/** * Implements the sessions api for the shell. * * Roughly follows the driver sessions spec: * https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/sessions/driver-sessions.rst#abstract */ var { DriverSession, SessionOptions, _DummyDriverSession, _DelegatingDriverSession, _ServerSession, } = (function() { "use strict"; const kShellDefaultShouldRetryWrites = typeof _shouldRetryWrites === "function" ? _shouldRetryWrites() : false; function isNonNullObject(obj) { return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null; } function isAcknowledged(cmdObj) { if (isNonNullObject(cmdObj.writeConcern)) { const writeConcern = cmdObj.writeConcern; // Intentional use of "==" comparing NumberInt, NumberLong, or plain Number. if (writeConcern.hasOwnProperty("w") && writeConcern.w == 0) { return false; } } return true; } function SessionOptions(rawOptions = {}) { if (!(this instanceof SessionOptions)) { return new SessionOptions(rawOptions); } let _readPreference = rawOptions.readPreference; let _readConcern = rawOptions.readConcern; let _writeConcern = rawOptions.writeConcern; // Causal consistency is implicitly enabled when a session is explicitly started. const _causalConsistency = rawOptions.hasOwnProperty("causalConsistency") ? rawOptions.causalConsistency : true; // If the user specified --retryWrites to the mongo shell, then we enable retryable // writes automatically. const _retryWrites = rawOptions.hasOwnProperty("retryWrites") ? rawOptions.retryWrites : kShellDefaultShouldRetryWrites; this.getReadPreference = function getReadPreference() { return _readPreference; }; this.setReadPreference = function setReadPreference(readPreference) { _readPreference = readPreference; }; this.getReadConcern = function getReadConcern() { return _readConcern; }; this.setReadConcern = function setReadConcern(readConcern) { _readConcern = readConcern; }; this.getWriteConcern = function getWriteConcern() { return _writeConcern; }; this.setWriteConcern = function setWriteConcern(writeConcern) { if (!(writeConcern instanceof WriteConcern)) { writeConcern = new WriteConcern(writeConcern); } _writeConcern = writeConcern; }; this.isCausalConsistency = function isCausalConsistency() { return _causalConsistency; }; this.shouldRetryWrites = function shouldRetryWrites() { return _retryWrites; }; this.shellPrint = function _shellPrint() { return this.toString(); }; this.tojson = function _tojson(...args) { return tojson(rawOptions, ...args); }; this.toString = function toString() { return "SessionOptions(" + this.tojson() + ")"; }; } const kWireVersionSupportingCausalConsistency = 6; const kWireVersionSupportingLogicalSession = 6; const kWireVersionSupportingRetryableWrites = 6; const kWireVersionSupportingMultiDocumentTransactions = 7; function processCommandResponse(driverSession, client, res) { if (res.hasOwnProperty("operationTime")) { driverSession.advanceOperationTime(res.operationTime); } if (res.hasOwnProperty("$clusterTime")) { driverSession.advanceClusterTime(res.$clusterTime); client.advanceClusterTime(res.$clusterTime); } } function SessionAwareClient(client) { this.getReadPreference = function getReadPreference(driverSession) { const sessionOptions = driverSession.getOptions(); if (sessionOptions.getReadPreference() !== undefined) { return sessionOptions.getReadPreference(); } return client.getReadPref(); }; this.getReadConcern = function getReadConcern(driverSession) { const sessionOptions = driverSession.getOptions(); if (sessionOptions.getReadConcern() !== undefined) { return sessionOptions.getReadConcern(); } if (client.getReadConcern() !== undefined) { return {level: client.getReadConcern()}; } return null; }; this.getWriteConcern = function getWriteConcern(driverSession) { const sessionOptions = driverSession.getOptions(); if (sessionOptions.getWriteConcern() !