/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kNetwork #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/transport/transport_layer_asio.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/base/system_error.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/transport/asio_utils.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_entry_point.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h" #include "mongo/util/net/sockaddr.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_manager.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_options.h" #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL #include "mongo/util/net/ssl.hpp" #endif // session_asio.h has some header dependencies that require it to be the last header. #ifdef __linux__ #include "mongo/transport/baton_asio_linux.h" #endif #include "mongo/transport/session_asio.h" namespace mongo { namespace transport { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(transportLayerASIOasyncConnectTimesOut); class ASIOReactorTimer final : public ReactorTimer { public: explicit ASIOReactorTimer(asio::io_context& ctx) : _timer(std::make_shared(ctx)) {} ~ASIOReactorTimer() { // The underlying timer won't get destroyed until the last promise from _asyncWait // has been filled, so cancel the timer so our promises get fulfilled cancel(); } void cancel(const BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) override { // If we have a baton try to cancel that. if (baton && baton->cancelTimer(*this)) { LOG(2) << "Canceled via baton, skipping asio cancel."; return; } // Otherwise there could be a previous timer that was scheduled normally. _timer->cancel(); } Future waitUntil(Date_t expiration, const BatonHandle& baton = nullptr) override { if (baton) { return _asyncWait([&] { return baton->waitUntil(*this, expiration); }, baton); } else { return _asyncWait([&] { _timer->expires_at(expiration.toSystemTimePoint()); }); } } private: template Future _asyncWait(ArmTimerCb&& armTimer) { try { cancel(); armTimer(); return _timer->async_wait(UseFuture{}).tapError([timer = _timer](const Status& status) { if (status != ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled) { LOG(2) << "Timer received error: " << status; } }); } catch (asio::system_error& ex) { return futurize(ex.code()); } } template Future _asyncWait(ArmTimerCb&& armTimer, const BatonHandle& baton) { cancel(baton); auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); armTimer().getAsync([p = std::move(pf.promise)](Status status) mutable { if (status.isOK()) { p.emplaceValue(); } else { p.setError(status); } }); return std::move(pf.future); } std::shared_ptr _timer; }; class TransportLayerASIO::ASIOReactor final : public Reactor { public: ASIOReactor() : _ioContext() {} void run() noexcept override { ThreadIdGuard threadIdGuard(this); asio::io_context::work work(_ioContext); try { _ioContext.run(); } catch (...) { severe() << "Uncaught exception in reactor: " << exceptionToStatus(); fassertFailed(40491); } } void runFor(Milliseconds time) noexcept override { ThreadIdGuard threadIdGuard(this); asio::io_context::work work(_ioContext); try { _ioContext.run_for(time.toSystemDuration()); } catch (...) { severe() << "Uncaught exception in reactor: " << exceptionToStatus(); fassertFailed(50473); } } void stop() override { _ioContext.stop(); } void drain() override { _ioContext.restart(); while (_ioContext.poll()) { LOG(2) << "Draining remaining work in reactor."; } _ioContext.stop(); } std::unique_ptr makeTimer() override { return std::make_unique(_ioContext); } Date_t now() override { return Date_t(asio::system_timer::clock_type::now()); } void schedule(ScheduleMode mode, Task task) override { if (mode == kDispatch) { asio::dispatch(_ioContext, std::move(task)); } else { asio::post(_ioContext, std::move(task)); } } bool onReactorThread() const override { return this == _reactorForThread; } operator asio::io_context&() { return _ioContext; } private: class ThreadIdGuard { public: ThreadIdGuard(TransportLayerASIO::ASIOReactor* reactor) { _reactorForThread = reactor; } ~ThreadIdGuard() { _reactorForThread = nullptr; } }; static thread_local ASIOReactor* _reactorForThread; asio::io_context _ioContext; }; thread_local TransportLayerASIO::ASIOReactor* TransportLayerASIO::ASIOReactor::_reactorForThread = nullptr; TransportLayerASIO::Options::Options(const ServerGlobalParams* params) : port(params->port), ipList(params->bind_ips), #ifndef _WIN32 useUnixSockets(!params->noUnixSocket), #endif enableIPv6(params->enableIPv6), maxConns(params->maxConns) { } TransportLayerASIO::TransportLayerASIO(const