException(ex.toString()); } return v8::Boolean::New(scope->getIsolate(), true); } v8::Local mongoLogout(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 1, "logout needs 1 arg") boost::shared_ptr conn = getConnection(scope, args); const string db = toSTLString(args[0]); BSONObj ret; conn->logout(db, ret); return scope->mongoToLZV8(ret, false); } /** * get cursor from v8 argument */ mongo::DBClientCursor* getCursor(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { verify(scope->InternalCursorFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); verify(args.This()->InternalFieldCount() == 1); v8::Local c = v8::Local::Cast(args.This()->GetInternalField(0)); mongo::DBClientCursor* cursor = static_cast(c->Value()); return cursor; } v8::Local internalCursorCons(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } /** * cursor.next() */ v8::Local internalCursorNext(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { mongo::DBClientCursor* cursor = getCursor(scope, args); if (!cursor) return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); BSONObj o = cursor->next(); bool ro = false; if (args.This()->Has(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "_ro"))) ro = args.This()->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "_ro"))->BooleanValue(); return scope->mongoToLZV8(o, ro); } /** * cursor.hasNext() */ v8::Local internalCursorHasNext(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { mongo::DBClientCursor* cursor = getCursor(scope, args); if (!cursor) return v8::Boolean::New(scope->getIsolate(), false); return v8::Boolean::New(scope->getIsolate(), cursor->more()); } /** * cursor.objsLeftInBatch() */ v8::Local internalCursorObjsLeftInBatch( V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { mongo::DBClientCursor* cursor = getCursor(scope, args); if (!cursor) return v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0.0); return v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), static_cast(cursor->objsLeftInBatch())); } /** * cursor.readOnly() */ v8::Local internalCursorReadOnly(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { verify(scope->InternalCursorFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); v8::Local cursor = args.This(); cursor->ForceSet(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "_ro"), v8::Boolean::New(scope->getIsolate(), true)); return cursor; } v8::Local dbInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->DBFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } verify(scope->DBFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); argumentCheck(args.Length() == 2, "db constructor requires 2 arguments") args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_mongo"), args[0]); args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_name"), args[1]); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) { argumentCheck(!args[i]->IsUndefined(), "db initializer called with undefined argument") } string dbName = toSTLString(args[1]); if (!NamespaceString::validDBName(dbName)) { return v8AssertionException(str::stream() << "[" << dbName << "] is not a valid database name"); } return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } v8::Local collectionInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->DBCollectionFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } verify(scope->DBCollectionFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); argumentCheck(args.Length() == 4, "collection constructor requires 4 arguments") for (int i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) { argumentCheck(!args[i]->IsUndefined(), "collection constructor called with undefined argument") } args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_mongo"), args[0]); args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_db"), args[1]); args.This()->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_shortName"), args[2]); args.This()->ForceSet(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "_fullName"), args[3]); if (haveLocalShardingInfo(toSTLString(args[3]))) { return v8AssertionException("can't use sharded collection from db.eval"); } return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } v8::Local dbQueryInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->DBQueryFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } verify(scope->DBQueryFT()->HasInstance(args.This())); argumentCheck(args.Length() >= 4, "dbQuery constructor requires at least 4 arguments") v8::Local t = args.This(); t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_mongo"), args[0]); t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_db"), args[1]); t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_collection"), args[2]); t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_ns"), args[3]); if (args.Length() > 4 && args[4]->IsObject()) t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_query"), args[4]); else t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_query"), v8::Object::New(scope->getIsolate())); if (args.Length() > 5 && args[5]->IsObject()) t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_fields"), args[5]); else t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_fields"), v8::Null(scope->getIsolate())); if (args.Length() > 6 && args[6]->IsNumber()) t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_limit"), args[6]); else t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_limit"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); if (args.Length() > 7 && args[7]->IsNumber()) t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_skip"), args[7]); else t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_skip"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); if (args.Length() > 8 && args[8]->IsNumber()) t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_batchSize"), args[8]); else