// @file collection.js - DBCollection support in the mongo shell // db.colName is a DBCollection object // or db["colName"] if ((typeof DBCollection) == "undefined") { DBCollection = function(mongo, db, shortName, fullName) { this._mongo = mongo; this._db = db; this._shortName = shortName; this._fullName = fullName; this.verify(); }; } DBCollection.prototype.verify = function() { assert(this._fullName, "no fullName"); assert(this._shortName, "no shortName"); assert(this._db, "no db"); assert.eq(this._fullName, this._db._name + "." + this._shortName, "name mismatch"); assert(this._mongo, "no mongo in DBCollection"); assert(this.getMongo(), "no mongo from getMongo()"); }; DBCollection.prototype.getName = function() { return this._shortName; }; DBCollection.prototype.help = function() { var shortName = this.getName(); print("DBCollection help"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find().help() - show DBCursor help"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".bulkWrite( operations, ) - bulk execute write operations, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".count( query = {}, ) - count the number of documents that matches the query, optional parameters are: limit, skip, hint, maxTimeMS"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".copyTo(newColl) - duplicates collection by copying all documents to newColl; no indexes are copied."); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".convertToCapped(maxBytes) - calls {convertToCapped:'" + shortName + "', size:maxBytes}} command"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".createIndex(keypattern[,options])"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".createIndexes([keypatterns], )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dataSize()"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".deleteOne( filter, ) - delete first matching document, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".deleteMany( filter, ) - delete all matching documents, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".distinct( key, query, ) - e.g. db." + shortName + ".distinct( 'x' ), optional parameters are: maxTimeMS"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".drop() drop the collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dropIndex(index) - e.g. db." + shortName + ".dropIndex( \"indexName\" ) or db." + shortName + ".dropIndex( { \"indexKey\" : 1 } )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dropIndexes()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".ensureIndex(keypattern[,options]) - DEPRECATED, use createIndex() instead"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".explain().help() - show explain help"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".reIndex()"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".find([query],[fields]) - query is an optional query filter. fields is optional set of fields to return."); print("\t e.g. db." + shortName + ".find( {x:77} , {name:1, x:1} )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).count()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).limit(n)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).skip(n)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).sort(...)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".findOne([query], [fields], [options], [readConcern])"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".findOneAndDelete( filter, ) - delete first matching document, optional parameters are: projection, sort, maxTimeMS"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".findOneAndReplace( filter, replacement, ) - replace first matching document, optional parameters are: projection, sort, maxTimeMS, upsert, returnNewDocument"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".findOneAndUpdate( filter, update, ) - update first matching document, optional parameters are: projection, sort, maxTimeMS, upsert, returnNewDocument"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getDB() get DB object associated with collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPlanCache() get query plan cache associated with collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getIndexes()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".group( { key : ..., initial: ..., reduce : ...[, cond: ...] } )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".insert(obj)"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".insertOne( obj, ) - insert a document, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".insertMany( [objects], ) - insert multiple documents, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".mapReduce( mapFunction , reduceFunction , )"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".aggregate( [pipeline], ) - performs an aggregation on a collection; returns a cursor"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".remove(query)"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".replaceOne( filter, replacement, ) - replace the first matching document, optional parameters are: upsert, w, wtimeout, j"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".renameCollection( newName , ) renames the collection."); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".runCommand( name , ) runs a db command with the given name where the first param is the collection name"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".save(obj)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".stats({scale: N, indexDetails: true/false, " + "indexDetailsKey: , indexDetailsName: })"); // print("\tdb." + shortName + ".diskStorageStats({[extent: ,] [granularity: ,] // ...}) - analyze record layout on disk"); // print("\tdb." + shortName + ".pagesInRAM({[extent: ,] [granularity: ,] ...