TransportLayerASIO::Options& opts, ServiceEntryPoint* sep) : _ingressReactor(std::make_shared()), _egressReactor(std::make_shared()), _acceptorReactor(std::make_shared()), #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL _ingressSSLContext(nullptr), _egressSSLContext(nullptr), #endif _sep(sep), _listenerOptions(opts) { } TransportLayerASIO::~TransportLayerASIO() = default; class WrappedEndpoint { public: using Endpoint = asio::generic::stream_protocol::endpoint; explicit WrappedEndpoint(const asio::ip::basic_resolver_entry& source) : _str(str::stream() << source.endpoint().address().to_string() << ":" << source.service_name()), _endpoint(source.endpoint()) {} #ifndef _WIN32 explicit WrappedEndpoint(const asio::local::stream_protocol::endpoint& source) : _str(source.path()), _endpoint(source) {} #endif WrappedEndpoint() = default; Endpoint* operator->() noexcept { return &_endpoint; } const Endpoint* operator->() const noexcept { return &_endpoint; } Endpoint& operator*() noexcept { return _endpoint; } const Endpoint& operator*() const noexcept { return _endpoint; } bool operator<(const WrappedEndpoint& rhs) const noexcept { return _endpoint < rhs._endpoint; } const std::string& toString() const { return _str; } sa_family_t family() const { return _endpoint.data()->sa_family; } private: std::string _str; Endpoint _endpoint; }; using Resolver = asio::ip::tcp::resolver; class WrappedResolver { public: using Flags = Resolver::flags; using EndpointVector = std::vector; explicit WrappedResolver(asio::io_context& ioCtx) : _resolver(ioCtx) {} StatusWith resolve(const HostAndPort& peer, bool enableIPv6) { if (auto unixEp = _checkForUnixSocket(peer)) { return *unixEp; } // We always want to resolve the "service" (port number) as a numeric. // // We intentionally don't set the Resolver::address_configured flag because it might prevent // us from connecting to localhost on hosts with only a loopback interface // (see SERVER-1579). const auto flags = Resolver::numeric_service; // We resolve in two steps, the first step tries to resolve the hostname as an IP address - // that way if there's a DNS timeout, we can still connect to IP addresses quickly. // (See SERVER-1709) // // Then, if the numeric (IP address) lookup failed, we fall back to DNS or return the error // from the resolver. return _resolve(peer, flags | Resolver::numeric_host, enableIPv6) .onError([=](Status) { return _resolve(peer, flags, enableIPv6); }) .getNoThrow(); } Future asyncResolve(const HostAndPort& peer, bool enableIPv6) { if (auto unixEp = _checkForUnixSocket(peer)) { return *unixEp; } // We follow the same numeric -> hostname fallback procedure as the synchronous resolver // function for setting resolver flags (see above). const auto flags = Resolver::numeric_service; return _asyncResolve(peer, flags | Resolver::numeric_host, enableIPv6).onError([=](Status) { return _asyncResolve(peer, flags, enableIPv6); }); } void cancel() { _resolver.cancel(); } private: boost::optional _checkForUnixSocket(const HostAndPort& peer) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (mongoutils::str::contains(peer.host(), '/')) { asio::local::stream_protocol::endpoint ep(peer.host()); return EndpointVector{WrappedEndpoint(ep)}; } #endif return boost::none; } Future _resolve(const HostAndPort& peer, Flags flags, bool enableIPv6) { std::error_code ec; auto port = std::to_string(peer.port()); Results results; if (enableIPv6) { results = _resolver.resolve(peer.host(), port, flags, ec); } else { results = _resolver.resolve(asio::ip::tcp::v4(), peer.host(), port, flags, ec); } if (ec) { return _makeFuture(errorCodeToStatus(ec), peer); } else { return _makeFuture(results, peer); } } Future _asyncResolve(const HostAndPort& peer, Flags flags, bool enableIPv6) { auto port = std::to_string(peer.port()); Future ret; if (enableIPv6) { ret = _resolver.async_resolve(peer.host(), port, flags, UseFuture{}); } else { ret = _resolver.async_resolve(asio::ip::tcp::v4(), peer.host(), port, flags, UseFuture{}); } return std::move(ret) .onError([this, peer](Status status) { return _checkResults(status, peer); }) .then([this, peer](Results results) { return _makeFuture(results, peer); }); } using Results = Resolver::results_type; StatusWith _checkResults(StatusWith results, const HostAndPort& peer) { if (!results.isOK()) { return Status{ErrorCodes::HostNotFound, str::stream() << "Could not find address for " << peer << ": " << results.getStatus()}; } else if (results.getValue().empty()) { return Status{ErrorCodes::HostNotFound, str::stream() << "Could