var CollInfos = class { /** * OO wrapper around the response of db.getCollectionInfos() to avoid calling it multiple times. * This class stores information about all collections but its methods typically apply to a * single collection, so a collName is typically required to be passed in as a parameter. */ constructor(conn, connName, dbName) { // Special listCollections filter to prevent reloading the view catalog. const listCollectionsFilter = { $or: [ {type: 'collection'}, {type: {$exists: false}}, ] }; this.conn = conn; this.connName = connName; this.dbName = dbName; this.collInfosRes = conn.getDB(dbName).getCollectionInfos(listCollectionsFilter); } ns(collName) { return this.dbName + '.' + collName; } /** * Do additional filtering to narrow down collections that have names in collNames. */ filter(desiredCollNames) { this.collInfosRes = this.collInfosRes.filter(info => desiredCollNames.includes(; } /** * Get collInfo for non-capped collections. * * Don't call isCapped(), which calls listCollections. */ getNonCappedCollNames() { const infos = this.collInfosRes.filter(info => !info.options.capped); return =>; } hostAndNS(collName) { return `${}--${this.ns(collName)}`; } print(collectionPrinted, collName) { const ns = this.ns(collName); const alreadyPrinted = collectionPrinted.has(this.hostAndNS(collName)); // Extract basic collection info. const coll = this.conn.getDB(this.dbName).getCollection(collName); let collInfo = null; const collInfoRaw = this.collInfosRes.find(elem => === collName); if (collInfoRaw) { collInfo = { ns: ns, host:, UUID:, count: coll.find().itcount() }; } const infoPrefix = `${this.connName}(${}) info for ${ns} : `; if (collInfo !== null) { if (alreadyPrinted) { print(`${this.connName} info for ${ns} already printed. Search for ` + `'${infoPrefix}'`); } else { print(infoPrefix + tojsononeline(collInfo)); } } else { print(infoPrefix + 'collection does not exist'); } const collStats = this.conn.getDB(this.dbName).runCommand({collStats: collName}); const statsPrefix = `${this.connName}(${}) collStats for ${ns}: `; if (collStats.ok === 1) { if (alreadyPrinted) { print(`${this.connName} collStats for ${ns} already printed. Search for ` + `'${statsPrefix}'`); } else { print(statsPrefix + tojsononeline(collStats)); } } else { print(`${statsPrefix} error: ${tojsononeline(collStats)}`); } collectionPrinted.add(this.hostAndNS(collName)); // Return true if collInfo & collStats can be retrieved for conn. return collInfo !== null && collStats.ok === 1; } }; var DataConsistencyChecker = class { static dumpCollectionDiff( rst, collectionPrinted, primaryCollInfos, secondaryCollInfos, collName) { print('Dumping collection: ' + primaryCollInfos.ns(collName)); const primaryExists = primaryCollInfos.print(collectionPrinted, collName); const secondaryExists = secondaryCollInfos.print(collectionPrinted, collName); if (!primaryExists || !secondaryExists) { print(`Skipping checking collection differences for ${ primaryCollInfos.ns(collName)} since it does not exist on primary and secondary`); return; } const primary = primaryCollInfos.conn; const secondary = secondaryCollInfos.conn; const primarySession = primary.getDB('test').getSession(); const secondarySession = secondary.getDB('test').getSession(); const diff = rst.getCollectionDiffUsingSessions( primarySession, secondarySession, primaryCollInfos.dbName, collName); for (let { primary: primaryDoc, secondary: secondaryDoc, } of diff.docsWithDifferentContents) { print(`Mismatching documents between the primary ${}` + ` and the secondary ${}:`); print(' primary: ' + tojsononeline(primaryDoc)); print(' secondary: ' + tojsononeline(secondaryDoc)); } if (diff.docsMissingOnPrimary.length > 0) { print(`The following documents are missing on the primary ${}:`); print( => tojsononeline(doc)).join('\n')); } if (diff.docsMissingOnSecondary.length > 0) { print(`The following documents are missing on the secondary ${}:`); print( => tojsononeline(doc)).join('\n')); } } };