}) - // analyze resident memory pages"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".storageSize() - includes free space allocated to this collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".totalIndexSize() - size in bytes of all the indexes"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".totalSize() - storage allocated for all data and indexes"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".update( query, object[, upsert_bool, multi_bool] ) - instead of two flags, you can pass an object with fields: upsert, multi"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".updateOne( filter, update, ) - update the first matching document, optional parameters are: upsert, w, wtimeout, j"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".updateMany( filter, update, ) - update all matching documents, optional parameters are: upsert, w, wtimeout, j"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".validate( ) - SLOW"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getShardVersion() - only for use with sharding"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getShardDistribution() - prints statistics about data distribution in the cluster"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".getSplitKeysForChunks( ) - calculates split points over all chunks and returns splitter function"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".getWriteConcern() - returns the write concern used for any operations on this collection, inherited from server/db if set"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".setWriteConcern( ) - sets the write concern for writes to the collection"); print( "\tdb." + shortName + ".unsetWriteConcern( ) - unsets the write concern for writes to the collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".latencyStats() - display operation latency histograms for this collection"); // print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getDiskStorageStats({...}) - prints a summary of disk usage // statistics"); // print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPagesInRAM({...}) - prints a summary of storage pages // currently in physical memory"); return __magicNoPrint; }; DBCollection.prototype.getFullName = function() { return this._fullName; }; DBCollection.prototype.getMongo = function() { return this._db.getMongo(); }; DBCollection.prototype.getDB = function() { return this._db; }; DBCollection.prototype._makeCommand = function(cmd, params) { var c = {}; c[cmd] = this.getName(); if (params) Object.extend(c, params); return c; }; DBCollection.prototype._dbCommand = function(cmd, params) { if (typeof(cmd) === "object") return this._db._dbCommand(cmd, {}, this.getQueryOptions()); return this._db._dbCommand(this._makeCommand(cmd, params), {}, this.getQueryOptions()); }; // Like _dbCommand, but applies $readPreference DBCollection.prototype._dbReadCommand = function(cmd, params) { if (typeof(cmd) === "object") return this._db._dbReadCommand(cmd, {}, this.getQueryOptions()); return this._db._dbReadCommand(this._makeCommand(cmd, params), {}, this.getQueryOptions()); }; DBCollection.prototype.runCommand = DBCollection.prototype._dbCommand; DBCollection.prototype.runReadCommand = DBCollection.prototype._dbReadCommand; DBCollection.prototype._massageObject = function(q) { if (!q) return {}; var type = typeof q; if (type == "function") return {$where: q}; if (q.isObjectId) return {_id: q}; if (type == "object") return q; if (type == "string") { // If the string is 24 hex characters, it is most likely an ObjectId. if (/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/.test(q)) { return {_id: ObjectId(q)}; } return {$where: q}; } throw Error("don't know how to massage : " + type); }; DBCollection.prototype._validateObject = function(o) { // Hidden property for testing purposes. if (this.getMongo()._skipValidation) return; if (typeof(o) != "object") throw Error("attempted to save a " + typeof(o) + " value. document expected."); if (o._ensureSpecial && o._checkModify) throw Error("can't save a DBQuery object"); }; DBCollection._allowedFields = { $id: 1, $ref: 1, $db: 1 }; DBCollection.prototype._validateForStorage = function(o) { // Hidden property for testing purposes. if (this.getMongo()._skipValidation) return; this._validateObject(o); for (var k in o) { if (k.indexOf(".") >= 0) { throw Error("can't have . in field names [" + k + "]"); } if (k.indexOf("$") == 0 && !DBCollection._allowedFields[k]) { throw Error("field names cannot start with $ [" + k + "]"); } if (o[k] !== null && typeof(o[k]) === "object") { this._validateForStorage(o[k]); } } }; DBCollection.prototype.find = function(query, fields, limit, skip, batchSize, options) { var cursor = new DBQuery(this._mongo, this._db, this, this._fullName, this._massageObject(query), fields, limit, skip, batchSize, options || this.getQueryOptions()); var connObj = this.getMongo(); var readPrefMode = connObj.getReadPrefMode(); if (readPrefMode != null) { cursor.readPref(readPrefMode, connObj.getReadPrefTagSet()); } var rc = connObj.getReadConcern(); if (rc) { cursor.readConcern(rc); } return cursor; }; DBCollection.prototype.findOne = function(query, fields, options, readConcern, collation) { var cursor = this.find(query, fields, -1 /* limit */, 0 /* skip*/, 0 /* batchSize */, options); if (readConcern) { cursor = cursor.readConcern(readConcern); } if (collation) { cursor = cursor.collation(collation); } if (!cursor.hasNext()) return null; var ret = cursor.next(); if (cursor.hasNext()) throw Error("findOne has more than 1 result!"); if (ret.$err) throw _getErrorWithCode(ret, "error " + tojson(ret)); return ret; }; DBCollection.prototype.insert = function(obj, options, _allow_dot) { if (!obj) throw Error("no object passed to insert!"); var flags = 0; var wc = undefined; var allowDottedFields = false; if (options === undefined) { // do nothing } else if (typeof(options) == 'object') { if (options.ordered === undefined) { // do nothing, like above } else { flags = options.ordered ? 0 : 1; } if (options.writeConcern) wc = options.writeConcern; if (options.allowdotted) allowDottedFields = true; } else { flags = options; } // 1 = continueOnError, which is synonymous with unordered in the write commands/bulk-api var ordered = ((flags & 1) == 0); if (!wc) wc = this.getWriteConcern(); var result = undefined; var startTime = (typeof(_verboseShell) === 'undefined' || !_verboseShell) ? 0 : new Date().getTime(); if (this.getMongo().writeMode() != "legacy") { // Bit 1 of option flag is continueOnError. Bit 0 (stop on error) is the default. var bulk = ordered ? this.initializeOrderedBulkOp() : this.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); var isMultiInsert = Array.isArray(obj); if (isMultiInsert) { obj.forEach(function(doc) { bulk.insert(doc); }); } else { bulk.insert(obj); } try { result = bulk.execute(wc); if (!isMultiInsert) result = result.toSingleResult(); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof BulkWriteError) { result = isMultiInsert ? ex.toResult() : ex.toSingleResult(); } else if (ex instanceof WriteCommandError) { result = isMultiInsert ? ex : ex.toSingleResult(); } else { // Other exceptions thrown throw Error(ex); } } } else { if (!