// mongo.js // Defined in mongojs.cpp if (!Mongo.prototype) { throw Error("Mongo.prototype not defined"); } if (!Mongo.prototype.find) Mongo.prototype.find = function(ns, query, fields, limit, skip, batchSize, options) { throw Error("find not implemented"); }; if (!Mongo.prototype.insert) Mongo.prototype.insert = function(ns, obj) { throw Error("insert not implemented"); }; if (!Mongo.prototype.remove) Mongo.prototype.remove = function(ns, pattern) { throw Error("remove not implemented"); }; if (!Mongo.prototype.update) Mongo.prototype.update = function(ns, query, obj, upsert) { throw Error("update not implemented"); }; if (typeof mongoInject == "function") { mongoInject(Mongo.prototype); } Mongo.prototype.setSlaveOk = function(value) { print( "WARNING: setSlaveOk() is deprecated and may be removed in the next major release. Please use setSecondaryOk() instead."); this.setSecondaryOk(value); }; Mongo.prototype.getSlaveOk = function() { print( "WARNING: getSlaveOk() is deprecated and may be removed in the next major release. Please use getSecondaryOk() instead."); return this.getSecondaryOk(); }; Mongo.prototype.setSecondaryOk = function(value) { if (value == undefined) value = true; this.secondaryOk = value; }; Mongo.prototype.getSecondaryOk = function() { return this.secondaryOk || false; }; Mongo.prototype.getDB = function(name) { if ((jsTest.options().keyFile) && ((typeof this.authenticated == 'undefined') || !this.authenticated)) { jsTest.authenticate(this); } // There is a weird issue where typeof(db._name) !== "string" when the db name // is created from objects returned from native C++ methods. // This hack ensures that the db._name is always a string. if (typeof (name) === "object") { name = name.toString(); } return new DB(this, name); }; Mongo.prototype._getDatabaseNamesFromPrivileges = function() { 'use strict'; const ret = this.adminCommand({connectionStatus: 1, showPrivileges: 1}); if (!ret.ok) { throw _getErrorWithCode(ret, "Failed to acquire database information from privileges"); } const privileges = (ret.authInfo || {}).authenticatedUserPrivileges; if (privileges === undefined) { return []; } return privileges .filter(function(priv) { // Find all named databases in priv list. return ((priv.resource || {}).db || '').length > 0; }) .map(function(priv) { // Return just the names. return priv.resource.db; }) .filter(function(db, idx, arr) { // Make sure the list is unique return arr.indexOf(db) === idx; }) .sort(); }; Mongo.prototype.getDBs = function(driverSession = this._getDefaultSession(), filter = undefined, nameOnly = undefined, authorizedDatabases = undefined) { return function(driverSession, filter, nameOnly, authorizedDatabases) { 'use strict'; let cmdObj = {listDatabases: 1}; if (filter !== undefined) { cmdObj.filter = filter; } if (nameOnly !== undefined) { cmdObj.nameOnly = nameOnly; } if (authorizedDatabases !== undefined) { cmdObj.authorizedDatabases = authorizedDatabases; } if (driverSession._isExplicit || !jsTest.options().disableImplicitSessions) { cmdObj = driverSession._serverSession.injectSessionId(cmdObj); } const res = this.adminCommand(cmdObj); if (!res.ok) { // If "Unauthorized" was returned by the back end and we haven't explicitly // asked for anything difficult to provide from userspace, then we can // fallback on inspecting the user's permissions. // This means that: // * filter must be undefined, as reimplementing that logic is out of scope. // * nameOnly must not be false as we can't infer size information. // * authorizedDatabases must not be false as those are the only DBs we can infer. // Note that if the above are valid and we get Unauthorized, that also means // that we MUST be talking to a pre-4.0 mongod. // // Like the server response mode, this path will return a simple list of // names if nameOnly is specified as true. // If nameOnly is undefined, we come as close as we can to what the // server would return by supplying the databases key of the returned // object. Other information is unavailable. if ((res.code === ErrorCodes.Unauthorized) && (filter === undefined) && (nameOnly !== false) && (authorizedDatabases !