Import('env') Import('mongo_tidy_module') Import('base_toolchain_bin') import sys import os import SCons # multiple compilation databases is not supported by ninja if env.GetOption('ninja') == 'disabled': mongo_tidy_test_env = env.Clone() mongo_tidy_test_env.Append(CPPPATH=[ '.', '#src', ], ) # These test files will purposefully be error prone, so we can disable warnings any warnings we expect # to see. mongo_tidy_test_env.Append(CCFLAGS=[ '-Wno-unused-but-set-parameter', ], ) # This list represents the test source files, which should contain a single issue which will be flagged # by a clang tidy check. The issue should be isolated in as minimal way as possible. tests = [ 'test_MongoHeaderBracketCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoVolatileCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoUninterruptibleLockGuardCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoCctypeCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoConfigHeaderCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoCxx20BannedIncludesCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoStdOptionalCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoTraceCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoStdAtomicCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoMutexCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoAssertCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoFCVConstantCheck.cpp', 'test_MongoUnstructuredLogCheck.cpp', ] # So that we can do fast runs, we will generate a separate compilation database file for each # unittest. To keep things simple we will name the compilation database file after the test. # We need to create separate environments here because compilation database acts on the current # environment. test_objs = [] compilation_dbs = [] for test in tests: test_env = mongo_tidy_test_env.Clone() compilation_dbs += test_env.CompilationDatabase( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(test))[0] + "/compile_commands.json") test_objs += test_env.Object(test) # Building a program binary may not be necessary but it does validate the code and tie it together. test_prog = mongo_tidy_test_env.Program( target='MongoTidyCheck_test', source=['MongoTidyCheckTestMain.cpp'] + test_objs, LIBDEPS_NO_INHERIT=[ '$BUILD_DIR/third_party/shim_allocator', ], ) # Here we setup the test execution. The test will pythons built in unittest framework # to execute clang tidy for each test source file from the list above. test = mongo_tidy_test_env.Command( target='run_MongoTidyCheck_test', source=[ '', str(base_toolchain_bin / 'clang-tidy'), mongo_tidy_module.abspath ] + compilation_dbs, action=SCons.Action.Action( ' '.join([ sys.executable, '${SOURCES[0]}', '--clang-tidy-path=${SOURCES[1]}', '--mongo-tidy-module=${SOURCES[2]}', '${["--test-compiledbs=%s" % src for src in SOURCES[3:]]}', f"{'' if mongo_tidy_test_env.Verbose() else '2> /dev/null'}", ]), "" if mongo_tidy_test_env.Verbose() else "Runnning mongo tidy checks unittests.", ), ) mongo_tidy_test_env.Alias('+mongo-tidy-tests', test) mongo_tidy_test_env.Depends(test, test_prog)