not find address for " << peer}; } else { return results; } } Future _makeFuture(StatusWith results, const HostAndPort& peer) { results = _checkResults(std::move(results), peer); if (!results.isOK()) { return results.getStatus(); } else { auto& epl = results.getValue(); return EndpointVector(epl.begin(), epl.end()); } } Resolver _resolver; }; Status makeConnectError(Status status, const HostAndPort& peer, const WrappedEndpoint& endpoint) { std::string errmsg; if (peer.toString() != endpoint.toString() && !endpoint.toString().empty()) { errmsg = str::stream() << "Error connecting to " << peer << " (" << endpoint.toString() << ")"; } else { errmsg = str::stream() << "Error connecting to " << peer; } return status.withContext(errmsg); } StatusWith TransportLayerASIO::connect(HostAndPort peer, ConnectSSLMode sslMode, Milliseconds timeout) { std::error_code ec; GenericSocket sock(*_egressReactor); WrappedResolver resolver(*_egressReactor); auto swEndpoints = resolver.resolve(peer, _listenerOptions.enableIPv6); if (!swEndpoints.isOK()) { return swEndpoints.getStatus(); } auto endpoints = std::move(swEndpoints.getValue()); auto sws = _doSyncConnect(endpoints.front(), peer, timeout); if (!sws.isOK()) { return sws.getStatus(); } auto session = std::move(sws.getValue()); session->ensureSync(); #ifndef _WIN32 if (endpoints.front().family() == AF_UNIX) { return static_cast(std::move(session)); } #endif #ifndef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL if (sslMode == kEnableSSL) { return {ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "SSL requested but not supported"}; } #else auto globalSSLMode = _sslMode(); if (sslMode == kEnableSSL || (sslMode == kGlobalSSLMode && ((globalSSLMode == SSLParams::SSLMode_preferSSL) || (globalSSLMode == SSLParams::SSLMode_requireSSL)))) { auto sslStatus = session->handshakeSSLForEgress(peer).getNoThrow(); if (!sslStatus.isOK()) { return sslStatus; } } #endif return static_cast(std::move(session)); } template StatusWith TransportLayerASIO::_doSyncConnect( Endpoint endpoint, const HostAndPort& peer, const Milliseconds& timeout) { GenericSocket sock(*_egressReactor); std::error_code ec; sock.open(endpoint->protocol()); sock.non_blocking(true); auto now = Date_t::now(); auto expiration = now + timeout; do { auto curTimeout = expiration - now; sock.connect(*endpoint, curTimeout.toSystemDuration(), ec); if (ec) { now = Date_t::now(); } // We loop below if ec == interrupted to deal with EINTR failures, otherwise we handle // the error/timeout below. } while (ec == asio::error::interrupted && now < expiration); auto status = [&] { if (ec) { return errorCodeToStatus(ec); } else if (now >= expiration) { return Status(ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout, "Timed out"); } else { return Status::OK(); } }(); if (!status.isOK()) { return makeConnectError(status, peer, endpoint); } sock.non_blocking(false); try { return std::make_shared(this, std::move(sock), false); } catch (const DBException& e) { return e.toStatus(); } } Future TransportLayerASIO::asyncConnect(HostAndPort peer, ConnectSSLMode sslMode, const ReactorHandle& reactor, Milliseconds timeout) { struct AsyncConnectState { AsyncConnectState(HostAndPort peer, asio::io_context& context, Promise promise_) : promise(std::move(promise_)), socket(context), timeoutTimer(context), resolver(context), peer(std::move(peer)) {} AtomicWord done{false}; Promise promise; stdx::mutex mutex; GenericSocket socket; ASIOReactorTimer timeoutTimer; WrappedResolver resolver; WrappedEndpoint resolvedEndpoint; const HostAndPort peer; TransportLayerASIO::ASIOSessionHandle session; }; auto reactorImpl = checked_cast(reactor.get()); auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); auto connector = std::make_shared(std::move(peer), *reactorImpl, std::move(pf.promise)); Future mergedFuture = std::move(pf.future); if (connector->peer.host().empty()) { return Status{ErrorCodes::HostNotFound, "Hostname or IP address to connect to is empty"}; } if (timeout > Milliseconds{0} && timeout < Milliseconds::max()) { connector->timeoutTimer.waitUntil(reactor->now() + timeout) .getAsync([connector](Status status) { if (status == ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled || connector->done.swap(true)) { return; } connector->promise.setError( makeConnectError({ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout, "Connecting timed out"}, connector->peer, connector->resolvedEndpoint)); std::error_code ec; stdx::lock_guard lk(connector->mutex); connector->resolver.cancel(); if (connector->session) { connector->session->end(); } else { connector->socket.cancel(ec); } }); } connector->resolver.asyncResolve(connector->peer, _listenerOptions.enableIPv6) .then([connector](WrappedResolver::EndpointVector results) { try { stdx::lock_guard lk(connector->mutex); connector->resolvedEndpoint = results.front(); connector->socket.open(connector->resolvedEndpoint->protocol()); connector->socket.non_blocking(true); } catch (asio::system_error& ex) { return futurize(ex.code()); } return connector->socket.async_connect(*connector->resolvedEndpoint, UseFuture{}); }) .then([this, connector, sslMode]() -> Future { stdx::unique_lock lk(connector->mutex); connector->session = std::make_shared(this, std::move(connector->socket), false); connector->session->ensureAsync(); #ifndef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL if (sslMode == kEnableSSL) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "SSL requested but not supported"); } #else auto globalSSLMode = _sslMode(); if (sslMode == kEnableSSL || (sslMode == kGlobalSSLMode && ((globalSSLMode == SSLParams::SSLMode_preferSSL) || (globalSSLMode == SSLParams::SSLMode_requireSSL)))) { return connector->session ->handshakeSSLForEgressWithLock(std::move(lk), connector->peer) .then([connector] { return Status::OK(); }); } #endif return Status::OK(); }) .onError([connector](Status status) -> Future { return makeConnectError(status, connector->peer, connector->resolvedEndpoint); }) .getAsync([connector](Status connectResult) { if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(transportLayerASIOasyncConnectTimesOut)) { log() << "asyncConnectTimesOut fail point is active. simulating timeout."; return; } if (connector->done.swap(true)) { return; } connector->timeoutTimer.cancel(); if (connectResult.isOK()) { connector->promise.emplaceValue(std::move(connector->session)); } else { connector->promise.setError(connectResult); } }); return mergedFuture; } Status TransportLayerASIO::setup() { std::vector listenAddrs; if (_listenerOptions.ipList.empty() && _listenerOptions.isIngress()) { listenAddrs = {""}; if (_listenerOptions.enableIPv6) { listenAddrs.emplace_back("::1"); } } else if (!_listenerOptions.ipList.empty()) { listenAddrs = _listenerOptions.ipList; } #ifndef _WIN32 if (_listenerOptions.useUnixSockets && _listenerOptions.isIngress()) { listenAddrs.emplace_back(makeUnixSockPath(_listenerOptions.port)); } #endif if (!(_listenerOptions.isIngress()) && !listenAddrs.empty()) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Cannot bind to listening sockets with ingress networking is disabled"}; } _listenerPort = _listenerOptions.port; WrappedResolver resolver(*_acceptorReactor); // Self-deduplicating list of unique endpoint addresses. std::set endpoints; for (auto& ip : listenAddrs) { if (ip.empty()) { warning() << "Skipping empty bind address"; continue; } auto swAddrs = resolver.resolve(HostAndPort(ip, _listenerPort), _listenerOptions.enableIPv6); if (!swAddrs.isOK()) { warning() << "Found no addresses for " << swAddrs.getStatus(); continue; } auto& addrs = swAddrs.getValue(); endpoints.insert(addrs.begin(), addrs.end()); } for (auto& addr : endpoints) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (addr.family() == AF_UNIX) { if (::unlink(addr.toString().c_str()) == -1 && errno != ENOENT) { error() << "Failed to unlink socket file " << addr.toString().c_str() << " " << errnoWithDescription(errno); fassertFailedNoTrace(40486); } } #endif if (addr.family() == AF_INET6 && !_listenerOptions.enableIPv6) { error() << "Specified ipv6 bind address, but ipv6 is disabled"; fassertFailedNoTrace(40488); } GenericAcceptor acceptor(*_acceptorReactor); acceptor.open(addr->protocol()); acceptor.set_option(GenericAcceptor::reuse_address(true)); if (addr.family() == AF_INET6) { acceptor.set_option(asio::ip::v6_only(true)); } std::error_code ec; acceptor.non_blocking(true, ec); if (ec) { return errorCodeToStatus(ec); } acceptor.bind(*addr, ec); if (ec) { return errorCodeToStatus(ec); } #ifndef _WIN32 if (addr.family() == AF_UNIX) { if (::chmod(addr.toString().c_str(), serverGlobalParams.unixSocketPermissions) == -1) { error() << "Failed to chmod socket file " << addr.toString().c_str() << " " << errnoWithDescription(errno); fassertFailedNoTrace(40487); } } #endif if (_listenerOptions.port == 0 && (addr.family() == AF_INET || addr.family() == AF_INET6)) { if (_listenerPort != _listenerOptions.port) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Port 0 (ephemeral port) is not allowed when" " listening on multiple IP interfaces"); } std::error_code