== false)) { const names = this._getDatabaseNamesFromPrivileges(); if (nameOnly === true) { return names; } else { return { databases: names.map(function(x) { return {name: x}; }), }; } } throw _getErrorWithCode(res, "listDatabases failed:" + tojson(res)); } if (nameOnly) { return res.databases.map(function(db) { return db.name; }); } return res; }.call(this, driverSession, filter, nameOnly, authorizedDatabases); }; Mongo.prototype.adminCommand = function(cmd) { return this.getDB("admin").runCommand(cmd); }; /** * Returns all log components and current verbosity values */ Mongo.prototype.getLogComponents = function(driverSession = this._getDefaultSession()) { var cmdObj = {getParameter: 1, logComponentVerbosity: 1}; if (driverSession._isExplicit || !jsTest.options().disableImplicitSessions) { cmdObj = driverSession._serverSession.injectSessionId(cmdObj); } var res = this.adminCommand(cmdObj); if (!res.ok) throw _getErrorWithCode(res, "getLogComponents failed:" + tojson(res)); return res.logComponentVerbosity; }; /** * Accepts optional second argument "component", * string of form "storage.journaling" */ Mongo.prototype.setLogLevel = function( logLevel, component, driverSession = this._getDefaultSession()) { componentNames = []; if (typeof component === "string") { componentNames = component.split("."); } else if (component !== undefined) { throw Error("setLogLevel component must be a string:" + tojson(component)); } var vDoc = {verbosity: logLevel}; // nest vDoc for (var key, obj; componentNames.length > 0;) { obj = {}; key = componentNames.pop(); obj[key] = vDoc; vDoc = obj; } var cmdObj = {setParameter: 1, logComponentVerbosity: vDoc}; if (driverSession._isExplicit || !jsTest.options().disableImplicitSessions) { cmdObj = driverSession._serverSession.injectSessionId(cmdObj); } var res = this.adminCommand(cmdObj); if (!res.ok) throw _getErrorWithCode(res, "setLogLevel failed:" + tojson(res)); return res; }; Mongo.prototype.getDBNames = function() { return this.getDBs().databases.map(function(z) { return z.name; }); }; Mongo.prototype.getCollection = function(ns) { var idx = ns.indexOf("."); if (idx < 0) throw Error("need . in ns"); var db = ns.substring(0, idx); var c = ns.substring(idx + 1); return this.getDB(db).getCollection(c); }; Mongo.prototype.toString = function() { return "connection to " + this.host; }; Mongo.prototype.tojson = Mongo.prototype.toString; /** * Sets the read preference. * * @param mode {string} read preference mode to use. Pass null to disable read * preference. * @param tagSet {Array.} optional. The list of tags to use, order matters. * @param hedgeOptions {} optional. The hedge options of the form {enabled: }. */ Mongo.prototype.setReadPref = function(mode, tagSet, hedgeOptions) { if (this._readPrefMode === "primary") { if ((typeof (tagSet) !== "undefined") && (Object.keys(tagSet).length > 0)) { // we allow empty arrays/objects or no tagSet for compatibility reasons throw Error("Cannot supply tagSet with readPref mode \"primary\""); } if ((typeof (hedgeOptions) === "object") && hedgeOptions.enabled) { throw Error("Cannot enable hedging with readPref mode \"primary\""); } } this._setReadPrefUnsafe(mode, tagSet, hedgeOptions); }; // Set readPref without validating. Exposed so we can test the server's readPref validation. Mongo.prototype._setReadPrefUnsafe = function(mode, tagSet, hedgeOptions) { this._readPrefMode = mode; this._readPrefTagSet = tagSet; this._readPrefHedgeOptions = hedgeOptions; }; Mongo.prototype.getReadPrefMode = function() { return this._readPrefMode; }; Mongo.prototype.getReadPrefTagSet = function() { return this._readPrefTagSet; }; Mongo.prototype.getReadPrefHedgeOptions = function() { return this._readPrefHedgeOptions; }; // Returns a readPreference object of the type expected by mongos. Mongo.prototype.getReadPref = function() { let obj = {}; const mode = this.getReadPrefMode(); if (typeof (mode) === "string") { obj.mode = mode; } else { return null; } // Server Selection Spec: - if readPref mode is "primary" then the tags field MUST // be absent. Ensured by setReadPref. const tagSet = this.getReadPrefTagSet(); if (Array.isArray(tagSet)) { obj.tags = tagSet; } // Hedged Reads Spec: - if readPref mode is "primary" then the hegde.enabled MUST // be false. Ensured by setReadPref. const hedgeOptions = this.getReadPrefHedgeOptions(); if (typeof (hedgeOptions) === "object") { obj.hedge = hedgeOptions; } return obj; }; /** * Sets the read concern. * * @param level {string} read concern level to use. Pass null to disable read concern. */ Mongo.prototype.setReadConcern = function(level) { if (!level) { this._readConcernLevel = undefined; } else if (level === "local" || level === "majority") { this._readConcernLevel = level; } else { throw Error("Invalid read concern."); } }; /** * Gets the read concern. */ Mongo.prototype.getReadConcern = function() { return this._readConcernLevel; }; connect = function(url, user, pass, apiParameters) { if (url instanceof MongoURI) { user = url.user; pass = url.password; url = url.uri; } if (user && !pass) throw Error("you specified a user and not a password. " + "either you need a password, or you're using the old connect api"); // Validate connection string "url" as "hostName:portNumber/databaseName" // or "hostName/databaseName" // or "databaseName" // or full mongo uri. var urlType = typeof url; if (urlType == "undefined") { throw Error("Missing connection string"); } if (urlType != "string") { throw Error("Incorrect type \"" + urlType + "\" for connection string \"" + tojson(url) + "\""); } url = url.trim(); if (0 == url.length) { throw Error("Empty connection string"); } if (!url.startsWith("mongodb://") && !url.startsWith("mongodb+srv://")) { const colon = url.lastIndexOf(":"); const slash = url.lastIndexOf("/"); if (url.split("/").length > 1) { url = url.substring(0, slash).replace(/\//g, "%2F") + url.substring(slash); } if (slash == 0) { throw Error("Failed to parse mongodb:// URL: " + url); } if (slash == -1 && colon == -1) { url = "mongodb://" + url; } else if (slash != -1) { url = "mongodb://" + url; } } var atPos = url.indexOf("@"); var protocolPos = url.indexOf("://"); var safeURL = url; if (atPos != -1 && protocolPos != -1) { safeURL = url.substring(0, protocolPos + 3) + url.substring(atPos + 1); } chatty("connecting to: " + safeURL); try { var m = new Mongo(url, undefined /* encryptedDBClientCallback */, apiParameters); } catch (e) { var dest; if (url.indexOf(".query.mongodb.net") != -1) { dest = "MongoDB Atlas Data Lake"; } else if (url.indexOf(".mongodb.net") != -1) { dest = "MongoDB Atlas cluster"; } if (dest) { print(`\n\n*** You have failed to connect to a ${dest}. Please ensure` + " that your IP whitelist allows connections from your network.\n\n"); } throw e; } var db = m.getDB(m.defaultDB); if (user && pass) { if (!db.auth(user, pass)) { throw Error("couldn't login"); } } if (_shouldUseImplicitSessions()) { chatty("Implicit session: " + db.getSession()); } // Implicit sessions should not be used when opening a connection. In particular, the buildInfo // command is erroneously marked as requiring auth in MongoDB 3.6 and therefore fails if a // logical session id is included in the request. const originalTestData = TestData; TestData = Object.merge(originalTestData, {disableImplicitSessions: true}); try { // Check server version var serverVersion = db.version(); chatty("MongoDB server version: " + serverVersion); var shellVersion = version(); if (serverVersion.slice(0, 3) != shellVersion.slice(0, 3)) { chatty("WARNING: shell and server versions do not match"); } } finally { TestData = originalTestData; } return db; }; /** * deprecated, use writeMode below * */ Mongo.prototype.useWriteCommands = function() { return (this.writeMode() != "legacy"); }; Mongo.prototype.forceWriteMode = function(mode) { this._writeMode = mode; }; Mongo.prototype.hasWriteCommands = function() { var hasWriteCommands = (this.getMinWireVersion() <= 2 && 2 <= this.getMaxWireVersion()); return hasWriteCommands; }; Mongo.prototype.hasExplainCommand = function() { var hasExplain = (this.getMinWireVersion() <= 3 && 3 <= this.getMaxWireVersion()); return hasExplain; }; /** * {String} Returns the current mode set. Will be commands/legacy/compatibility * * Sends isMaster to determine if the