_allow_dot) { this._validateForStorage(obj); } if (typeof(obj._id) == "undefined" && !Array.isArray(obj)) { var tmp = obj; // don't want to modify input obj = {_id: new ObjectId()}; for (var key in tmp) { obj[key] = tmp[key]; } } this.getMongo().insert(this._fullName, obj, flags); // enforce write concern, if required if (wc) result = this.runCommand("getLastError", wc instanceof WriteConcern ? wc.toJSON() : wc); } this._lastID = obj._id; this._printExtraInfo("Inserted", startTime); return result; }; DBCollection.prototype._validateRemoveDoc = function(doc) { // Hidden property for testing purposes. if (this.getMongo()._skipValidation) return; for (var k in doc) { if (k == "_id" && typeof(doc[k]) == "undefined") { throw new Error("can't have _id set to undefined in a remove expression"); } } }; /** * Does validation of the remove args. Throws if the parse is not successful, otherwise * returns a document {query: , justOne: , wc: }. */ DBCollection.prototype._parseRemove = function(t, justOne) { if (undefined === t) throw Error("remove needs a query"); var query = this._massageObject(t); var wc = undefined; var collation = undefined; if (typeof(justOne) === "object") { var opts = justOne; wc = opts.writeConcern; justOne = opts.justOne; collation = opts.collation; } // Normalize "justOne" to a bool. justOne = justOne ? true : false; // Handle write concern. if (!wc) { wc = this.getWriteConcern(); } return {"query": query, "justOne": justOne, "wc": wc, "collation": collation}; }; DBCollection.prototype.remove = function(t, justOne) { var parsed = this._parseRemove(t, justOne); var query = parsed.query; var justOne = parsed.justOne; var wc = parsed.wc; var collation = parsed.collation; var result = undefined; var startTime = (typeof(_verboseShell) === 'undefined' || !_verboseShell) ? 0 : new Date().getTime(); if (this.getMongo().writeMode() != "legacy") { var bulk = this.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); var removeOp = bulk.find(query); if (collation) { removeOp.collation(collation); } if (justOne) { removeOp.removeOne(); } else { removeOp.remove(); } try { result = bulk.execute(wc).toSingleResult(); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof BulkWriteError || ex instanceof WriteCommandError) { result = ex.toSingleResult(); } else { // Other exceptions thrown throw Error(ex); } } } else { if (collation) { throw new Error("collation requires use of write commands"); } this._validateRemoveDoc(t); this.getMongo().remove(this._fullName, query, justOne); // enforce write concern, if required if (wc) result = this.runCommand("getLastError", wc instanceof WriteConcern ? wc.toJSON() : wc); } this._printExtraInfo("Removed", startTime); return result; }; DBCollection.prototype._validateUpdateDoc = function(doc) { // Hidden property for testing purposes. if (this.getMongo()._skipValidation) return; var firstKey = null; for (var key in doc) { firstKey = key; break; } if (firstKey != null && firstKey[0] == '$') { // for mods we only validate partially, for example keys may have dots this._validateObject(doc); } else { // we're basically inserting a brand new object, do full validation this._validateForStorage(doc); } }; /** * Does validation of the update args. Throws if the parse is not successful, otherwise * returns a document containing fields for query, obj, upsert, multi, and wc. * * Throws if the arguments are invalid. */ DBCollection.prototype._parseUpdate = function(query, obj, upsert, multi) { if (!query) throw Error("need a query"); if (!obj) throw Error("need an object"); var wc = undefined; var collation = undefined; // can pass options via object for improved readability if (typeof(upsert) === "object") { if (multi) { throw Error("Fourth argument must be empty when specifying " + "upsert and multi with an object."); } var opts = upsert; multi = opts.multi; wc = opts.writeConcern; upsert = opts.upsert; collation = opts.collation; } // Normalize 'upsert' and 'multi' to booleans. upsert = upsert ? true : false; multi = multi ? true : false; if (!wc) { wc = this.getWriteConcern(); } return { "query": query, "obj": obj, "upsert": upsert, "multi": multi, "wc": wc, "collation": collation }; }; DBCollection.prototype.update = function(query, obj, upsert, multi) { var parsed = this._parseUpdate(query, obj, upsert, multi); var query = parsed.query; var obj = parsed.obj; var upsert = parsed.upsert; var multi = parsed.multi; var wc = parsed.wc; var collation = parsed.collation; var result = undefined; var startTime = (typeof(_verboseShell) === 'undefined' || !_verboseShell) ? 0 : new Date().getTime(); if (this.getMongo().writeMode() != "legacy") { var bulk = this.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); var updateOp = bulk.find(query); if (upsert) { updateOp = updateOp.upsert(); } if (collation) { updateOp.collation(collation); } if (multi) { updateOp.update(obj); } else { updateOp.updateOne(obj); } try { result = bulk.execute(wc).toSingleResult(); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof BulkWriteError || ex instanceof WriteCommandError) { result = ex.toSingleResult(); } else { // Other exceptions thrown throw Error(ex); } } } else { if (collation) { throw new Error("collation requires use of write commands"); } this._validateUpdateDoc(obj); this.getMongo().update(this._fullName, query, obj, upsert, multi); // Enforce write concern, if required if (wc) { result = this.runCommand("getLastError", wc instanceof WriteConcern ? wc.toJSON() : wc); } } this._printExtraInfo("Updated", startTime); return result; }; DBCollection.prototype.save = function(obj, opts) { if (obj == null) throw Error("can't save a null"); if (typeof(obj) == "number" || typeof(obj) == "string") throw Error("can't save a number or string"); if (typeof(obj._id) == "undefined") { obj._id = new ObjectId(); return this.insert(obj, opts); } else { return this.update({_id: obj._id}, obj, Object.merge({upsert: true}, opts)); } }; DBCollection.prototype._genIndexName = function(keys) { var name = ""; for (var k in keys) { var v = keys[k]; if (typeof v == "function") continue; if (name.length > 0) name += "_"; name += k + "_"; name += v; } return name; }; DBCollection.prototype._indexSpec = function(keys, options) { var ret = {ns: this._fullName, key: keys, name: this._genIndexName(keys)}; if (!options) { } else if (typeof(options) == "string") ret.name = options; else if (typeof(options) == "boolean") ret.unique = true; else if (typeof(options) == "object") { if (Array.isArray(options)) { if (options.length > 3) { throw new Error("Index options that are supplied in array form may only specify" + " three values: name, unique, dropDups"); } var nb = 0; for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (typeof(options[i]) == "string") ret.name = options[i]; else if (typeof(options[i]) == "boolean") { if (options[i]) { if (nb == 0) ret.unique = true; if (nb == 1) ret.dropDups = true; } nb++; } } } else { Object.extend(ret, options); } } else { throw Error("can't handle: " + typeof(options)); } return