/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kNetwork #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include "mongo/base/checked_cast.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/dbmessage.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/rpc/op_msg.h" #include "mongo/transport/mock_session.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_entry_point.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_executor.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_executor_task_names.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_state_machine.h" #include "mongo/transport/transport_layer_mock.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/clock_source_mock.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/tick_source_mock.h" namespace mongo { namespace { std::string stateToString(ServiceStateMachine::State state) { std::string ret = str::stream() << state; return ret; } Message buildOpMsg(BSONObj input) { OpMsgBuilder builder; builder.setBody(input); return builder.finish(); } class MockSEP : public ServiceEntryPoint { public: virtual ~MockSEP() = default; void startSession(transport::SessionHandle session) override {} DbResponse handleRequest(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& request) override { log() << "In handleRequest"; _ranHandler = true; ASSERT_TRUE(haveClient()); // Build out a dummy OK response, if no custom response message was set. Otherwise, use the // custom response message. Message res; if (_responseMessage.empty()) { res = buildOpMsg(BSON("ok" << 1)); } else { res = _responseMessage; } if (_uassertInHandler) uassert(40469, "Synthetic uassert failure", false); DbResponse dbResponse; if (OpMsg::isFlagSet(request, OpMsg::kExhaustSupported)) { auto reply = OpMsg::parse(res); auto cursorObj = reply.body.getObjectField("cursor"); if (reply.body["ok"].trueValue() && !cursorObj.isEmpty()) { dbResponse.exhaustCursorId = cursorObj.getField("id").numberLong(); dbResponse.exhaustNS = cursorObj.getField("ns").String(); } } dbResponse.response = res; return dbResponse; } void endAllSessions(transport::Session::TagMask tags) override {} Status start() override { return Status::OK(); } bool shutdown(Milliseconds timeout) override { return true; } void appendStats(BSONObjBuilder*) const override {} size_t numOpenSessions() const override { return 0ULL; } void setUassertInHandler() { _uassertInHandler = true; } void setResponseMessage(Message m) { _responseMessage = std::move(m); } bool ranHandler() { bool ret = _ranHandler; _ranHandler = false; return ret; } private: bool _uassertInHandler = false; bool _ranHandler = false; // A custom response message to return from 'handleRequest'. Message _responseMessage; }; using namespace transport; class MockTL : public TransportLayerMock { public: class Session : public MockSession { public: using MockSession::MockSession; StatusWith sourceMessage() override { auto tl = checked_cast(getTransportLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(tl->_ssm->state(), ServiceStateMachine::State::SourceWait); tl->_lastTicketSource = true; tl->_ranSource = true; log() << "In sourceMessage"; if (tl->_waitHook) tl->_waitHook(); if (tl->_nextShouldFail & Source) { return TransportLayer::TicketSessionClosedStatus; } auto out = MockSession::sourceMessage(); if (out.isOK()) { // Source a dummy 'ping' request, if no custom source message was set, if specified. // Otherwise use the custom source message. return tl->_sourceMessage.empty() ? buildOpMsg(BSON("ping" << 1)) : tl->_sourceMessage; } return out; } Status sinkMessage(Message message) override { auto tl = checked_cast(getTransportLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(tl->_ssm->state(), ServiceStateMachine::State::SinkWait); tl->_lastTicketSource = false; log() << "In sinkMessage"; tl->_ranSink = true; if (tl->_waitHook) tl->_waitHook(); if (tl->_nextShouldFail & Sink) { return TransportLayer::TicketSessionClosedStatus; } auto out = MockSession::sinkMessage(message); if (out.isOK()) tl->_lastSunk = message; return out; } }; MockTL() { createSessionHook = [](TransportLayer* tl) { return std::make_unique(tl); }; } void setSSM(ServiceStateMachine* ssm) { _ssm = ssm; } enum FailureMode { Nothing = 0, Source = 0x1, Sink = 0x10 }; void setNextFailure(FailureMode mode = Source) { _nextShouldFail = mode; } Message&& getLastSunk() { return std::move(_lastSunk); } bool