/** * Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include "mongo/base/system_error.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/counters.h" #include "mongo/transport/asio_utils.h" #include "mongo/transport/baton.h" #include "mongo/transport/transport_layer_asio.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #include "mongo/util/net/socket_utils.h" #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_manager.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_types.h" #endif #include "asio.hpp" #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL #include "mongo/util/net/ssl.hpp" #endif namespace mongo { namespace transport { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(transportLayerASIOshortOpportunisticReadWrite); template auto futurize(const std::error_code& ec, SuccessValue&& successValue) { using Result = Future>; if (MONGO_unlikely(ec)) { return Result::makeReady(errorCodeToStatus(ec)); } return Result::makeReady(successValue); } Future futurize(const std::error_code& ec) { using Result = Future; if (MONGO_unlikely(ec)) { return Result::makeReady(errorCodeToStatus(ec)); } return Result::makeReady(); } using GenericSocket = asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket; class TransportLayerASIO::ASIOSession final : public Session { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(ASIOSession); public: // If the socket is disconnected while any of these options are being set, this constructor // may throw, but it is guaranteed to throw a mongo DBException. ASIOSession(TransportLayerASIO* tl, GenericSocket socket, bool isIngressSession) try : _socket(std::move(socket)), _tl(tl), _isIngressSession(isIngressSession) { auto family = endpointToSockAddr(_socket.local_endpoint()).getType(); if (family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6) { _socket.set_option(asio::ip::tcp::no_delay(true)); _socket.set_option(asio::socket_base::keep_alive(true)); setSocketKeepAliveParams(_socket.native_handle()); } _local = endpointToHostAndPort(_socket.local_endpoint()); _remote = endpointToHostAndPort(_socket.remote_endpoint()); } catch (const DBException&) { throw; } catch (const asio::system_error& error) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::SocketException, error.what()); } catch (...) { uasserted(50797, str::stream() << "Unknown exception while configuring socket."); } ~ASIOSession() { end(); } TransportLayer* getTransportLayer() const override { return _tl; } const HostAndPort& remote() const override { return _remote; } const HostAndPort& local() const override { return _local; } void end() override { if (getSocket().is_open()) { std::error_code ec; cancelAsyncOperations(); getSocket().shutdown(GenericSocket::shutdown_both, ec); if ((ec) && (ec != asio::error::not_connected)) { error() << "Error shutting down socket: " << ec.message(); } } } StatusWith sourceMessage() override { ensureSync(); return sourceMessageImpl().getNoThrow(); } Future asyncSourceMessage(const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) override { ensureAsync(); return sourceMessageImpl(baton); } Status sinkMessage(Message message) override { ensureSync(); return write(asio::buffer(message.buf(), message.size())) .then([this, &message] { if (_isIngressSession) { networkCounter.hitPhysicalOut(message.size()); } }) .getNoThrow(); } Future asyncSinkMessage(Message message, const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) override { ensureAsync(); return write(asio::buffer(message.buf(), message.size()), baton) .then([this, message /*keep the buffer alive*/]() { if (_isIngressSession) { networkCounter.hitPhysicalOut(message.size()); } }); } void cancelAsyncOperations(const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) override { LOG(3) << "Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to " << _remote; if (baton) { baton->cancelSession(*this); } else { getSocket().cancel(); } } void setTimeout(boost::optional timeout) override { invariant(!timeout || timeout->count() > 0); _configuredTimeout = timeout; } bool isConnected() override { // socket.is_open() only returns whether the socket is a valid file descriptor and // if we haven't marked this socket as closed already. if (!getSocket().is_open()) return false; auto swPollEvents = pollASIOSocket(getSocket(), POLLIN, Milliseconds{0}); if (!swPollEvents.isOK()) { if (swPollEvents != ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout) { warning() << "Failed to poll socket for connectivity check: " << swPollEvents.getStatus(); return false; } return true; } auto revents = swPollEvents.getValue(); if (revents & POLLIN) { char testByte; int size = ::recv(getSocket().native_handle(), &testByte, sizeof(testByte), MSG_PEEK); if (size == sizeof(testByte)) { return true; } else if (size == -1) { auto errDesc = errnoWithDescription(errno); warning() << "Failed to check socket connectivity: " << errDesc; } // If size == 0 then we got disconnected and we should return false. } return false; } protected: friend class TransportLayerASIO; friend TransportLayerASIO::BatonASIO; #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL // The unique_lock here is held by TransportLayerASIO to synchronize with the asyncConnect // timeout callback. It will be unlocked before the SSL actually handshake begins. Future handshakeSSLForEgressWithLock(stdx::unique_lock lk, const HostAndPort& target) { if (!