var CollInfos = class { /** * OO wrapper around the response of db.getCollectionInfos() to avoid calling it multiple times. * This class stores information about all collections but its methods typically apply to a * single collection, so a collName is typically required to be passed in as a parameter. */ constructor(conn, connName, dbName) { // Special listCollections filter to prevent reloading the view catalog. const listCollectionsFilter = { $or: [ {type: 'collection'}, {type: {$exists: false}}, ] }; this.conn = conn; this.connName = connName; this.dbName = dbName; this.collInfosRes = conn.getDB(dbName).getCollectionInfos(listCollectionsFilter); const result = assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({serverStatus: 1})); this.binVersion = MongoRunner.getBinVersionFor(result.version); } ns(collName) { return this.dbName + '.' + collName; } /** * Do additional filtering to narrow down collections that have names in collNames. */ filter(desiredCollNames) { this.collInfosRes = this.collInfosRes.filter(info => desiredCollNames.includes(; } /** * Get names for the clustered collections. */ getClusteredCollNames() { const infos = this.collInfosRes.filter(info => info.options.clusteredIndex); return =>; } hostAndNS(collName) { return `${}--${this.ns(collName)}`; } print(collectionPrinted, collName) { const ns = this.ns(collName); const alreadyPrinted = collectionPrinted.has(this.hostAndNS(collName)); // Extract basic collection info. const coll = this.conn.getDB(this.dbName).getCollection(collName); let collInfo = null; const collInfoRaw = this.collInfosRes.find(elem => === collName); if (collInfoRaw) { collInfo = { ns: ns, host:, UUID:, count: coll.find().itcount(), raw: collInfoRaw, }; } const infoPrefix = `${this.connName}(${}) info for ${ns} : `; if (collInfo !== null) { if (alreadyPrinted) { print(`${this.connName} info for ${ns} already printed. Search for ` + `'${infoPrefix}'`); } else { print(infoPrefix + tojsononeline(collInfo)); } } else { print(infoPrefix + 'collection does not exist'); } const collStats = this.conn.getDB(this.dbName).runCommand({collStats: collName}); const statsPrefix = `${this.connName}(${}) collStats for ${ns}: `; if (collStats.ok === 1) { if (alreadyPrinted) { print(`${this.connName} collStats for ${ns} already printed. Search for ` + `'${statsPrefix}'`); } else { print(statsPrefix + tojsononeline(collStats)); } } else { print(`${statsPrefix} error: ${tojsononeline(collStats)}`); } collectionPrinted.add(this.hostAndNS(collName)); // Return true if collInfo & collStats can be retrieved for conn. return collInfo !== null && collStats.ok === 1; } }; var {DataConsistencyChecker} = (function() { "use strict"; class PeekableCursor { constructor(cursor) { this.cursor = cursor; this.stashedDoc = undefined; } hasNext() { return this.stashedDoc !== undefined || this.cursor.hasNext(); } peekNext() { if (this.stashedDoc === undefined) { this.stashedDoc =; } return this.stashedDoc; } next() { const result = (this.stashedDoc === undefined) ? : this.stashedDoc; this.stashedDoc = undefined; return result; } } class DataConsistencyChecker { static getDiff(cursor1, cursor2) { const docsWithDifferentContents = []; const docsMissingOnFirst = []; const docsMissingOnSecond = []; cursor1 = new PeekableCursor(cursor1); cursor2 = new PeekableCursor(cursor2); while (cursor1.hasNext() && cursor2.hasNext()) { const doc1 = cursor1.peekNext(); const doc2 = cursor2.peekNext(); if (bsonBinaryEqual(doc1, doc2)) { // The same document was found from both cursor1 and cursor2 so we just move // on to the next document for both cursors.;; continue; } const ordering = bsonWoCompare({_: doc1._id}, {_: doc2._id}); if (ordering === 0) { // The documents have the same _id but have different contents. docsWithDifferentContents.push({first: doc1, second: doc2});;; } else if (ordering < 0) { // The cursor1's next document has a smaller _id than the cursor2's next // document. Since we are iterating the documents in ascending order by their // _id, we'll never see a document with 'doc1._id' from cursor2. docsMissingOnSecond.push(doc1);; } else if (ordering > 0) { // The cursor1's next document has a larger _id than the cursor2's next // document. Since we are iterating the documents in ascending order by their // _id, we'll never see a document with 'doc2._id' from cursor1. docsMissingOnFirst.push(doc2);; } } while (cursor1.hasNext()) { // We've exhausted cursor2 already, so everything remaining from cursor1 must be // missing from cursor2. docsMissingOnSecond.push(; } while (cursor2.hasNext()) { // We've exhausted cursor1 already, so everything remaining from cursor2 must be // missing from cursor1. docsMissingOnFirst.push(; } return {docsWithDifferentContents, docsMissingOnFirst, docsMissingOnSecond}; } static getCollectionDiffUsingSessions( sourceSession, syncingSession, dbName, collNameOrUUID, readAtClusterTime) { const sourceDB = sourceSession.getDatabase(dbName); const syncingDB = syncingSession.getDatabase(dbName); const commandObj = {find: collNameOrUUID, sort: {_id: 1}}; if (readAtClusterTime !== undefined) { commandObj.readConcern = {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: readAtClusterTime}; } const sourceCursor = new DBCommandCursor(sourceDB, sourceDB.runCommand(commandObj)); const syncingCursor = new DBCommandCursor(syncingDB, syncingDB.runCommand(commandObj)); const diff = this.getDiff(sourceCursor, syncingCursor); return { docsWithDifferentContents: ({first, second}) => ({sourceNode: first, syncingNode: second})), docsMissingOnSource: diff.docsMissingOnFirst, docsMissingOnSyncing: diff.docsMissingOnSecond }; } static canIgnoreCollectionDiff(sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos, collName) { if (collName !== "image_collection") { return false; } const sourceNode = sourceCollInfos.conn; const syncingNode = syncingCollInfos.conn; const sourceSession = sourceNode.getDB('test').getSession(); const syncingSession = syncingNode.getDB('test').getSession(); const diff = this.getCollectionDiffUsingSessions( sourceSession, syncingSession, sourceCollInfos.dbName, collName); for (let doc of diff.docsWithDifferentContents) { const sourceDoc = doc["sourceNode"]; const syncingDoc = doc["syncingNode"]; if (!sourceDoc || !syncingDoc) { return false; } const hasInvalidated = sourceDoc.hasOwnProperty("invalidated") && syncingDoc.hasOwnProperty("invalidated"); if (!hasInvalidated || sourceDoc["invalidated"] === syncingDoc["invalidated"]) { // We only ever expect cases where the 'invalidated' fields are mismatched. return false; } } print(`Ignoring inconsistencies for 'image_collection' because this can be expected` + ` when images are invalidated`); return true; } static dumpCollectionDiff(collectionPrinted, sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos, collName) { print('Dumping collection: ' + sourceCollInfos.ns(collName)); const sourceExists = sourceCollInfos.print(collectionPrinted, collName); const syncingExists = syncingCollInfos.print(collectionPrinted, collName); if (!sourceExists || !syncingExists) { print(`Skipping checking collection differences for ${ sourceCollInfos.ns(collName)} since it does not exist on both nodes`); return; } const sourceNode = sourceCollInfos.conn; const syncingNode = syncingCollInfos.conn; const sourceSession = sourceNode.getDB('test').getSession(); const syncingSession = syncingNode.getDB('test').getSession(); const diff = this.getCollectionDiffUsingSessions( sourceSession, syncingSession, sourceCollInfos.dbName, collName); for (let { sourceNode: sourceDoc, syncingNode: syncingDoc, } of diff.docsWithDifferentContents) { print(`Mismatching