/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kBridge #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/base/initializer.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/locker_noop_client_observer.h" #include "mongo/db/dbmessage.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/platform/mutex.h" #include "mongo/platform/random.h" #include "mongo/rpc/factory.h" #include "mongo/rpc/message.h" #include "mongo/rpc/reply_builder_interface.h" #include "mongo/stdx/thread.h" #include "mongo/tools/bridge_commands.h" #include "mongo/tools/mongobridge_options.h" #include "mongo/transport/message_compressor_manager.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_entry_point_impl.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_executor_synchronous.h" #include "mongo/transport/transport_layer_asio.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/exit.h" #include "mongo/util/future.h" #include "mongo/util/quick_exit.h" #include "mongo/util/signal_handlers.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/text.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" #include "mongo/util/timer.h" namespace mongo { namespace { boost::optional extractHostInfo(const OpMsgRequest& request) { // The initial isMaster request made by mongod and mongos processes should contain a hostInfo // field that identifies the process by its host:port. StringData cmdName = request.getCommandName(); if (cmdName != "isMaster" && cmdName != "ismaster") { return boost::none; } if (auto hostInfoElem = request.body["hostInfo"]) { if (hostInfoElem.type() == String) { return HostAndPort{hostInfoElem.valueStringData()}; } } return boost::none; } } // namespace class BridgeContext { public: Status runBridgeCommand(StringData cmdName, BSONObj cmdObj) { auto status = BridgeCommand::findCommand(cmdName); if (!status.isOK()) { return status.getStatus(); } LOGV2(22916, "Processing bridge command", "cmdName"_attr = cmdName, "cmdObj"_attr = cmdObj); BridgeCommand* command = status.getValue(); return command->run(cmdObj, &_settingsMutex, &_settings); } boost::optional maybeProcessBridgeCommand(boost::optional cmdRequest) { if (!cmdRequest) { return boost::none; } if (auto forBridge = cmdRequest->body["$forBridge"]) { if (forBridge.trueValue()) { return runBridgeCommand(cmdRequest->getCommandName(), cmdRequest->body); } return boost::none; } return boost::none; } HostSettings getHostSettings(boost::optional host) { if (host) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_settingsMutex); return (_settings)[*host]; } return {}; } PseudoRandom makeSeededPRNG() { static PseudoRandom globalPRNG(mongoBridgeGlobalParams.seed); return PseudoRandom(globalPRNG.nextInt64()); } static BridgeContext* get(); private: static const ServiceContext::Decoration _get; Mutex _settingsMutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("BridgeContext::_settingsMutex"); HostSettingsMap _settings; }; const ServiceContext::Decoration BridgeContext::_get = ServiceContext::declareDecoration(); BridgeContext* BridgeContext::get() { return &_get(getGlobalServiceContext()); } class ServiceEntryPointBridge; class ProxiedConnection { public: ProxiedConnection() : _dest(nullptr), _prng(BridgeContext::get()->makeSeededPRNG()) {} transport::Session* operator->() { return _dest.get(); } transport::SessionHandle& getSession() { return _dest; } void setSession(transport::SessionHandle session) { _dest = std::move(session); } const boost::optional& host() const { return _host; } std::string toString() const { if (_host) { return _host->toString(); } return ""; } void extractHostInfo(OpMsgRequest request) { if (_seenFirstMessage) return; _seenFirstMessage = true; // The initial isMaster request made by mongod and mongos processes should contain a // hostInfo field that identifies the process by its host:port. StringData cmdName = request.getCommandName(); if (cmdName != "isMaster" && cmdName != "ismaster") { return; } if (auto hostInfoElem = request.body["hostInfo"]) { if (hostInfoElem.type() == String) { _host = HostAndPort{hostInfoElem.valueStringData()}; } } } double nextCanonicalDouble() { return _prng.nextCanonicalDouble(); } void setInExhaust(bool inExhaust) { _inExhaust = inExhaust; } bool inExhaust() const { return _inExhaust; } // Handle response for request with kExhaustSupported flag or response from the exhaust stream. // This sets up the internal states for the ProxiedConnection and returns whether there is // "moreToCome" from the exhaust stream. bool handleExhaustResponse(Message& response) { // Only support OP_MSG exhaust cursors. invariant(response.operation() == dbMsg); uassert(4622300, "Response ID did not match the sent message ID.", !