/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/shell/mongo_main.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/base/initializer.h" #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/client/authenticate.h" #include "mongo/client/mongo_uri.h" #include "mongo/client/sasl_aws_client_options.h" #include "mongo/client/sasl_oidc_client_params.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/sasl_command_constants.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/locker_noop_client_observer.h" #include "mongo/db/log_process_details.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/db/wire_version.h" #include "mongo/logv2/attributes.h" #include "mongo/logv2/component_settings_filter.h" #include "mongo/logv2/console.h" #include "mongo/logv2/json_formatter.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log_domain_global.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log_manager.h" #include "mongo/logv2/text_formatter.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/scripting/engine.h" #include "mongo/shell/linenoise.h" #include "mongo/shell/program_runner.h" #include "mongo/shell/shell_options.h" #include "mongo/shell/shell_utils.h" #include "mongo/shell/shell_utils_launcher.h" #include "mongo/stdx/utility.h" #include "mongo/transport/asio/asio_transport_layer.h" #include "mongo/util/ctype.h" #include "mongo/util/errno_util.h" #include "mongo/util/exit.h" #include "mongo/util/exit_code.h" #include "mongo/util/file.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ocsp/ocsp_manager.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_options.h" #include "mongo/util/password.h" #include "mongo/util/pcre.h" #include "mongo/util/quick_exit.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" #include "mongo/util/signal_handlers.h" #include "mongo/util/stacktrace.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/text.h" #include "mongo/util/version.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #define isatty _isatty #define fileno _fileno #else #include #endif #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kDefault using namespace std::literals::string_literals; namespace mongo { namespace { bool gotInterrupted = false; bool inMultiLine = false; static AtomicWord atPrompt(false); // can eval before getting to prompt const std::string kDefaultMongoHost = ""s; const std::string kDefaultMongoPort = "27017"s; const std::string kDefaultMongoURL = "mongodb://"s + kDefaultMongoHost + ":"s + kDefaultMongoPort; // Initialize the featureCompatibilityVersion server parameter since the mongo shell does not have a // featureCompatibilityVersion document from which to initialize the parameter. The parameter is set // to the latest version because there is no feature gating that currently occurs at the mongo shell // level. The server is responsible for rejecting usages of new features if its // featureCompatibilityVersion is lower. MONGO_INITIALIZER_WITH_PREREQUISITES(SetFeatureCompatibilityVersionLatest, ("EndStartupOptionStorage")) // (Generic FCV reference): This FCV reference should exist across LTS binary versions. (InitializerContext* context) { mongo::serverGlobalParams.mutableFeatureCompatibility.setVersion( multiversion::GenericFCV::kLatest); } MONGO_INITIALIZER_WITH_PREREQUISITES(WireSpec, ("EndStartupOptionHandling"))(InitializerContext*) { WireSpec::instance().initialize(WireSpec::Specification{}); } const auto kAuthParam = "authSource"s; /** * Basic Logv2 console backend. Provides scoped logging disable. */ class ShellBackend final : public boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend { public: void consume(boost::log::record_view const& rec, string_type const& formatted_message) { using boost::log::extract; auto lk = stdx::lock_guard(mx); if (!loggingEnabled && !extract(logv2::attributes::tags(), rec) .get() .has(logv2::LogTag::kAllowDuringPromptingShell)) { return; } boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend::consume(rec, formatted_message); } struct LoggingDisabledScope { LoggingDisabledScope() { disableLogging(); } ~LoggingDisabledScope() { enableLogging(); } }; private: static void enableLogging() { auto lk = stdx::lock_guard(mx); invariant(!loggingEnabled); loggingEnabled = true; } static void disableLogging() { auto lk = stdx::lock_guard(mx); invariant(loggingEnabled); loggingEnabled = false; } // This needs to use a mutex rather than an atomic bool because we need to ensure that no more // logging will happen once we return from disable(). static inline Mutex mx = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("ShellBackend::mx"); static inline bool loggingEnabled = true; }; /** * Formatter to provide specialized formatting for logs from javascript engine */ class ShellFormatter final : private logv2::PlainFormatter, private logv2::JSONFormatter { public: void operator()(boost::log::record_view const& rec, boost::log::formatting_ostream& strm) { using namespace logv2; using boost::log::extract; if (extract(attributes::tags(), rec).get().has(LogTag::kPlainShell)) { PlainFormatter::operator()(rec, strm); } else { JSONFormatter::operator()(rec, strm); } } }; enum ShellExitCode : int { kDBException = 1, kInputFileError = -3, kEvalError = -4, kMongorcError = -5, kUnterminatedProcess = -6, kProcessTerminationError = -7, }; Scope* shellMainScope; bool isSessionTimedOut() { static Date_t previousCommandTime = Date_t::now(); if (shellGlobalParams.idleSessionTimeout > Seconds(0)) { const Date_t now = Date_t::now(); if (now > (previousCommandTime + shellGlobalParams.idleSessionTimeout)) { return true; } previousCommandTime = now; } return false; } void generateCompletions(const std::string& prefix, std::vector& all) { if (prefix.find('"') != std::string::npos) return; try { BSONObj args = BSON("0" << prefix); shellMainScope->invokeSafe( "function callShellAutocomplete(x) {shellAutocomplete(x)}", &args, nullptr); BSONObjBuilder b; shellMainScope->append(b, "", "__autocomplete__"); BSONObj res = b.obj(); BSONObj arr = res.firstElement().Obj(); BSONObjIterator i(arr); while (i.more()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); all.push_back(e.String()); } } catch (...) { } } void completionHook(const char* text, linenoiseCompletions* lc) { std::vector all; generateCompletions(text, all); for (unsigned i = 0; i < all.size(); ++i) linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, (char*)all[i].c_str()); } void shellHistoryInit() { Status res = linenoiseHistoryLoad(shell_utils::getHistoryFilePath().string().c_str()); if (!res.isOK()) { std::cout << "Error loading history file: " << res << std::endl; } linenoiseSetCompletionCallback(completionHook); } void shellHistoryDone() { Status res = linenoiseHistorySave(shell_utils::getHistoryFilePath().string().c_str()); if (!res.isOK()) { std::cout << "Error saving history file: " << res << std::endl; } linenoiseHistoryFree(); } void shellHistoryAdd(const char* line) { if (line[0] == '\0') return; // dont record duplicate lines static std::string lastLine; if (lastLine == line) return; lastLine = line; // We don't want any .auth() or .createUser() shell helpers added, but we want to // be able to add things like `.author`, so be smart about how this is // detected by using regular expresions. This is so we can avoid storing passwords // in the history file in plaintext. static pcre::Regex hiddenHelpers( "\\.\\s*(auth|createUser|updateUser|changeUserPassword)\\s*\\("); // Also don't want the raw user management commands to show in the shell when run directly // via runCommand. static pcre::Regex hiddenCommands( "(run|admin)Command\\s*\\(\\s*{\\s*(createUser|updateUser)\\s*:"); static pcre::Regex hiddenFLEConstructor(".*Mongo\\(([\\s\\S]*)secretAccessKey([\\s\\S]*)"); if (!hiddenHelpers.matchView(line) && !hiddenCommands.matchView(line) && !hiddenFLEConstructor.matchView(line)) { linenoiseHistoryAdd(line); } } void killOps() { if (shellGlobalParams.nokillop) return; if (atPrompt.load()) return; sleepmillis(10); // give current op a chance to finish mongo::shell_utils::connectionRegistry.killOperationsOnAllConnections( !shellGlobalParams.autoKillOp); } extern "C" void quitNicely(int sig) { shutdown(ExitCode::clean); } // the returned string is allocated with strdup() or malloc() and must be freed by calling free() char* shellReadline(const char* prompt, int handlesigint = 0) { auto lds = ShellBackend::LoggingDisabledScope(); atPrompt.store(true); char* ret = linenoise(prompt); if (!ret) { gotInterrupted = true; // got ^C, break out of multiline } atPrompt.store(false); return ret; } void setupSignals() { #ifndef _WIN32 signal(SIGHUP, quitNicely); #endif signal(SIGINT, quitNicely); } std::string