documents between the source node ${}` + ` and the syncing node ${}:`); print(' sourceNode: ' + tojsononeline(sourceDoc)); print(' syncingNode: ' + tojsononeline(syncingDoc)); } if (diff.docsMissingOnSource.length > 0) { print(`The following documents are missing on the source node ${}:`); print( => tojsononeline(doc)).join('\n')); } if (diff.docsMissingOnSyncing.length > 0) { print( `The following documents are missing on the syncing node ${}:`); print( => tojsononeline(doc)).join('\n')); } } static checkDBHash(sourceDBHash, sourceCollInfos, syncingDBHash, syncingCollInfos, msgPrefix, ignoreUUIDs, syncingHasIndexes, collectionPrinted) { let success = true; const sourceDBName = sourceCollInfos.dbName; const syncingDBName = syncingCollInfos.dbName; assert.eq( sourceDBName, syncingDBName, `dbName was not the same: source: ${sourceDBName}, syncing: ${syncingDBName}`); const dbName = syncingDBName; const sourceCollections = Object.keys(sourceDBHash.collections); const syncingCollections = Object.keys(syncingDBHash.collections); const dbHashesMsg = `source: ${tojson(sourceDBHash)}, syncing: ${tojson(syncingDBHash)}`; const prettyPrint = (outputMsg => { print(`${msgPrefix}, ${outputMsg}`); }); const arraySymmetricDifference = ((a, b) => { const inAOnly = a.filter(function(elem) { return b.indexOf(elem) < 0; }); const inBOnly = b.filter(function(elem) { return a.indexOf(elem) < 0; }); return inAOnly.concat(inBOnly); }); if (sourceCollections.length !== syncingCollections.length) { prettyPrint(`the two nodes have a different number of collections: ${dbHashesMsg}`); for (const diffColl of arraySymmetricDifference(sourceCollections, syncingCollections)) { this.dumpCollectionDiff( collectionPrinted, sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos, diffColl); } success = false; } let didIgnoreFailure = false; sourceCollInfos.collInfosRes.forEach(coll => { if (sourceDBHash.collections[] !== syncingDBHash.collections[]) { prettyPrint(`the two nodes have a different hash for the collection ${dbName}.${}: ${dbHashesMsg}`); // Although rare, the 'config.image_collection' table can be inconsistent after // an initial sync or after a restart (see SERVER-60048). Dump the collection // diff anyways for more visibility as a sanity check. this.dumpCollectionDiff( collectionPrinted, sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos,; const shouldIgnoreFailure = this.canIgnoreCollectionDiff(sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos,; if (shouldIgnoreFailure) { prettyPrint( `Collection diff in ${dbName}.${} can be ignored: ${dbHashesMsg} . Inconsistencies in the image collection can be expected in certain restart scenarios.`); } success = shouldIgnoreFailure && success; didIgnoreFailure = shouldIgnoreFailure || didIgnoreFailure; } }); syncingCollInfos.collInfosRes.forEach(syncingInfo => { sourceCollInfos.collInfosRes.forEach(sourceInfo => { if ( === && syncingInfo.type === sourceInfo.type) { if (ignoreUUIDs) { prettyPrint(`skipping UUID check for ${[]}`); = null; = null; } // Ignore the 'flags' collection option as it was removed in 4.2 sourceInfo.options.flags = null; syncingInfo.options.flags = null; // Ignore the 'ns' field in the 'idIndex' field as 'ns' was removed // from index specs in 4.4. if (sourceInfo.idIndex) { delete sourceInfo.idIndex.ns; } if (syncingInfo.idIndex) { delete syncingInfo.idIndex.ns; } if (!bsonBinaryEqual(syncingInfo, sourceInfo)) { prettyPrint( `the two nodes have different attributes for the collection or view ${ dbName}.