_tl->_egressSSLContext) { return Future::makeReady(Status(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, "SSL requested but SSL support is disabled")); } _sslSocket.emplace( std::move(_socket), *_tl->_egressSSLContext, removeFQDNRoot(target.host())); lk.unlock(); auto doHandshake = [&] { if (_blockingMode == Sync) { std::error_code ec; _sslSocket->handshake(asio::ssl::stream_base::client, ec); return Future::makeReady(errorCodeToStatus(ec)); } else { return _sslSocket->async_handshake(asio::ssl::stream_base::client, UseFuture{}); } }; return doHandshake().then([this, target] { _ranHandshake = true; auto sslManager = getSSLManager(); auto swPeerInfo = uassertStatusOK(sslManager->parseAndValidatePeerCertificate( _sslSocket->native_handle(), target.host())); if (swPeerInfo) { SSLPeerInfo::forSession(shared_from_this()) = std::move(*swPeerInfo); } }); } // For synchronous connections where we don't have an async timer, just take a dummy lock and // pass it to the WithLock version of handshakeSSLForEgress Future handshakeSSLForEgress(const HostAndPort& target) { stdx::mutex mutex; return handshakeSSLForEgressWithLock(stdx::unique_lock(mutex), target); } #endif void ensureSync() { asio::error_code ec; if (_blockingMode != Sync) { getSocket().non_blocking(false, ec); fassert(40490, errorCodeToStatus(ec)); _blockingMode = Sync; } if (_socketTimeout != _configuredTimeout) { // Change boost::none (which means no timeout) into a zero value for the socket option, // which also means no timeout. auto timeout = _configuredTimeout.value_or(Milliseconds{0}); getSocket().set_option(ASIOSocketTimeoutOption(timeout), ec); uassertStatusOK(errorCodeToStatus(ec)); getSocket().set_option(ASIOSocketTimeoutOption(timeout), ec); uassertStatusOK(errorCodeToStatus(ec)); _socketTimeout = _configuredTimeout; } } void ensureAsync() { if (_blockingMode == Async) return; // Socket timeouts currently only effect synchronous calls, so make sure the caller isn't // expecting a socket timeout when they do an async operation. invariant(!_configuredTimeout); asio::error_code ec; getSocket().non_blocking(true, ec); fassert(50706, errorCodeToStatus(ec)); _blockingMode = Async; } private: template class ASIOSocketTimeoutOption { public: #ifdef _WIN32 using TimeoutType = DWORD; ASIOSocketTimeoutOption(Milliseconds timeoutVal) : _timeout(timeoutVal.count()) {} #else using TimeoutType = timeval; ASIOSocketTimeoutOption(Milliseconds timeoutVal) { _timeout.tv_sec = duration_cast(timeoutVal).count(); const auto minusSeconds = timeoutVal - Seconds{_timeout.tv_sec}; _timeout.tv_usec = duration_cast(minusSeconds).count(); } #endif template int name(const Protocol&) const { return Name; } template const TimeoutType* data(const Protocol&) const { return &_timeout; } template std::size_t size(const Protocol&) const { return sizeof(_timeout); } template int level(const Protocol&) const { return SOL_SOCKET; } private: TimeoutType _timeout; }; GenericSocket& getSocket() { #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL if (_sslSocket) { return static_cast(_sslSocket->lowest_layer()); } #endif return _socket; } Future sourceMessageImpl(const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) { static constexpr auto kHeaderSize = sizeof(MSGHEADER::Value); auto headerBuffer = SharedBuffer::allocate(kHeaderSize); auto ptr = headerBuffer.get(); return read(asio::buffer(ptr, kHeaderSize), baton) .then([ headerBuffer = std::move(headerBuffer), this, baton ]() mutable { if (checkForHTTPRequest(asio::buffer(headerBuffer.get(), kHeaderSize))) { return sendHTTPResponse(baton); } const auto msgLen = size_t(MSGHEADER::View(headerBuffer.get()).getMessageLength()); if (msgLen < kHeaderSize || msgLen > MaxMessageSizeBytes) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "recv(): message msgLen " << msgLen << " is invalid. " << "Min " << kHeaderSize << " Max: " << MaxMessageSizeBytes; const auto str = sb.str(); LOG(0) << str; return Future::makeReady(Status(ErrorCodes::ProtocolError, str)); } if (msgLen == kHeaderSize) { // This probably isn't a real case since all (current) messages have bodies. if (_isIngressSession) { networkCounter.hitPhysicalIn(msgLen); } return Future::makeReady(Message(std::move(headerBuffer))); } auto buffer = SharedBuffer::allocate(msgLen); memcpy(buffer.get(), headerBuffer.get(), kHeaderSize); MsgData::View msgView(buffer.get()); return read(asio::buffer(msgView.data(), msgView.dataLen()), baton) .then([ this, buffer = std::move(buffer), msgLen ]() mutable { if (_isIngressSession) { networkCounter.hitPhysicalIn(msgLen); } return Message(std::move(buffer)); }); }); } template Future read(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) { #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL if (_sslSocket) { return opportunisticRead(*_sslSocket, buffers, baton); } else if (!