var authutil; (function() { assert(!authutil); authutil = {}; /** * Logs out all connections "conn" from database "dbname". */ authutil.logout = function(conn, dbname) { var i; if (null == conn.length) { conn = [conn]; } for (i = 0; i < conn.length; ++i) { var curDB = new DB(conn[i], dbname); curDB.logout(); } }; /** * Authenticates all connections in "conns" using "authParams" on database "dbName". * * Raises an exception if any authentication fails, and tries to leave all connnections * in "conns" in the logged-out-of-dbName state. */ authutil.assertAuthenticate = function(conns, dbName, authParams) { var conn, i, ex, ex2; if (conns.length == null) conns = [conns]; try { for (i = 0; i < conns.length; ++i) { conn = conns[i]; // Bypass the implicit auth call in getDB(); const db = new DB(conn, dbName); try { retryOnNetworkError(db._authOrThrow.bind(db, authParams)); } catch (ex3) { doassert("assert failed : " + "Failed to authenticate " + conn + " to " + dbName + " using parameters " + tojson(authParams) + " : " + ex3); } } } catch (ex) { try { authutil.logout(conns, dbName); } catch (ex2) { } throw ex; } }; /** * Authenticates all connections in "conns" using "authParams" on database "dbName". * Raises in exception if any of the authentications succeed. */ authutil.assertAuthenticateFails = function(conns, dbName, authParams) { var conn, i; if (conns.length == null) conns = [conns]; for (i = 0; i < conns.length; ++i) { conn = conns[i]; // Bypass the implicit auth call in getDB(); const db = new DB(conn, dbName); const ex = assert.throws(retryOnNetworkError, [db._authOrThrow.bind(db, authParams)], "Unexpectedly authenticated " + conn + " to " + dbName + " using parameters " + tojson(authParams)); if (isNetworkError(ex)) { throw ex; } } }; /** * Executes action() after authenticating the keyfile user on "conn", then logs out the keyfile * user. */ authutil.asCluster = function(conn, keyfile, action) { var ex; // put a connection in an array for uniform processing. let connArray = conn; if (conn.length == null) connArray = [conn]; const connOptions = connArray[0].fullOptions || {}; const authMode = connOptions.clusterAuthMode || connArray[0].clusterAuthMode || jsTest.options().clusterAuthMode; let clusterTimes = => { const connClusterTime = connElem.getClusterTime(); const sessionClusterTime = connElem._getDefaultSession().getClusterTime(); const operationTime = connElem._getDefaultSession().getOperationTime(); connElem.resetClusterTime_forTesting(); connElem._getDefaultSession().resetClusterTime_forTesting(); connElem._getDefaultSession().resetOperationTime_forTesting(); return {connClusterTime, sessionClusterTime, operationTime}; }); let authDB = 'admin'; if ((authMode === 'keyFile') || (authMode === 'sendKeyFile') || (authMode === 'sendX509' && keyfile !== undefined)) { if (keyfile === undefined) { keyfile = connOptions.keyFile || connArray[0].keyFile; assert(keyfile !== undefined, `Cannot find a keyfile to use for authentication from the connection: ${ tojson(connOptions)} ==== ${tojson(connArray[0])}`); } authutil.assertAuthenticate(conn, 'admin', { user: '__system', mechanism: 'SCRAM-SHA-256', pwd: cat(keyfile).replace(/[\011-\015\040]/g, '') }); } else if (authMode === 'x509' || authMode === 'sendX509') { // When we login as __system, it gets registered internally as __system@local as the user // name authDB = 'local'; authutil.assertAuthenticate(conn, '$external', { mechanism: 'MONGODB-X509', }); } else { throw new Error('clusterAuthMode ' + authMode + ' is currently unsupported'); } try { return action(); } finally { try { authutil.logout(conn, authDB); let connArray = conn; if (conn.length == null) connArray = [conn]; for (let i = 0; i < connArray.length; i++) { let connElem = connArray[i]; connElem.resetClusterTime_forTesting(); connElem._getDefaultSession().resetClusterTime_forTesting(); connElem._getDefaultSession().resetOperationTime_forTesting(); if (clusterTimes[i].connClusterTime) { connElem.advanceClusterTime(clusterTimes[i].connClusterTime); } if (clusterTimes[i].sessionClusterTime) { connElem._getDefaultSession().advanceClusterTime( clusterTimes[i].sessionClusterTime); } if (clusterTimes[i].operationTime) { connElem._getDefaultSession().advanceOperationTime( clusterTimes[i].operationTime); } } } catch (ex) { } } }; }());