ranSink() const { return _ranSink; } bool ranSource() const { return _ranSource; } void setWaitHook(std::function hook) { _waitHook = std::move(hook); } void setSourceMessage(Message m) { _sourceMessage = std::move(m); } private: bool _lastTicketSource = true; bool _ranSink = false; bool _ranSource = false; FailureMode _nextShouldFail = Nothing; Message _lastSunk; ServiceStateMachine* _ssm; std::function _waitHook; // A custom message for this TransportLayer to source. Message _sourceMessage; }; class MockServiceExecutor : public ServiceExecutor { public: explicit MockServiceExecutor(ServiceContext* ctx) {} using ScheduleHook = std::function; Status start() override { return Status::OK(); } Status shutdown(Milliseconds timeout) override { return Status::OK(); } Status schedule(Task task, ScheduleFlags flags, ServiceExecutorTaskName taskName) override { if (!_scheduleHook) { return Status::OK(); } else { return _scheduleHook(std::move(task)) ? Status::OK() : Status{ErrorCodes::InternalError, "Hook returned error!"}; } } Mode transportMode() const override { return Mode::kSynchronous; } void appendStats(BSONObjBuilder* bob) const override {} void setScheduleHook(ScheduleHook hook) { _scheduleHook = std::move(hook); } private: ScheduleHook _scheduleHook; }; class SimpleEvent { public: void signal() { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _signaled = true; _cond.notify_one(); } void wait() { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _cond.wait(lk, [this] { return _signaled; }); _signaled = false; } private: stdx::mutex _mutex; stdx::condition_variable _cond; bool _signaled = false; }; using State = ServiceStateMachine::State; class ServiceStateMachineFixture : public unittest::Test { protected: void setUp() override { auto scOwned = ServiceContext::make(); auto sc = scOwned.get(); setGlobalServiceContext(std::move(scOwned)); sc->setTickSource(std::make_unique>()); sc->setFastClockSource(std::make_unique()); auto sep = std::make_unique(); _sep = sep.get(); sc->setServiceEntryPoint(std::move(sep)); auto se = std::make_unique(sc); _sexec = se.get(); sc->setServiceExecutor(std::move(se)); auto tl = std::make_unique(); _tl = tl.get(); sc->setTransportLayer(std::move(tl)); _tl->start().transitional_ignore(); _ssm = ServiceStateMachine::create( getGlobalServiceContext(), _tl->createSession(), transport::Mode::kSynchronous); _tl->setSSM(_ssm.get()); } void tearDown() override { _tl->shutdown(); } void runPingTest(State first, State second); void checkPingOk(); /** * Source a message from the TransportLayer, process it via the ServiceEntryPoint, and sink the * response back to the TransportLayer. Only call this method when SSM state is either 'Source' * or 'Created'. * * @param afterSource the expected state of the SSM after a message has been sourced. * @param afterSink the expected state of the SSM after the response has been sunk. */ void sourceAndSink(State afterSource, State afterSink); /** * Runs a simple source-sink test. Sources a custom message, given by 'req', and receives and * sinks a custom response from the database, given by 'res'. Uses the given MockTL and MockSEP, * and expects the SSM to be in states 'afterSource' and 'afterSink', after sourcing and sinking * the messages. */ void runSourceAndSinkTest( MockTL* tl, MockSEP* sep, Message req, Message res, State afterSource, State afterSink); MockTL* _tl; MockSEP* _sep; MockServiceExecutor* _sexec; SessionHandle _session; std::shared_ptr _ssm; bool _ranHandler; }; void ServiceStateMachineFixture::runPingTest(State first, State second) { ASSERT_FALSE(haveClient()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), State::Created); log() << "run next"; _ssm->runNext(); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), first); if (first == State::Ended) return; _ssm->runNext(); ASSERT_FALSE(haveClient()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), second); } void ServiceStateMachineFixture::sourceAndSink(State afterSource, State afterSink) { invariant(_ssm->state() == State::Source || _ssm->state() == State::Created); // Source a new message from the network. log() << "(sourceAndSink) runNext to source a message"; _ssm->runNext(); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSource()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), afterSource); ASSERT_FALSE(_tl->ranSink()); // Let the message be processed by