t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_batchSize"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); if (args.Length() > 9 && args[9]->IsNumber()) t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_options"), args[9]); else t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_options"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_cursor"), v8::Null(scope->getIsolate())); t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_numReturned"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); t->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("_special"), v8::Boolean::New(scope->getIsolate(), false)); return v8::Undefined(scope->getIsolate()); } void collectionSetter(v8::Local name, v8::Local value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info) { v8::Local val; v8::ReturnValue result = info.GetReturnValue(); result.Set(val); try { V8Scope* scope = getScope(info.GetIsolate()); // Both DB and Collection objects use this setter verify(scope->DBCollectionFT()->HasInstance(info.This()) || scope->DBFT()->HasInstance(info.This())); // a collection name cannot be overwritten by a variable string sname = toSTLString(name); if (sname.length() == 0 || sname[0] == '_') { // if starts with '_' we allow overwrite return; } // dont set result.Set(value); } catch (const DBException& dbEx) { result.Set(v8AssertionException(dbEx.toString())); } catch (...) { result.Set(v8AssertionException("unknown error in collationSetter")); } } void collectionGetter(v8::Local name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info) { v8::Local val; v8::ReturnValue result = info.GetReturnValue(); result.Set(val); try { V8Scope* scope = getScope(info.GetIsolate()); // Both DB and Collection objects use this getter verify(scope->DBCollectionFT()->HasInstance(info.This()) || scope->DBFT()->HasInstance(info.This())); v8::TryCatch tryCatch; // first look in prototype, may be a function v8::Local real = info.This()->GetPrototype()->ToObject()->Get(name); if (!real->IsUndefined()) { result.Set(real); return; } // 2nd look into real values, may be cached collection object string sname = toSTLString(name); if (info.This()->HasRealNamedProperty(name)) { v8::Local prop = info.This()->GetRealNamedProperty(name); if (prop->IsObject() && prop->ToObject()->HasRealNamedProperty( v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "_fullName"))) { // need to check every time that the collection did not get sharded if (haveLocalShardingInfo(toSTLString(prop->ToObject()->GetRealNamedProperty( v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "_fullName"))))) { result.Set(v8AssertionException("can't use sharded collection from db.eval")); return; } } result.Set(prop); return; } else if (sname.length() == 0 || sname[0] == '_') { // if starts with '_' we dont return collection, one must use getCollection() return; } // no hit, create new collection v8::Local getCollection = info.This()->GetPrototype()->ToObject()->Get( v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "getCollection")); if (!getCollection->IsFunction()) { result.Set(v8AssertionException("getCollection is not a function")); return; } v8::Local f = getCollection.As(); v8::Local argv[1]; argv[0] = name; v8::Local coll = f->Call(info.This(), 1, argv); if (coll.IsEmpty()) { result.Set(tryCatch.ReThrow()); return; } uassert(16861, "getCollection returned something other than a collection", scope->DBCollectionFT()->HasInstance(coll)); // cache collection for reuse, don't enumerate info.This()->ForceSet(name, coll, v8::DontEnum); result.Set(coll); } catch (const DBException& dbEx) { result.Set(v8AssertionException(dbEx.toString())); } catch (...) { result.Set(v8AssertionException("unknown error in collectionGetter")); } } void dbQueryIndexAccess(unsigned int index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info) { v8::Local val; v8::ReturnValue result = info.GetReturnValue(); result.Set(val); try { V8Scope* scope = getScope(info.GetIsolate()); verify(scope->DBQueryFT()->HasInstance(info.This())); v8::Local arrayAccess = info.This()->GetPrototype()->ToObject()->Get( v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "arrayAccess")); massert(16660, "arrayAccess is not a function", arrayAccess->IsFunction()); v8::Local f = arrayAccess.As(); v8::Local argv[1]; argv[0] = v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), index); result.Set(f->Call(info.This(), 1, argv)); } catch (const DBException& dbEx) { result.Set(v8AssertionException(dbEx.toString())); } catch (...) { result.Set(v8AssertionException("unknown error in dbQueryIndexAccess")); } } v8::Local objectIdInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->ObjectIdFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->ObjectIdFT()->HasInstance(it)); OID oid; if (args.Length() == 0) { oid.init(); } else { string s = toSTLString(args[0]); try { Scope::validateObjectIdString(s); } catch (const MsgAssertionException& m) { return v8AssertionException(m.toString()); } oid.init(s); } it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("str"), v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), oid.toString().c_str())); return it; } v8::Local dbRefInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->DBRefFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->DBRefFT()->HasInstance(it)); argumentCheck(args.Length() >= 2 && args.Length() <= 3, "DBRef needs 2 or 3 arguments") argumentCheck(args[0]->IsString(), "DBRef 1st parameter must be a string") it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("$ref"), args[0]); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("$id"), args[1]); if (args.Length() == 3) { argumentCheck(args[2]->IsString(), "DBRef 3rd parameter must be a string") it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("$db"), args[2]); } return it; } v8::Local dbPointerInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->DBPointerFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->DBPointerFT()->HasInstance(it)); argumentCheck(args.Length() == 2, "DBPointer needs 2 arguments") argumentCheck(args[0]->IsString(), "DBPointer 1st parameter must be a string") argumentCheck(scope->ObjectIdFT()->HasInstance(args[1]), "DBPointer 2nd parameter must be an ObjectId") it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("ns"), args[0]); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("id"), args[1]); return it; } v8::Local dbTimestampInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->TimestampFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->TimestampFT()->HasInstance(it)); if (args.Length() == 0) { it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("t"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("i"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); } else if (args.Length() == 2) { if (!args[0]->IsNumber()) { return v8AssertionException("Timestamp time must be a number"); } if (!args[1]->IsNumber()) { return v8AssertionException("Timestamp increment must be a number"); } int64_t t = args[0]->IntegerValue(); int64_t largestVal = int64_t(OpTime::max().getSecs()); if (t > largestVal) return v8AssertionException(str::stream() << "The first argument must be in seconds; " << t << " is too large (max " << largestVal << ")"); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("t"), args[0]); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("i"), args[1]); } else { return v8AssertionException("Timestamp needs 0 or 2 arguments"); } return it; } v8::Local binDataInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->BinDataFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->BinDataFT()->HasInstance(it)); argumentCheck(args.Length() == 2, "BinData takes 2 arguments -- BinData(subtype,data)"); // 2 args: type, base64 string v8::Local type = args[0]; if (!type->IsNumber() || type->Int32Value() < 0 || type->Int32Value() > 255) { return v8AssertionException( "BinData subtype must be a Number between 0 and 255 inclusive)"); } v8::String::Utf8Value utf(args[1]); // uassert if invalid base64 string string tmpBase64 = base64::decode(*utf); // length property stores the decoded length it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("len"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), tmpBase64.length()), v8::ReadOnly); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("type"), type, v8::ReadOnly); it->SetInternalField(0, args[1]); return it; } v8::Local binDataToString(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->BinDataFT()->HasInstance(it)); int type = it->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "type"))->Int32Value(); stringstream ss; verify(it->InternalFieldCount() == 1); ss << "BinData(" << type << ",\"" << toSTLString(it->GetInternalField(0)) << "\")"; return v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), ss.str().c_str()); } v8::Local binDataToBase64(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->BinDataFT()->HasInstance(it)); verify(it->InternalFieldCount() == 1); return it->GetInternalField(0); } v8::Local binDataToHex(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->BinDataFT()->HasInstance(it)); verify(it->InternalFieldCount() == 1); string data = base64::decode(toSTLString(it->GetInternalField(0))); stringstream ss; ss.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield); ss.fill('0'); ss.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield); for (std::string::iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { unsigned v = (unsigned char)*it; ss << setw(2) << v; } return v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), ss.str().c_str()); } static v8::Local hexToBinData(V8Scope* scope, int type, string hexstr) { // SERVER-9686: This function does not correctly check to make sure hexstr is actually made // up of valid hex digits, and fails in the hex utility functions int len = hexstr.length() / 2; scoped_array data(new char[len]); const char* src = hexstr.c_str(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = fromHex(src + i * 2); } string encoded = base64::encode(data.get(), len); v8::Local argv[2]; argv[0] = v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), type); argv[1] = v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), encoded.c_str()); return scope->BinDataFT()->GetFunction()->NewInstance(2, argv); } v8::Local uuidInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 1, "UUID needs 1 argument") v8::String::Utf8Value utf(args[0]); argumentCheck(utf.length() == 32, "UUID string must have 32 characters") return hexToBinData(scope, bdtUUID, *utf); } v8::Local md5Init(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 1, "MD5 needs 1 argument") v8::String::Utf8Value utf(args[0]); argumentCheck(utf.length() == 32, "MD5 string must have 32 characters") return hexToBinData(scope, MD5Type, *utf); } v8::Local hexDataInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 2, "HexData needs 2 arguments") v8::Local type = args[0]; if (!type->IsNumber() || type->Int32Value() < 0 || type->Int32Value() > 255) { return v8AssertionException("HexData subtype must be a Number between 0 and 255 inclusive"); } v8::String::Utf8Value utf(args[1]); return hexToBinData(scope, type->Int32Value(), *utf); } v8::Local numberLongInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->NumberLongFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } argumentCheck(args.Length() == 0 || args.Length() == 1 || args.Length() == 3, "NumberLong needs 0, 1 or 3 arguments") v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->NumberLongFT()->HasInstance(it)); if (args.Length() == 0) { it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("floatApprox"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); } else