_ranHandshake) { invariant(asio::buffer_size(buffers) >= sizeof(MSGHEADER::Value)); return opportunisticRead(_socket, buffers, baton) .then([this, buffers]() mutable { _ranHandshake = true; return maybeHandshakeSSLForIngress(buffers); }) .then([this, buffers, baton](bool needsRead) mutable { if (needsRead) { return read(buffers, baton); } else { return Future::makeReady(); } }); } #endif return opportunisticRead(_socket, buffers, baton); } template Future write(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) { #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL _ranHandshake = true; if (_sslSocket) { #ifdef __linux__ // We do some trickery in asio (see moreToSend), which appears to work well on linux, // but fails on other platforms. return opportunisticWrite(*_sslSocket, buffers, baton); #else if (_blockingMode == Async) { // Opportunistic writes are broken for async egress SSL (switching between blocking // and non-blocking mode corrupts the TLS exchange). return asio::async_write(*_sslSocket, buffers, UseFuture{}).ignoreValue(); } else { return opportunisticWrite(*_sslSocket, buffers, baton); } #endif } #endif return opportunisticWrite(_socket, buffers, baton); } template Future opportunisticRead(Stream& stream, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) { std::error_code ec; size_t size; if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(transportLayerASIOshortOpportunisticReadWrite) && _blockingMode == Async) { asio::mutable_buffer localBuffer = buffers; if (buffers.size()) { localBuffer = asio::mutable_buffer(buffers.data(), 1); } size = asio::read(stream, localBuffer, ec); if (!ec && buffers.size() > 1) { ec = asio::error::would_block; } } else { size = asio::read(stream, buffers, ec); } if (((ec == asio::error::would_block) || (ec == asio::error::try_again)) && (_blockingMode == Async)) { // asio::read is a loop internally, so some of buffers may have been read into already. // So we need to adjust the buffers passed into async_read to be offset by size, if // size is > 0. MutableBufferSequence asyncBuffers(buffers); if (size > 0) { asyncBuffers += size; } if (baton) { return baton->addSession(*this, Baton::Type::In) .then([&stream, asyncBuffers, baton, this] { return opportunisticRead(stream, asyncBuffers, baton); }); } return asio::async_read(stream, asyncBuffers, UseFuture{}).ignoreValue(); } else { return futurize(ec); } } /** * moreToSend checks the ssl socket after an opportunisticWrite. If there are still bytes to * send, we manually send them off the underlying socket. Then we hook that up with a future * that gets us back to sending from the ssl side. * * There are two variants because we call opportunisticWrite on generic sockets and ssl sockets. * The generic socket impl never has more to send (because it doesn't have an inner socket it * needs to keep sending). */ template boost::optional> moreToSend(GenericSocket& socket, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const transport::BatonHandle& baton) { return boost::none; } #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL template boost::optional> moreToSend(asio::ssl::stream& socket, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const BatonHandle& baton) { if (_sslSocket->getCoreOutputBuffer().size()) { return opportunisticWrite(getSocket(), _sslSocket->getCoreOutputBuffer(), baton) .then([this, &socket, buffers, baton] { return opportunisticWrite(socket, buffers, baton); }); } return boost::none; } #endif template Future opportunisticWrite(Stream& stream, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const transport::BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) { std::error_code ec; std::size_t size; if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(transportLayerASIOshortOpportunisticReadWrite) && _blockingMode == Async) { asio::const_buffer localBuffer = buffers; if (buffers.size()) { localBuffer = asio::const_buffer(buffers.data(), 1); } size = asio::write(stream, localBuffer, ec); if (!ec && buffers.size() > 1) { ec = asio::error::would_block; } } else { size = asio::write(stream, buffers, ec); } if (((ec == asio::error::would_block) || (ec == asio::error::try_again)) && (_blockingMode == Async)) { // asio::write is a loop internally, so some of buffers may have been read into already. // So we need to adjust the buffers passed into async_write to be offset by size, if // size is > 0. ConstBufferSequence asyncBuffers(buffers); if (size > 0) { asyncBuffers += size; } if (auto more = moreToSend(stream, asyncBuffers, baton)) { return std::move(*more); } if (baton) { return baton->addSession(*this, Baton::Type::Out) .then([&stream, asyncBuffers, baton, this] { return opportunisticWrite(stream, asyncBuffers, baton); }); } return asio::async_write(stream, asyncBuffers, UseFuture{}).ignoreValue(); } else { return futurize(ec); } } #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL template Future maybeHandshakeSSLForIngress(const MutableBufferSequence& buffer) { invariant(asio::buffer_size(buffer) >= sizeof(MSGHEADER::Value)); MSGHEADER::ConstView headerView(asio::buffer_cast(buffer)); auto responseTo = headerView.getResponseToMsgId(); if (checkForHTTPRequest(buffer)) { return Future::makeReady(false); } // This logic was taken from the old mongo/util/net/sock.cpp. // // It lets us run both TLS and unencrypted mongo over the same port. // // The first message received from the client should have the responseTo field of the wire // protocol message needs to be 0 or -1. Otherwise the connection is either sending // garbage or a TLS Hello packet which will be caught by the TLS handshake. if (responseTo != 0 && responseTo != -1) { if (!_tl->_ingressSSLContext) { return Future::makeReady( Status(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, "SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support")); } auto tlsAlert = checkTLSRequest(buffer); if (tlsAlert) { return opportunisticWrite(getSocket(), asio::buffer(tlsAlert->data(), tlsAlert->size())) .then([] { return Future::makeReady( Status(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, "SSL handshake failed, as client requested disabled protocol")); }); } _sslSocket.emplace(std::move(_socket), *_tl->_ingressSSLContext, ""); auto doHandshake = [&] { if (_blockingMode == Sync) { std::error_code ec; _sslSocket->handshake(asio::ssl::stream_base::server, buffer, ec); return futurize(ec, asio::buffer_size(buffer)); } else { return _sslSocket->async_handshake( asio::ssl::stream_base::server, buffer, UseFuture{}); } }; return doHandshake().then([this](size_t size) { auto& sslPeerInfo = SSLPeerInfo::forSession(shared_from_this()); if (sslPeerInfo.subjectName.empty()) { auto sslManager = getSSLManager(); auto swPeerInfo = sslManager->parseAndValidatePeerCertificate( _sslSocket->native_handle(), ""); // The value of swPeerInfo is a bit complicated: // // If !swPeerInfo.isOK(), then there was an error doing the SSL // handshake and we should reject the connection. // // If !sslPeerInfo.getValue(), then the SSL handshake was successful, // but the peer didn't provide a SSL certificate, and we do not require // one. sslPeerInfo should be empty. // // Otherwise the SSL handshake was successful and the peer did provide // a certificate that is valid, and we should store that info on the // session's SSLPeerInfo decoration. if (auto optPeerInfo = uassertStatusOK(swPeerInfo)) { sslPeerInfo = *optPeerInfo; } } return true; }); } else if (_tl->_sslMode() == SSLParams::SSLMode_requireSSL) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, "The server is configured to only allow SSL connections"); } else { if (_tl->_sslMode() == SSLParams::SSLMode_preferSSL) { LOG(0) << "SSL mode is set to 'preferred' and connection " << id() << " to " << remote() << " is not using SSL."; } return Future::makeReady(false); } } #endif template bool checkForHTTPRequest(const Buffer& buffers) { invariant(asio::buffer_size(buffers) >= 4); const StringData bufferAsStr(asio::buffer_cast(buffers), 4); return (bufferAsStr == "GET "_sd); } // Called from read() to send an HTTP response back to a client that's trying to use HTTP // over a native MongoDB port. This returns a Future to match its only caller, but it // always contains an error, so it could really return Future Future sendHTTPResponse(const BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) { constexpr auto userMsg = "It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP" " on the native driver port.\r\n"_sd; static const std::string httpResp = str::stream() << "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Content-Length: " << userMsg.size() << "\r\n\r\n" << userMsg; return write(asio::buffer(httpResp.data(), httpResp.size()), baton) .onError( [](const Status& status) { return Status( ErrorCodes::ProtocolError, str::stream() << "Client sent an HTTP request over a native MongoDB connection, " "but there was an error sending a response: " << status.toString()); }) .then([] { return StatusWith( ErrorCodes::ProtocolError, "Client sent an HTTP request over a native MongoDB connection"); }); } enum BlockingMode { Unknown, Sync, Async, }; BlockingMode _blockingMode = Unknown; HostAndPort _remote; HostAndPort _local; boost::optional _configuredTimeout; boost::optional _socketTimeout; GenericSocket _socket; #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL boost::optional> _sslSocket; bool _ranHandshake = false; #endif TransportLayerASIO* const _tl; bool _isIngressSession; }; } // namespace transport } // namespace mongo