sending it to the database, receiving the response, and then // sinking it. log() << "(sourceAndSink) runNext to process and sink the response message"; _ssm->runNext(); ASSERT_FALSE(haveClient()); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSink()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), afterSink); } void ServiceStateMachineFixture::runSourceAndSinkTest(MockTL* tl, MockSEP* sep, Message request, Message response, State afterSource, State afterSink) { // Make the TransportLayer source the mock 'getMore' request, and the ServiceEntryPoint respond // with a mock 'getMore' response. tl->setSourceMessage(request); sep->setResponseMessage(response); ASSERT_FALSE(haveClient()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), State::Created); // Let the 'getMore' request be sourced from the network, processed in the database, and sunk to // the TransportLayer. sourceAndSink(afterSource, afterSink); } void ServiceStateMachineFixture::checkPingOk() { auto msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); auto reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(reply.body, BSON("ok" << 1)); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestOkaySimpleCommand) { runPingTest(State::Process, State::Source); checkPingOk(); } Message getMoreRequestWithExhaust(const std::string& nss, long long cursorId, const int32_t requestId) { Message getMoreMsg = buildOpMsg(BSON("getMore" << cursorId << "collection" << nss)); getMoreMsg.header().setId(requestId); OpMsg::setFlag(&getMoreMsg, OpMsg::kExhaustSupported); return getMoreMsg; } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestGetMoreWithExhaust) { // Construct a 'getMore' OP_MSG request with the exhaust flag set. const int32_t initRequestId = 1; const long long cursorId = 42; const std::string nss = "test.coll"; Message getMoreWithExhaust = getMoreRequestWithExhaust(nss, cursorId, initRequestId); // Construct a 'getMore' response, with a non-zero cursor id and an empty batch. BSONObj getMoreResBody = BSON("ok" << 1 << "cursor" << BSON("id" << cursorId << "ns" << nss << "nextBatch" << BSONArray())); Message getMoreRes = buildOpMsg(getMoreResBody); // Let the 'getMore' request be sourced from the network, processed in the database, and sunk to // the TransportLayer. Because the request message should have an exhaust flag, we should end up // back in the 'Process' state, rather than in 'Source' state. runSourceAndSinkTest(_tl, _sep, getMoreWithExhaust, getMoreRes, State::Process, State::Process); // Check the last sunk message. auto msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); auto firstResponseId = msg.header().getId(); ASSERT(!msg.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(initRequestId, msg.header().getResponseToMsgId()); auto reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT(OpMsg::isFlagSet(msg, OpMsg::kMoreToCome)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(getMoreResBody, reply.body); // Construct a terminal 'getMore' response, indicated by a cursor id equal to zero. BSONObj getMoreTerminalResBody = BSON("ok" << 1 << "cursor" << BSON("id" << 0 << "ns" << nss << "nextBatch" << BSONArray())); Message getMoreTerminalRes = buildOpMsg(getMoreTerminalResBody); // Process another 'getMore' message. This time the ServiceEntryPoint should respond with a // terminal getMore, indicating that the exhaust stream should be ended. _sep->setResponseMessage(getMoreTerminalRes); log() << "runNext to terminate the exhaust stream"; _ssm->runNext(); ASSERT_FALSE(haveClient()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), State::Source); // Check the final sunk message. msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); ASSERT(!msg.empty()); reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT(!OpMsg::isFlagSet(msg, OpMsg::kMoreToCome)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(getMoreTerminalResBody, reply.body); ASSERT_EQ(firstResponseId, msg.header().getResponseToMsgId()); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestGetMoreWithExhaustAndEmptyResponseNamespace) { // Construct a 'getMore' OP_MSG request with the exhaust flag set. const int32_t initRequestId = 1; const long long cursorId = 42; const std::string nss = "test.coll"; Message getMoreWithExhaust = getMoreRequestWithExhaust(nss, cursorId, initRequestId); // Construct a 'getMore' response with an empty namespace. BSONObj