/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kNetwork #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/transport/message_compressor_manager.h" #include "mongo/base/data_range_cursor.h" #include "mongo/base/data_type_endian.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/rpc/message.h" #include "mongo/transport/message_compressor_registry.h" #include "mongo/transport/session.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { namespace { // TODO(JBR): This should be changed so it 's closer to the MSGHEADER View/ConstView classes // than this little struct. struct CompressionHeader { int32_t originalOpCode; int32_t uncompressedSize; uint8_t compressorId; void serialize(DataRangeCursor* cursor) { uassertStatusOK(cursor->writeAndAdvance>(originalOpCode)); uassertStatusOK(cursor->writeAndAdvance>(uncompressedSize)); uassertStatusOK(cursor->writeAndAdvance>(compressorId)); } CompressionHeader(int32_t _opcode, int32_t _size, uint8_t _id) : originalOpCode{_opcode}, uncompressedSize{_size}, compressorId{_id} {} CompressionHeader(ConstDataRangeCursor* cursor) { originalOpCode = _readWithChecking>(cursor); uncompressedSize = _readWithChecking>(cursor); compressorId = _readWithChecking>(cursor); } static size_t size() { return sizeof(originalOpCode) + sizeof(uncompressedSize) + sizeof(compressorId); } private: template T _readWithChecking(ConstDataRangeCursor* cursor) { auto sw = cursor->readAndAdvance(); uassertStatusOK(sw.getStatus()); return sw.getValue(); } }; const transport::Session::Decoration getForSession = transport::Session::declareDecoration(); } // namespace MessageCompressorManager::MessageCompressorManager() : MessageCompressorManager(&MessageCompressorRegistry::get()) {} MessageCompressorManager::MessageCompressorManager(MessageCompressorRegistry* factory) : _registry{factory} {} StatusWith MessageCompressorManager::compressMessage( const Message& msg, const MessageCompressorId* compressorId) { MessageCompressorBase* compressor = nullptr; if (compressorId) { compressor = _registry->getCompressor(*compressorId); invariant(compressor); } else if (!_negotiated.empty()) { compressor = _negotiated[0]; } else { return {msg}; } LOG(3) << "Compressing message with " << compressor->getName(); auto inputHeader = msg.header(); size_t bufferSize = compressor->getMaxCompressedSize(msg.dataSize()) + CompressionHeader::size() + MsgData::MsgDataHeaderSize; CompressionHeader compressionHeader( inputHeader.getNetworkOp(), inputHeader.dataLen(), compressor->getId()); if (bufferSize > MaxMessageSizeBytes) { LOG(3) << "Compressed message would be larger than " << MaxMessageSizeBytes << ", returning original uncompressed message"; return {msg}; } auto outputMessageBuffer = SharedBuffer::allocate(bufferSize); MsgData::View outMessage(outputMessageBuffer.get()); outMessage.setId(inputHeader.getId()); outMessage.setResponseToMsgId(inputHeader.getResponseToMsgId()); outMessage.setOperation(dbCompressed); outMessage.setLen(bufferSize); DataRangeCursor output(outMessage.data(), outMessage.data() + outMessage.dataLen()); compressionHeader.serialize(&output); ConstDataRange input(inputHeader.data(), inputHeader.data() + inputHeader.dataLen()); auto sws = compressor->compressData(input, output); if (!sws.isOK()) return sws.getStatus(); auto realCompressedSize = sws.getValue(); outMessage.setLen(realCompressedSize + CompressionHeader::size() + MsgData::MsgDataHeaderSize); return {Message(outputMessageBuffer)}; } StatusWith MessageCompressorManager::decompressMessage(const Message& msg, MessageCompressorId* compressorId) { auto inputHeader = msg.header(); ConstDataRangeCursor input(inputHeader.data(), inputHeader.data() + inputHeader.dataLen()); if (input.length() < CompressionHeader::size()) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Invalid compressed message header"}; } CompressionHeader compressionHeader(&input); auto compressor = _registry->getCompressor(compressionHeader.compressorId); if (!compressor) { return {ErrorCodes::InternalError, "Compression algorithm specified in message is not available"}; } if (compressorId) { *compressorId = compressor->getId(); } LOG(3) << "Decompressing message with " << compressor->getName(); size_t bufferSize = compressionHeader.uncompressedSize + MsgData::MsgDataHeaderSize; if (bufferSize > MaxMessageSizeBytes) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Decompressed message would