connection is capable of using bulk write operations, and * caches the result. */ Mongo.prototype.writeMode = function() { if ('_writeMode' in this) { return this._writeMode; } // get default from shell params if (_writeMode) this._writeMode = _writeMode(); // can't use "commands" mode unless server version is good. if (this.hasWriteCommands()) { // good with whatever is already set } else if (this._writeMode == "commands") { this._writeMode = "compatibility"; } return this._writeMode; }; /** * Returns true if the shell is configured to use find/getMore commands rather than the C++ client. * * Currently, the C++ client will always use OP_QUERY find and OP_GET_MORE. */ Mongo.prototype.useReadCommands = function() { return (this.readMode() === "commands"); }; /** * For testing, forces the shell to use the readMode specified in 'mode'. Must be either "commands" * (use the find/getMore commands), "legacy" (use legacy OP_QUERY/OP_GET_MORE wire protocol reads), * or "compatibility" (auto-detect mode based on wire version). */ Mongo.prototype.forceReadMode = function(mode) { if (mode !== "commands" && mode !== "compatibility" && mode !== "legacy") { throw new Error("Mode must be one of {commands, compatibility, legacy}, but got: " + mode); } this._readMode = mode; }; /** * Get the readMode string (either "commands" for find/getMore commands, "legacy" for OP_QUERY find * and OP_GET_MORE, or "compatibility" for detecting based on wire version). */ Mongo.prototype.readMode = function() { // Get the readMode from the shell params if we don't have one yet. if (typeof _readMode === "function" && !this.hasOwnProperty("_readMode")) { this._readMode = _readMode(); } if (this.hasOwnProperty("_readMode") && this._readMode !== "compatibility") { // We already have determined our read mode. Just return it. return this._readMode; } else { // We're in compatibility mode. Determine whether the server supports the find/getMore // commands. If it does, use commands mode. If not, degrade to legacy mode. try { var hasReadCommands = (this.getMinWireVersion() <= 4 && 4 <= this.getMaxWireVersion()); if (hasReadCommands) { this._readMode = "commands"; } else { this._readMode = "legacy"; } } catch (e) { // We failed trying to determine whether the remote node supports the find/getMore // commands. In this case, we keep _readMode as "compatibility" and the shell should // issue legacy reads. Next time around we will issue another isMaster to try to // determine the readMode decisively. } } return this._readMode; }; /** * Run a function while forcing a certain readMode, and then return the readMode to its original * setting afterwards. Passes this connection to the given function, and returns the function's * result. */ Mongo.prototype._runWithForcedReadMode = function(forcedReadMode, fn) { let origReadMode = this.readMode(); this.forceReadMode(forcedReadMode); try { var res = fn(this); } finally { this.forceReadMode(origReadMode); } return res; }; // // Write Concern can be set at the connection level, and is used for all write operations unless // overridden at the collection level. // Mongo.prototype.setWriteConcern = function(wc) { if (wc instanceof WriteConcern) { this._writeConcern = wc; } else { this._writeConcern = new WriteConcern(wc); } }; Mongo.prototype.getWriteConcern = function() { return this._writeConcern; }; Mongo.prototype.unsetWriteConcern = function() { delete this._writeConcern; }; Mongo.prototype.advanceClusterTime = function(newTime) { if (!newTime.hasOwnProperty("clusterTime")) { throw new Error("missing clusterTime field in setClusterTime argument"); } if (typeof this._clusterTime === "object" && this._clusterTime !