sh = function() { return "try;"; }; sh._checkMongos = function() { var x = db._helloOrLegacyHello(); if (x.msg != "isdbgrid") throw Error("not connected to a mongos"); }; sh._checkFullName = function(fullName) { assert(fullName, "need a full name"); assert(fullName.indexOf(".") > 0, "name needs to be fully qualified .'"); }; sh._adminCommand = function(cmd, skipCheck) { if (!skipCheck) sh._checkMongos(); return db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand(cmd); }; sh._getConfigDB = function() { sh._checkMongos(); return db.getSiblingDB("config"); }; sh._getBalancerStatus = function() { return assert.commandWorked(sh._getConfigDB().adminCommand({balancerStatus: 1})); }; sh._dataFormat = function(bytes) { if (bytes == null) { return "0B"; } if (bytes < 1024) return Math.floor(bytes) + "B"; if (bytes < 1024 * 1024) return Math.floor(bytes / 1024) + "KiB"; if (bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) return Math.floor((Math.floor(bytes / 1024) / 1024) * 100) / 100 + "MiB"; return Math.floor((Math.floor(bytes / (1024 * 1024)) / 1024) * 100) / 100 + "GiB"; }; sh._collRE = function(coll) { return RegExp("^" + RegExp.escape(coll + "") + "-.*"); }; sh._pchunk = function(chunk) { return "[" + tojson(chunk.min) + " -> " + tojson(chunk.max) + "]"; }; /** * Internal method to write the balancer state to the config.settings collection. Should not be used * directly, instead go through the start/stopBalancer calls and the balancerStart/Stop commands. */ sh._writeBalancerStateDeprecated = function(onOrNot) { return assert.commandWorked( sh._getConfigDB().settings.update({_id: 'balancer'}, {$set: {stopped: onOrNot ? false : true}}, {upsert: true, writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}})); }; = function() { print("\tsh.addShard( host ) server:port OR setname/server:port"); print("\tsh.addShardToZone(shard,zone) adds the shard to the zone"); print("\tsh.updateZoneKeyRange(fullName,min,max,zone) " + "assigns the specified range of the given collection to a zone"); print("\tsh.disableBalancing(coll) disable balancing on one collection"); print("\tsh.enableBalancing(coll) re-enable balancing on one collection"); print( "\tsh.enableSharding(dbname, shardName) enables sharding on the database dbname, optionally use shardName as primary"); print("\tsh.getBalancerState() returns whether the balancer is enabled"); print( "\tsh.isBalancerRunning() return true if the balancer has work in progress on any mongos"); print( "\tsh.moveChunk(fullName,find,to) move the chunk where 'find' is to 'to' (name of shard)"); print("\tsh.removeShardFromZone(shard,zone) removes the shard from zone"); print( "\tsh.removeRangeFromZone(fullName,min,max) removes the range of the given collection from any zone"); print("\tsh.shardCollection(fullName,key,unique,options) shards the collection"); print( "\tsh.splitAt(fullName,middle) splits the chunk that middle is in at middle"); print( "\tsh.splitFind(fullName,find) splits the chunk that find is in at the median"); print( "\tsh.startBalancer() starts the balancer so chunks are balanced automatically"); print("\tsh.status() prints a general overview of the cluster"); print( "\tsh.stopBalancer() stops the balancer so chunks are not balanced automatically"); print("\tsh.disableAutoSplit() disable autoSplit on one collection"); print("\tsh.enableAutoSplit() re-enable autoSplit on one collection"); print("\tsh.getShouldAutoSplit() returns whether autosplit is enabled"); print( "\tsh.balancerCollectionStatus(fullName) " + "returns wheter the specified collection is balanced or the balancer needs to take more actions on it"); print("\tsh.configureCollectionBalancing(fullName, params) " + "configure balancing settings for a specific collection"); print("\tsh.awaitCollectionBalance(coll) waits for a collection to be balanced"); print( "\tsh.verifyCollectionIsBalanced(coll) verifies that a collection is well balanced by checking the actual data size on each shard"); }; sh.status = function(verbose, configDB) { // TODO: move the actual command here printShardingStatus(configDB, verbose); }; sh.addShard = function(url) { return sh._adminCommand({addShard: url}, true); }; sh.enableSharding = function(dbname, shardName) { assert(dbname, "need a valid dbname"); var command = {enableSharding: dbname}; if (shardName) { command.primaryShard = shardName; } return sh._adminCommand(command); }; sh.shardCollection = function(fullName, key, unique, options) { sh._checkFullName(fullName); assert(key, "need a key"); assert(typeof (key) == "object", "key needs to be an object"); var cmd = {shardCollection: fullName, key: key}; if (unique) cmd.unique = true; if (options) { if (typeof (options) !== "object") { throw new Error("options must be an object"); } Object.extend(cmd, options); } return sh._adminCommand(cmd); }; sh.splitFind = function(fullName, find) { sh._checkFullName(fullName); return sh._adminCommand({split: fullName, find: find}); }; sh.splitAt = function(fullName, middle) { sh._checkFullName(fullName); return sh._adminCommand({split: fullName, middle: middle}); }; sh.moveChunk = function(fullName, find, to) { sh._checkFullName(fullName); return sh._adminCommand({moveChunk: fullName, find: find, to: to}); }; sh.setBalancerState = function(isOn) { assert(typeof (isOn) == "boolean", "Must pass boolean to setBalancerState"); if (isOn) { return sh.startBalancer(); } else { return sh.stopBalancer(); } }; sh.getBalancerState = function(configDB, balancerStatus) { if (configDB === undefined) { configDB = sh._getConfigDB(); } if (balancerStatus === undefined) { balancerStatus = assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({balancerStatus: 1})); } return balancerStatus.mode !== "off" && balancerStatus.mode !== "autoSplitOnly"; }; sh.isBalancerRunning = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = sh._getConfigDB(); var result = configDB.adminCommand({balancerStatus: 1}); return assert.commandWorked(result).inBalancerRound; }; sh.stopBalancer = function(timeoutMs, interval) { timeoutMs = timeoutMs || 60000; var result = db.adminCommand({balancerStop: 1, maxTimeMS: timeoutMs}); return assert.commandWorked(result); }; sh.startBalancer = function(timeoutMs, interval) { timeoutMs = timeoutMs || 60000; var result = db.adminCommand({balancerStart: 1, maxTimeMS: timeoutMs}); return assert.commandWorked(result); }; sh.enableAutoSplit = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = sh._getConfigDB(); return assert.commandWorked( configDB.settings.update({_id: 'autosplit'}, {$set: {enabled: true}}, {upsert: true, writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 30000}})); }; sh.disableAutoSplit = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = sh._getConfigDB(); return assert.commandWorked( configDB.settings.update({_id: 'autosplit'}, {$set: {enabled: false}}, {upsert: true, writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 30000}})); }; sh.getShouldAutoSplit = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = sh._getConfigDB(); var autosplit = configDB.settings.findOne({_id: 'autosplit'}); if (autosplit == null) { return true; } return autosplit.enabled; }; sh.waitForPingChange = function(activePings, timeout, interval) { var isPingChanged = function(activePing) { var newPing = sh._getConfigDB().mongos.findOne({_id: activePing._id}); return !newPing || + "" != + ""; }; // First wait for all active pings to change, so we're sure a settings reload // happened // Timeout all pings on the same clock var start = new Date(); var remainingPings = []; for (var i = 0; i < activePings.length; i++) { var activePing = activePings[i]; print("Waiting for active host " + activePing._id + " to recognize new settings... (ping : " + + ")"); // Do a manual timeout here, avoid scary assert.soon errors var timeout = timeout || 30000; var interval = interval || 200; while (isPingChanged(activePing) != true) { if ((new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime() > timeout) { print("Waited for active ping to change for host " + activePing._id + ", a migration may be in progress or the host may be down."); remainingPings.push(activePing); break; } sleep(interval); } } return remainingPings; }; /** * Waits up to the specified timeout (with a default of 60s) for the balancer to execute one * round. If no round has been executed, throws an error. */ sh.awaitBalancerRound = function(timeout, interval) { timeout = timeout || 60000; var initialStatus = sh._getBalancerStatus(); var currentStatus; assert.soon(function() { currentStatus = sh._getBalancerStatus(); assert.eq(currentStatus.mode, 'full', "Balancer is disabled"); if (!friendlyEqual(currentStatus.term, initialStatus.term)) { // A new primary of the csrs has been elected initialStatus = currentStatus; return false; } assert.gte(currentStatus.numBalancerRounds, initialStatus.numBalancerRounds, 'Number of balancer rounds moved back in time unexpectedly. Current status: ' + tojson(currentStatus) + ', initial status: ' + tojson(initialStatus)); return currentStatus.numBalancerRounds > initialStatus.numBalancerRounds; }, 'Latest balancer status: ' + tojson(currentStatus), timeout, interval); }; sh.disableBalancing = function(coll) { if (coll === undefined) { throw Error("Must specify collection"); } var dbase = db; if (coll instanceof DBCollection) { dbase = coll.getDB(); } else { sh._checkMongos(); } return assert.commandWorked(dbase.getSiblingDB("config").collections.update( {_id: coll + ""}, {$set: {"noBalance": true}}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 60000}})); }; sh.enableBalancing = function(coll) { if (coll === undefined) { throw Error("Must specify collection"); } var dbase = db; if (coll instanceof DBCollection) { dbase = coll.getDB(); } else { sh._checkMongos(); } return assert.commandWorked(dbase.getSiblingDB("config").collections.update( {_id: coll + ""}, {$set: {"noBalance": false}}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 60000}})); }; sh.awaitCollectionBalance = function(coll, timeout, interval) { if (coll === undefined) { throw Error("Must specify collection"); } timeout = timeout || 60000; interval = interval || 200; const ns = coll.getFullName(); const orphanDocsPipeline = [ {'$collStats': {'storageStats': {}}}, {'$project': {'shard': true, 'storageStats': {'numOrphanDocs': true}}}, {'$group': {'_id': null, 'totalNumOrphanDocs': {'$sum': '$storageStats.numOrphanDocs'}}} ]; var oldDb = (typeof (db) === 'undefined' ? undefined : db); try { db = coll.getDB(); assert.soon( function() { assert.soon(function() { return assert .commandWorked(sh._adminCommand({balancerCollectionStatus: ns}, true)) .balancerCompliant; }, 'Timed out waiting for the collection to be balanced', timeout, interval); // (SERVER-67301) Wait for orphans counter to be 0 to account for potential stale // orphans count sh.disableBalancing(coll); assert.soon(function() { return coll.aggregate(orphanDocsPipeline).toArray()[0].totalNumOrphanDocs === 0; }, 'Timed out waiting for orphans counter to be 0', timeout, interval); sh.enableBalancing(coll); return assert.commandWorked(sh._adminCommand({balancerCollectionStatus: ns}, true)) .balancerCompliant; }, 'Timed out waiting for collection to be balanced and orphans counter to be 0', timeout, interval); } finally { db = oldDb; } }; /** * Verifies if given collection is properly balanced according to the data size aware balancing * policy */ sh.verifyCollectionIsBalanced = function(coll) { if (coll === undefined) { throw Error("Must specify collection"); } var oldDb = db; try { db = coll.getDB(); const configDB = sh._getConfigDB(); const ns = coll.getFullName(); const collection = configDB.collections.findOne({_id: ns}); let collSizeOnShards = []; let shards = []; const collStatsPipeline = [ {'$collStats': {'storageStats': {}}}, { '$project': { 'shard': true, 'storageStats': {'count': true, 'size': true, 'avgObjSize': true, 'numOrphanDocs': true} } }, {'$sort': {'shard': 1}} ]; let kChunkSize = 1024 * 1024 * assert.commandWorked(sh._adminCommand({balancerCollectionStatus: ns})).chunkSize; // TODO SERVER-67898 delete kChunkSize overwrite after completing the ticket if (kChunkSize == 0) { kChunkSize = collection.maxChunkSizeBytes; } // Get coll size per shard const storageStats = coll.aggregate(collStatsPipeline).toArray(); coll.aggregate(collStatsPipeline).forEach((shardStats) => { shards.push(shardStats['shard']); const collSize = (shardStats['storageStats']['count'] - shardStats['storageStats']['numOrphanDocs']) * shardStats['storageStats']['avgObjSize']; collSizeOnShards.push(collSize); }); let errorMsg = "Collection not balanced. collection= " + tojson(collection) + ", shards= " + tojson(shards) + ", collSizeOnShards=" + tojson(collSizeOnShards) + ", storageStats=" + tojson(storageStats) + ", kChunkSize=" + tojson(kChunkSize); assert.lte((Math.max(...collSizeOnShards) - Math.min(...collSizeOnShards)), 3 * kChunkSize, errorMsg); } finally { db = oldDb; } }; /* * Can call _lastMigration( coll ), _lastMigration( db ), _lastMigration( st ), _lastMigration( * mongos ) */ sh._lastMigration = function(ns) { var coll = null; var dbase = null; var config = null; if (!ns) { config = db.getSiblingDB("config"); } else if (ns instanceof DBCollection) { coll = ns; config = coll.getDB().getSiblingDB("config"); } else if (ns instanceof DB) { dbase = ns; config = dbase.getSiblingDB("config"); } else if (ns instanceof ShardingTest) { config = ns.s.getDB("config"); } else if (ns instanceof Mongo) { config = ns.getDB("config"); } else { // String namespace ns = ns + ""; if (ns.indexOf(".") > 0) { config = db.getSiblingDB("config"); coll = db.getMongo().getCollection(ns); } else { config = db.getSiblingDB("config"); dbase = db.getSiblingDB(ns); } } var searchDoc = {what: /^moveChunk/}; if (coll) searchDoc.ns = coll + ""; if (dbase) searchDoc.ns = new RegExp("^" + dbase + "\\."); var cursor = config.changelog.find(searchDoc).sort({time: -1}).limit(1); if (cursor.hasNext()) return; else return null; }; sh.addShardTag = function(shard, tag) { var result = sh.addShardToZone(shard, tag); if (result.code != ErrorCodes.CommandNotFound) { return result; } var config = sh._getConfigDB(); if (config.shards.findOne({_id: shard}) == null) { throw Error("can't find a shard with name: " + shard); } return assert.commandWorked(config.shards.update( {_id: shard}, {$addToSet: {tags: tag}}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 60000}})); }; sh.removeShardTag = function(shard, tag) { var result = sh.removeShardFromZone(shard, tag); if (result.code != ErrorCodes.CommandNotFound) { return result; } var config = sh._getConfigDB(); if (config.shards.findOne({_id: shard}) == null) { throw Error("can't find a shard with name: " + shard); } return assert.commandWorked(config.shards.update( {_id: shard}, {$pull: {tags: tag}}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 60000}})); }; sh.addTagRange = function(ns, min, max, tag) { var result = sh.updateZoneKeyRange(ns, min, max, tag); if (result.code != ErrorCodes.CommandNotFound) { return result; } if (bsonWoCompare(min, max) == 0) { throw new Error("min and max cannot be the same"); } var config = sh._getConfigDB(); return assert.commandWorked( config.tags.update({_id: {ns: ns, min: min}}, {_id: {ns: ns, min: min}, ns: ns, min: min, max: max, tag: tag}, {upsert: true, writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 60000}})); }; sh.removeTagRange = function(ns, min, max, tag) { var result = sh.removeRangeFromZone(ns, min, max); if (result.code != ErrorCodes.CommandNotFound) { return result; } var config = sh._getConfigDB(); // warn if the namespace does not exist, even dropped if (config.collections.findOne({_id: ns}) == null) { print("Warning: can't find the namespace: " + ns + " - collection likely never sharded"); } // warn if the tag being removed is still in use if (config.shards.findOne({tags: tag})) { print("Warning: tag still in use by at least one shard"); } // max and tag criteria not really needed, but including them avoids potentially unexpected // behavior. return