== undefined) { return sessionOptions.getWriteConcern(); } return client.getWriteConcern(); }; function serverSupports(wireVersion) { return client.getMinWireVersion() <= wireVersion && wireVersion <= client.getMaxWireVersion(); } // TODO: Update this whitelist, or convert it to a blacklist depending on the outcome of // SERVER-31743. const kCommandsThatSupportReadConcern = new Set([ "aggregate", "count", "distinct", "explain", "find", "geoNear", "geoSearch", "group", ]); function canUseReadConcern(driverSession, cmdObj) { // Always attach the readConcern to the first statement of the transaction, whether it // is a read or a write. if (driverSession._serverSession.isTxnActive()) { return driverSession._serverSession.isFirstStatement(); } let cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command name inside // the query/$query object. let cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj; if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj[cmdName]; cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObjUnwrapped)[0]; } if (!kCommandsThatSupportReadConcern.has(cmdName)) { return false; } if (cmdName === "explain") { return kCommandsThatSupportReadConcern.has(Object.keys(cmdObjUnwrapped.explain)[0]); } return true; } function gossipClusterTime(cmdObj, clusterTime) { cmdObj = Object.assign({}, cmdObj); const cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command object // inside the query/$query object. let cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj; if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObj[cmdName] = Object.assign({}, cmdObj[cmdName]); cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj[cmdName]; } if (!cmdObjUnwrapped.hasOwnProperty("$clusterTime")) { cmdObjUnwrapped.$clusterTime = clusterTime; } return cmdObj; } function injectAfterClusterTime(cmdObj, operationTime) { cmdObj = Object.assign({}, cmdObj); const cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command object // inside the query/$query object. let cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj; if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObj[cmdName] = Object.assign({}, cmdObj[cmdName]); cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj[cmdName]; } cmdObjUnwrapped.readConcern = Object.assign({}, cmdObjUnwrapped.readConcern); const readConcern = cmdObjUnwrapped.readConcern; if (!readConcern.hasOwnProperty("afterClusterTime")) { readConcern.afterClusterTime = operationTime; } return cmdObj; } function prepareCommandRequest(driverSession, cmdObj) { if (driverSession._isExplicit && !isAcknowledged(cmdObj)) { throw new Error("Unacknowledged writes are prohibited with sessions"); } if (serverSupports(kWireVersionSupportingLogicalSession) && // Always attach sessionId from explicit sessions. (driverSession._isExplicit || // Check that implicit sessions are not disabled. The client must be using read // commands because aggregations always use runCommand() to establish cursors but // may use OP_GET_MORE (and therefore not have a session id attached) to retrieve // subsequent batches. (!jsTest.options().disableImplicitSessions && client.useReadCommands()))) { cmdObj = driverSession._serverSession.injectSessionId(cmdObj); } if (serverSupports(kWireVersionSupportingCausalConsistency) && (client.isReplicaSetMember() || client.isMongos()) && !jsTest.options().skipGossipingClusterTime) { // The `clientClusterTime` is the highest clusterTime observed by any connection // within this mongo shell. const clientClusterTime = client.getClusterTime(); // The `sessionClusterTime` is the highest clusterTime tracked by the // `driverSession` session and may lag behind `clientClusterTime` if operations on // other sessions or connections are advancing the clusterTime. const sessionClusterTime = driverSession.getClusterTime(); // We gossip the greater of the client's clusterTime and the session's clusterTime. // If this is the first command being sent on this connection and/or session, then // it's possible that either clusterTime hasn't been initialized yet. Additionally, // if the user specified a malformed clusterTime as part of initialClusterTime, then // we want the server to be the one to reject it and therefore write our comparisons // using bsonWoCompare() accordingly. if (isNonNullObject(clientClusterTime) || isNonNullObject(sessionClusterTime)) { let clusterTimeToGossip; if (!isNonNullObject(sessionClusterTime)) { clusterTimeToGossip = clientClusterTime; } else if (!isNonNullObject(clientClusterTime)) { clusterTimeToGossip = sessionClusterTime; } else { clusterTimeToGossip = (bsonWoCompare({_: clientClusterTime.clusterTime}, {_: sessionClusterTime.clusterTime}) >= 0) ? clientClusterTime : sessionClusterTime; } cmdObj = gossipClusterTime(cmdObj, clusterTimeToGossip); } } // TODO SERVER-31868: A user should get back an error if they attempt to advance the // DriverSession's operationTime manually when talking to a stand-alone mongod. Removing // the `(client.isReplicaSetMember() || client.isMongos())` condition will also involve // calling resetOperationTime_forTesting() in JavaScript tests that start different // cluster types. if (serverSupports(kWireVersionSupportingCausalConsistency) && (client.isReplicaSetMember() || client.isMongos()) && (driverSession.getOptions().isCausalConsistency() || client.isCausalConsistency()) && canUseReadConcern(driverSession, cmdObj)) { // `driverSession.getOperationTime()` is the smallest time needed for performing a // causally consistent read using the current session. Note that // `client.getClusterTime()` is no smaller than the operation time and would // therefore only be less efficient to wait until. const operationTime = driverSession.getOperationTime(); if (operationTime !== undefined) { cmdObj = injectAfterClusterTime(cmdObj, driverSession.getOperationTime()); } } // All commands go through transaction code, which will determine if the command is a // part of the current transaction and will assign transaction info accordingly. cmdObj = driverSession._serverSession.assignTxnInfo(cmdObj); // Retryable writes code should execute only we are not in an active transaction. if (jsTest.options().alwaysInjectTransactionNumber && serverSupports(kWireVersionSupportingRetryableWrites) && driverSession.getOptions().shouldRetryWrites() && _ServerSession.canRetryWrites(cmdObj)) { cmdObj = driverSession._serverSession.assignTransactionNumber(cmdObj); } return cmdObj; } /** * Returns true if the error code is retryable, assuming the command is idempotent. * * The Retryable Writes specification defines a RetryableError as any network error, any of * the following error codes, or an error response with a different code containing the * phrase "not master" or "node is recovering". * * https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/5b53e0baca18ba111364d479a37fa9195ef801a6/ * source/retryable-writes/retryable-writes.rst#terms */ function isRetryableCode(code) { return ErrorCodes.isNetworkError(code) || ErrorCodes.isNotMasterError(code) || ErrorCodes.isShutdownError(code) || ErrorCodes.WriteConcernFailed === code; } function runClientFunctionWithRetries( driverSession, cmdObj, clientFunction, clientFunctionArguments) { let cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command object // inside the query/$query object. if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObj = cmdObj[cmdName]; cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; } // TODO SERVER-33921: Revisit how the mongo shell decides whether it should retry a // command or not. const sessionOptions = driverSession.getOptions(); let numRetries = (sessionOptions.shouldRetryWrites() && cmdObj.hasOwnProperty("txnNumber") && !jsTest.options().skipRetryOnNetworkError && !driverSession._serverSession.isTxnActive()) ? 1 : 0; if (numRetries > 0 && jsTest.options().overrideRetryAttempts) { numRetries = jsTest.options().overrideRetryAttempts; } do { let res; try { res = clientFunction.apply(client, clientFunctionArguments); } catch (e) { if (!isNetworkError(e) || numRetries === 0) { throw e; } // We run an "isMaster" command explicitly to force the underlying DBClient to // reconnect to the server. const res = client.adminCommand({isMaster: 1}); if (res.ok !