== null) { this._clusterTime = (bsonWoCompare({_: this._clusterTime.clusterTime}, {_: newTime.clusterTime}) >= 0) ? this._clusterTime : newTime; } else { this._clusterTime = newTime; } }; Mongo.prototype.resetClusterTime_forTesting = function() { delete this._clusterTime; }; Mongo.prototype.getClusterTime = function() { return this._clusterTime; }; Mongo.prototype.startSession = function startSession(options = {}) { // Set retryWrites if not already set on options. if (!options.hasOwnProperty("retryWrites") && this.hasOwnProperty("_retryWrites")) { options.retryWrites = this._retryWrites; } const newDriverSession = new DriverSession(this, options); // Only log this message if we are running a test if (typeof TestData === "object" && TestData.testName) { print("New session started with sessionID: " + tojsononeline(newDriverSession.getSessionId()) + " and options: " + tojsononeline(options)); } return newDriverSession; }; Mongo.prototype._getDefaultSession = function getDefaultSession() { // We implicitly associate a Mongo connection object with a real session so all requests include // a logical session id. These implicit sessions are intentionally not causally consistent. If // implicit sessions have been globally disabled, a dummy session is used instead of a real one. if (!this.hasOwnProperty("_defaultSession")) { if (_shouldUseImplicitSessions()) { try { this._defaultSession = this.startSession({causalConsistency: false}); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof DriverSession.UnsupportedError) { chatty("WARNING: No implicit session: " + e.message); this._setDummyDefaultSession(); } else { print("ERROR: Implicit session failed: " + e.message); throw (e); } } } else { this._setDummyDefaultSession(); } this._defaultSession._isExplicit = false; } return this._defaultSession; }; Mongo.prototype._setDummyDefaultSession = function setDummyDefaultSession() { this._defaultSession = new _DummyDriverSession(this); }; Mongo.prototype.isCausalConsistency = function isCausalConsistency() { if (!this.hasOwnProperty("_causalConsistency")) { this._causalConsistency = false; } return this._causalConsistency; }; Mongo.prototype.setCausalConsistency = function setCausalConsistency(causalConsistency = true) { this._causalConsistency = causalConsistency; }; Mongo.prototype.waitForClusterTime = function waitForClusterTime(maxRetries = 10) { let isFirstTime = true; let count = 0; while (count < maxRetries) { if (typeof this._clusterTime === "object" && this._clusterTime !== null) { if (this._clusterTime.hasOwnProperty("signature") && this._clusterTime.signature.keyId > 0) { return; } } if (isFirstTime) { isFirstTime = false; } else { sleep(500); } count++; this.adminCommand({"ping": 1}); } throw new Error("failed waiting for non default clusterTime"); }; /** * Given the options object for a 'watch' helper, determines which options apply to the change * stream stage, and which apply to the aggregate overall. Returns two objects: the change * stream stage specification and the options for the aggregate command, respectively. */ Mongo.prototype._extractChangeStreamOptions = function(options) { options = options || {}; assert(options instanceof Object, "'options' argument must be an object"); let changeStreamOptions = {fullDocument: options.fullDocument || "default"}; delete options.fullDocument; if (options.hasOwnProperty("resumeAfter")) { changeStreamOptions.resumeAfter = options.resumeAfter; delete options.resumeAfter; } if (options.hasOwnProperty("startAfter")) { changeStreamOptions.startAfter = options.startAfter; delete options.startAfter; } if (options.hasOwnProperty("startAtOperationTime")) { changeStreamOptions.startAtOperationTime = options.startAtOperationTime; delete options.startAtOperationTime; } if (options.hasOwnProperty("fullDocumentBeforeChange")) { changeStreamOptions.fullDocumentBeforeChange = options.fullDocumentBeforeChange; delete options.fullDocumentBeforeChange; } if (options.hasOwnProperty("allChangesForCluster")) { changeStreamOptions.allChangesForCluster = options.allChangesForCluster; delete options.allChangesForCluster; } return [{$changeStream: changeStreamOptions}, options]; }; Mongo.prototype.watch = function(pipeline, options) { pipeline = pipeline || []; assert(pipeline instanceof Array, "'pipeline' argument must be an array"); let changeStreamStage; [changeStreamStage, aggOptions] = this._extractChangeStreamOptions(options); changeStreamStage.$changeStream.allChangesForCluster = true; pipeline.unshift(changeStreamStage); return this.getDB("admin")._runAggregate({aggregate: 1, pipeline: pipeline}, aggOptions); };