/** * Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kExecutor; #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_executor_adaptive.h" #include #include #include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_entry_point_utils.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_executor_task_names.h" #include "mongo/transport/thread_idle_callback.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/thread_name.h" #include "mongo/util/duration.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/processinfo.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" #include "mongo/util/stringutils.h" #include namespace mongo { namespace transport { namespace { // The executor will always keep this many number of threads around. If the value is -1, // (the default) then it will be set to number of cores / 2. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(adaptiveServiceExecutorReservedThreads, int, -1); // Each worker thread will allow ASIO to run for this many milliseconds before checking // whether it should exit MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(adaptiveServiceExecutorRunTimeMillis, int, 5000); // The above parameter will be offset of some random value between -runTimeJitters/ // +runTimeJitters so that not all threads are starting/stopping execution at the same time MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(adaptiveServiceExecutorRunTimeJitterMillis, int, 500); // This is the maximum amount of time the controller thread will sleep before doing any // stuck detection MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(adaptiveServiceExecutorStuckThreadTimeoutMillis, int, 250); // The maximum allowed latency between when a task is scheduled and a thread is started to // service it. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(adaptiveServiceExecutorMaxQueueLatencyMicros, int, 500); // Threads will exit themselves if they spent less than this percentage of the time they ran // doing actual work. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(adaptiveServiceExecutorIdlePctThreshold, int, 60); // Tasks scheduled with MayRecurse may be called recursively if the recursion depth is below this // value. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(adaptiveServiceExecutorRecursionLimit, int, 8); constexpr auto kTotalQueued = "totalQueued"_sd; constexpr auto kTotalExecuted = "totalExecuted"_sd; constexpr auto kTotalTimeExecutingUs = "totalTimeExecutingMicros"_sd; constexpr auto kTotalTimeRunningUs = "totalTimeRunningMicros"_sd; constexpr auto kTotalTimeQueuedUs = "totalTimeQueuedMicros"_sd; constexpr auto kThreadsInUse = "threadsInUse"_sd; constexpr auto kThreadsRunning = "threadsRunning"_sd; constexpr auto kThreadsPending = "threadsPending"_sd; constexpr auto kExecutorLabel = "executor"_sd; constexpr auto kExecutorName = "adaptive"_sd; constexpr auto kStuckDetection = "stuckThreadsDetected"_sd; constexpr auto kStarvation = "starvation"_sd; constexpr auto kReserveMinimum = "belowReserveMinimum"_sd; constexpr auto kThreadReasons = "threadCreationCauses"_sd; int64_t ticksToMicros(TickSource::Tick ticks, TickSource* tickSource) { invariant(tickSource->getTicksPerSecond() >= 1000000); return tickSource->ticksTo(ticks).count(); } struct ServerParameterOptions : public ServiceExecutorAdaptive::Options { int reservedThreads() const final { int value = adaptiveServiceExecutorReservedThreads.load(); if (value == -1) { value = ProcessInfo::getNumAvailableCores() / 2; value = std::max(value, 2); adaptiveServiceExecutorReservedThreads.store(value); log() << "No thread count configured for executor. Using number of cores / 2: " << value; } return value; } Milliseconds workerThreadRunTime() const final { return Milliseconds{adaptiveServiceExecutorRunTimeMillis.load()}; } int runTimeJitter() const final { return adaptiveServiceExecutorRunTimeJitterMillis.load(); } Milliseconds stuckThreadTimeout() const final { return Milliseconds{adaptiveServiceExecutorStuckThreadTimeoutMillis.load()}; } Microseconds maxQueueLatency() const final { static Nanoseconds minTimerResolution = getMinimumTimerResolution(); Microseconds value{adaptiveServiceExecutorMaxQueueLatencyMicros.load()}; if (value < minTimerResolution) { log() << "Target MaxQueueLatencyMicros (" << value << ") is less than minimum timer resolution of OS (" << minTimerResolution << "). Using " << minTimerResolution; value = duration_cast(minTimerResolution) + Microseconds{1}; adaptiveServiceExecutorMaxQueueLatencyMicros.store(value.count()); } return value; } int idlePctThreshold() const final { return adaptiveServiceExecutorIdlePctThreshold.load(); } int recursionLimit() const final { return adaptiveServiceExecutorRecursionLimit.load(); } }; } // namespace thread_local ServiceExecutorAdaptive::ThreadState* ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_localThreadState = nullptr; ServiceExecutorAdaptive::ServiceExecutorAdaptive(ServiceContext* ctx, ReactorHandle reactor) : ServiceExecutorAdaptive( ctx, std::move(reactor), stdx::make_unique()) {} ServiceExecutorAdaptive::ServiceExecutorAdaptive(ServiceContext* ctx, ReactorHandle reactor, std::unique_ptr config) : _reactorHandle(reactor), _config(std::move(config)), _tickSource(ctx->getTickSource()), _lastScheduleTimer(_tickSource) {} ServiceExecutorAdaptive::~ServiceExecutorAdaptive() { invariant(!_isRunning.load()); } Status ServiceExecutorAdaptive::start() { invariant(!_isRunning.load()); _isRunning.store(true); _controllerThread = stdx::thread(&ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_controllerThreadRoutine, this); for (auto i = 0; i < _config->reservedThreads(); i++) { _startWorkerThread(ThreadCreationReason::kReserveMinimum); } return Status::OK(); } Status ServiceExecutorAdaptive::shutdown(Milliseconds timeout) { if (!_isRunning.load()) return Status::OK(); _isRunning.store(false); _scheduleCondition.notify_one(); _controllerThread.join(); stdx::unique_lock lk(_threadsMutex); _reactorHandle->stop(); bool result = _deathCondition.wait_for(lk, timeout.toSystemDuration(), [&] { return _threads.empty(); }); return result ? Status::OK() : Status(ErrorCodes::Error::ExceededTimeLimit, "adaptive executor couldn't shutdown all worker threads within time limit."); } Status ServiceExecutorAdaptive::schedule(ServiceExecutorAdaptive::Task task, ScheduleFlags flags, ServiceExecutorTaskName taskName) { auto scheduleTime = _tickSource->getTicks(); auto pendingCounterPtr = (flags & kDeferredTask) ? &_deferredTasksQueued : &_tasksQueued; pendingCounterPtr->addAndFetch(1); if (!_isRunning.load()) { return {ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress, "Executor is not running"}; } auto wrappedTask = [ this, task = std::move(task), scheduleTime, pendingCounterPtr, taskName, flags ] { pendingCounterPtr->subtractAndFetch(1); auto start = _tickSource->getTicks(); _totalSpentQueued.addAndFetch(start - scheduleTime); _localThreadState->threadMetrics[static_cast(taskName)] ._totalSpentQueued.addAndFetch(start - scheduleTime); if (_localThreadState->recursionDepth++ == 0) { _localThreadState->executing.markRunning(); _threadsInUse.addAndFetch(1); } const auto guard = MakeGuard([this, taskName] { if (--_localThreadState->recursionDepth == 0) { _localThreadState->executingCurRun += _localThreadState->executing.markStopped(); _threadsInUse.subtractAndFetch(1); } _totalExecuted.addAndFetch(1); _localThreadState->threadMetrics[static_cast(taskName)] ._totalExecuted.addAndFetch(1); }); TickTimer _localTimer(_tickSource); task(); _localThreadState->threadMetrics[static_cast(taskName)] ._totalSpentExecuting.addAndFetch(_localTimer.sinceStartTicks()); if ((flags & ServiceExecutor::kMayYieldBeforeSchedule) && (_localThreadState->markIdleCounter++ & 0xf)) { markThreadIdle(); } }; // Dispatching a task on the io_context will run the task immediately, and may run it // on the current thread (if the current thread is running the io_context right now). // // Posting a task on the io_context will run the task without recursion. // // If the task is allowed to recurse and we are not over the depth limit, dispatch it so it // can be called immediately and recursively. if ((flags & kMayRecurse) && (_localThreadState->recursionDepth + 1 < _config->recursionLimit())) { _reactorHandle->schedule(Reactor::kDispatch, std::move(wrappedTask)); } else { _reactorHandle->schedule(Reactor::kPost, std::move(wrappedTask)); } _lastScheduleTimer.reset(); _totalQueued.addAndFetch(1); _accumulatedMetrics[static_cast(taskName)]._totalQueued.addAndFetch(1); // Deferred tasks never count against the thread starvation avoidance. For other tasks, we // notify the controller thread that a task has been scheduled and we should monitor thread // starvation. if (_isStarved() && !