== 1) { throw e; } // It's possible that the server we're connected with after re-establishing our // connection doesn't support retryable writes. If that happens, then we just // return the original network error back to the user. const serverSupportsRetryableWrites = res.hasOwnProperty("minWireVersion") && res.hasOwnProperty("maxWireVersion") && res.minWireVersion <= kWireVersionSupportingRetryableWrites && kWireVersionSupportingRetryableWrites <= res.maxWireVersion; if (!serverSupportsRetryableWrites) { throw e; } } if (numRetries > 0) { --numRetries; if (res === undefined) { if (jsTest.options().logRetryAttempts) { jsTest.log("Retrying " + cmdName + " due to network error, subsequent retries remaining: " + numRetries); } continue; } if (isRetryableCode(res.code)) { if (jsTest.options().logRetryAttempts) { jsTest.log("Retrying " + cmdName + " due to retryable error (code=" + res.code + "), subsequent retries remaining: " + numRetries); } if (client.isReplicaSetConnection()) { client._markNodeAsFailed(res._mongo.host, res.code, res.errmsg); } continue; } if (Array.isArray(res.writeErrors)) { // If any of the write operations in the batch fails with a retryable error, // then we retry the entire batch. const writeError = res.writeErrors.find((writeError) => isRetryableCode(writeError.code)); if (writeError !== undefined) { if (jsTest.options().logRetryAttempts) { jsTest.log("Retrying " + cmdName + " due to retryable write error (code=" + writeError.code + "), subsequent retries remaining: " + numRetries); } if (client.isReplicaSetConnection()) { client._markNodeAsFailed( res._mongo.host, writeError.code, writeError.errmsg); } continue; } } if (res.hasOwnProperty("writeConcernError") && isRetryableCode(res.writeConcernError.code)) { if (jsTest.options().logRetryAttempts) { jsTest.log("Retrying " + cmdName + " due to retryable write concern error (code=" + res.writeConcernError.code + "), subsequent retries remaining: " + numRetries); } if (client.isReplicaSetConnection()) { client._markNodeAsFailed(res._mongo.host, res.writeConcernError.code, res.writeConcernError.errmsg); } continue; } } return res; } while (true); } this.runCommand = function runCommand(driverSession, dbName, cmdObj, options) { cmdObj = prepareCommandRequest(driverSession, cmdObj); const res = runClientFunctionWithRetries( driverSession, cmdObj, client.runCommand, [dbName, cmdObj, options]); processCommandResponse(driverSession, client, res); return res; }; this.runCommandWithMetadata = function runCommandWithMetadata( driverSession, dbName, metadata, cmdObj) { cmdObj = prepareCommandRequest(driverSession, cmdObj); const res = runClientFunctionWithRetries( driverSession, cmdObj, client.runCommandWithMetadata, [dbName, metadata, cmdObj]); processCommandResponse(driverSession, client, res); return res; }; } function TransactionOptions(rawOptions = {}) { if (!(this instanceof TransactionOptions)) { return new TransactionOptions(rawOptions); } let _readConcern = rawOptions.readConcern; let _writeConcern = rawOptions.writeConcern; this.setTxnReadConcern = function setTxnReadConcern(value) { _readConcern = value; }; this.getTxnReadConcern = function getTxnReadConcern() { return _readConcern; }; this.setTxnWriteConcern = function setTxnWriteConcern(value) { _writeConcern = value; }; this.getTxnWriteConcern = function getTxnWriteConcern() { return _writeConcern; }; } // The server session maintains the state of a transaction, a monotonically increasing txn // number, and a transaction's read/write concerns. function ServerSession(client) { let _txnOptions; // Keep track of the next available statement id of a transaction. let _nextStatementId = 0; let _lastUsed = new Date(); if (!serverSupports(kWireVersionSupportingLogicalSession)) { throw new DriverSession.UnsupportedError( "Logical Sessions are only supported on server versions 3.6 and greater."); } this.handle = client._startSession(); function serverSupports(wireVersion) { return client.getMinWireVersion() <= wireVersion && wireVersion <= client.getMaxWireVersion(); } const hasTxnState = ((name) => this.handle.getTxnState() === name); const setTxnState = ((name) => this.handle.setTxnState(name)); this.isTxnActive = function isTxnActive() { return hasTxnState("active"); }; this.isFirstStatement = function isFirstStatement() { return _nextStatementId === 0; }; this.getLastUsed = function getLastUsed() { return _lastUsed; }; this.getTxnNumber = function getTxnNumber() { return this.handle.getTxnNumber(); }; this.setTxnNumber_forTesting = function