${}`); this.dumpCollectionDiff(collectionPrinted, sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos,; success = false; } } }); }); // Treats each array as a set and returns true if the contents match. Assumes // the contents of each array are unique. const compareSets = function(leftArr, rightArr) { if (leftArr === undefined) { return rightArr === undefined; } if (rightArr === undefined) { return false; } const map = {}; leftArr.forEach(key => { map[key] = 1; }); rightArr.forEach(key => { if (map[key] === undefined) { map[key] = -1; } else { delete map[key]; } }); // The map is empty when both sets match. for (let key in map) { if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } } return true; }; // Returns true if we should skip comparing the index count between the source and the // syncing node for a clustered collection. 6.1 added clustered indexes into collStat // output. There will be a difference in the nindex count between versions before and // after 6.1. So, skip comparing across 6.1 for clustered collections. const skipIndexCountCheck = function(sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos, collName) { const sourceVersion = sourceCollInfos.binVersion; const syncingVersion = syncingCollInfos.binVersion; // If both versions are before 6.1 or both are 6.1 onwards, we are good. if ((MongoRunner.compareBinVersions(sourceVersion, "6.1") === -1 && MongoRunner.compareBinVersions(syncingVersion, "6.1") === -1) || (MongoRunner.compareBinVersions(sourceVersion, "6.1") >= 0 && MongoRunner.compareBinVersions(syncingVersion, "6.1") >= 0)) { return false; } // Skip if this is a clustered collection if (sourceCollInfos.getClusteredCollNames().includes(collName)) { return true; } return false; }; const sourceNode = sourceCollInfos.conn; const syncingNode = syncingCollInfos.conn; // Check that the following collection stats are the same between the source and syncing // nodes: // capped // nindexes, except on nodes with buildIndexes: false // ns sourceCollections.forEach(collName => { const sourceCollStats = sourceNode.getDB(dbName).runCommand({collStats: collName}); const syncingCollStats = syncingNode.getDB(dbName).runCommand({collStats: collName}); if (sourceCollStats.ok !== 1 || syncingCollStats.ok !== 1) { sourceCollInfos.print(collectionPrinted, collName); syncingCollInfos.print(collectionPrinted, collName); success = false; return; } // Provide hint on where to look within stats. let reasons = []; if (sourceCollStats.capped !== syncingCollStats.capped) { reasons.push('capped'); } if (sourceCollStats.ns !== syncingCollStats.ns) { reasons.push('ns'); } if (skipIndexCountCheck(sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos, collName)) { prettyPrint(`Skipping comparison of collStats.nindex for clustered collection ${ dbName}.${collName}. Versions ${sourceCollInfos.binVersion} and ${ syncingCollInfos.binVersion} are expected to differ in the nindex count.`); } else if (syncingHasIndexes && sourceCollStats.nindexes !== syncingCollStats.nindexes) { reasons.push('indexes'); } const indexBuildsMatch = compareSets(sourceCollStats.indexBuilds, syncingCollStats.indexBuilds); if (syncingHasIndexes && !indexBuildsMatch) { reasons.push('indexBuilds'); } if (reasons.length === 0) { return; } prettyPrint(`the two nodes have different states for the collection ${dbName}.${ collName}: ${reasons.join(', ')}`); this.dumpCollectionDiff( collectionPrinted, sourceCollInfos, syncingCollInfos, collName); success = false; }); // The hashes for the whole database should match. if (sourceDBHash.md5 !== syncingDBHash.md5) { prettyPrint(`the two nodes have a different hash for the ${dbName} database: ${ dbHashesMsg}`); if (didIgnoreFailure) { // We only expect database hash mismatches on the config db, where // config.image_collection is expected to have inconsistencies in certain // scenarios. prettyPrint(`Ignoring hash mismatch for the ${dbName} database since inconsistencies in 'config.image_collection' can be expected`); return success; } success = false; } return success; } } return {DataConsistencyChecker}; })();