ret; }; DBCollection.prototype.createIndex = function(keys, options) { return this.createIndexes([keys], options); }; DBCollection.prototype.createIndexes = function(keys, options) { var indexSpecs = Array(keys.length); for (var i = 0; i < indexSpecs.length; i++) { indexSpecs[i] = this._indexSpec(keys[i], options); } if (this.getMongo().writeMode() == "commands") { for (var i = 0; i < indexSpecs.length; i++) { delete (indexSpecs[i].ns); // ns is passed to the first element in the command. } return this._db.runCommand({createIndexes: this.getName(), indexes: indexSpecs}); } else if (this.getMongo().writeMode() == "compatibility") { // Use the downconversion machinery of the bulk api to do a safe write, report response as a // command response var result = this._db.getCollection("system.indexes").insert(indexSpecs, 0, true); if (result.hasWriteErrors() || result.hasWriteConcernError()) { // Return the first error var error = result.hasWriteErrors() ? result.getWriteErrors()[0] : result.getWriteConcernError(); return {ok: 0.0, code: error.code, errmsg: error.errmsg}; } else { return {ok: 1.0}; } } else { this._db.getCollection("system.indexes").insert(indexSpecs, 0, true); } }; DBCollection.prototype.ensureIndex = function(keys, options) { var result = this.createIndex(keys, options); if (this.getMongo().writeMode() != "legacy") { return result; } err = this.getDB().getLastErrorObj(); if (err.err) { return err; } // nothing returned on success }; DBCollection.prototype.reIndex = function() { return this._db.runCommand({reIndex: this.getName()}); }; DBCollection.prototype.dropIndexes = function() { if (arguments.length) throw Error("dropIndexes doesn't take arguments"); var res = this._db.runCommand({deleteIndexes: this.getName(), index: "*"}); assert(res, "no result from dropIndex result"); if (res.ok) return res; if (res.errmsg.match(/not found/)) return res; throw _getErrorWithCode(res, "error dropping indexes : " + tojson(res)); }; DBCollection.prototype.drop = function() { if (arguments.length > 0) throw Error("drop takes no argument"); var ret = this._db.runCommand({drop: this.getName()}); if (!ret.ok) { if (ret.errmsg == "ns not found") return false; throw _getErrorWithCode(ret, "drop failed: " + tojson(ret)); } return true; }; DBCollection.prototype.findAndModify = function(args) { var cmd = {findandmodify: this.getName()}; for (var key in args) { cmd[key] = args[key]; } var ret = this._db.runCommand(cmd); if (!ret.ok) { if (ret.errmsg == "No matching object found") { return null; } throw _getErrorWithCode(ret, "findAndModifyFailed failed: " + tojson(ret)); } return ret.value; }; DBCollection.prototype.renameCollection = function(newName, dropTarget) { if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof newName === 'object') { if (newName.hasOwnProperty('dropTarget')) { dropTarget = newName['dropTarget']; } newName = newName['to']; } if (typeof dropTarget === 'undefined') { dropTarget = false; } if (typeof newName !== 'string' || typeof dropTarget !== 'boolean') { throw Error( 'renameCollection must either take a string and an optional boolean or an object.'); } return this._db._adminCommand({ renameCollection: this._fullName, to: this._db._name + "." + newName, dropTarget: dropTarget }); }; // Display verbose information about the operation DBCollection.prototype._printExtraInfo = function(action, startTime) { if (typeof _verboseShell === 'undefined' || !_verboseShell) { __callLastError = true; return; } // explicit w:1 so that replset getLastErrorDefaults aren't used here which would be bad. var res = this._db.getLastErrorCmd(1); if (res) { if (res.err != undefined && res.err != null) { // error occurred, display it print(res.err); return; } var info = action + " "; // hack for inserted because res.n is 0 info += action != "Inserted" ? res.n : 1; if (res.n > 0 && res.updatedExisting != undefined) info += " " + (res.updatedExisting ? "existing" : "new"); info += " record(s)"; var time = new Date().getTime() - startTime; info += " in " + time + "ms"; print(info); } }; DBCollection.prototype.validate = function(full) { var cmd = {validate: this.getName()}; if (typeof(full) == 'object') // support arbitrary options here Object.extend(cmd, full); else cmd.full = full; var res = this._db.runCommand(cmd); if (typeof(res.valid) == 'undefined') { // old-style format just put everything in a string. Now using proper fields res.valid = false; var raw = res.result || res.raw; if (raw) { var str = "-" + tojson(raw); res.valid = !(str.match(/exception/) || str.match(/corrupt/)); var p = /lastExtentSize:(\d+)/; var r = p.exec(str); if (r) { res.lastExtentSize = Number(r[1]); } } } return res; }; /** * Invokes the storageDetails command to provide aggregate and (if requested) detailed information * regarding the layout of records and deleted records in the collection extents. * getDiskStorageStats provides a human-readable summary of the command output */ DBCollection.prototype.diskStorageStats = function(opt) { var cmd = {storageDetails: this.getName(), analyze: 'diskStorage'}; if (typeof(opt) == 'object') Object.extend(cmd, opt); var res = this._db.runCommand(cmd); if (!res.ok && res.errmsg.match(/no such cmd/)) { print("this command requires starting mongod with --enableExperimentalStorageDetailsCmd"); } return res; }; // Refer to diskStorageStats DBCollection.prototype.getDiskStorageStats = function(params) { var stats = this.diskStorageStats(params); if (!stats.ok) { print("error executing storageDetails command: " + stats.errmsg); return; } print("\n " + "size".pad(9) + " " + "# recs".pad(10) + " " + "[===occupied by BSON=== ---occupied by padding--- free ]" + " " + "bson".pad(8) + " " + "rec".pad(8) + " " + "padding".pad(8)); print(); var BAR_WIDTH = 70; var formatSliceData = function(data) { var bar = _barFormat( [ [data.bsonBytes / data.onDiskBytes, "="], [(data.recBytes - data.bsonBytes) / data.onDiskBytes, "-"] ], BAR_WIDTH); return sh._dataFormat(data.onDiskBytes).pad(9) + " " + data.numEntries.toFixed(0).pad(10) + " " + bar + " " + (data.bsonBytes / data.onDiskBytes).toPercentStr().pad(8) + " " + (data.recBytes / data.onDiskBytes).toPercentStr().pad(8) + " " + (data.recBytes / data.bsonBytes).toFixed(4).pad(8); }; var printExtent = function(ex, rng) { print("--- extent " + rng + " ---"); print("tot " + formatSliceData(ex)); print(); if (ex.slices) { for (var c = 0; c < ex.slices.length; c++) { var slice = ex.slices[c]; print(("" + c).pad(3) + " " + formatSliceData(slice)); } print(); } }; if (stats.extents) { print("--- extent overview ---\n"); for (var i = 0; i < stats.extents.length; i++) { var ex = stats.extents[i]; print(("" + i).pad(3) + " " + formatSliceData(ex)); } print(); if (params && (params.granularity || params.numberOfSlices)) { for (var i = 0; i < stats.extents.length; i++) { printExtent(stats.extents[i], i); } } } else { printExtent(stats, "range " + stats.range); } }; /** * Invokes the storageDetails command to report the percentage of virtual memory pages of the * collection storage currently in physical memory (RAM). * getPagesInRAM provides a human-readable summary of the command output */ DBCollection.prototype.pagesInRAM = function(opt) { var cmd = {storageDetails: this.getName(), analyze: 'pagesInRAM'}; if (typeof(opt) == 'object') Object.extend(cmd, opt); var res = this._db.runCommand(cmd); if (!res.ok && res.errmsg.match(/no such cmd/)) { print("this command requires starting mongod with --enableExperimentalStorageDetailsCmd"); } return res; }; // Refer to pagesInRAM DBCollection.prototype.getPagesInRAM = function(params) { var stats = this.pagesInRAM(params); if (!stats.ok) { print("error executing storageDetails command: " + stats.errmsg); return; } var BAR_WIDTH = 70; var formatExtentData = function(data) { return "size".pad(8) + " " + _barFormat([[data.inMem, '=']], BAR_WIDTH) + " " + data.inMem.toPercentStr().pad(7); }; var printExtent = function(ex, rng) { print("--- extent " + rng + " ---"); print("tot " + formatExtentData(ex)); print(); if (ex.slices) { print("\tslices, percentage of pages in memory (< .1% : ' ', <25% : '.', " + "<50% : '_', <75% : '=', >75% : '#')"); print(); print("\t" + "offset".pad(8) + " [slices...] (each slice is " + sh._dataFormat(ex.sliceBytes) + ")"); line = "\t" + ("" + 0).pad(8) + " ["; for (var c = 0; c < ex.slices.length; c++) { if (c % 80 == 0 && c != 0) { print(line + "]"); line = "\t" + sh._dataFormat(ex.sliceBytes * c).pad(8) + " ["; } var inMem = ex.slices[c]; if (inMem <= .001) line += " "; else if (inMem <= .25) line += "."; else if (inMem <= .5) line += "_"; else if (inMem <= .75) line += "="; else line += "#"; } print(line + "]"); print(); } }; if (stats.extents) { print("--- extent overview ---\n"); for (var i = 0; i < stats.extents.length; i++) { var ex = stats.extents[i]; print(("" + i).pad(3) + " " + formatExtentData(ex)); } print(); if (params && (params.granularity || params.numberOfSlices)) { for (var i = 0; i < stats.extents.length; i++) { printExtent(stats.extents[i], i); } } else { print("use getPagesInRAM({granularity: _bytes_}) or " + "getPagesInRAM({numberOfSlices: _num_} for details"); print("use pagesInRAM(...) for json output, same parameters apply"); } } else { printExtent(stats, "range " + stats.range); } }; DBCollection.prototype.getShardVersion = function() { return this._db._adminCommand({getShardVersion: this._fullName}); }; DBCollection.prototype._getIndexesSystemIndexes = function(filter) { var si = this.getDB().getCollection("system.indexes"); var query = {ns: this.getFullName()}; if (filter) query = Object.extend(query, filter); return si.find(query).toArray(); }; DBCollection.prototype._getIndexesCommand = function(filter) { var res = this.runCommand("listIndexes", filter); if (!res.ok) { if (res.code == 59) { // command doesn't exist, old mongod return null; } if (res.code == 26) { // NamespaceNotFound, for compatability, return [] return []; } if (res.errmsg && res.errmsg.startsWith("no such cmd")) { return null; } throw _getErrorWithCode(res, "listIndexes failed: " + tojson(res)); } return new DBCommandCursor(res._mongo, res).toArray(); }; DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes = function(filter) { var res = this._getIndexesCommand(filter); if (res) { return res; } return this._getIndexesSystemIndexes(filter); }; DBCollection.prototype.getIndices = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes; DBCollection.prototype.getIndexSpecs = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes; DBCollection.prototype.getIndexKeys = function() { return this.getIndexes().map(function(i) { return i.key; }); }; DBCollection.prototype.hashAllDocs = function() { var cmd = {dbhash: 1, collections: [this._shortName]}; var res = this._dbCommand(cmd); var hash = res.collections[this._shortName]; assert(hash); assert(typeof(hash) == "string"); return hash; }; /** *

Drop a specified index.

* *

* "index" is the name of the index in the system.indexes name field (run db.system.indexes.find() *to * see example data), or an object holding the key(s) used to create the index. * For example: * db.collectionName.dropIndex( "myIndexName" ); * db.collectionName.dropIndex( { "indexKey" : 1 } ); *

* * @param {String} name or key object of index to delete. * @return A result object. result.ok will be true if successful. */ DBCollection.prototype.dropIndex = function(index) { assert(index, "need to specify index to dropIndex"); var res = this._dbCommand("deleteIndexes", {index: index}); return res; }; DBCollection.prototype.copyTo = function(newName) { return this.getDB().eval(function(collName, newName) { var from = db[collName]; var to = db[newName]; to.ensureIndex({_id: 1}); var count = 0; var cursor = from.find(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { var o = cursor.next(); count++; to.save(o); } return count; }, this.getName(), newName); }; DBCollection.prototype.getCollection = function(subName) { return this._db.getCollection(this._shortName + "." + subName); }; /** * scale: The scale at which to deliver results. Unless specified, this command returns all data * in bytes. * indexDetails: Includes indexDetails field in results. Default: false. * indexDetailsKey: If indexDetails is true, filter contents in indexDetails by this index key. * indexDetailsname: If indexDetails is true, filter contents in indexDetails by this index name. * * It is an error to provide both indexDetailsKey and indexDetailsName. */ DBCollection.prototype.stats = function(args) { 'use strict'; // For backwards compatibility with db.collection.stats(scale). var scale = isObject(args) ? args.scale : args; var options = isObject(args) ? args : {}; if (options.indexDetailsKey && options.indexDetailsName) { throw new Error('Cannot filter indexDetails on both indexDetailsKey and ' + 'indexDetailsName'); } // collStats can run on a secondary, so we need to apply readPreference var res = this._db.runReadCommand({collStats: this._shortName, scale: scale}); if (!res.ok) { return res; } var getIndexName = function(collection, indexKey) { if (!isObject(indexKey)) return undefined; var indexName; collection.getIndexes().forEach(function(spec) { if (friendlyEqual(spec.key, options.indexDetailsKey)) { indexName = spec.name; } }); return indexName; }; var filterIndexName = options.indexDetailsName || getIndexName(this, options.indexDetailsKey); var updateStats = function(stats, keepIndexDetails, indexName) { if (!stats.indexDetails) return; if (!keepIndexDetails) { delete stats.indexDetails; return; } if (!indexName) return; for (var key in stats.indexDetails) { if (key == indexName) continue; delete stats.indexDetails[key]; } }; updateStats(res, options.indexDetails, filterIndexName); if (res.sharded) { for (var shardName in res.shards) { updateStats(res.shards[shardName], options.indexDetails, filterIndexName); } } return res; }; DBCollection.prototype.dataSize = function() { return this.stats().size; }; DBCollection.prototype.storageSize = function() { return this.stats().storageSize; }; DBCollection.prototype.totalIndexSize = function(verbose) { var stats = this.stats(); if (verbose) { for (var ns in stats.indexSizes) { print(ns + "\t" + stats.indexSizes[ns]); } } return stats.totalIndexSize; }; DBCollection.prototype.totalSize = function() { var total = this.storageSize(); var totalIndexSize = this.totalIndexSize(); if (totalIndexSize) { total += totalIndexSize; } return total; }; DBCollection.prototype.convertToCapped = function(bytes) { if (!bytes) throw Error("have to specify # of bytes"); return this._dbCommand({convertToCapped: this._shortName, size: bytes}); }; DBCollection.prototype.exists = function() { var res = this._db.runCommand("listCollections", {filter: {name: this._shortName}}); if (res.ok) { var cursor = new DBCommandCursor(res._mongo, res); if (!cursor.hasNext()) return null; return cursor.next(); } if (res.errmsg && res.errmsg.startsWith("no such cmd")) { return this._db.system.namespaces.findOne({name: this._fullName}); } throw _getErrorWithCode(res, "listCollections failed: " + tojson(res)); }; DBCollection.prototype.isCapped = function() { var e = this.exists(); return (e && e.options && e.options.capped) ? true : false; }; // // CRUD specification aggregation cursor extension // DBCollection.prototype.aggregate = function(pipeline, aggregateOptions) { if (!(pipeline instanceof Array)) { // support legacy varargs form. (Also handles db.foo.aggregate()) pipeline = Array.from(arguments); aggregateOptions = {}; } else if (aggregateOptions === undefined) { aggregateOptions = {}; } // Copy the aggregateOptions var copy = Object.extend({}, aggregateOptions); // Ensure handle crud API aggregateOptions var keys = Object.keys(copy); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var name = keys[i]; if (name == 'batchSize') { if (copy.cursor == null) { copy.cursor = {}; } copy.cursor.batchSize = copy['batchSize']; delete copy['batchSize']; } else if (name == 'useCursor') { if (copy.cursor == null) { copy.cursor = {}; } delete copy['useCursor']; } } // Assign the cleaned up options aggregateOptions = copy; // Create the initial command document var cmd = {pipeline: pipeline}; Object.extend(cmd, aggregateOptions); if (!('cursor' in cmd)) { // implicitly use cursors cmd.cursor = {}; } // in a well formed pipeline, $out must be the last stage. If it isn't then the server // will reject the pipeline anyway. var hasOutStage = pipeline.length >= 1 && pipeline[pipeline.length - 1].hasOwnProperty("$out"); var doAgg = function(cmd) { // if we don't have an out stage, we could run on a secondary // so we need to attach readPreference return hasOutStage ? this.runCommand("aggregate", cmd) : this.runReadCommand("aggregate", cmd); }.bind(this); var res = doAgg(cmd); if (!res.ok && (res.code == 17020 || res.errmsg == "unrecognized field \"cursor") && !("cursor" in aggregateOptions)) { // If the command failed because cursors aren't supported and the user didn't explicitly // request a cursor, try again without requesting a cursor. delete cmd.cursor; res = doAgg(cmd); if ('result' in res && !("cursor" in res)) { // convert old-style output to cursor-style output res.cursor = {ns: '', id: NumberLong(0)}; res.cursor.firstBatch = res.result; delete res.result; } } assert.commandWorked(res, "aggregate failed"); if ("cursor" in res) { if (cmd["cursor"]["batchSize"] > 0) { var batchSizeValue = cmd["cursor"]["batchSize"]; } return new DBCommandCursor(res._mongo, res, batchSizeValue); } return res; }; DBCollection.prototype.group = function(params) { params.ns = this._shortName; return this._db.group(params); }; DBCollection.prototype.groupcmd = function(params) { params.ns = this._shortName; return this._db.groupcmd(params); }; MapReduceResult = function(db, o) { Object.extend(this, o); this._o = o; this._keys = Object.keySet(o); this._db = db; if (this.result != null) { this._coll = this._db.getCollection(this.result); } }; MapReduceResult.prototype._simpleKeys = function() { return this._o; }; MapReduceResult.prototype.find = function() { if (this.results) return this.results; return DBCollection.prototype.find.apply(this._coll, arguments); }; MapReduceResult.prototype.drop = function() { if (this._coll) { return this._coll.drop(); } }; /** * just for debugging really */ MapReduceResult.prototype.convertToSingleObject = function() { var z = {}; var it = this.results != null ? this.results : this._coll.find(); it.forEach(function(a) { z[a._id] = a.value; }); return z; }; DBCollection.prototype.convertToSingleObject = function(valueField) { var z = {}; this.find().forEach(function(a) { z[a._id] = a[valueField]; }); return z; }; /** * @param optional object of optional fields; */ DBCollection.prototype.mapReduce = function(map, reduce, optionsOrOutString) { var c = {mapreduce: this._shortName, map: map, reduce: reduce}; assert(optionsOrOutString, "need to supply an optionsOrOutString"); if (typeof(optionsOrOutString) == "string") c["out"] = optionsOrOutString; else Object.extend(c, optionsOrOutString); var raw; if (c["out"].hasOwnProperty("inline") && c["out"]["inline"] === 1) { // if inline output is specified, we need to apply readPreference on the command // as it could be run on a secondary raw = this._db.runReadCommand(c); } else { raw = this._db.runCommand(c); } if (!raw.ok) { __mrerror__ = raw; throw _getErrorWithCode(raw, "map reduce failed:" + tojson(raw)); } return new MapReduceResult(this._db, raw); }; DBCollection.prototype.toString = function() { return this.getFullName(); }; DBCollection.prototype.toString = function() { return this.getFullName(); }; DBCollection.prototype.tojson = DBCollection.prototype.toString; DBCollection.prototype.shellPrint = DBCollection.prototype.toString; DBCollection.autocomplete = function(obj) { var colls = DB.autocomplete(obj.getDB()); var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < colls.length; i++) { var c = colls[i]; if (c.length <= obj.getName().length) continue; if (c.slice(0, obj.getName().length + 1) != obj.getName() + '.') continue; ret.push(c.slice(obj.getName().length + 1)); } return ret; }; // Sharding additions /* Usage : mongo > load('path-to-file/shardingAdditions.js') Loading custom sharding extensions... true > var collection = db.getMongo().getCollection("foo.bar") > collection.getShardDistribution() // prints statistics related to the collection's data distribution > collection.getSplitKeysForChunks() // generates split points for all chunks in the collection, based on the // default maxChunkSize or alternately a specified chunk size > collection.getSplitKeysForChunks( 10 ) // Mb > var splitter = collection.getSplitKeysForChunks() // by default, the chunks are not split, the keys are just // found. A splitter function is returned which will actually // do the splits. > splitter() // ! Actually executes the splits on the cluster ! */ DBCollection.prototype.getShardDistribution = function() { var stats = this.stats(); if (!stats.sharded) { print("Collection " + this + " is not sharded."); return; } var config = this.getMongo().getDB("config"); var numChunks = 0; for (var shard in stats.shards) { var shardDoc = config.shards.findOne({_id: shard}); print("\nShard " + shard + " at " + shardDoc.host); var shardStats = stats.shards[shard]; var chunks = config.chunks.find({_id: sh._collRE(this), shard: shard}).toArray(); numChunks += chunks.length; var estChunkData = shardStats.size / chunks.length; var estChunkCount = Math.floor(shardStats.count / chunks.length); print(" data : " + sh._dataFormat(shardStats.size) + " docs : " + shardStats.count + " chunks : " + chunks.length); print(" estimated data per chunk : " + sh._dataFormat(estChunkData)); print(" estimated docs per chunk : " + estChunkCount); } print("\nTotals"); print(" data : " + sh._dataFormat(stats.size) + " docs : " + stats.count + " chunks : " + numChunks); for (var shard in stats.shards) { var shardStats = stats.shards[shard]; var estDataPercent = Math.floor(shardStats.size / stats.size * 10000) / 100; var estDocPercent = Math.floor(shardStats.count / stats.count * 10000) / 100; print(" Shard " + shard + " contains " + estDataPercent + "% data, " + estDocPercent + "% docs in cluster, " + "avg obj size on shard : " + sh._dataFormat(stats.shards[shard].avgObjSize)); } print("\n"); }; DBCollection.prototype.getSplitKeysForChunks = function(chunkSize) { var stats = this.stats(); if (!stats.sharded) { print("Collection " + this + " is not sharded."); return; } var config = this.getMongo().getDB("config"); if (!chunkSize) { chunkSize = config.settings.findOne({_id: "chunksize"}).value; print("Chunk size not set, using default of " + chunkSize + "MB"); } else { print("Using chunk size of " + chunkSize + "MB"); } var shardDocs = config.shards.find().toArray(); var allSplitPoints = {}; var numSplits = 0; for (var i = 0; i < shardDocs.length; i++) { var shardDoc = shardDocs[i]; var shard = shardDoc._id; var host = shardDoc.host; var sconn = new Mongo(host); var chunks = config.chunks.find({_id: sh._collRE(this), shard: shard}).toArray(); print("\nGetting split points for chunks on shard " + shard + " at " + host); var splitPoints = []; for (var j = 0; j < chunks.length; j++) { var chunk = chunks[j]; var result = sconn.getDB("admin").runCommand( {splitVector: this + "", min: chunk.min, max: chunk.max, maxChunkSize: chunkSize}); if (!result.ok) { print(" Had trouble getting split keys for chunk " + sh._pchunk(chunk) + " :\n"); printjson(result); } else { splitPoints = splitPoints.concat(result.splitKeys); if (result.splitKeys.length > 0) print(" Added " + result.splitKeys.length + " split points for chunk " + sh._pchunk(chunk)); } } print("Total splits for shard " + shard + " : " + splitPoints.length); numSplits += splitPoints.length; allSplitPoints[shard] = splitPoints; } // Get most recent migration var migration = config.changelog.find({what: /^move.*/}).sort({time: -1}).limit(1).toArray(); if (migration.length == 0) print("\nNo migrations found in changelog."); else { migration = migration[0]; print("\nMost recent migration activity was on " + migration.ns + " at " + migration.time); } var admin = this.getMongo().getDB("admin"); var coll = this; var splitFunction = function() { // Turn off the balancer, just to be safe print("Turning off balancer..."); config.settings.update({_id: "balancer"}, {$set: {stopped: true}}, true); print( "Sleeping for 30s to allow balancers to detect change. To be extra safe, check config.changelog" + " for recent migrations."); sleep(30000); for (var shard in allSplitPoints) { for (var i = 0; i < allSplitPoints[shard].length; i++) { var splitKey = allSplitPoints[shard][i]; print("Splitting at " + tojson(splitKey)); printjson(admin.runCommand({split: coll + "", middle: splitKey})); } } print("Turning the balancer back on."); config.settings.update({_id: "balancer"}, {$set: {stopped: false}}); sleep(1); }; splitFunction.getSplitPoints = function() { return allSplitPoints; }; print("\nGenerated " + numSplits + " split keys, run output function to perform splits.\n" + " ex : \n" + " > var splitter = .getSplitKeysForChunks()\n" + " > splitter() // Execute splits on cluster !\n"); return splitFunction; }; DBCollection.prototype.setSlaveOk = function(value) { if (value == undefined) value = true; this._slaveOk = value; }; DBCollection.prototype.getSlaveOk = function() { if (this._slaveOk != undefined) return this._slaveOk; return this._db.getSlaveOk(); }; DBCollection.prototype.getQueryOptions = function() { // inherit this method from DB but use apply so // that slaveOk will be set if is overridden on this DBCollection return this._db.getQueryOptions.