setTxnNumber_forTesting(newTxnNumber) { this.handle.setTxnNumber(newTxnNumber); }; this.getTxnOptions = function getTxnOptions() { return _txnOptions; }; function updateLastUsed() { _lastUsed = new Date(); } this.injectSessionId = function injectSessionId(cmdObj) { cmdObj = Object.assign({}, cmdObj); const cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command object // inside the query/$query object. let cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj; if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObj[cmdName] = Object.assign({}, cmdObj[cmdName]); cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj[cmdName]; } if (!cmdObjUnwrapped.hasOwnProperty("lsid")) { if (isAcknowledged(cmdObjUnwrapped)) { cmdObjUnwrapped.lsid = this.handle.getId(); } // We consider the session to still be in use by the client any time the session id // is injected into the command object as part of making a request. updateLastUsed(); } return cmdObj; }; this.assignTransactionNumber = function assignTransactionNumber(cmdObj) { cmdObj = Object.assign({}, cmdObj); const cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command object // inside the query/$query object. let cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj; if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObj[cmdName] = Object.assign({}, cmdObj[cmdName]); cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj[cmdName]; } if (!cmdObjUnwrapped.hasOwnProperty("txnNumber")) { this.handle.incrementTxnNumber(); cmdObjUnwrapped.txnNumber = this.handle.getTxnNumber(); } return cmdObj; }; this.assignTxnInfo = function assignTxnInfo(cmdObj) { // We will want to reset the transaction state to 'inactive' if a normal operation // follows a committed or aborted transaction. if ((hasTxnState("aborted")) || (hasTxnState("committed") && Object.keys(cmdObj)[0] !== "commitTransaction")) { setTxnState("inactive"); } // If we're not in an active transaction or performing a retry on commitTransaction, // return early. if (hasTxnState("inactive")) { return cmdObj; } // If we reconnect to a 3.6 server in the middle of a transaction, we // catch it here. if (!serverSupports(kWireVersionSupportingMultiDocumentTransactions)) { setTxnState("inactive"); throw new Error( "Transactions are only supported on server versions 4.0 and greater."); } cmdObj = Object.assign({}, cmdObj); const cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command object // inside the query/$query object. let cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj; if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObj[cmdName] = Object.assign({}, cmdObj[cmdName]); cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj[cmdName]; } if (!cmdObjUnwrapped.hasOwnProperty("txnNumber")) { cmdObjUnwrapped.txnNumber = this.handle.getTxnNumber(); } // All operations of a multi-statement transaction must specify autocommit=false. cmdObjUnwrapped.autocommit = false; // Statement Id is required on all transaction operations. cmdObjUnwrapped.stmtId = new NumberInt(_nextStatementId); // 'readConcern' and 'startTransaction' can only be specified on the first statement // in a transaction. if (_nextStatementId == 0) { cmdObjUnwrapped.startTransaction = true; if (_txnOptions.getTxnReadConcern() !== undefined) { // Override the readConcern with the one specified during startTransaction. cmdObjUnwrapped.readConcern = Object.assign( {}, cmdObjUnwrapped.readConcern, _txnOptions.getTxnReadConcern()); } } // Reserve the statement ids for batch writes. switch (cmdName) { case "insert": _nextStatementId += cmdObjUnwrapped.documents.length; break; case "update": _nextStatementId += cmdObjUnwrapped.updates.length; break; case "delete": _nextStatementId += cmdObjUnwrapped.deletes.length; break; default: _nextStatementId += 1; } return cmdObj; }; this.startTransaction = function startTransaction(txnOptsObj, ignoreActiveTxn) { // If the session is already in a transaction, raise an error. If ignoreActiveTxn // is true, don't raise an error. This is to allow multiple threads to try to // use the same session in a concurrency workload. if (this.isTxnActive() && !ignoreActiveTxn) { throw new Error("Transaction already in