be larger than maximum message size"}; } auto outputMessageBuffer = SharedBuffer::allocate(bufferSize); MsgData::View outMessage(outputMessageBuffer.get()); outMessage.setId(inputHeader.getId()); outMessage.setResponseToMsgId(inputHeader.getResponseToMsgId()); outMessage.setOperation(compressionHeader.originalOpCode); outMessage.setLen(bufferSize); DataRangeCursor output(outMessage.data(), outMessage.data() + outMessage.dataLen()); auto sws = compressor->decompressData(input, output); if (!sws.isOK()) return sws.getStatus(); if (sws.getValue() != static_cast(compressionHeader.uncompressedSize)) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Decompressing message returned less data than expected"}; } outMessage.setLen(sws.getValue() + MsgData::MsgDataHeaderSize); return {Message(outputMessageBuffer)}; } void MessageCompressorManager::clientBegin(BSONObjBuilder* output) { LOG(3) << "Starting client-side compression negotiation"; // We're about to update the compressor list with the negotiation result from the server. _negotiated.clear(); auto& compressorList = _registry->getCompressorNames(); if (compressorList.size() == 0) return; BSONArrayBuilder sub(output->subarrayStart("compression")); for (const auto e : _registry->getCompressorNames()) { LOG(3) << "Offering " << e << " compressor to server"; sub.append(e); } sub.doneFast(); } void MessageCompressorManager::clientFinish(const BSONObj& input) { auto elem = input.getField("compression"); LOG(3) << "Finishing client-side compression negotiation"; // We've just called clientBegin, so the list of compressors should be empty. invariant(_negotiated.empty()); // If the server didn't send back a "compression" array, then we assume compression is not // supported by this server and just return. We've already disabled compression by clearing // out the _negotiated array above. if (elem.eoo()) { LOG(3) << "No compression algorithms were sent from the server. " << "This connection will be uncompressed"; return; } LOG(3) << "Received message compressors from server"; for (const auto& e : elem.Obj()) { auto algoName = e.checkAndGetStringData(); auto ret = _registry->getCompressor(algoName); LOG(3) << "Adding compressor " << ret->getName(); _negotiated.push_back(ret); } } void MessageCompressorManager::serverNegotiate(const BSONObj& input, BSONObjBuilder* output) { LOG(3) << "Starting server-side compression negotiation"; auto elem = input.getField("compression"); // If the "compression" field is missing, then this isMaster request is requesting information // rather than doing a negotiation if (elem.eoo()) { // If we haven't negotiated any compressors yet, then don't append anything to the // output - this makes this compatible with older versions of MongoDB that don't // support compression. if (_negotiated.size() > 0) { BSONArrayBuilder sub(output->subarrayStart("compression")); for (const auto& algo : _negotiated) { sub.append(algo->getName()); } sub.doneFast(); } else { LOG(3) << "Compression negotiation not requested by client"; } return; } // If compression has already been negotiated, then this is a renegotiation, so we should // reset the state of the manager. _negotiated.clear(); // First we go through all the compressor names that the client has requested support for BSONObj theirObj = elem.Obj(); if (!theirObj.nFields()) { LOG(3) << "No compressors provided"; return; } for (const auto& elem : theirObj) { MessageCompressorBase* cur; auto curName = elem.checkAndGetStringData(); // If the MessageCompressorRegistry knows about a compressor with that name, then it is // valid and we add it to our list of negotiated compressors. if ((cur = _registry->getCompressor(curName))) { LOG(3) << cur->getName() << " is supported"; _negotiated.push_back(cur); } else { // Otherwise the compressor is not supported and we skip over it. LOG(3) << curName << " is not supported"; } } // If the number of compressors that were eventually negotiated is greater than 0, then // we should send that back to the client. if (_negotiated.size() > 0) { BSONArrayBuilder sub(output->subarrayStart("compression")); for (auto algo : _negotiated) { sub.append(algo->getName()); } sub.doneFast(); } else { LOG(3) << "Could not agree on compressor to use"; } } MessageCompressorManager& MessageCompressorManager::forSession( const transport::SessionHandle& session) { return getForSession(session.get()); } } // namespace mongo