getMoreTerminalResBody = BSON("ok" << 1 << "cursor" << BSON("id" << 42 << "ns" << "" << "nextBatch" << BSONArray())); Message getMoreTerminalRes = buildOpMsg(getMoreTerminalResBody); // Let the 'getMore' request be sourced from the network, processed in the database, and // and the response sunk to the TransportLayer. runSourceAndSinkTest( _tl, _sep, getMoreWithExhaust, getMoreTerminalRes, State::Process, State::Source); // Check the last sunk message. auto msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); ASSERT(!msg.empty()); auto reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT_FALSE(OpMsg::isFlagSet(msg, OpMsg::kMoreToCome)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(getMoreTerminalResBody, reply.body); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestGetMoreWithExhaustAndEmptyCursorObjectInResponse) { // Construct a 'getMore' OP_MSG request with the exhaust flag set. const int32_t initRequestId = 1; const long long cursorId = 42; const std::string nss = "test.coll"; Message getMoreWithExhaust = getMoreRequestWithExhaust(nss, cursorId, initRequestId); // Construct a 'getMore' response with an empty cursor object. BSONObj getMoreTerminalResBody = BSON("ok" << 1 << "cursor" << BSONObj()); Message getMoreTerminalRes = buildOpMsg(getMoreTerminalResBody); // Let the 'getMore' request be sourced from the network, processed in the database, and // and the response sunk to the TransportLayer. runSourceAndSinkTest( _tl, _sep, getMoreWithExhaust, getMoreTerminalRes, State::Process, State::Source); // Check the last sunk message. auto msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); ASSERT(!msg.empty()); auto reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT_FALSE(OpMsg::isFlagSet(msg, OpMsg::kMoreToCome)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(getMoreTerminalResBody, reply.body); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestGetMoreWithExhaustAndNoCursorFieldInResponse) { // Construct a 'getMore' OP_MSG request with the exhaust flag set. const int32_t initRequestId = 1; const long long cursorId = 42; const std::string nss = "test.coll"; Message getMoreWithExhaust = getMoreRequestWithExhaust(nss, cursorId, initRequestId); // Construct a 'getMore' response with no 'cursor' field. BSONObj getMoreTerminalResBody = BSON("ok" << 1); Message getMoreTerminalRes = buildOpMsg(getMoreTerminalResBody); // Let the 'getMore' request be sourced from the network, processed in the database, and // and the response sunk to the TransportLayer. runSourceAndSinkTest( _tl, _sep, getMoreWithExhaust, getMoreTerminalRes, State::Process, State::Source); // Check the last sunk message. auto msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); ASSERT(!msg.empty()); auto reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT_FALSE(OpMsg::isFlagSet(msg, OpMsg::kMoreToCome)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(getMoreTerminalResBody, reply.body); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestGetMoreWithExhaustAndNonOKResponse) { // Construct a 'getMore' OP_MSG request with the exhaust flag set. const int32_t initRequestId = 1; const long long cursorId = 42; const std::string nss = "test.coll"; Message getMoreWithExhaust = getMoreRequestWithExhaust(nss, cursorId, initRequestId); // Construct a 'getMore' response with a non-ok response. BSONObj getMoreTerminalResBody = BSON( "ok" << 0 << "cursor" << BSON("id" << 42 << "ns" << nss << "nextBatch" << BSONArray())); Message getMoreTerminalRes = buildOpMsg(getMoreTerminalResBody); // Let the 'getMore' request be sourced from the network, processed in the database, and // and the response sunk to the TransportLayer. runSourceAndSinkTest( _tl, _sep, getMoreWithExhaust, getMoreTerminalRes, State::Process, State::Source); // Check the last sunk message. auto msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); ASSERT(!msg.empty()); auto reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT_FALSE(OpMsg::isFlagSet(msg, OpMsg::kMoreToCome)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(getMoreTerminalResBody, reply.body); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestExhaustOnlySupportedForGetMoreCommand) { // Construct a 'find' OP_MSG request with the exhaust flag set. We should ignore exhaust flags // for non 'getMore' commands. const std::string nss = "test.coll"; Message findWithExhaust = buildOpMsg(BSON("find" << nss)); OpMsg::setFlag(&findWithExhaust, OpMsg::kExhaustSupported); // Construct an OK response. Message findRes = buildOpMsg(BSON( "ok" << 1 << "cursor" << BSON("id" << 42 << "ns" << nss << "firstBatch" << BSONArray()))); // Let the 'find' request be sourced from the network, processed in the database, and // and the response sunk to the TransportLayer. runSourceAndSinkTest(_tl, _sep, findWithExhaust, findRes, State::Process, State::Source); // Check the last sunk message. auto msg = _tl->getLastSunk(); ASSERT(!msg.empty()); auto reply = OpMsg::parse(msg); ASSERT_FALSE(OpMsg::isFlagSet(msg, OpMsg::kMoreToCome)); ASSERT_EQ(1, reply.body.getIntField("ok")); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestThrowHandling) { _sep->setUassertInHandler(); runPingTest(State::Process, State::Ended); ASSERT(_tl->getLastSunk().empty()); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSource()); ASSERT_FALSE(_tl->ranSink()); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestSourceError) { _tl->setNextFailure(MockTL::Source); runPingTest(State::Ended, State::Ended); ASSERT(_tl->getLastSunk().empty()); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSource()); ASSERT_FALSE(_tl->ranSink()); } TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestSinkError) { _tl->setNextFailure(MockTL::Sink); runPingTest(State::Process, State::Ended); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSource()); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSink()); } // This test checks that after the SSM has been cleaned up, the SessionHandle that it passed // into the Client doesn't have any dangling shared_ptr copies. TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TestSessionCleanupOnDestroy) { // Set a cleanup hook so we know that the cleanup hook actually gets run when the session // is destroyed bool hookRan = false; _ssm->setCleanupHook([&hookRan] { hookRan = true; }); // Do a regular ping test so that all the processMessage/sinkMessage code gets exercised runPingTest(State::Process, State::Source); // Set the next run up to fail on source (like a disconnected client) and run it _tl->setNextFailure(MockTL::Source); _ssm->runNext(); ASSERT_EQ(State::Ended, _ssm->state()); // Check that after the failure and the session getting cleaned up that the SessionHandle // only has one use (our copy in _sessionHandle) ASSERT_EQ(_ssm.use_count(), 1); // Make sure the cleanup hook actually ran. ASSERT_TRUE(hookRan); } // This tests that SSMs that fail to schedule their first task get cleaned up correctly. // (i.e. we couldn't create a worker thread after accept()). TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, ScheduleFailureDuringCreateCleanup) { _sexec->setScheduleHook([](auto) { return false; }); // Set a cleanup hook so we know that the cleanup hook actually gets run when the session // is destroyed bool hookRan = false; _ssm->setCleanupHook([&hookRan] { hookRan = true; }); _ssm->start(ServiceStateMachine::Ownership::kOwned); ASSERT_EQ(State::Ended, _ssm->state()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm.use_count(), 1); ASSERT_TRUE(hookRan); } // This tests that calling terminate() actually ends and cleans up the SSM during all the // states. TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TerminateWorksForAllStates) { SimpleEvent hookRan, okayToContinue; auto cleanupHook = [&hookRan] { log() << "Cleaning up session"; hookRan.signal(); }; // This is a shared hook between the executor/TL that lets us notify the test that the SSM // has reached a certain state and then gets terminated during that state. State waitFor = State::Created; SimpleEvent atDesiredState; auto waitForHook = [this, &waitFor, &atDesiredState, &okayToContinue]() { log() << "Checking for wakeup at " << stateToString(_ssm->state()) << ". Expecting " << stateToString(waitFor); if (_ssm->state() == waitFor) { atDesiredState.signal(); okayToContinue.wait(); } }; // This wraps the waitForHook so that schedules always succeed. _sexec->setScheduleHook([waitForHook](auto) { waitForHook(); return true; }); // This just lets us intercept calls to _tl->wait() and terminate during them. _tl->setWaitHook(waitForHook); // Run this same test for each state. auto states = {State::Source, State::SourceWait, State::Process, State::SinkWait}; for (const auto testState : states) { log() << "Testing termination during " << stateToString(testState); // Reset the _ssm to a fresh SSM and reset our tracking variables. _ssm = ServiceStateMachine::create( getGlobalServiceContext(), _tl->createSession(), transport::Mode::kSynchronous); _tl->setSSM(_ssm.get()); _ssm->setCleanupHook(cleanupHook); waitFor = testState; // This is a dummy thread that just advances the SSM while we track its state/kill it stdx::thread runner([ssm = _ssm] { while (ssm->state() != State::Ended) { ssm->runNext(); } }); // Wait for the SSM to advance to the expected state atDesiredState.wait(); log() << "Terminating session at " << stateToString(_ssm->state()); // Terminate the SSM _ssm->terminate(); // Notify the waitForHook to continue and end the session okayToContinue.signal(); // Wait for the SSM to terminate and the thread to end. hookRan.wait(); runner.join(); // Verify that the SSM terminated and is in the correct state ASSERT_EQ(State::Ended, _ssm->state()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm.use_count(), 1); } } // This tests that calling terminate() actually ends and cleans up the SSM during all states, and // with schedule() returning an error for each state. TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, TerminateWorksForAllStatesWithScheduleFailure) { // Set a cleanup hook so we know that the cleanup hook actually gets run when the session // is destroyed SimpleEvent hookRan, okayToContinue; bool scheduleFailed = false; auto cleanupHook = [&hookRan] { log() << "Cleaning up session"; hookRan.signal(); }; // This is a shared hook between the executor/TL that lets us notify the test that the SSM // has reached a certain state and then gets terminated during that state. State waitFor = State::Created; SimpleEvent atDesiredState; auto waitForHook = [this, &waitFor, &scheduleFailed, &okayToContinue, &atDesiredState]() { log() << "Checking for wakeup at " << stateToString(_ssm->state()) << ". Expecting " << stateToString(waitFor); if (_ssm->state() == waitFor) { atDesiredState.signal(); okayToContinue.wait(); scheduleFailed = true; return false; } return true; }; _sexec->setScheduleHook([waitForHook](auto) { return waitForHook(); }); // This wraps the waitForHook and discards its return status. _tl->setWaitHook([waitForHook] { waitForHook(); }); auto states = {State::Source, State::SourceWait, State::Process, State::SinkWait}; for (const auto testState : states) { log() << "Testing termination during " << stateToString(testState); _ssm = ServiceStateMachine::create( getGlobalServiceContext(), _tl->createSession(), transport::Mode::kSynchronous); _tl->setSSM(_ssm.get()); scheduleFailed = false; _ssm->setCleanupHook(cleanupHook); waitFor = testState; // This is a dummy thread that just advances the SSM while we track its state/kill it stdx::thread runner([ssm = _ssm, &scheduleFailed] { while (ssm->state() != State::Ended && !scheduleFailed) { ssm->runNext(); } }); // Wait for the SSM to advance to the expected state atDesiredState.wait(); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), testState); log() << "Terminating session at " << stateToString(_ssm->state()); // Terminate the SSM _ssm->terminate(); // Notify the waitForHook to continue and end the session okayToContinue.signal(); hookRan.wait(); runner.join(); // Verify that the SSM terminated and is in the correct state ASSERT_EQ(State::Ended, _ssm->state()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm.use_count(), 1); } } // This makes sure that the SSM can run recursively by forcing the ServiceExecutor to run everything // recursively TEST_F(ServiceStateMachineFixture, SSMRunsRecursively) { // This lets us force the SSM to only run once. After sinking the first response, the next call // to sourceMessage will return with an error. _tl->setWaitHook([this] { if (_ssm->state() == State::SinkWait) { _tl->setNextFailure(); } }); // The scheduleHook just runs the task, effectively making this a recursive executor. int recursionDepth = 0; _sexec->setScheduleHook([&recursionDepth](auto task) { log() << "running task in executor. depth: " << ++recursionDepth; task(); return true; }); _ssm->runNext(); // Check that the SSM actually ran, is ended, and actually ran recursively ASSERT_EQ(recursionDepth, 2); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSource()); ASSERT_TRUE(_tl->ranSink()); ASSERT_EQ(_ssm->state(), State::Ended); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo