ToolTest = function(name, extraOptions) { = name; this.options = extraOptions; this.port = allocatePort(); this.baseName = "jstests_tool_" + name; this.root = MongoRunner.dataPath + this.baseName; this.dbpath = this.root + "/"; this.ext = this.root + "_external/"; this.extFile = this.root + "_external/a"; resetDbpath(this.dbpath); resetDbpath(this.ext); }; ToolTest.prototype.startDB = function(coll) { assert(!this.m, "db already running"); var options = { port: this.port, dbpath: this.dbpath, noprealloc: "", smallfiles: "", bind_ip: "" }; Object.extend(options, this.options); this.m = startMongoProgram.apply(null, MongoRunner.arrOptions("mongod", options)); this.db = this.m.getDB(this.baseName); if (coll) return this.db.getCollection(coll); return this.db; }; ToolTest.prototype.stop = function() { if (!this.m) return; _stopMongoProgram(this.port); this.m = null; this.db = null; print('*** ' + + " completed successfully ***"); }; ToolTest.prototype.runTool = function() { var a = ["mongo" + arguments[0]]; var hasdbpath = false; var hasDialTimeout = false; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { a.push(arguments[i]); if (arguments[i] === "--dbpath") hasdbpath = true; if (arguments[i] === "--dialTimeout") hasDialTimeout = true; } if (!hasdbpath) { a.push("--host"); a.push("" + this.port); } if (!hasDialTimeout) { a.push("--dialTimeout"); a.push("30"); } return runMongoProgram.apply(null, a); }; ReplTest = function(name, ports) { = name; this.ports = ports || allocatePorts(2); this.kDefaultTimeoutMS = 10 * 60 * 1000; }; ReplTest.prototype.getPort = function(master) { if (master) return this.ports[0]; return this.ports[1]; }; ReplTest.prototype.getPath = function(master) { var p = MongoRunner.dataPath + + "-"; if (master) p += "master"; else p += "slave"; return p; }; ReplTest.prototype.getOptions = function(master, extra, putBinaryFirst, norepl) { if (!extra) extra = {}; if (!extra.oplogSize) extra.oplogSize = "40"; var a = []; if (putBinaryFirst) a.push("mongod"); a.push("--noprealloc", "--bind_ip", "", "--smallfiles"); a.push("--port"); a.push(this.getPort(master)); a.push("--dbpath"); a.push(this.getPath(master)); if (jsTestOptions().noJournal && !('journal' in extra)) a.push("--nojournal"); if (jsTestOptions().noJournalPrealloc) a.push("--nopreallocj"); if (jsTestOptions().keyFile) { a.push("--keyFile"); a.push(jsTestOptions().keyFile); } if (!norepl) { if (master) { a.push("--master"); } else { a.push("--slave"); a.push("--source"); a.push("" + this.ports[0]); } } for (var k in extra) { var v = extra[k]; if (k in MongoRunner.logicalOptions) continue; a.push("--" + k); if (v != null && v !== "") a.push(v); } return a; }; ReplTest.prototype.start = function(master, options, restart, norepl) { var lockFile = this.getPath(master) + "/mongod.lock"; removeFile(lockFile); var o = this.getOptions(master, options, restart, norepl); if (restart) { var conn = startMongoProgram.apply(null, o); if (!master) { conn.setSlaveOk(); } return conn; } else { var conn = _startMongod.apply(null, o); if (jsTestOptions().keyFile || jsTestOptions().auth) { jsTest.authenticate(conn); } if (!master) { conn.setSlaveOk(); } return conn; } }; ReplTest.prototype.stop = function(master, signal) { if (arguments.length == 0) { this.stop(true); this.stop(false); return; } print('*** ' + + " completed successfully ***"); return _stopMongoProgram(this.getPort(master), signal || 15); }; /** * Returns a port number that has not been given out to any other caller from the same mongo shell. */ allocatePort = (function() { // Defer initializing these variables until the first call, as TestData attributes may be // initialized as part of the --eval argument (e.g. by, which will not be evaluated // until after this has loaded. var maxPort; var nextPort; return function() { // The default port was chosen in an attempt to have a large number of unassigned ports that // are also outside the ephemeral port range. nextPort = nextPort || jsTestOptions().minPort || 20000; maxPort = maxPort || jsTestOptions().maxPort || Math.pow(2, 16) - 1; if (nextPort === maxPort) { throw new Error("Exceeded maximum port range in allocatePort()"); } return nextPort++; }; })(); /** * Returns a list of 'numPorts' port numbers that have not been given out to any other caller from * the same mongo shell. */ allocatePorts = function(numPorts) { var ports = []; for (var i = 0; i < numPorts; i++) { ports.push(allocatePort()); } return ports; }; function startParallelShell(jsCode, port, noConnect) { var shellPath = MongoRunner.mongoShellPath; var args = [shellPath]; if (typeof db == "object") { if (!port) { // If no port override specified, just passthrough connect string. args.push("--host", db.getMongo().host); } else { // Strip port numbers from connect string. const uri = new MongoURI(db.getMongo().host); var connString = uri.servers .map(function(server) { return; }) .join(','); if (uri.setName.length > 0) { connString = uri.setName + '/' + connString; } args.push("--host", connString); } } if (port) { args.push("--port", port); } // Convert function into call-string if (typeof(jsCode) == "function") { jsCode = "(" + jsCode.toString() + ")();"; } else if (typeof(jsCode) == "string") { } // do nothing else { throw Error("bad first argument to startParallelShell"); } if (noConnect) { args.push("--nodb"); } else if (typeof(db) == "object") { jsCode = "db = db.getSiblingDB('" + db.getName() + "');" + jsCode; } if (TestData) { jsCode = "TestData = " + tojson(TestData) + ";" + jsCode; } args.push("--eval", jsCode); var pid = startMongoProgramNoConnect.apply(null, args); // Returns a function that when called waits for the parallel shell to exit and returns the exit // code of the process. By default an error is thrown if the parallel shell exits with a nonzero // exit code. return function(options) { if (arguments.length > 0) { if (typeof options !== "object") { throw new Error("options must be an object"); } if (options === null) { throw new Error("options cannot be null"); } } var exitCode = waitProgram(pid); if (arguments.length === 0 || options.checkExitSuccess) { assert.eq(0, exitCode, "encountered an error in the parallel shell"); } return exitCode; }; } var testingReplication = false;