(flags & kDeferredTask)) { _starvationCheckRequests.addAndFetch(1); _scheduleCondition.notify_one(); } return Status::OK(); } bool ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_isStarved() const { // If threads are still starting, then assume we won't be starved pretty soon, return false if (_threadsPending.load() > 0) return false; auto tasksQueued = _tasksQueued.load(); // If there are no pending tasks, then we definitely aren't starved if (tasksQueued == 0) return false; // The available threads is the number that are running - the number that are currently // executing auto available = _threadsRunning.load() - _threadsInUse.load(); return (tasksQueued > available); } /* * The pool of worker threads can become unhealthy in several ways, and the controller thread * tries to keep the pool healthy by starting new threads when it is: * * Stuck: All threads are running a long-running task that's waiting on a network event, but * there are no threads available to process network events. The thread pool cannot make progress * without intervention. * * Starved: All threads are saturated with tasks and new tasks are having to queue for longer * than the configured maxQueueLatency(). * * Below reserve: An error has occurred and there are fewer threads than the reserved minimum. * * While the executor is running, it runs in a loop waiting to be woken up by schedule() or a * timeout to occur. When it wakes up, it ensures that: * - The thread pool is not stuck longer than the configured stuckThreadTimeout(). If it is, then * start a new thread and wait to be woken up again (or time out again and redo stuck thread * detection). * - The number of threads is >= the reservedThreads() value. If it isn't, then start as many * threads as necessary. * - Checking for starvation when requested by schedule(), and starting new threads if the * pool is saturated and is starved longer than the maxQueueLatency() after being woken up * by schedule(). */ void ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_controllerThreadRoutine() { stdx::mutex noopLock; setThreadName("worker-controller"_sd); // Setup the timers/timeout values for stuck thread detection. TickTimer sinceLastStuckThreadCheck(_tickSource); auto stuckThreadTimeout = _config->stuckThreadTimeout(); // Get the initial values for our utilization percentage calculations auto getTimerTotals = [this]() { stdx::unique_lock lk(_threadsMutex); auto first = _getThreadTimerTotal(ThreadTimer::kExecuting, lk); auto second = _getThreadTimerTotal(ThreadTimer::kRunning, lk); return std::make_pair(first, second); }; TickSource::Tick lastSpentExecuting, lastSpentRunning; std::tie(lastSpentExecuting, lastSpentRunning) = getTimerTotals(); while (_isRunning.load()) { // We want to wait for schedule() to wake us up, or for the stuck thread timeout to pass. // So the timeout is the current stuck thread timeout - the last time we did stuck thread // detection. auto timeout = stuckThreadTimeout - sinceLastStuckThreadCheck.sinceStart(); bool maybeStarved = false; // If the timeout is less than a millisecond then don't bother to go to sleep to wait for // it, just do the stuck thread detection now. if (timeout > Milliseconds{0}) { stdx::unique_lock scheduleLk(noopLock); int checkRequests = 0; maybeStarved = _scheduleCondition.wait_for( scheduleLk, timeout.toSystemDuration(), [this, &checkRequests] { if (!_isRunning.load()) return false; checkRequests = _starvationCheckRequests.load(); return (checkRequests > 0); }); _starvationCheckRequests.subtractAndFetch(checkRequests); } // If the executor has stopped, then stop the controller altogether if (!