assert.commandWorked( config.tags.remove({_id: {ns: ns, min: min}, max: max, tag: tag}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: 60000}})); }; sh.addShardToZone = function(shardName, zoneName) { return sh._getConfigDB().adminCommand({addShardToZone: shardName, zone: zoneName}); }; sh.removeShardFromZone = function(shardName, zoneName) { return sh._getConfigDB().adminCommand({removeShardFromZone: shardName, zone: zoneName}); }; sh.updateZoneKeyRange = function(ns, min, max, zoneName) { return sh._getConfigDB().adminCommand( {updateZoneKeyRange: ns, min: min, max: max, zone: zoneName}); }; sh.removeRangeFromZone = function(ns, min, max) { return sh._getConfigDB().adminCommand({updateZoneKeyRange: ns, min: min, max: max, zone: null}); }; sh.getBalancerWindow = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = db.getSiblingDB('config'); var settings = configDB.settings.findOne({_id: 'balancer'}); if (settings == null) { return null; } if (settings.hasOwnProperty("activeWindow")) { return settings.activeWindow; } return null; }; sh.getActiveMigrations = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = db.getSiblingDB('config'); var activeLocks = configDB.locks.find({state: {$eq: 2}}); var result = []; if (activeLocks != null) { activeLocks.forEach(function(lock) { result.push({_id: lock._id, when: lock.when}); }); } return result; }; sh.getRecentFailedRounds = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = db.getSiblingDB('config'); var balErrs = configDB.actionlog.find({what: "balancer.round"}).sort({time: -1}).limit(5); var result = {count: 0, lastErr: "", lastTime: " "}; if (balErrs != null) { balErrs.forEach(function(r) { if (r.details.errorOccurred) { result.count += 1; if (result.count == 1) { result.lastErr = r.details.errmsg; result.lastTime = r.time; } } }); } return result; }; /** * Returns a summary of chunk migrations that was completed either successfully or not * since yesterday. The format is an array of 2 arrays, where the first array contains * the successful cases, and the second array contains the failure cases. */ sh.getRecentMigrations = function(configDB) { if (configDB === undefined) configDB = sh._getConfigDB(); var yesterday = new Date(new Date() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // Successful migrations. var result = configDB.changelog .aggregate([ { $match: { time: {$gt: yesterday}, what: "moveChunk.from", 'details.errmsg': {$exists: false}, 'details.note': 'success' } }, {$group: {_id: {msg: "$details.errmsg"}, count: {$sum: 1}}}, {$project: {_id: {$ifNull: ["$_id.msg", "Success"]}, count: "$count"}} ]) .toArray(); // Failed migrations. result = result.concat( configDB.changelog .aggregate([ { $match: { time: {$gt: yesterday}, what: "moveChunk.from", $or: [ {'details.errmsg': {$exists: true}}, {'details.note': {$ne: 'success'}} ] } }, { $group: { _id: {msg: "$details.errmsg", from: "$details.from", to: "$"}, count: {$sum: 1} } }, { $project: { _id: {$ifNull: ['$_id.msg', 'aborted']}, from: "$_id.from", to: "$", count: "$count" } } ]) .toArray()); return result; }; sh._shardingStatusStr = function(indent, s) { // convert from logical indentation to actual num of chars if (indent == 0) { indent = 0; } else if (indent == 1) { indent = 2; } else { indent = (indent - 1) * 8; } return indentStr(indent, s) + "\n"; }; sh.balancerCollectionStatus = function(coll) { return sh._adminCommand({balancerCollectionStatus: coll}, true); }; sh.configureCollectionBalancing = function(coll) { let cmd = {configureCollectionBalancing: coll}; if (opts) { cmd = Object.assign(cmd, opts); } return sh._adminCommand(cmd, true); }; function printShardingStatus(configDB, verbose) { // configDB is a DB object that contains the sharding metadata of interest. // Defaults to the db named "config" on the current connection. if (configDB === undefined) configDB = db.getSiblingDB('config'); var version = configDB.getCollection("version").findOne(); if (version == null) { print( "printShardingStatus: this db