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Returns a PlanCache for the collection. */ DBCollection.prototype.getPlanCache = function() { return new PlanCache(this); }; // Overrides connection-level settings. // DBCollection.prototype.setWriteConcern = function(wc) { if (wc instanceof WriteConcern) { this._writeConcern = wc; } else { this._writeConcern = new WriteConcern(wc); } }; DBCollection.prototype.getWriteConcern = function() { if (this._writeConcern) return this._writeConcern; if (this._db.getWriteConcern()) return this._db.getWriteConcern(); return null; }; DBCollection.prototype.unsetWriteConcern = function() { delete this._writeConcern; }; // // CRUD specification read methods // /** * Count number of matching documents in the db to a query. * * @method * @param {object} query The query for the count. * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings. * @param {number} [options.limit=null] The limit of documents to count. * @param {number} [options.skip=null] The number of documents to skip for the count. * @param {string|object} [options.hint=null] An index name hint or specification for the query. * @param {number} [options.maxTimeMS=null] The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run. * @param {string} [options.readConcern=null] The level of readConcern passed to the count command * @param {object} [options.collation=null] The collation that should be used for string comparisons * for this count op. * @return {number} */ DBCollection.prototype.count = function(query, options) { query = this.find(query); // Apply options and return the result of the find return QueryHelpers._applyCountOptions(query, options).count(true); }; /** * The distinct command returns returns a list of distinct values for the given key across a *collection. * * @method * @param {string} key Field of the document to find distinct values for. * @param {object} query The query for filtering the set of documents to which we apply the distinct *filter. * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings. * @param {number} [options.maxTimeMS=null] The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run. * @return {object} */ DBCollection.prototype.distinct = function(keyString, query, options) { var opts = Object.extend({}, options || {}); var keyStringType = typeof keyString; var queryType = typeof query; if (keyStringType != "string") { throw new Error("The first argument to the distinct command must be a string but was a " + keyStringType); } if (query != null && queryType != "object") { throw new Error("The query argument to the distinct command must be a document but was a " + queryType); } // Distinct command var cmd = {distinct: this.getName(), key: keyString, query: query || {}}; // Set maxTimeMS if provided if (opts.maxTimeMS) { cmd.maxTimeMS = opts.maxTimeMS; } if (opts.collation) { cmd.collation = opts.collation; } // Execute distinct command var res = this.runReadCommand(cmd); if (!res.ok) { throw new Error("distinct failed: " + tojson(res)); } return res.values; }; DBCollection.prototype._distinct = function(keyString, query) { return this._dbReadCommand({distinct: this._shortName, key: keyString, query: query || {}}); }; DBCollection.prototype.latencyStats = function(options) { options = options || {}; return this.aggregate([{$collStats: {latencyStats: options}}]); }; /** * PlanCache * Holds a reference to the collection. * Proxy for planCache* commands. */ if ((typeof PlanCache) == "undefined") { PlanCache = function(collection) { this._collection = collection; }; } /** * Name of PlanCache. * Same as collection. */ PlanCache.prototype.getName = function() { return this._collection.getName(); }; /** * toString prints the name of the collection */ PlanCache.prototype.toString = function() { return "PlanCache for collection " + this.getName() + '. Type help() for more info.'; }; PlanCache.prototype.shellPrint = PlanCache.prototype.toString; /** * Displays help for a PlanCache object. */ PlanCache.prototype.help = function() { var shortName = this.getName(); print("PlanCache help"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPlanCache().help() - show PlanCache help"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPlanCache().listQueryShapes() - " + "displays all query shapes in a collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPlanCache().clear() - " + "drops all cached queries in a collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPlanCache().clearPlansByQuery(query[, projection, sort, collation]) - " + "drops query shape from plan cache"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPlanCache().getPlansByQuery(query[, projection, sort, collation]) - " + "displays the cached plans for a query shape"); return __magicNoPrint; }; /** * Internal function to parse query shape. */ PlanCache.prototype._parseQueryShape = function(query, projection, sort, collation) { if (query == undefined) { throw new Error("required parameter query missing"); } // Accept query shape object as only argument. // Query shape must contain 'query', 'projection', and 'sort', and may optionally contain // 'collation'. 'collation' must be non-empty if present. if (typeof(query) == 'object' && projection == undefined && sort == undefined && collation == undefined) { var keysSorted = Object.keys(query).sort(); // Expected keys must be sorted for the comparison to work. if (bsonWoCompare(keysSorted, ['projection', 'query', 'sort']) == 0) { return query; } if (bsonWoCompare(keysSorted, ['collation', 'projection', 'query', 'sort']) == 0) { if (Object.keys(query.collation).length === 0) { throw new Error("collation object must not be empty"); } return query; } } // Extract query shape, projection, sort and collation from DBQuery if it is the first // argument. If a sort or projection is provided in addition to DBQuery, do not // overwrite with the DBQuery value. if (query instanceof DBQuery) { if (projection != undefined) { throw new Error("cannot pass DBQuery with projection"); } if (sort != undefined) { throw new Error("cannot pass DBQuery with sort"); } if (collation != undefined) { throw new Error("cannot pass DBQuery with collation"); } var queryObj = query._query["query"] || {}; projection = query._fields || {}; sort = query._query["orderby"] || {}; collation = query._query["collation"] || undefined; // Overwrite DBQuery with the BSON query. query = queryObj; } var shape = { query: query, projection: projection == undefined ? {} : projection, sort: sort == undefined ? {} : sort, }; if (collation !== undefined) { shape.collation = collation; } return shape; }; /** * Internal function to run command. */ PlanCache.prototype._runCommandThrowOnError = function(cmd, params) { var res = this._collection.runCommand(cmd, params); if (!res.ok) { throw new Error(res.errmsg); } return res; }; /** * Lists query shapes in a collection. */ PlanCache.prototype.listQueryShapes = function() { return this._runCommandThrowOnError("planCacheListQueryShapes", {}).shapes; }; /** * Clears plan cache in a collection. */ PlanCache.prototype.clear = function() { this._runCommandThrowOnError("planCacheClear", {}); return; }; /** * List plans for a query shape. */ PlanCache.prototype.getPlansByQuery = function(query, projection, sort, collation) { return this ._runCommandThrowOnError("planCacheListPlans", this._parseQueryShape(query, projection, sort, collation)) .plans; }; /** * Drop query shape from the plan cache. */ PlanCache.prototype.clearPlansByQuery = function(query, projection, sort, collation) { this._runCommandThrowOnError("planCacheClear", this._parseQueryShape(query, projection, sort, collation)); return; };