_isRunning.load()) break; if (sinceLastStuckThreadCheck.sinceStart() >= stuckThreadTimeout) { // Reset our timer so we know how long to sleep for the next time around; sinceLastStuckThreadCheck.reset(); // Each call to schedule updates the last schedule ticks so we know the last time a // task was scheduled Milliseconds sinceLastSchedule = _lastScheduleTimer.sinceStart(); // If the number of tasks executing is the number of threads running (that is all // threads are currently busy), and the last time a task was able to be scheduled was // longer than our wait timeout, then we can assume all threads are stuck and we should // start a new thread to unblock the pool. // if ((_threadsInUse.load() == _threadsRunning.load()) && (sinceLastSchedule >= stuckThreadTimeout)) { // When the executor is stuck, we halve the stuck thread timeout to be more // aggressive the next time out unsticking the executor, and then start a new // thread to unblock the executor for now. stuckThreadTimeout /= 2; stuckThreadTimeout = std::max(Milliseconds{10}, stuckThreadTimeout); log() << "Detected blocked worker threads, " << "starting new thread to unblock service executor. " << "Stuck thread timeout now: " << stuckThreadTimeout; _startWorkerThread(ThreadCreationReason::kStuckDetection); // Since we've just started a worker thread, then we know that the executor isn't // starved, so just loop back around to wait for the next control event. continue; } // If the executor wasn't stuck, then we should back off our stuck thread timeout back // towards the configured value. auto newStuckThreadTimeout = stuckThreadTimeout + (stuckThreadTimeout / 2); newStuckThreadTimeout = std::min(_config->stuckThreadTimeout(), newStuckThreadTimeout); if (newStuckThreadTimeout != stuckThreadTimeout) { LOG(1) << "Increasing stuck thread timeout to " << newStuckThreadTimeout; stuckThreadTimeout = newStuckThreadTimeout; } } auto threadsRunning = _threadsRunning.load(); if (threadsRunning < _config->reservedThreads()) { log() << "Starting " << _config->reservedThreads() - threadsRunning << " to replenish reserved worker threads"; while (_threadsRunning.load() < _config->reservedThreads()) { _startWorkerThread(ThreadCreationReason::kReserveMinimum); } } // If we were notified by schedule() to do starvation checking, then we first need to // calculate the overall utilization of the executor. if (maybeStarved) { // Get the difference between the amount of time the executor has spent waiting for/ // running tasks since the last time we measured. TickSource::Tick spentExecuting, spentRunning; std::tie(spentExecuting, spentRunning) = getTimerTotals(); auto diffExecuting = spentExecuting - lastSpentExecuting; auto diffRunning = spentRunning - lastSpentRunning; double utilizationPct; // If we spent zero time running then the executor was fully idle and our utilization // is zero percent if (spentRunning == 0 || diffRunning == 0) utilizationPct = 0.0; else { lastSpentExecuting = spentExecuting; lastSpentRunning = spentRunning; utilizationPct = diffExecuting / static_cast(diffRunning); utilizationPct *= 100; } // If the utilization percentage is less than our threshold then we don't want to // do anything because the threads are not actually saturated with work. if (utilizationPct < _config->idlePctThreshold()) { continue; } } // While there are threads that are still starting up, wait for the max queue latency, // up to the current stuck thread timeout. do { stdx::this_thread::sleep_for(_config->maxQueueLatency().toSystemDuration()); } while ((_threadsPending.load() > 0) && (sinceLastStuckThreadCheck.sinceStart() < stuckThreadTimeout)); // If the number of pending tasks is greater than the number of running threads minus the // number of tasks executing (the number of free threads), then start a new worker to // avoid starvation. if (_isStarved()) { log() << "Starting worker thread to avoid starvation."; _startWorkerThread(ThreadCreationReason::kStarvation); } } } void ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_startWorkerThread(ThreadCreationReason reason) { stdx::unique_lock lk(_threadsMutex); auto it = _threads.emplace(_threads.begin(), _tickSource); auto num = _threads.size(); _threadsPending.addAndFetch(1); _threadsRunning.addAndFetch(1); _threadStartCounters[static_cast(reason)] += 1; lk.unlock(); const auto launchResult = launchServiceWorkerThread([this, num, it] { _workerThreadRoutine(num, it); }); if (!launchResult.isOK()) { warning() << "Failed to launch new worker thread: " << launchResult; lk.lock(); _threadsPending.subtractAndFetch(1); _threadsRunning.subtractAndFetch(1); _threadStartCounters[static_cast(reason)] -= 1; _threads.erase(it); } } Milliseconds ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_getThreadJitter() const { static stdx::mutex jitterMutex; static std::default_random_engine randomEngine = [] { std::random_device seed; return std::default_random_engine(seed()); }(); auto jitterParam = _config->runTimeJitter(); if (jitterParam == 0) return Milliseconds{0}; std::uniform_int_distribution<> jitterDist(-jitterParam, jitterParam); stdx::lock_guard lk(jitterMutex); auto jitter = jitterDist(randomEngine); if (jitter > _config->workerThreadRunTime().count()) jitter = 0; return Milliseconds{jitter}; } void ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_accumulateTaskMetrics(MetricsArray* outArray, const MetricsArray& inputArray) const { for (auto it = inputArray.begin(); it != inputArray.end(); ++it) { auto taskName = static_cast(std::distance(inputArray.begin(), it)); auto& output = outArray->at(static_cast(taskName)); output._totalSpentExecuting.addAndFetch(it->_totalSpentExecuting.load()); output._totalSpentQueued.addAndFetch(it->_totalSpentQueued.load()); output._totalExecuted.addAndFetch(it->_totalExecuted.load()); output._totalQueued.addAndFetch(it->_totalQueued.load()); } } void ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_accumulateAllTaskMetrics( MetricsArray* outputMetricsArray, const stdx::unique_lock& lk) const { _accumulateTaskMetrics(outputMetricsArray, _accumulatedMetrics); for (auto& thread : _threads) { _accumulateTaskMetrics(outputMetricsArray, thread.threadMetrics); } } TickSource::Tick ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_getThreadTimerTotal( ThreadTimer which, const stdx::unique_lock& lk) const { TickSource::Tick accumulator; switch (which) { case ThreadTimer::kRunning: accumulator = _pastThreadsSpentRunning.load(); break; case ThreadTimer::kExecuting: accumulator = _pastThreadsSpentExecuting.load(); break; } for (auto& thread : _threads) { switch (which) { case ThreadTimer::kRunning: accumulator += thread.running.totalTime(); break; case ThreadTimer::kExecuting: accumulator += thread.executing.totalTime(); break; } } return accumulator; } void ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_workerThreadRoutine( int threadId, ServiceExecutorAdaptive::ThreadList::iterator state) { _threadsPending.subtractAndFetch(1); _localThreadState = &(*state); { std::string threadName = str::stream() << "worker-" << threadId; setThreadName(threadName); } log() << "Started new database worker thread " << threadId; bool guardThreadsRunning = true; const auto guard = MakeGuard([this, &guardThreadsRunning, state] { if (guardThreadsRunning) _threadsRunning.subtractAndFetch(1); _pastThreadsSpentRunning.addAndFetch(state->running.totalTime()); _pastThreadsSpentExecuting.addAndFetch(state->executing.totalTime()); _accumulateTaskMetrics(&_accumulatedMetrics, state->threadMetrics); { stdx::lock_guard lk(_threadsMutex); _threads.erase(state); } _deathCondition.notify_one(); }); auto jitter = _getThreadJitter(); while (_isRunning.load()) { // We don't want all the threads to start/stop running at exactly the same time, so the // jitter setParameter adds/removes a random small amount of time to the runtime. Milliseconds runTime = _config->workerThreadRunTime() + jitter; dassert(runTime.count() > 0); // Reset ticksSpentExecuting timer state->executingCurRun = 0; // If we're still "pending" only try to run one task, that way the controller will // know that