if (args.Length() == 1) { if (args[0]->IsNumber()) { it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("floatApprox"), args[0]); } else { v8::String::Utf8Value data(args[0]); string num = *data; const char* numStr = num.c_str(); long long n; try { n = parseLL(numStr); } catch (const AssertionException&) { return v8AssertionException(string("could not convert \"") + num + "\" to NumberLong"); } unsigned long long val = n; // values above 2^53 are not accurately represented in JS if ((long long)val == (long long)(double)(long long)(val) && val < 9007199254740992ULL) { it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("floatApprox"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), (double)(long long)(val))); } else { it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("floatApprox"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), (double)(long long)(val))); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("top"), v8::Integer::New(scope->getIsolate(), val >> 32)); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("bottom"), v8::Integer::New(scope->getIsolate(), (unsigned long)(val & 0x00000000ffffffff))); } } } else { it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("floatApprox"), args[0]->ToNumber()); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("top"), args[1]->ToUint32()); it->ForceSet(scope->v8StringData("bottom"), args[2]->ToUint32()); } return it; } long long numberLongVal(V8Scope* scope, const v8::Local& it) { verify(scope->NumberLongFT()->HasInstance(it)); if (!it->Has(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "top"))) return (long long)(it->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "floatApprox")) ->NumberValue()); return (long long)((unsigned long long)(it->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "top")) ->ToInt32() ->Value()) << 32) + (unsigned)(it->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "bottom")) ->ToInt32() ->Value()); } v8::Local numberLongValueOf(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { v8::Local it = args.This(); long long val = numberLongVal(scope, it); return v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), double(val)); } v8::Local numberLongToNumber(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { return numberLongValueOf(scope, args); } v8::Local numberLongToString(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { v8::Local it = args.This(); stringstream ss; long long val = numberLongVal(scope, it); const long long limit = 2LL << 30; if (val <= -limit || limit <= val) ss << "NumberLong(\"" << val << "\")"; else ss << "NumberLong(" << val << ")"; string ret = ss.str(); return v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), ret.c_str()); } v8::Local numberIntInit(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { v8::Local f = scope->NumberIntFT()->GetFunction(); return newInstance(f, args); } v8::Local it = args.This(); verify(scope->NumberIntFT()->HasInstance(it)); argumentCheck(args.Length() == 0 || args.Length() == 1, "NumberInt needs 0 or 1 arguments") if (args.Length() == 0) { it->SetHiddenValue(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "__NumberInt"), v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0)); } else if (args.Length() == 1) { it->SetHiddenValue(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "__NumberInt"), args[0]->ToInt32()); } return it; } int numberIntVal(V8Scope* scope, const v8::Local& it) { verify(scope->NumberIntFT()->HasInstance(it)); v8::Local value = it->GetHiddenValue(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), "__NumberInt")); verify(!value.IsEmpty()); return value->Int32Value(); } v8::Local numberIntValueOf(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { v8::Local it = args.This(); return v8::Integer::New(scope->getIsolate(), numberIntVal(scope, it)); } v8::Local numberIntToNumber(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { return numberIntValueOf(scope, args); } v8::Local numberIntToString(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { v8::Local it = args.This(); int val = numberIntVal(scope, it); string ret = str::stream() << "NumberInt(" << val << ")"; return v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), ret.c_str()); } v8::Local v8ObjectInvalidForStorage(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 1, "invalidForStorage needs 1 argument") if (args[0]->IsNull()) { return v8::Null(scope->getIsolate()); } argumentCheck(args[0]->IsObject(), "argument to invalidForStorage has to be an object") Status validForStorage = scope->v8ToMongo(args[0]->ToObject()).storageValid(true); if (validForStorage.isOK()) { return v8::Null(scope->getIsolate()); } std::string errmsg = str::stream() << validForStorage.codeString() << ": " << validForStorage.reason(); return v8::String::NewFromUtf8(scope->getIsolate(), errmsg.c_str()); } v8::Local bsonsize(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 1, "bsonsize needs 1 argument") if (args[0]->IsNull()) { return v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), 0); } argumentCheck(args[0]->IsObject(), "argument to bsonsize has to be an object") return v8:: Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), scope->v8ToMongo(args[0]->ToObject()).objsize()); } v8::Local bsonWoCompare(V8Scope* scope, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { argumentCheck(args.Length() == 2, "bsonWoCompare needs 2 argument"); argumentCheck(args[0]->IsObject(), "first argument to bsonWoCompare has to be an object"); argumentCheck(args[1]->IsObject(), "second argument to bsonWoCompare has to be an object"); BSONObj firstObject(scope->v8ToMongo(args[0]->ToObject())); BSONObj secondObject(scope->v8ToMongo(args[1]->ToObject())); return v8::Number::New(scope->getIsolate(), firstObject.woCompare(secondObject)); } }