/* * Helper functions which connect to a server, and check its logs for particular strings. */ var checkLog; (function() { "use strict"; if (checkLog) { return; // Protect against this file being double-loaded. } checkLog = (function() { let getGlobalLog = function(conn) { let cmdRes; try { cmdRes = conn.adminCommand({getLog: 'global'}); } catch (e) { // Retry with network errors. print("checkLog ignoring failure: " + e); return null; } return assert.commandWorked(cmdRes).log; }; /* * Calls the 'getLog' function on the provided connection 'conn' to see if the provided msg * is found in the logs. Note: this function does not throw an exception, so the return * value should not be ignored. */ const checkContainsOnce = function(conn, msg) { const logMessages = getGlobalLog(conn); if (logMessages === null) { return false; } if (msg instanceof RegExp) { for (let logMsg of logMessages) { if (logMsg.search(msg) != -1) { return true; } } } else { for (let logMsg of logMessages) { if (logMsg.includes(msg)) { return true; } } } return false; }; const checkContainsOnceJson = function(conn, id, attrsDict) { const logMessages = getGlobalLog(conn); if (logMessages === null) { return false; } for (let logMsg of logMessages) { let obj; try { obj = JSON.parse(logMsg); } catch (ex) { print('checkLog.checkContainsOnce: JsonJSON.parse() failed: ' + tojson(ex) + ': ' + logMsg); throw ex; } if (obj.id === id) { let allAttrMatch = true; for (let attrKey in attrsDict) { const attrValue = attrsDict[attrKey]; if (attrValue instanceof Function) { if (!attrValue(obj.attr[attrKey])) { allAttrMatch = false; break; } } else { if (obj.attr[attrKey] !== attrValue) { allAttrMatch = false; break; } } } if (allAttrMatch) { return true; } } } return false; }; /* * Calls the 'getLog' function on the provided connection 'conn' to see if a log with the * provided id is found in the logs. If the id is found it looks up the specified attrribute by * attrName and checks if the msg is found in its value. Note: this function does not throw an * exception, so the return value should not be ignored. */ const checkContainsOnceJsonStringMatch = function(conn, id, attrName, msg) { const logMessages = getGlobalLog(conn); if (logMessages === null) { return false; } for (let logMsg of logMessages) { if (logMsg.search(`\"id\":${id},`) != -1) { if (logMsg.search(`\"${attrName}\":\"?[^\"|\\\"]*` + msg) != -1) { return true; } } } return false; }; /* * Calls the 'getLog' function at regular intervals on the provided connection 'conn' until * the provided 'msg' is found in the logs, or it times out. Throws an exception on timeout. */ let contains = function(conn, msg, timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000, retryIntervalMS = 300) { // Don't run the hang analyzer because we don't expect contains() to always succeed. assert.soon( function() { return checkContainsOnce(conn, msg); }, 'Could not find log entries containing the following message: ' + msg, timeout, retryIntervalMS, {runHangAnalyzer: false}); }; let containsJson = function(conn, id, attrsDict, timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000) { // Don't run the hang analyzer because we don't expect contains() to always succeed. assert.soon( function() { return checkContainsOnceJson(conn, id, attrsDict); }, 'Could not find log entries containing the following id: ' + id + ', and attrs: ' + attrsDict, timeout, 300, {runHangAnalyzer: false}); }; /* * Calls the 'getLog' function at regular intervals on the provided connection 'conn' until * the provided 'msg' is found in the logs 'expectedCount' times, or it times out. * Throws an exception on timeout. If 'exact' is true, checks whether the count is exactly * equal to 'expectedCount'. Otherwise, checks whether the count is at least equal to * 'expectedCount'. Early returns when at least 'expectedCount' entries are found. */ let containsWithCount = function( conn, msg, expectedCount, timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000, exact = true) { let expectedStr = exact ? 'exactly ' : 'at least '; assert.soon( function() { let count = 0; let logMessages = getGlobalLog(conn); if (logMessages === null) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < logMessages.length; i++) { if (msg instanceof RegExp) { if (logMessages[i].search(msg) != -1) { count++; } } else { if (logMessages[i].indexOf(msg) != -1) { count++; } } if (!exact && count >= expectedCount) { print("checkLog found at least " + expectedCount + " log entries containing the following message: " + msg); return true; } } return exact ? expectedCount === count : expectedCount <= count; }, 'Did not find ' + expectedStr + expectedCount + ' log entries containing the ' + 'following message: ' + msg, timeout, 300); }; /* * Similar to containsWithCount, but checks whether there are at least 'expectedCount' * instances of 'msg' in the logs. */ let containsWithAtLeastCount = function(conn, msg, expectedCount, timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000) { containsWithCount(conn, msg, expectedCount, timeout, /*exact*/ false); }; /* * Converts a scalar or object to a string format suitable for matching against log output. * Field names are not quoted, and by default strings which are not within an enclosing * object are not escaped. Similarly, integer values without an enclosing object are * serialized as integers, while those within an object are serialized as floats to one * decimal point. NumberLongs are unwrapped prior to serialization. */ const formatAsLogLine = function(value, escapeStrings, toDecimal) { if (typeof value === "string") { return (escapeStrings ? `"${value}"` : value); } else if (typeof value === "number") { return (Number.isInteger(value) && toDecimal ? value.toFixed(1) : value); } else if (value instanceof NumberLong) { return `${value}`.match(/NumberLong..(.*)../m)[1]; } else if (typeof value !== "object") { return value; } else if (Object.keys(value).length === 0) { return Array.isArray(value) ? "[]" : "{}"; } let serialized = []; escapeStrings = toDecimal = true; for (let fieldName in value) { const valueStr = formatAsLogLine(value[fieldName], escapeStrings, toDecimal); serialized.push(Array.isArray(value) ? valueStr : `${fieldName}: ${valueStr}`); } return (Array.isArray(value) ? `[ ${serialized.join(', ')} ]` : `{ ${serialized.join(', ')} }`); }; /** * Format at the json for the log file which has no extra spaces. */ const formatAsJsonLogLine = function(value, escapeStrings, toDecimal) { if (typeof value === "string") { return (escapeStrings ? `"${value}"` : value); } else if (typeof value === "number") { return (Number.isInteger(value) && toDecimal ? value.toFixed(1) : value); } else if (value instanceof NumberLong) { return `${value}`.match(/NumberLong..(.*)../m)[1]; } else if (typeof value !== "object") { return value; } else if (Object.keys(value).length === 0) { return Array.isArray(value) ? "[]" : "{}"; } let serialized = []; escapeStrings = toDecimal = true; for (let fieldName in value) { const valueStr = formatAsJsonLogLine(value[fieldName], escapeStrings, toDecimal); serialized.push(Array.isArray(value) ? valueStr : `"${fieldName}":${valueStr}`); } return (Array.isArray(value) ? `[${serialized.join(',')}]` : `{${serialized.join(',')}}`); }; return { getGlobalLog: getGlobalLog, checkContainsOnce: checkContainsOnce, checkContainsOnceJson: checkContainsOnceJson, checkContainsOnceJsonStringMatch: checkContainsOnceJsonStringMatch, contains: contains, containsJson: containsJson, containsWithCount: containsWithCount, containsWithAtLeastCount: containsWithAtLeastCount, formatAsLogLine: formatAsLogLine, formatAsJsonLogLine: formatAsJsonLogLine }; })(); })();