it's okay to start adding threads to avoid starvation again. state->running.markRunning(); _reactorHandle->runFor(runTime); auto spentRunning = state->running.markStopped(); // If we spent less than our idle threshold actually running tasks then exit the thread. // This is a helper lambda to perform that calculation. const auto calculatePctExecuting = [&spentRunning, &state]() { // This time measurement doesn't include time spent running network callbacks, // so the threshold is lower than you'd expect. dassert(spentRunning < std::numeric_limits::max()); // First get the ratio of ticks spent executing to ticks spent running. We // expect this to be <= 1.0 double executingToRunning = state->executingCurRun / static_cast(spentRunning); // Multiply that by 100 to get the percentage of time spent executing tasks. We // expect this to be <= 100. executingToRunning *= 100; dassert(executingToRunning <= 100); return static_cast(executingToRunning); }; bool terminateThread = false; int pctExecuting; int runningThreads; // Make sure we don't terminate threads below the reserved threshold. As there can be // several worker threads concurrently in this terminate logic atomically reduce the threads // one by one to avoid racing using a lockless compare-and-swap loop where we retry if there // is contention on the atomic. do { runningThreads = _threadsRunning.load(); if (runningThreads <= _config->reservedThreads()) { terminateThread = false; break; // keep thread } if (!terminateThread) { pctExecuting = calculatePctExecuting(); terminateThread = pctExecuting <= _config->idlePctThreshold(); } } while (terminateThread && _threadsRunning.compareAndSwap(runningThreads, runningThreads - 1) != runningThreads); if (terminateThread) { log() << "Thread was only executing tasks " << pctExecuting << "% over the last " << runTime << ". Exiting thread."; // Because we've already modified _threadsRunning, make sure the thread guard also // doesn't do it. guardThreadsRunning = false; break; } } } StringData ServiceExecutorAdaptive::_threadStartedByToString( ServiceExecutorAdaptive::ThreadCreationReason reason) { switch (reason) { case ThreadCreationReason::kStuckDetection: return kStuckDetection; case ThreadCreationReason::kStarvation: return kStarvation; case ThreadCreationReason::kReserveMinimum: return kReserveMinimum; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } void ServiceExecutorAdaptive::appendStats(BSONObjBuilder* bob) const { stdx::unique_lock lk(_threadsMutex); *bob << kExecutorLabel << kExecutorName // << kTotalQueued << _totalQueued.load() // << kTotalExecuted << _totalExecuted.load() // << kThreadsInUse << _threadsInUse.load() // << kTotalTimeRunningUs // << ticksToMicros(_getThreadTimerTotal(ThreadTimer::kRunning, lk), _tickSource) // << kTotalTimeExecutingUs // << ticksToMicros(_getThreadTimerTotal(ThreadTimer::kExecuting, lk), _tickSource) // << kTotalTimeQueuedUs << ticksToMicros(_totalSpentQueued.load(), _tickSource) // << kThreadsRunning << _threadsRunning.load() // << kThreadsPending << _threadsPending.load(); BSONObjBuilder threadStartReasons(bob->subobjStart(kThreadReasons)); for (size_t i = 0; i < _threadStartCounters.size(); i++) { threadStartReasons << _threadStartedByToString(static_cast(i)) << _threadStartCounters[i]; } threadStartReasons.doneFast(); BSONObjBuilder metricsByTask(bob->subobjStart("metricsByTask")); MetricsArray totalMetrics; _accumulateAllTaskMetrics(&totalMetrics, lk); lk.unlock(); for (auto it = totalMetrics.begin(); it != totalMetrics.end(); ++it) { auto taskName = static_cast(std::distance(totalMetrics.begin(), it)); auto taskNameString = taskNameToString(taskName); BSONObjBuilder subSection(metricsByTask.subobjStart(taskNameString)); subSection << kTotalQueued << it->_totalQueued.load() << kTotalExecuted << it->_totalExecuted.load() << kTotalTimeExecutingUs << ticksToMicros(it->_totalSpentExecuting.load(), _tickSource) << kTotalTimeQueuedUs << ticksToMicros(it->_totalSpentQueued.load(), _tickSource); subSection.doneFast(); } metricsByTask.doneFast(); } } // namespace transport } // namespace mongo