_lastExhaustRequestId || response.header().getResponseToMsgId() == _lastExhaustRequestId); if (response.operation() == dbCompressed) { MessageCompressorManager compressorManager; response = uassertStatusOK(compressorManager.decompressMessage(response)); } _inExhaust = OpMsg::isFlagSet(response, OpMsg::kMoreToCome); if (_inExhaust) { _lastExhaustRequestId = response.header().getId(); } return _inExhaust; } static ProxiedConnection& get(const transport::SessionHandle& session); private: friend class ServiceEntryPointBridge; static const transport::Session::Decoration _get; transport::SessionHandle _dest; PseudoRandom _prng; boost::optional _host; bool _seenFirstMessage = false; bool _inExhaust = false; int _lastExhaustRequestId = 0; }; const transport::Session::Decoration ProxiedConnection::_get = transport::Session::declareDecoration(); ProxiedConnection& ProxiedConnection::get(const transport::SessionHandle& session) { return _get(*session); } class ServiceEntryPointBridge final : public ServiceEntryPointImpl { public: explicit ServiceEntryPointBridge(ServiceContext* svcCtx) : ServiceEntryPointImpl(svcCtx) {} Future handleRequest(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& request) noexcept final; }; Future ServiceEntryPointBridge::handleRequest(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& request) noexcept try { if (request.operation() == dbQuery) { DbMessage d(request); QueryMessage q(d); if (q.queryOptions & QueryOption_Exhaust) { uasserted(51755, "Mongobridge does not support OP_QUERY exhaust"); } } const auto& source = opCtx->getClient()->session(); auto& dest = ProxiedConnection::get(source); auto brCtx = BridgeContext::get(); // If the bridge decides to return something else other than a response from an active exhaust // stream, make sure we close the exhaust stream properly. ScopeGuard earlyExhaustExitGuard([&] { if (dest.inExhaust()) { LOGV2(4622301, "mongobridge shutting down exhaust stream", "remote"_attr = dest); dest.setInExhaust(false); // Active exhaust stream should have a session. invariant(dest.getSession()); // Close the connection to the dest server to end the exhaust stream. dest->end(); dest.setSession(nullptr); } }); if (!dest.getSession()) { dest.setSession([]() -> transport::SessionHandle { HostAndPort destAddr{mongoBridgeGlobalParams.destUri}; const Seconds kConnectTimeout(30); auto now = getGlobalServiceContext()->getFastClockSource()->now(); const auto connectExpiration = now + kConnectTimeout; while (now < connectExpiration) { auto tl = getGlobalServiceContext()->getTransportLayer(); auto sws = tl->connect(destAddr, transport::kGlobalSSLMode, connectExpiration - now); auto status = sws.getStatus(); if (!status.isOK()) { LOGV2_WARNING(22924, "Unable to establish connection to {remoteAddress}: {error}", "Unable to establish connection", "remoteAddress"_attr = destAddr, "error"_attr = status); now = getGlobalServiceContext()->getFastClockSource()->now(); } else { return std::move(sws.getValue()); } sleepmillis(500); } return nullptr; }()); if (!dest.getSession()) { source->end(); uasserted(50861, str::stream() << "Unable to connect to " << source->remote()); } } const bool isFireAndForgetCommand = OpMsg::isFlagSet(request, OpMsg::kMoreToCome); boost::optional cmdRequest; if ((request.operation() == dbQuery && NamespaceString(DbMessage(request).getns()).isCommand()) || request.operation() == dbMsg) { cmdRequest = rpc::opMsgRequestFromAnyProtocol(request); dest.extractHostInfo(*cmdRequest); LOGV2_DEBUG(22917, 1, "Received \"{commandName}\" command with arguments " "{arguments} from {remote}", "Received command", "commandName"_attr = cmdRequest->getCommandName(), "arguments"_attr = cmdRequest->body, "remote"_attr = dest); } // Handle a message intended to configure the mongobridge and return a response. // The 'request' is consumed by the mongobridge and does not get forwarded to // 'dest'. if (auto status = brCtx->maybeProcessBridgeCommand(cmdRequest)) { invariant(!isFireAndForgetCommand); auto replyBuilder = rpc::makeReplyBuilder(rpc::protocolForMessage(request)); BSONObj reply; StatusWith commandReply(reply); if (!status->isOK()) { commandReply = StatusWith(*status); } return Future::makeReady( {replyBuilder->setCommandReply(std::move(commandReply)).done()}); } // Get the message handling settings for 'host' if the source of the connection is // known. By default, messages are forwarded to 'dest' without any additional delay. HostSettings hostSettings = brCtx->getHostSettings(dest.host()); switch (hostSettings.state) { // Close the connection to 'dest'. case HostSettings::State::kHangUp: LOGV2(22918, "Rejecting connection from {remote}, end connection {source}", "Rejecting connection", "remote"_attr = dest, "source"_attr = source->remote().toString()); source->end(); return Future::makeReady({Message()}); // Forward the message to 'dest' with probability '1 - hostSettings.loss'. case HostSettings::State::kDiscard: if (dest.nextCanonicalDouble() < hostSettings.loss) { std::string hostName = dest.toString(); if (cmdRequest) { LOGV2(22919, "Discarding \"{commandName}\" command with arguments " "{arguments} from {hostName}", "Discarding command from host", "commandName"_attr = cmdRequest->getCommandName(), "arguments"_attr = cmdRequest->body, "hostName"_attr = hostName); } else { LOGV2(22920, "Discarding {operation} from {hostName}", "Discarding operation from host", "operation"_attr = networkOpToString(request.operation()), "hostName"_attr = hostName); } return Future::makeReady({Message()}); } // Forward the message to 'dest' after waiting for 'hostSettings.delay' // milliseconds. case HostSettings::State::kForward: sleepmillis(durationCount(hostSettings.delay)); break; } // If we get another type of request (e.g. exhaust cleanup killCursor request from the service // state machine), unset the exhaust mode. if (dest.inExhaust() && (request.operation() != dbMsg || !OpMsg::isFlagSet(request, OpMsg::kExhaustSupported))) { dest.setInExhaust(false); } // Skip sending request in exhaust mode. if (!dest.inExhaust()) { uassertStatusOK(dest->sinkMessage(request)); } // Send the message we received from 'source' to 'dest'. 'dest' returns a response for // OP_QUERY, OP_GET_MORE, and OP_MSG messages that we respond with. if (!isFireAndForgetCommand && (request.operation() == dbQuery || request.operation() == dbGetMore || request.operation() == dbMsg)) { auto response = uassertStatusOK(dest->sourceMessage()); if (!dest.inExhaust()) { uassert(50765, "Response ID did not match the sent message ID.", response.header().getResponseToMsgId() == request.header().getId()); } // Reload the message handling settings for 'host' in case they were changed // while waiting for a response from 'dest'. hostSettings = brCtx->getHostSettings(dest.host()); // It's possible that sending 'request' blocked until 'dest' had something to // reply with. If the message handling settings were since changed to close // connections from 'host', then do so now. if (hostSettings.state == HostSettings::State::kHangUp) { LOGV2(22921, "Closing connection from {remote}, end connection {source}", "Closing connection", "remote"_attr = dest, "source"_attr = source->remote()); source->end(); return Future::makeReady({Message()}); } // Only support OP_MSG exhaust cursors. bool isExhaust = false; if (request.operation() == dbMsg && OpMsg::isFlagSet(request, OpMsg::kExhaustSupported)) { isExhaust = dest.handleExhaustResponse(response); earlyExhaustExitGuard.dismiss(); } // The original checksum won't be valid once the network layer replaces requestId. Remove it // because the network layer re-checksums the response. OpMsg::removeChecksum(&response); // Return a DbResponse with shouldRunAgainForExhaust being set to isExhaust to indicate // whether this should be run again to receive more responses from the exhaust stream. // We do not need to set 'nextInvocation' in the DbResponse because mongobridge // only receives responses but ignores the next request if it is in exhaust mode. return Future::makeReady({std::move(response), isExhaust}); } else { return Future::makeReady({Message()}); } } catch (const DBException& e) { LOGV2_ERROR(4879804, "Failed to handle request", "error"_attr = redact(e)); return e.toStatus(); } int bridgeMain(int argc, char** argv) { registerShutdownTask([&] { // NOTE: This function may be called at any time. It must not // depend on the prior execution of mongo initializers or the // existence of threads. if (hasGlobalServiceContext()) { auto sc = getGlobalServiceContext(); if (sc->getTransportLayer()) sc->getTransportLayer()->shutdown(); if (sc->getServiceEntryPoint()) { sc->getServiceEntryPoint()->endAllSessions(transport::Session::kEmptyTagMask); sc->getServiceEntryPoint()->shutdown(Seconds{10}); } } }); setupSignalHandlers(); runGlobalInitializersOrDie(std::vector(argv, argv + argc)); startSignalProcessingThread(LogFileStatus::kNoLogFileToRotate); auto serviceContextHolder = ServiceContext::make(); serviceContextHolder->registerClientObserver(std::make_unique()); setGlobalServiceContext(std::move(serviceContextHolder)); auto serviceContext = getGlobalServiceContext(); serviceContext->setServiceEntryPoint(std::make_unique(serviceContext)); { transport::TransportLayerASIO::Options opts; opts.ipList.emplace_back(""); opts.port = mongoBridgeGlobalParams.port; auto tl = std::make_unique( opts, serviceContext->getServiceEntryPoint()); serviceContext->setTransportLayer(std::move(tl)); } if (auto status = serviceContext->getServiceEntryPoint()->start(); !status.isOK()) { LOGV2(4907203, "Error starting service entry point", "error"_attr = status); } if (auto status = serviceContext->getTransportLayer()->setup(); !status.isOK()) { LOGV2(22922, "Error setting up transport layer", "error"_attr = status); return EXIT_NET_ERROR; } if (auto status = serviceContext->getTransportLayer()->start(); !status.isOK()) { LOGV2(22923, "Error starting transport layer", "error"_attr = status); return EXIT_NET_ERROR; } serviceContext->notifyStartupComplete(); return waitForShutdown(); } } // namespace mongo #if defined(_WIN32) // In Windows, wmain() is an alternate entry point for main(), and receives the same parameters // as main() but encoded in Windows Unicode (UTF-16); "wide" 16-bit wchar_t characters. The // WindowsCommandLine object converts these wide character strings to a UTF-8 coded equivalent // and makes them available through the argv() and envp() members. This enables bridgeMain() // to process UTF-8 encoded arguments and environment variables without regard to platform. int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argvW[]) { mongo::quickExit(mongo::bridgeMain(argc, mongo::WindowsCommandLine(argc, argvW).argv())); } #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { mongo::quickExit(mongo::bridgeMain(argc, argv)); } #endif