ec; auto endpoint = acceptor.local_endpoint(ec); if (ec) { return errorCodeToStatus(ec); } _listenerPort = endpointToHostAndPort(endpoint).port(); } sockaddr_storage sa; memcpy(&sa, addr->data(), addr->size()); _acceptors.emplace_back(SockAddr(sa, addr->size()), std::move(acceptor)); } if (_acceptors.empty() && _listenerOptions.isIngress()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::SocketException, "No available addresses/ports to bind to"); } #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL const auto& sslParams = getSSLGlobalParams(); if (_sslMode() != SSLParams::SSLMode_disabled && _listenerOptions.isIngress()) { _ingressSSLContext = stdx::make_unique(asio::ssl::context::sslv23); Status status = getSSLManager()->initSSLContext(_ingressSSLContext->native_handle(), sslParams, SSLManagerInterface::ConnectionDirection::kIncoming); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } if (_listenerOptions.isEgress() && getSSLManager()) { _egressSSLContext = stdx::make_unique(asio::ssl::context::sslv23); Status status = getSSLManager()->initSSLContext(_egressSSLContext->native_handle(), sslParams, SSLManagerInterface::ConnectionDirection::kOutgoing); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } #endif return Status::OK(); } Status TransportLayerASIO::start() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _running.store(true); if (_listenerOptions.isIngress()) { for (auto& acceptor : _acceptors) { acceptor.second.listen(serverGlobalParams.listenBacklog); _acceptConnection(acceptor.second); log() << "Listening on " << acceptor.first.getAddr(); } _listenerThread = stdx::thread([this] { setThreadName("listener"); while (_running.load()) { _acceptorReactor->run(); } }); const char* ssl = ""; #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL if (_sslMode() != SSLParams::SSLMode_disabled) { ssl = " ssl"; } #endif log() << "waiting for connections on port " << _listenerPort << ssl; } else { invariant(_acceptors.empty()); } return Status::OK(); } void TransportLayerASIO::shutdown() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _running.store(false); // Loop through the acceptors and cancel their calls to async_accept. This will prevent new // connections from being opened. for (auto& acceptor : _acceptors) { acceptor.second.cancel(); auto& addr = acceptor.first; if (addr.getType() == AF_UNIX && !addr.isAnonymousUNIXSocket()) { auto path = addr.getAddr(); log() << "removing socket file: " << path; if (::unlink(path.c_str()) != 0) { const auto ewd = errnoWithDescription(); warning() << "Unable to remove UNIX socket " << path << ": " << ewd; } } } // If the listener thread is joinable (that is, we created/started a listener thread), then // the io_context is owned exclusively by the TransportLayer and we should stop it and join // the listener thread. // // Otherwise the ServiceExecutor may need to continue running the io_context to drain running // connections, so we just cancel the acceptors and return. if (_listenerThread.joinable()) { _acceptorReactor->stop(); _listenerThread.join(); } } ReactorHandle TransportLayerASIO::getReactor(WhichReactor which) { switch (which) { case TransportLayer::kIngress: return _ingressReactor; case TransportLayer::kEgress: return _egressReactor; case TransportLayer::kNewReactor: return std::make_shared(); } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void TransportLayerASIO::_acceptConnection(GenericAcceptor& acceptor) { auto acceptCb = [this, &acceptor](const std::error_code& ec, GenericSocket peerSocket) mutable { if (!_running.load()) return; if (ec) { log() << "Error accepting new connection on " << endpointToHostAndPort(acceptor.local_endpoint()) << ": " << ec.message(); _acceptConnection(acceptor); return; } try { std::shared_ptr session( new ASIOSession(this, std::move(peerSocket), true)); _sep->startSession(std::move(session)); } catch (const DBException& e) { warning() << "Error accepting new connection " << e; } _acceptConnection(acceptor); }; acceptor.async_accept(*_ingressReactor, std::move(acceptCb)); } #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL SSLParams::SSLModes TransportLayerASIO::_sslMode() const { return static_cast(getSSLGlobalParams().sslMode.load()); } #endif BatonHandle TransportLayerASIO::makeBaton(OperationContext* opCtx) { #ifdef __linux__ auto baton = std::make_shared(opCtx); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); invariant(!opCtx->getBaton()); opCtx->setBaton(baton); } return std::move(baton); #else return nullptr; #endif } } // namespace transport } // namespace mongo