// // A view of a collection against which operations are explained rather than executed // normally. // var Explainable = (function() { var parseVerbosity = function(verbosity) { // Truthy non-strings are interpreted as "allPlansExecution" verbosity. if (verbosity && (typeof verbosity !== "string")) { return "allPlansExecution"; } // Falsy non-strings are interpreted as "queryPlanner" verbosity. if (!verbosity && (typeof verbosity !== "string")) { return "queryPlanner"; } // All verbosity strings are passed through. Server validates if it is a known option. return verbosity; }; var throwOrReturn = function(explainResult) { if (("ok" in explainResult && !explainResult.ok) || explainResult.$err) { throw _getErrorWithCode(explainResult, "explain failed: " + tojson(explainResult)); } return explainResult; }; var buildExplainCmd = function(innerCmd, verbosity) { var explainCmd = {"explain": innerCmd, "verbosity": verbosity}; // If "maxTimeMS" is set on innerCmd, it needs to be propagated to the top-level // of explainCmd so that it has the intended effect. if (innerCmd.hasOwnProperty("maxTimeMS")) { explainCmd.maxTimeMS = innerCmd.maxTimeMS; } return explainCmd; }; function constructor(collection, verbosity) { // // Private vars. // this._collection = collection; this._verbosity = parseVerbosity(verbosity); // // Public methods. // this.getCollection = function() { return this._collection; }; this.getVerbosity = function() { return this._verbosity; }; this.setVerbosity = function(verbosity) { this._verbosity = parseVerbosity(verbosity); return this; }; this.help = function() { print("Explainable operations"); print("\t.aggregate(...) - explain an aggregation operation"); print("\t.count(...) - explain a count operation"); print("\t.distinct(...) - explain a distinct operation"); print("\t.find(...) - get an explainable query"); print("\t.findAndModify(...) - explain a findAndModify operation"); print("\t.mapReduce(...) - explain a mapReduce operation"); print("\t.remove(...) - explain a remove operation"); print("\t.update(...) - explain an update operation"); print("Explainable collection methods"); print("\t.getCollection()"); print("\t.getVerbosity()"); print("\t.setVerbosity(verbosity)"); return __magicNoPrint; }; // // Pretty representations. // this.toString = function() { return "Explainable(" + this._collection.getFullName() + ")"; }; this.shellPrint = function() { return this.toString(); }; // // Explainable operations. // this.aggregate = function(pipeline, extraOpts) { if (!(pipeline instanceof Array)) { // Support legacy varargs form. (Also handles db.foo.aggregate()) pipeline = Array.from(arguments); extraOpts = {}; } // Add the explain option. let extraOptsCopy = Object.extend({}, (extraOpts || {})); // For compatibility with 3.4 and older versions, when the verbosity is "queryPlanner", // we use the explain option to the aggregate command. Otherwise we issue an explain // command wrapping the agg command, which is supported by newer versions of the server. if (this._verbosity === "queryPlanner") { extraOptsCopy.explain = true; return this._collection.aggregate(pipeline, extraOptsCopy); } else { // The aggregate command requires a cursor field. if (!extraOptsCopy.hasOwnProperty("cursor")) { extraOptsCopy = Object.extend(extraOptsCopy, {cursor: {}}); } let aggCmd = Object.extend( {"aggregate": this._collection.getName(), "pipeline": pipeline}, extraOptsCopy); let explainCmd = buildExplainCmd(aggCmd, this._verbosity); let explainResult = this._collection.runReadCommand(explainCmd); return throwOrReturn(explainResult); } }; this.count = function(query, options) { query = this.find(query); return QueryHelpers._applyCountOptions(query, options).count(); }; /** * .explain().find() and .find().explain() mean the same thing. In both cases, we use * the DBExplainQuery abstraction in order to construct the proper explain command to send * to the server. */ this.find = function() { var cursor = this._collection.find.apply(this._collection, arguments); return new DBExplainQuery(cursor, this._verbosity); }; this.findAndModify = function(params) { var famCmd = Object.extend({"findAndModify": this._collection.getName()}, params); var explainCmd = buildExplainCmd(famCmd, this._verbosity); var explainResult = this._collection.runReadCommand(explainCmd); return throwOrReturn(explainResult); }; this.distinct = function(keyString, query, options) { var distinctCmd = { distinct: this._collection.getName(), key: keyString, query: query || {} }; if (options && options.hasOwnProperty("collation")) { distinctCmd.collation = options.collation; } if (options && options.hasOwnProperty("maxTimeMS")) { distinctCmd.maxTimeMS = options.maxTimeMS; } var explainCmd = buildExplainCmd(distinctCmd, this._verbosity); var explainResult = this._collection.runReadCommand(explainCmd); return throwOrReturn(explainResult); }; this.remove = function() { var parsed = this._collection._parseRemove.apply(this._collection, arguments); var query = parsed.query; var justOne = parsed.justOne; var collation = parsed.collation; var bulk = this._collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); var removeOp = bulk.find(query); if (collation) { removeOp.collation(collation); } if (justOne) { removeOp.removeOne(); } else { removeOp.remove(); } var explainCmd = bulk.convertToExplainCmd(this._verbosity); var explainResult = this._collection.runCommand(explainCmd); return throwOrReturn(explainResult); }; this.update = function() { var parsed = this._collection._parseUpdate.apply(this._collection, arguments); var query = parsed.query; var updateSpec = parsed.updateSpec; var upsert = parsed.upsert; var multi = parsed.multi; var collation = parsed.collation; var arrayFilters = parsed.arrayFilters; var hint = parsed.hint; var bulk = this._collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); var updateOp = bulk.find(query); if (hint) { updateOp.hint(hint); } if (upsert) { updateOp = updateOp.upsert(); } if (collation) { updateOp.collation(collation); } if (arrayFilters) { updateOp.arrayFilters(arrayFilters); } if (multi) { updateOp.update(updateSpec); } else { updateOp.updateOne(updateSpec); } var explainCmd = bulk.convertToExplainCmd(this._verbosity); var explainResult = this._collection.runCommand(explainCmd); return throwOrReturn(explainResult); }; this.mapReduce = function(map, reduce, optionsObjOrOutString) { assert(optionsObjOrOutString, "Must supply the 'optionsObjOrOutString ' argument"); const mapReduceCmd = {mapreduce: this._collection.getName(), map: map, reduce: reduce}; if (typeof (optionsObjOrOutString) == "string") mapReduceCmd["out"] = optionsObjOrOutString; else Object.extend(mapReduceCmd, optionsObjOrOutString); const explainCmd = buildExplainCmd(mapReduceCmd, this._verbosity); const explainResult = this._collection.runCommand(explainCmd); return throwOrReturn(explainResult); }; } // // Public static methods. // constructor.parseVerbosity = parseVerbosity; constructor.throwOrReturn = throwOrReturn; return constructor; })(); /** * This is the user-facing method for creating an Explainable from a collection. */ DBCollection.prototype.explain = function(verbosity) { return new Explainable(this, verbosity); };