does not have sharding enabled. be sure you are connecting to a mongos from the shell and not to a mongod."); return; } var raw = ""; var output = function(indent, s) { raw += sh._shardingStatusStr(indent, s); }; output(0, "--- Sharding Status --- "); output(1, "sharding version: " + tojson(configDB.getCollection("version").findOne())); output(1, "shards:"); configDB.shards.find().sort({_id: 1}).forEach(function(z) { output(2, tojsononeline(z)); }); // (most recently) active mongoses var mongosActiveThresholdMs = 60000; var mostRecentMongos = configDB.mongos.find().sort({ping: -1}).limit(1); var mostRecentMongosTime = null; var mongosAdjective = "most recently active"; if (mostRecentMongos.hasNext()) { mostRecentMongosTime =; // Mongoses older than the threshold are the most recent, but cannot be // considered "active" mongoses. (This is more likely to be an old(er) // configdb dump, or all the mongoses have been stopped.) if (mostRecentMongosTime.getTime() >= - mongosActiveThresholdMs) { mongosAdjective = "active"; } } output(1, mongosAdjective + " mongoses:"); if (mostRecentMongosTime === null) { output(2, "none"); } else { var recentMongosQuery = { ping: { $gt: (function() { var d = mostRecentMongosTime; d.setTime(d.getTime() - mongosActiveThresholdMs); return d; })() } }; if (verbose) { configDB.mongos.find(recentMongosQuery).sort({ping: -1}).forEach(function(z) { output(2, tojsononeline(z)); }); } else { configDB.mongos .aggregate([ {$match: recentMongosQuery}, {$group: {_id: "$mongoVersion", num: {$sum: 1}}}, {$sort: {num: -1}} ]) .forEach(function(z) { output(2, tojson(z._id) + " : " + z.num); }); } } output(1, "autosplit:"); // Is autosplit currently enabled output(2, "Currently enabled: " + (sh.getShouldAutoSplit(configDB) ? "yes" : "no")); output(1, "balancer:"); let balancerEnabledString; let balancerRunning; const balancerStatus = configDB.adminCommand({balancerStatus: 1}); if (!balancerStatus.ok) { // If the call to balancerStatus returns CommandNotFound, we indicate that the balancer // being enabled is currently unknown, since CommandNotFound implies we're running this // command on a standalone mongod. All other error statuses return "no" for historical // reasons. balancerEnabledString = (balancerStatus.code == ErrorCodes.CommandNotFound) ? "unknown" : "no"; balancerRunning = false; } else { balancerEnabledString = sh.getBalancerState(configDB, balancerStatus) ? "yes" : "no"; balancerRunning = balancerStatus.inBalancerRound; } // Is the balancer currently enabled output(2, "Currently enabled: " + balancerEnabledString); // Is the balancer currently active output(2, "Currently running: " + (balancerRunning ? "yes" : "no")); // Output the balancer window var balSettings = sh.getBalancerWindow(configDB); if (balSettings) { output(3, "Balancer active window is set between " + balSettings.start + " and " + balSettings.stop + " server local time"); } // Output the list of active migrations var activeMigrations = sh.getActiveMigrations(configDB); if (activeMigrations.length > 0) { output(2, "Collections with active migrations: "); activeMigrations.forEach(function(migration) { output(3, migration._id + " started at " + migration.when); }); } // Actionlog and version checking only works on 2.7 and greater var versionHasActionlog = false; var metaDataVersion = configDB.getCollection("version").findOne().currentVersion; if (metaDataVersion > 5) { versionHasActionlog = true; } if (metaDataVersion == 5) { var verArray = db.serverBuildInfo().versionArray; if (verArray[0] == 2 && verArray[1] > 6) { versionHasActionlog = true; } } if (versionHasActionlog) { // Review config.actionlog for errors var actionReport = sh.getRecentFailedRounds(configDB); // Always print the number of failed rounds output(2, "Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts: " + actionReport.count); // Only print the errors if there are any if (actionReport.count > 0) { output(2, "Last reported error: " + actionReport.lastErr); output(2, "Time of reported error: " + actionReport.lastTime); } output(2, "Migration results for the last 24 hours: "); var migrations = sh.getRecentMigrations(configDB); if (migrations.length > 0) { migrations.forEach(function(x) { if (x._id === "Success") { output(3, x.count + " : " + x._id); } else { output(3, x.count + " : Failed with error '" + x._id + "', from " + x.from + " to " +; } }); } else { output(3, "No recent migrations"); } } output(1, "databases:"); var databases = configDB.databases.find().sort({name: 1}).toArray(); // Special case the config db, since it doesn't have a record in config.databases. databases.push({"_id": "config", "primary": "config", "partitioned": true}); databases.sort(function(a, b) { return a["_id"] > b["_id"]; }); databases.forEach(function(db) { var truthy = function(value) { return !!value; }; var nonBooleanNote = function(name, value) { // If the given value is not a boolean, return a string of the // form " (: )", where is converted to JSON. var t = typeof (value); var s = ""; if (t != "boolean" && t != "undefined") { s = " (" + name + ": " + tojson(value) + ")"; } return s; }; output(2, tojsononeline(db, "", true)); configDB.collections.find({_id: new RegExp("^" + RegExp.escape(db._id) + "\\.")}) .sort({_id: 1}) .forEach(function(coll) { // Checking for '!dropped' to ensure mongo shell compatibility with earlier // versions of the server if (!coll.dropped) { output(3, coll._id); output(4, "shard key: " + tojson(coll.key)); output( 4, "unique: " + truthy(coll.unique) + nonBooleanNote("unique", coll.unique)); output(4, "balancing: " + !truthy(coll.noBalance) + nonBooleanNote("noBalance", coll.noBalance)); output(4, "chunks:"); const chunksMatchPredicate = coll.hasOwnProperty("timestamp") ? {uuid: coll.uuid} : {ns: coll._id}; res = configDB.chunks .aggregate({$match: chunksMatchPredicate}, {$group: {_id: "$shard", cnt: {$sum: 1}}}, {$project: {_id: 0, shard: "$_id", nChunks: "$cnt"}}, {$sort: {shard: 1}}) .toArray(); var totalChunks = 0; res.forEach(function(z) { totalChunks += z.nChunks; output(5, z.shard + "\t" + z.nChunks); }); if (totalChunks < 20 || verbose) { configDB.chunks.find(chunksMatchPredicate) .sort({min: 1}) .forEach(function(chunk) { output(4, tojson(chunk.min) + " -->> " + tojson(chunk.max) + " on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson(chunk.lastmod) + " " + (chunk.jumbo ? "jumbo " : "")); }); } else { output(4, "too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print"); } configDB.tags.find({ns: coll._id}).sort({min: 1}).forEach(function(tag) { output(4, " tag: " + tag.tag + " " + tojson(tag.min) + " -->> " + tojson(tag.max)); }); } }); }); print(raw); } function printShardingSizes(configDB) { // configDB is a DB object that contains the sharding metadata of interest. // Defaults to the db named "config" on the current connection. if (configDB === undefined) configDB = db.getSiblingDB('config'); var version = configDB.getCollection("version").findOne(); if (version == null) { print("printShardingSizes : not a shard db!"); return; } var raw = ""; var output = function(indent, s) { raw += sh._shardingStatusStr(indent, s); }; output(0, "--- Sharding Sizes --- "); output(1, "sharding version: " + tojson(configDB.getCollection("version").findOne())); output(1, "shards:"); configDB.shards.find().forEach(function(z) { output(2, tojson(z)); }); var saveDB = db; output(1, "databases:"); configDB.databases.find().sort({name: 1}).forEach(function(db) { output(2, tojson(db, "", true)); configDB.collections.find({_id: new RegExp("^" + RegExp.escape(db._id) + "\.")}) .sort({_id: 1}) .forEach(function(coll) { output(3, coll._id + " chunks:"); configDB.chunks.find({"ns": coll._id}).sort({min: 1}).forEach(function(chunk) { var out = saveDB.adminCommand( {dataSize: coll._id, keyPattern: coll.key, min: chunk.min, max: chunk.max}); delete out.millis; delete out.ok; output(4, tojson(chunk.min) + " -->> " + tojson(chunk.max) + " on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson(out)); }); }); }); print(raw); }