progress on this session."); } if (!serverSupports(kWireVersionSupportingMultiDocumentTransactions)) { throw new Error( "Transactions are only supported on server versions 4.0 and greater."); } _txnOptions = new TransactionOptions(txnOptsObj); setTxnState("active"); _nextStatementId = 0; this.handle.incrementTxnNumber(); }; this.commitTransaction = function commitTransaction(driverSession) { // If the transaction state is already 'aborted' we cannot try to commit it. if (hasTxnState("aborted")) { throw new Error("Cannot call commitTransaction after calling abortTransaction."); } // If the session has no active transaction, raise an error. if (hasTxnState("inactive")) { throw new Error("There is no active transaction to commit on this session."); } // run commitTxn command return endTransaction("commitTransaction", driverSession); }; this.abortTransaction = function abortTransaction(driverSession) { // If the transaction state is already 'aborted' we cannot try to abort it again. if (hasTxnState("aborted")) { throw new Error("Cannot call abortTransaction twice."); } // We cannot attempt to abort a transaction that has already been committed. if (hasTxnState("committed")) { throw new Error("Cannot call abortTransaction after calling commitTransaction."); } // If the session has no active transaction, raise an error. if (hasTxnState("inactive")) { throw new Error("There is no active transaction to abort on this session."); } // run abortTxn command return endTransaction("abortTransaction", driverSession); }; const endTransaction = (commandName, driverSession) => { // If commitTransaction or abortTransaction is the first statement in a // transaction, it should not send a command to the server and should mark the // transaction as 'committed' or 'aborted' accordingly. if (this.isFirstStatement()) { if (commandName === "commitTransaction") { setTxnState("committed"); } else { setTxnState("aborted"); } return {"ok": 1}; } let cmd = {[commandName]: 1, txnNumber: this.handle.getTxnNumber()}; // writeConcern should only be specified on commit or abort. If a writeConcern is // not specified from the default transaction options, it will be inherited from // the session. const sessionAwareClient = driverSession._getSessionAwareClient(); if (sessionAwareClient.getWriteConcern(driverSession) !== undefined) { cmd.writeConcern = sessionAwareClient.getWriteConcern(driverSession); } if (_txnOptions.getTxnWriteConcern() !== undefined) { cmd.writeConcern = _txnOptions.getTxnWriteConcern(); } // If commit or abort raises an error, the transaction's state should still change. let res; try { // run command against the admin database. res = sessionAwareClient.runCommand(driverSession, "admin", cmd, 0); } finally { if (commandName === "commitTransaction") { setTxnState("committed"); } else { setTxnState("aborted"); } } return res; }; } ServerSession.canRetryWrites = function canRetryWrites(cmdObj) { let cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; // If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command name inside the // query/$query object. if (cmdName === "query" || cmdName === "$query") { cmdObj = cmdObj[cmdName]; cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0]; } if (cmdObj.hasOwnProperty("autocommit")) { return false; } if (!isAcknowledged(cmdObj)) { return false; } if (cmdName === "insert") { if (!Array.isArray(cmdObj.documents)) { // The command object is malformed, so we'll just leave it as-is and let the server // reject it. return false; } // Both single-statement operations (e.g. insertOne()) and multi-statement operations // (e.g. insertMany()) can be retried regardless of whether they are executed in order // by the server. return true; } else if (cmdName === "update") { if (!Array.isArray(cmdObj.updates)) { // The command object is malformed, so we'll just leave it as-is and let the server // reject it. return false; } const hasMultiUpdate = cmdObj.updates.some(updateOp => updateOp.multi); if (hasMultiUpdate) { // Operations that modify multiple documents (e.g. updateMany()) cannot be retried. return false; } // Both single-statement operations (e.g. updateOne()) and