getURIFromArgs(const std::string& arg, const std::string& host, const std::string& port) { if (host.empty() && arg.empty() && port.empty()) { // Nothing provided, just play the default. return kDefaultMongoURL; } if ((str::startsWith(arg, "mongodb://") || str::startsWith(arg, "mongodb+srv://")) && host.empty() && port.empty()) { // mongo mongodb://blah return arg; } if ((str::startsWith(host, "mongodb://") || str::startsWith(host, "mongodb+srv://")) && arg.empty() && port.empty()) { // mongo --host mongodb://blah return host; } // We expect a positional arg to be a plain dbname or plain hostname at this point // since we have separate host/port args. if ((arg.find('/') != std::string::npos) && (host.size() || port.size())) { std::cerr << "If a full URI is provided, you cannot also specify --host or --port" << std::endl; quickExit(ExitCode::badOptions); } const auto parseDbHost = [port](const std::string& db, const std::string& host) -> std::string { // Parse --host as a connection string. // e.g. rs0/host0:27000,host1:27001 const auto slashPos = host.find('/'); const auto hasReplSet = (slashPos > 0) && (slashPos != std::string::npos); std::ostringstream ss; ss << "mongodb://"; // Handle each sub-element of the connection string individually. // Comma separated list of host elements. // Each host element may be: // * /unix/domain.sock // * hostname // * hostname:port // If --port is specified and port is included in connection string, // then they must match exactly. auto start = hasReplSet ? slashPos + 1 : 0; while (start < host.size()) { // Encode each host component. auto end = host.find(',', start); if (end == std::string::npos) { end = host.size(); } if ((end - start) == 0) { // Ignore empty components. start = end + 1; continue; } const auto hostElem = host.substr(start, end - start); if ((hostElem.find('/') != std::string::npos) && str::endsWith(hostElem, ".sock")) { // Unix domain socket, ignore --port. ss << uriEncode(hostElem); } else { auto colon = hostElem.find(':'); if ((colon != std::string::npos) && (hostElem.find(':', colon + 1) != std::string::npos)) { // Looks like an IPv6 numeric address. const auto close = hostElem.find(']'); if ((hostElem[0] == '[') && (close != std::string::npos)) { // Encapsulated already. ss << '[' << uriEncode(hostElem.substr(1, close - 1), ":") << ']'; colon = hostElem.find(':', close + 1); } else { // Not encapsulated yet. ss << '[' << uriEncode(hostElem, ":") << ']'; colon = std::string::npos; } } else if (colon != std::string::npos) { // Not IPv6 numeric, but does have a port. ss << uriEncode(hostElem.substr(0, colon)); } else { // Raw hostname/IPv4 without port. ss << uriEncode(hostElem); } if (colon != std::string::npos) { // Have a port in our host element, verify it. const auto myport = hostElem.substr(colon + 1); if (port.size() && (port != myport)) { std::cerr << "connection string bears different port than provided by --port" << std::endl; quickExit(ExitCode::badOptions); } ss << ':' << uriEncode(myport); } else if (port.size()) { ss << ':' << uriEncode(port); } else { ss << ":27017"; } } start = end + 1; if (start < host.size()) { ss << ','; } } ss << '/' << uriEncode(db); if (hasReplSet) { // Remap included replica set name to URI option ss << "?replicaSet=" << uriEncode(host.substr(0, slashPos)); } return ss.str(); }; if (host.size()) { // --host provided, treat it as the connect string and get db from positional arg. return parseDbHost(arg, host); } else if (arg.size()) { // --host missing, but we have a potential host/db positional arg. const auto slashPos = arg.find('/'); if (slashPos != std::string::npos) { // host/db pair. return parseDbHost(arg.substr(slashPos + 1), arg.substr(0, slashPos)); } // Compatability formats. // * Any arg with a dot is assumed to be a hostname or IPv4 numeric address. // * Any arg with a colon followed by a digit assumed to be host or IP followed by port. // * Anything else is assumed to be a db. if (arg.find('.') != std::string::npos) { // Assume IPv4 or hostnameish. return parseDbHost("test", arg); } const auto colonPos = arg.find(':'); if ((colonPos != std::string::npos) && ((colonPos + 1) < arg.size()) && ctype::isDigit(arg[colonPos + 1])) { // Assume IPv4 or hostname with port. return parseDbHost("test", arg); } // db, assume localhost. return parseDbHost(arg, ""); } // --host empty, position arg empty, fallback on localhost without a dbname. return parseDbHost("", ""); } std::string finishCode(std::string code) { while (!shell_utils::isBalanced(code)) { inMultiLine = true; code += "\n"; // cancel multiline if two blank lines are entered if (code.find("\n\n\n") != std::string::npos) return ";"; char* line = shellReadline("... ", 1); if (gotInterrupted) { if (line) free(line); return ""; } if (!line) return ""; char* linePtr = line; while (str::startsWith(linePtr, "... ")) linePtr += 4; code += linePtr; free(line); } return code; } bool execPrompt(mongo::Scope& scope, const char* promptFunction, std::string& prompt) { std::string execStatement = std::string("__promptWrapper__(") + promptFunction + ");"; scope.exec("delete __prompt__;", "", false, false, false, 0); scope.exec(execStatement, "", false, false, false, 0); if (scope.type("__prompt__") == String) { prompt = scope.getString("__prompt__"); return true; } return false; } /** * Edit a variable or input buffer text in an external editor -- EDITOR must be defined * * @param whatToEdit Name of JavaScript variable to be edited, or any text string */ static void edit(const std::string& whatToEdit) { // EDITOR may be defined in the JavaScript scope or in the environment std::string editor; if (shellMainScope->type("EDITOR") == String) { editor = shellMainScope->getString("EDITOR"); } else { static const char* editorFromEnv = getenv("EDITOR"); if (editorFromEnv) { editor = editorFromEnv; } } if (editor.empty()) { std::cout << "please define EDITOR as a JavaScript string or as an environment variable" << std::endl; return; } // "whatToEdit" might look like a variable/property name bool editingVariable = true; for (const char* p = whatToEdit.c_str(); *p; ++p) { if (!(ctype::isAlnum(*p) || *p == '_' || *p == '.')) { editingVariable = false; break; } } std::string js; if (editingVariable) { // If "whatToEdit" is undeclared or uninitialized, declare int varType = shellMainScope->type(whatToEdit.c_str()); if (varType == Undefined) { shellMainScope->exec("var " + whatToEdit, "(shell)", false, true, false); } // Convert "whatToEdit" to JavaScript (JSON) text if (!shellMainScope->exec( "__jsout__ = tojson(" + whatToEdit + ")", "tojs", false, false, false)) return; // Error already printed js = shellMainScope->getString("__jsout__"); if (strstr(js.c_str(), "[native code]")) { std::cout << "can't edit native functions" << std::endl; return; } } else { js = whatToEdit; } // Pick a name to use for the temp file std::string filename; const int maxAttempts = 10; int i; for (i = 0; i < maxAttempts; ++i) { StringBuilder sb; #ifdef _WIN32 char tempFolder[MAX_PATH]; GetTempPathA(sizeof tempFolder, tempFolder); sb << tempFolder << "mongo_edit" << time(0) + i << ".js"; #else sb << "/tmp/mongo_edit" << time(nullptr) + i << ".js"; #endif filename = sb.str(); if (!::mongo::shell_utils::fileExists(filename)) break; } if (i == maxAttempts) { std::cout << "couldn't create unique temp file after " << maxAttempts << " attempts" << std::endl; return; } // Create the temp file FILE* tempFileStream; tempFileStream = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wt"); if (!tempFileStream) { auto ec = lastPosixError(); std::cout << "couldn't create temp file (" << filename << "): " << errorMessage(ec) << std::endl; return; } // Write JSON into the temp file size_t fileSize = js.size(); if (fwrite(js.data(), sizeof(char), fileSize, tempFileStream) != fileSize) { auto ec = lastPosixError(); std::cout << "failed to write to temp file: " << errorMessage(ec) << std::endl; fclose(tempFileStream); remove(filename.c_str()); return; } fclose(tempFileStream); // Pass file to editor StringBuilder sb; sb << editor << " " << filename; int ret = [&] { auto lds = ShellBackend::LoggingDisabledScope(); return ::system(sb.str().c_str()); }(); if (ret) { if (ret == -1) { auto ec = lastPosixError(); std::cout << "failed to launch $EDITOR (" << editor << "): " << errorMessage(ec) << std::endl; } else std::cout << "editor exited with error (" << ret << "), not applying changes" << std::endl; remove(filename.c_str()); return; } // The editor gave return code zero, so read the file back in tempFileStream = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rt"); if (!tempFileStream) { auto ec = lastPosixError(); std::cout << "couldn't open temp file on return from editor: " << errorMessage(ec) << std::endl; remove(filename.c_str()); return; } sb.reset(); int bytes; do { char buf[1024]; bytes = fread(buf, sizeof(char), sizeof buf, tempFileStream); if (ferror(tempFileStream)) { auto ec = lastPosixError(); std::cout << "failed to read temp file: " << errorMessage(ec) << std::endl; fclose(tempFileStream); remove(filename.c_str()); return; } sb.append(StringData(buf, bytes)); } while (bytes); // Done with temp file, close and delete it fclose(tempFileStream); remove(filename.c_str()); if (editingVariable) { // Try to execute assignment to copy edited value back into the variable const std::string code = whatToEdit + std::string(" = ") + sb.str(); if (!shellMainScope->exec(code, "tojs", false, true, false)) { std::cout << "error executing assignment: " << code << std::endl; } } else { linenoisePreloadBuffer(sb.str().c_str()); } } bool mechanismRequiresPassword(const MongoURI& uri) { if (const auto authMechanisms = uri.getOption("authMechanism")) { constexpr std::array passwordlessMechanisms{ auth::kMechanismGSSAPI, auth::kMechanismMongoX509, auth::kMechanismMongoOIDC}; const std::string& authMechanism = authMechanisms.value(); for (const auto& mechanism : passwordlessMechanisms) { if (mechanism.toString() == authMechanism) { return false; } } } return true; } } // namespace int mongo_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { registerShutdownTask([] { // NOTE: This function may be called at any time. It must not // depend on the prior execution of mongo initializers or the // existence of threads. killOps(); shellHistoryDone(); }); setupSignalHandlers(); setupSignals(); // Log to stdout for any early logging before we re-configure the logger auto& lv2Manager = logv2::LogManager::global(); logv2::LogDomainGlobal::ConfigurationOptions lv2Config; uassertStatusOK(lv2Manager.getGlobalDomainInternal().configure(lv2Config)); mongo::shell_utils::RecordMyLocation(argv[0]); mongo::runGlobalInitializersOrDie(std::vector(argv, argv + argc)); auto serviceContextHolder = ServiceContext::make(); serviceContextHolder->registerClientObserver(std::make_unique()); setGlobalServiceContext(std::move(serviceContextHolder)); // TODO This should use a TransportLayerManager or TransportLayerFactory auto serviceContext = getGlobalServiceContext(); #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL OCSPManager::start(serviceContext); #endif shell_utils::ProgramRegistry::create(serviceContext); transport::AsioTransportLayer::Options opts; opts.enableIPv6 = shellGlobalParams.enableIPv6; opts.mode = transport::AsioTransportLayer::Options::kEgress; serviceContext->setTransportLayer( std::make_unique(opts, nullptr)); auto tlPtr = serviceContext->getTransportLayer(); uassertStatusOK(tlPtr->setup()); uassertStatusOK(tlPtr->start()); // hide password from ps output redactPasswordOptions(argc, argv); ErrorExtraInfo::invariantHaveAllParsers(); if (!mongo::serverGlobalParams.quiet.load()) std::cout << mongoShellVersion(VersionInfoInterface::instance()) << std::endl; auto consoleSink = boost::make_shared>(); consoleSink->set_filter(logv2::ComponentSettingsFilter(lv2Manager.getGlobalDomain(), lv2Manager.getGlobalSettings())); consoleSink->set_formatter(ShellFormatter()); consoleSink->locked_backend()->add_stream( boost::shared_ptr(&logv2::Console::out(), boost::null_deleter())); consoleSink->locked_backend()->auto_flush(); // Remove the initial config from above when setting this sink, otherwise we log everything // twice. lv2Config.makeDisabled(); uassertStatusOK(lv2Manager.getGlobalDomainInternal().configure(lv2Config)); boost::log::core::get()->add_sink(std::move(consoleSink)); // Get the URL passed to the shell std::string& cmdlineURI = shellGlobalParams.url; // Parse the output of getURIFromArgs which will determine if --host passed in a URI MongoURI parsedURI; parsedURI = uassertStatusOK(MongoURI::parse(getURIFromArgs(cmdlineURI, str::escape(shellGlobalParams.dbhost), str::escape(shellGlobalParams.port)))); // TODO: add in all of the relevant shellGlobalParams to parsedURI parsedURI.setOptionIfNecessary("compressors"s, shellGlobalParams.networkMessageCompressors); parsedURI.setOptionIfNecessary("authMechanism"s, shellGlobalParams.authenticationMechanism); parsedURI.setOptionIfNecessary("authSource"s, shellGlobalParams.authenticationDatabase); parsedURI.setOptionIfNecessary("gssapiServiceName"s, shellGlobalParams.gssapiServiceName); parsedURI.setOptionIfNecessary("gssapiHostName"s, shellGlobalParams.gssapiHostName); #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL if (!awsIam::saslAwsClientGlobalParams.awsSessionToken.empty()) { parsedURI.setOptionIfNecessary("authmechanismproperties"s, std::string("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:") + awsIam::saslAwsClientGlobalParams.awsSessionToken); } #endif if (!oidcClientGlobalParams.oidcAccessToken.empty()) { parsedURI.setOptionIfNecessary("authmechanismproperties"s, str::stream() << "OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN:" << oidcClientGlobalParams.oidcAccessToken); } if (const auto authMechanisms = parsedURI.getOption("authMechanism")) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "DB.prototype._defaultAuthenticationMechanism = \"" << str::escape(authMechanisms.value()) << "\";" << std::endl; mongo::shell_utils::dbConnect += ss.str(); } if (const auto gssapiServiveName = parsedURI.getOption("gssapiServiceName")) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "DB.prototype._defaultGssapiServiceName = \"" << str::escape(gssapiServiveName.value()) << "\";" << std::endl; mongo::shell_utils::dbConnect += ss.str(); } if (!shellGlobalParams.nodb) { // connect to db bool usingPassword = !shellGlobalParams.password.empty(); if (mechanismRequiresPassword(parsedURI) && (parsedURI.getUser().size() || shellGlobalParams.username.size())) { usingPassword = true; } if (usingPassword && parsedURI.getPassword().empty()) { if (!shellGlobalParams.password.empty()) { parsedURI.setPassword(stdx::as_const(shellGlobalParams.password)); } else { parsedURI.setPassword(mongo::askPassword()); } } if (parsedURI.getUser().empty() && !shellGlobalParams.username.empty()) { parsedURI.setUser(stdx::as_const(shellGlobalParams.username)); } std::stringstream ss; if (mongo::serverGlobalParams.quiet.load()) { ss << "__quiet = true;" << std::endl; } ss << "db = connect( \"" << parsedURI.canonicalizeURIAsString() << "\", null, null, {api: " << getApiParametersJSON() << "});" << std::endl; if (shellGlobalParams.shouldRetryWrites || parsedURI.getRetryWrites()) { // If the --retryWrites cmdline argument or retryWrites URI param was specified, // then replace the global `db` object with a DB object started in a session. The // resulting Mongo connection checks its _retryWrites property. ss << "db = db.getMongo().startSession().getDatabase(db.getName());" << std::endl; } mongo::shell_utils::dbConnect += ss.str(); } mongo::ScriptEngine::setConnectCallback(mongo::shell_utils::onConnect); mongo::ScriptEngine::setup(); mongo::getGlobalScriptEngine()->setJSHeapLimitMB(shellGlobalParams.jsHeapLimitMB); mongo::getGlobalScriptEngine()->setScopeInitCallback(mongo::shell_utils::initScope); mongo::getGlobalScriptEngine()->enableJIT(!shellGlobalParams.nojit); mongo::getGlobalScriptEngine()->enableJavaScriptProtection( shellGlobalParams.javascriptProtection); if (shellGlobalParams.files.size() > 0) { boost::system::error_code ec; auto loadPath = boost::filesystem::canonical(shellGlobalParams.files[0], ec).parent_path().string(); if (!ec) { mongo::getGlobalScriptEngine()->setLoadPath(loadPath); } } ScopeGuard poolGuard([] { ScriptEngine::dropScopeCache(); }); std::unique_ptr scope(mongo::getGlobalScriptEngine()->newScope()); shellMainScope = scope.get(); if (shellGlobalParams.runShell && !mongo::serverGlobalParams.quiet.load()) std::cout << "type \"help\" for help" << std::endl; // Load and execute /etc/mongorc.js before starting shell std::string rcGlobalLocation; #ifndef _WIN32 rcGlobalLocation = "/etc/mongorc.js"; #else wchar_t programDataPath[MAX_PATH]; if (S_OK == SHGetFolderPathW(nullptr, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, nullptr, 0, programDataPath)) { rcGlobalLocation = str::stream() << toUtf8String(programDataPath) << "\\MongoDB\\mongorc.js"; } #endif if (!rcGlobalLocation.empty() && ::mongo::shell_utils::fileExists(rcGlobalLocation)) { if (!scope->execFile(rcGlobalLocation, false, true)) { std::cout << "The \"" << rcGlobalLocation << "\" file could not be executed" << std::endl; } } if (!shellGlobalParams.script.empty()) { mongo::shell_utils::MongoProgramScope s; if (!scope->exec(shellGlobalParams.script, "(shell eval)", false, true, false)) { std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kEvalError) << std::endl; return kEvalError; } scope->exec("shellPrintHelper( __lastres__ );", "(shell2 eval)", true, true, false); } for (size_t i = 0; i < shellGlobalParams.files.size(); ++i) { mongo::shell_utils::MongoProgramScope s; if (shellGlobalParams.files.size() > 1) std::cout << "loading file: " << shellGlobalParams.files[i] << std::endl; if (!scope->execFile(shellGlobalParams.files[i], false, true)) { std::cout << "failed to load: " << shellGlobalParams.files[i] << std::endl; std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kInputFileError) << std::endl; return kInputFileError; } // If the test began a GoldenTestContext, end it and compare actual/expected results. // NOTE: putting this in ~MongoProgramScope would call it at the end of each load(), // but we only want to call it once the original test file finishes. try { shell_utils::closeGoldenTestContext(); } catch (const shell_utils::GoldenTestContextShellFailure& exn) { std::cout << "failed to load: " << shellGlobalParams.files[i] << std::endl; std::cout << exn.toString() << std::endl; exn.diff(); std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kInputFileError) << std::endl; return kInputFileError; } // Check if the process left any running child processes. std::vector pids = mongo::shell_utils::getRunningMongoChildProcessIds(); if (!pids.empty()) { std::cout << "terminating the following processes started by " << shellGlobalParams.files[i] << ": "; std::copy( pids.begin(), pids.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, " ")); std::cout << std::endl; if (mongo::shell_utils::KillMongoProgramInstances() != static_cast(ExitCode::clean)) { std::cout << "one more more child processes exited with an error during " << shellGlobalParams.files[i] << std::endl; std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kProcessTerminationError) << std::endl; return kProcessTerminationError; } bool failIfUnterminatedProcesses = false; const StringData code = "function() { return typeof TestData === 'object' && TestData !== null && " "TestData.hasOwnProperty('failIfUnterminatedProcesses') && " "TestData.failIfUnterminatedProcesses; }"_sd; shellMainScope->invokeSafe(code.rawData(), nullptr, nullptr); failIfUnterminatedProcesses = shellMainScope->getBoolean("__returnValue"); if (failIfUnterminatedProcesses) { std::cout << "exiting with a failure due to unterminated processes, " "a call to MongoRunner.stopMongod(), ReplSetTest#stopSet(), or " "ShardingTest#stop() may be missing from the test" << std::endl; std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kUnterminatedProcess) << std::endl; return kUnterminatedProcess; } } } { const StringData parallelShellCode = "uncheckedParallelShellPidsString();"_sd; shellMainScope->invokeSafe(parallelShellCode.rawData(), nullptr, nullptr); std::string ret = shellMainScope->getString("__returnValue"); if (!ret.empty()) { std::cout << "exiting due to parallel shells with unchecked return values. " "When starting a parallel shell, always call the returned " "function to ensure correct process cleanup and handling " "of failed assertions." << std::endl; std::cout << "pids of parallel shells: " << ret << std::endl; std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kUnterminatedProcess) << std::endl; return kUnterminatedProcess; } } if (shellGlobalParams.files.size() == 0 && shellGlobalParams.script.empty()) shellGlobalParams.runShell = true; bool lastLineSuccessful = true; if (shellGlobalParams.runShell) { if (!mongo::serverGlobalParams.quiet.load()) std::cout << "================\n" "Warning: the \"mongo\" shell has been superseded by \"mongosh\",\n" "which delivers improved usability and compatibility." "The \"mongo\" shell has been deprecated and will be removed in\n" "an upcoming release.\n" "For installation instructions, see\n" "https://docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell/install/\n" "================" << std::endl; mongo::shell_utils::MongoProgramScope s; // If they specify norc, assume it's not their first time bool hasMongoRC = shellGlobalParams.norc; std::string rcLocation; if (!shellGlobalParams.norc) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr) rcLocation = str::stream() << getenv("HOME") << "/.mongorc.js"; #else if (getenv("HOMEDRIVE") != nullptr && getenv("HOMEPATH") != nullptr) rcLocation = str::stream() << toUtf8String(_wgetenv(L"HOMEDRIVE")) << toUtf8String(_wgetenv(L"HOMEPATH")) << "\\.mongorc.js"; #endif if (!rcLocation.empty() && ::mongo::shell_utils::fileExists(rcLocation)) { hasMongoRC = true; if (!scope->execFile(rcLocation, false, true)) { std::cout << "The \".mongorc.js\" file located in your home folder could not be " "executed" << std::endl; std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kMongorcError) << std::endl; return kMongorcError; } } } if (!hasMongoRC && isatty(fileno(stdin))) { std::cout << "Welcome to the MongoDB shell.\n" "For interactive help, type \"help\".\n" "For more comprehensive documentation, see\n\thttps://docs.mongodb.com/\n" "Questions? Try the MongoDB Developer Community Forums\n" "\thttps://community.mongodb.com" << std::endl; File f; f.open(rcLocation.c_str(), false); // Create empty .mongorc.js file } if (!shellGlobalParams.nodb && !mongo::serverGlobalParams.quiet.load() && isatty(fileno(stdin))) { scope->exec("shellHelper( 'show', 'startupWarnings' )", "(shellwarnings)", false, true, false); scope->exec("shellHelper( 'show', 'freeMonitoring' )", "(freeMonitoring)", false, true, false); scope->exec("shellHelper( 'show', 'automationNotices' )", "(automationnotices)", false, true, false); scope->exec("shellHelper( 'show', 'nonGenuineMongoDBCheck' )", "(nonGenuineMongoDBCheck)", false, true, false); } shellHistoryInit(); std::string prompt; int promptType; while (1) { inMultiLine = false; gotInterrupted = false; promptType = scope->type("prompt"); if (promptType == String) { prompt = scope->getString("prompt"); } else if ((promptType == Code) && execPrompt(*scope, "prompt", prompt)) { } else if (execPrompt(*scope, "defaultPrompt", prompt)) { } else { prompt = "> "; } char* line = shellReadline(prompt.c_str()); char* linePtr = line; // can't clobber 'line', we need to free() it later if (linePtr) { while (linePtr[0] == ' ') ++linePtr; int lineLen = strlen(linePtr); while (lineLen > 0 && linePtr[lineLen - 1] == ' ') linePtr[--lineLen] = 0; } if (!linePtr || (strlen(linePtr) == 4 && strstr(linePtr, "exit"))) { if (!mongo::serverGlobalParams.quiet.load()) std::cout << "bye" << std::endl; if (line) free(line); break; } std::string code = linePtr; if (code == "exit" || code == "exit;") { free(line); break; } // Support idle session lifetime limits if (isSessionTimedOut()) { std::cout << "Idle Connection Timeout: Shell session has expired" << std::endl; if (line) free(line); break; } if (code == "cls") { free(line); linenoiseClearScreen(); continue; } if (code.size() == 0) { free(line); continue; } if (str::startsWith(linePtr, "edit ")) { shellHistoryAdd(linePtr); const char* s = linePtr + 5; // skip "edit " while (*s && ctype::isSpace(*s)) s++; edit(s); free(line); continue; } gotInterrupted = false; code = finishCode(code); if (gotInterrupted) { std::cout << std::endl; free(line); continue; } if (code.size() == 0) { free(line); break; } bool wascmd = false; { std::string cmd = linePtr; std::string::size_type firstSpace; if ((firstSpace = cmd.find(' ')) != std::string::npos) cmd = cmd.substr(0, firstSpace); if (cmd.find('\"') == std::string::npos) { try { lastLineSuccessful = scope->exec( std::string("__iscmd__ = shellHelper[\"") + cmd + "\"];", "(shellhelp1)", false, true, true); if (scope->getBoolean("__iscmd__")) { lastLineSuccessful = scope->exec(std::string("shellHelper( \"") + cmd + "\" , \"" + code.substr(cmd.size()) + "\");", "(shellhelp2)", false, true, false); wascmd = true; } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "error2:" << e.what() << std::endl; wascmd = true; lastLineSuccessful = false; } } } if (!wascmd) { try { lastLineSuccessful = scope->exec(code.c_str(), "(shell)", false, true, false); if (lastLineSuccessful) { scope->exec( "shellPrintHelper( __lastres__ );", "(shell2)", true, true, false); } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "error:" << e.what() << std::endl; lastLineSuccessful = false; } } shellHistoryAdd(code.c_str()); free(line); } shellHistoryDone(); } return (lastLineSuccessful ? 0 : 1); } catch (DBException& e) { std::cout << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; std::cout << "exiting with code " << static_cast(kDBException) << std::endl; return kDBException; } } } // namespace mongo