// Class that allows the mongo shell to talk to the mongodb KeyVault. // Loaded only into the enterprise module. Mongo.prototype.getKeyVault = function() { return new KeyVault(this); }; class KeyVault { _runCommand(client, func, args) { let numRetries = 3; do { try { const result = func.apply(client, args); return result; } catch (e) { numRetries--; if (!isNetworkError(e) || numRetries == 0) { jsTest.log("KeyVault: We have exceeded the number of retries. Throwing."); throw e; } const res = this.mongo.getDB('admin')._helloOrLegacyHello(); if (!res) { jsTest.log("KeyVault: We do not have a connection to the database. Throwing."); throw e; } this.keyColl = this.mongo.getDataKeyCollection(); } } while (true); } constructor(mongo) { this.mongo = mongo; var collection = this._runCommand(this.mongo, this.mongo.getDataKeyCollection, {}); this.keyColl = collection; this._runCommand(this.keyColl, this.keyColl.createIndex, [ {keyAltNames: 1}, {unique: true, partialFilterExpression: {keyAltNames: {$exists: true}}} ]); } createKey(kmsProvider, param2 = undefined, param3 = undefined) { if (Array.isArray(param2) && param3 === undefined) { if (kmsProvider !== "local") { return "ValueError: customerMasterKey must be defined if kmsProvider is not local."; } return this._createKey(kmsProvider, '', param2); } return this._createKey(kmsProvider, param2, param3); } _createKey(kmsProvider, customerMasterKey, keyAltNames) { if (typeof kmsProvider !== "string") { return "TypeError: kmsProvider must be of String type."; } if (typeof customerMasterKey !== "string" && typeof customerMasterKey !== "object") { return "TypeError: customer master key must be of String type."; } var masterKeyAndMaterial = this._runCommand( this.mongo, this.mongo.generateDataKey, [kmsProvider, customerMasterKey]); var masterKey = masterKeyAndMaterial.masterKey; var current = ISODate(); var uuid = UUID(); var doc = { "_id": uuid, "keyMaterial": masterKeyAndMaterial.keyMaterial, "creationDate": current, "updateDate": current, "status": NumberInt(0), "version": NumberLong(0), "masterKey": masterKey, }; if (keyAltNames) { if (!Array.isArray(keyAltNames)) { return "TypeError: key alternate names must be of Array type."; } let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < keyAltNames.length; i++) { if (typeof keyAltNames[i] !== "string") { return "TypeError: items in key alternate names must be of String type."; } } doc.keyAltNames = keyAltNames; } this._runCommand(this.keyColl, this.keyColl.insert, [doc, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}]); return uuid; } getKey(keyId) { return this._runCommand(this.keyColl, this.keyColl.find, [{"_id": keyId}]); } getKeyByAltName(keyAltName) { return this._runCommand(this.keyColl, this.keyColl.find, [{"keyAltNames": keyAltName}]); } deleteKey(keyId) { return this._runCommand(this.keyColl, this.keyColl.deleteOne, [{"_id": keyId}]); } getKeys() { return this._runCommand(this.keyColl, this.keyColl.find, []); } addKeyAlternateName(keyId, keyAltName) { // keyAltName is not allowed to be an array or an object. In javascript, // typeof array is object. if (typeof keyAltName === "object") { return "TypeError: key alternate name cannot be object or array type."; } return this._runCommand( this.keyColl, this.keyColl.findAndModify, [{ query: {"_id": keyId}, update: {$push: {"keyAltNames": keyAltName}, $currentDate: {"updateDate": true}}, }]); } removeKeyAlternateName(keyId, keyAltName) { if (typeof keyAltName === "object") { return "TypeError: key alternate name cannot be object or array type."; } const ret = this._runCommand( this.keyColl, this.keyColl.findAndModify, [{ query: {"_id": keyId}, update: {$pull: {"keyAltNames": keyAltName}, $currentDate: {"updateDate": true}} }]); if (ret != null && ret.keyAltNames.length === 1 && ret.keyAltNames[0] === keyAltName) { // Remove the empty array to prevent duplicate key violations return this._runCommand( this.keyColl, this.keyColl.findAndModify, [{ query: {"_id": keyId, "keyAltNames": undefined}, update: {$unset: {"keyAltNames": ""}, $currentDate: {"updateDate": true}} }]); } return ret; } } class ClientEncryption { constructor(mongo) { this.mongo = mongo; } encrypt() { return this.mongo.encrypt.apply(this.mongo, arguments); } decrypt() { return this.mongo.decrypt.apply(this.mongo, arguments); } } Mongo.prototype.getClientEncryption = function() { return new ClientEncryption(this); };