multi-statement operations // (e.g. bulkWrite()) can be retried regardless of whether they are executed in order by // the server. return true; } else if (cmdName === "delete") { if (!Array.isArray(cmdObj.deletes)) { // The command object is malformed, so we'll just leave it as-is and let the server // reject it. return false; } // We use bsonWoCompare() in order to handle cases where the limit is specified as a // NumberInt() or NumberLong() instance. const hasMultiDelete = cmdObj.deletes.some(deleteOp => bsonWoCompare({_: deleteOp.limit}, {_: 0}) === 0); if (hasMultiDelete) { // Operations that modify multiple documents (e.g. deleteMany()) cannot be retried. return false; } // Both single-statement operations (e.g. deleteOne()) and multi-statement operations // (e.g. bulkWrite()) can be retried regardless of whether they are executed in order by // the server. return true; } else if (cmdName === "findAndModify" || cmdName === "findandmodify") { // Operations that modify a single document (e.g. findOneAndUpdate()) can be retried. return true; } return false; }; function makeDriverSessionConstructor(implMethods, defaultOptions = {}) { var driverSessionConstructor = function(client, options = defaultOptions) { const sessionAwareClient = new SessionAwareClient(client); let _options = options; let _hasEnded = false; let _operationTime; let _clusterTime; if (!(_options instanceof SessionOptions)) { _options = new SessionOptions(_options); } this._serverSession = implMethods.createServerSession(client); this._isExplicit = true; this.getClient = function getClient() { return client; }; this._getSessionAwareClient = function _getSessionAwareClient() { return sessionAwareClient; }; this.getOptions = function getOptions() { return _options; }; this.getSessionId = function getSessionId() { if (!this._serverSession.hasOwnProperty("handle")) { return null; } return this._serverSession.handle.getId(); }; this.getTxnNumber_forTesting = function getTxnNumber_forTesting() { return this._serverSession.getTxnNumber(); }; this.setTxnNumber_forTesting = function setTxnNumber_forTesting(newTxnNumber) { this._serverSession.setTxnNumber_forTesting(newTxnNumber); }; this.getOperationTime = function getOperationTime() { return _operationTime; }; this.advanceOperationTime = function advanceOperationTime(operationTime) { if (!isNonNullObject(_operationTime) || bsonWoCompare({_: operationTime}, {_: _operationTime}) > 0) { _operationTime = operationTime; } }; this.resetOperationTime_forTesting = function resetOperationTime_forTesting() { _operationTime = undefined; }; this.getClusterTime = function getClusterTime() { return _clusterTime; }; this.advanceClusterTime = function advanceClusterTime(clusterTime) { if (!isNonNullObject(_clusterTime) || bsonWoCompare({_: clusterTime.clusterTime}, {_: _clusterTime.clusterTime}) > 0) { _clusterTime = clusterTime; } }; this.resetClusterTime_forTesting = function resetClusterTime_forTesting() { _clusterTime = undefined; }; this.getDatabase = function getDatabase(dbName) { const db = client.getDB(dbName); db._session = this; return db; }; this.hasEnded = function hasEnded() { return _hasEnded; }; this.endSession = function endSession() { if (this._hasEnded) { return; } this._hasEnded = true; implMethods.endSession(this._serverSession); }; this.shellPrint = function() { return this.toString(); }; this.tojson = function _tojson(...args) { return tojson(this.getSessionId(), ...args); }; this.toString = function toString() { const sessionId = this.getSessionId(); if (sessionId === null) { return "dummy session"; } return "session " + tojson(sessionId); }; this.startTransaction = function startTransaction(txnOptsObj = {}) { this._serverSession.startTransaction(txnOptsObj); }; this.startTransaction_forTesting = function startTransaction_forTesting( txnOptsObj = {}, {ignoreActiveTxn: ignoreActiveTxn = false} = {}) { this._serverSession.startTransaction(txnOptsObj, ignoreActiveTxn); }; this.commitTransaction = function commitTransaction() { assert.commandWorked(this._serverSession.commitTransaction(this)); }; this.abortTransaction = function abortTransaction() { // Intentionally ignore command result. this._serverSession.abortTransaction(this); }; this.commitTransaction_forTesting = function commitTransaction_forTesting() { return this._serverSession.commitTransaction(this); }; this.abortTransaction_forTesting = function abortTransaction_forTesting() { return this._serverSession.abortTransaction(this); }; this.processCommandResponse_forTesting = function processCommandResponse_forTesting( res) { processCommandResponse(this, client, res); }; }; // Having a specific Error for when logical sessions aren't supported by the server, allows // the correct fallback behavior in this case (while propagating other errors). driverSessionConstructor.UnsupportedError = function(message) { this.name = "DriverSession.UnsupportedError"; this.message = message; this.stack = this.toString() + "\n" + (new Error()).stack; }; driverSessionConstructor.UnsupportedError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); driverSessionConstructor.UnsupportedError.prototype.constructor = driverSessionConstructor.UnsupportedError; return driverSessionConstructor; } const DriverSession = makeDriverSessionConstructor({ createServerSession: function createServerSession(client) { return new ServerSession(client); }, endSession: function endSession(serverSession) { serverSession.handle.end(); }, }); function DelegatingDriverSession(client, originalSession) { const sessionAwareClient = new SessionAwareClient(client); this.getClient = function() { return client; }; this._getSessionAwareClient = function() { return sessionAwareClient; }; this.getDatabase = function(dbName) { const db = client.getDB(dbName); db._session = this; return db; }; return new Proxy(this, { get: function get(target, property, receiver) { // If the property is defined on the DelegatingDriverSession instance itself, then // return it. Otherwise, get the value of the property from the `originalSession` // instance. if (target.hasOwnProperty(property)) { return target[property]; } return originalSession[property]; }, }); } // The default session on the Mongo connection object should report that causal consistency // isn't enabled when interrogating the SessionOptions since it must be enabled on the Mongo // connection object. // // The default session on the Mongo connection object should also report that retryable // writes isn't enabled when interrogating the SessionOptions since `DummyDriverSession` won't // ever assign a transaction number. const DummyDriverSession = makeDriverSessionConstructor( // Force clang-format to break this line. { createServerSession: function createServerSession(client) { return { injectSessionId: function injectSessionId(cmdObj) { return cmdObj; }, assignTransactionNumber: function assignTransactionNumber(cmdObj) { return cmdObj; }, canRetryWrites: function canRetryWrites(cmdObj) { return false; }, assignTxnInfo: function assignTxnInfo(cmdObj) { return cmdObj; }, isTxnActive: function isTxnActive() { return false; }, isFirstStatement: function isFirstStatement() { return false; }, getTxnOptions: function getTxnOptions() { return {}; }, startTransaction: function startTransaction() { throw new Error("Must call startSession() on the Mongo connection " + "object before starting a transaction."); }, commitTransaction: function commitTransaction() { throw new Error("Must call startSession() on the Mongo connection " + "object before committing a transaction."); }, abortTransaction: function abortTransaction() { throw new Error("Must call startSession() on the Mongo connection " + "object before aborting a transaction."); }, }; }, endSession: function endSession(serverSession) {}, }, {causalConsistency: false, retryWrites: false}); // We don't actually put anything on DriverSession.prototype, but this way // `session instanceof DriverSession` will work for DummyDriverSession instances. DummyDriverSession.prototype = Object.create(DriverSession.prototype); DummyDriverSession.prototype.constructor = DriverSession; return { DriverSession: DriverSession, SessionOptions: SessionOptions, _DummyDriverSession: DummyDriverSession, _DelegatingDriverSession: DelegatingDriverSession, _ServerSession: ServerSession, }; })();