/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTest #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/client/async_client.h" #include "mongo/client/connection_string.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/rpc/topology_version_gen.h" #include "mongo/stdx/thread.h" #include "mongo/transport/session.h" #include "mongo/transport/transport_layer.h" #include "mongo/transport/transport_layer_asio.h" #include "mongo/unittest/integration_test.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #include "asio.hpp" namespace mongo { namespace { TEST(TransportLayerASIO, HTTPRequestGetsHTTPError) { auto connectionString = unittest::getFixtureConnectionString(); auto server = connectionString.getServers().front(); asio::io_context ioContext; asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(ioContext); asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(ioContext); LOGV2(23028, "Connecting to {server}", "Connecting to server", "server"_attr = server); auto resolverIt = resolver.resolve(server.host(), std::to_string(server.port())); asio::connect(socket, resolverIt); LOGV2(23029, "Sending HTTP request"); std::string httpReq = str::stream() << "GET /\r\n" "Host: " << server << "\r\n" "User-Agent: MongoDB Integration test\r\n" "Accept: */*"; asio::write(socket, asio::buffer(httpReq.data(), httpReq.size())); LOGV2(23030, "Waiting for response"); std::array httpRespBuf; std::error_code ec; auto size = asio::read(socket, asio::buffer(httpRespBuf.data(), httpRespBuf.size()), ec); StringData httpResp(httpRespBuf.data(), size); LOGV2(23031, "Received http response: {response}", "Received http response", "response"_attr = httpResp); ASSERT_TRUE(httpResp.startsWith("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")); // Why oh why can't ASIO unify their error codes #ifdef _WIN32 ASSERT_EQ(ec, asio::error::connection_reset); #else ASSERT_EQ(ec, asio::error::eof); #endif } // This test forces reads and writes to occur one byte at a time, verifying SERVER-34506 (the // isJustForContinuation optimization works). // // Because of the file size limit, it's only an effective check on debug builds (where the future // implementation checks the length of the future chain). TEST(TransportLayerASIO, ShortReadsAndWritesWork) { const auto assertOK = [](executor::RemoteCommandResponse reply) { ASSERT_OK(reply.status); ASSERT(reply.data["ok"]) << reply.data; }; auto connectionString = unittest::getFixtureConnectionString(); auto server = connectionString.getServers().front(); auto sc = getGlobalServiceContext(); auto reactor = sc->getTransportLayer()->getReactor(transport::TransportLayer::kNewReactor); stdx::thread thread([&] { reactor->run(); }); const auto threadGuard = makeGuard([&] { reactor->stop(); thread.join(); }); AsyncDBClient::Handle handle = AsyncDBClient::connect(server, transport::kGlobalSSLMode, sc, reactor, Milliseconds::max()) .get(); handle->initWireVersion(__FILE__, nullptr).get(); FailPointEnableBlock fp("transportLayerASIOshortOpportunisticReadWrite"); const executor::RemoteCommandRequest ecr{ server, "admin", BSON("echo" << std::string(1 << 10, 'x')), BSONObj(), nullptr}; assertOK(handle->runCommandRequest(ecr).get()); auto client = sc->makeClient(__FILE__); auto opCtx = client->makeOperationContext(); handle->runCommandRequest(ecr, opCtx->getBaton()).get(opCtx.get()); } TEST(TransportLayerASIO, asyncConnectTimeoutCleansUpSocket) { auto connectionString = unittest::getFixtureConnectionString(); auto server = connectionString.getServers().front(); auto sc = getGlobalServiceContext(); auto reactor = sc->getTransportLayer()->getReactor(transport::TransportLayer::kNewReactor); stdx::thread thread([&] { reactor->run(); }); const auto threadGuard = makeGuard([&] { reactor->stop(); thread.join(); }); FailPointEnableBlock fp("transportLayerASIOasyncConnectTimesOut"); auto client = AsyncDBClient::connect(server, transport::kGlobalSSLMode, sc, reactor, Milliseconds{500}) .getNoThrow(); ASSERT_EQ(client.getStatus(), ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout); } TEST(TransportLayerASIO, exhaustIsMasterShouldReceiveMultipleReplies) { auto connectionString = unittest::getFixtureConnectionString(); auto server = connectionString.getServers().front(); auto sc = getGlobalServiceContext(); auto reactor = sc->getTransportLayer()->getReactor(transport::TransportLayer::kNewReactor); stdx::thread thread([&] { reactor->run(); }); const auto threadGuard = makeGuard([&] { reactor->stop(); thread.join(); }); AsyncDBClient::Handle handle = AsyncDBClient::connect(server, transport::kGlobalSSLMode, sc, reactor, Milliseconds::max()) .get(); handle->initWireVersion(__FILE__, nullptr).get(); // Send a dummy topologyVersion because the mongod generates this and sends it to the client on // the initial handshake. auto isMasterRequest = executor::RemoteCommandRequest{ server, "admin", BSON("isMaster" << 1 << "maxAwaitTimeMS" << 1000 << "topologyVersion" << TopologyVersion(OID::max(), 0).toBSON()), BSONObj(), nullptr}; Future beginExhaustFuture = handle->beginExhaustCommandRequest(isMasterRequest); Date_t prevTime; TopologyVersion topologyVersion; { auto reply = beginExhaustFuture.get(); ASSERT_OK(reply.status); ASSERT(reply.moreToCome); prevTime = reply.data.getField("localTime").Date(); topologyVersion = TopologyVersion::parse(IDLParserErrorContext("TopologyVersion"), reply.data.getField("topologyVersion").Obj()); } Future awaitExhaustFuture = handle->awaitExhaustCommand(); { auto reply = awaitExhaustFuture.get(); ASSERT_OK(reply.status); ASSERT(reply.moreToCome); auto replyTime = reply.data.getField("localTime").Date(); ASSERT_GT(replyTime, prevTime); auto replyTopologyVersion = TopologyVersion::parse( IDLParserErrorContext("TopologyVersion"), reply.data.getField("topologyVersion").Obj()); ASSERT_EQ(replyTopologyVersion.getProcessId(), topologyVersion.getProcessId()); ASSERT_EQ(replyTopologyVersion.getCounter(), topologyVersion.getCounter()); } Future cancelExhaustFuture = handle->awaitExhaustCommand(); { handle->cancel(); handle->end(); auto swReply = cancelExhaustFuture.getNoThrow(); // The original isMaster request has maxAwaitTimeMs = 1000 ms, if the cancel executes before // the 1000ms then we expect the future to resolve with an error. It should resolve with // CallbackCanceled unless the socket is already closed, in which case it will resolve with // HostUnreachable. If the network is slow, the server may response before the cancel // executes however. if (!swReply.getStatus().isOK()) { ASSERT((swReply.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled) || (swReply.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable)); } } } TEST(TransportLayerASIO, exhaustIsMasterShouldStopOnFailure) { const auto assertOK = [](executor::RemoteCommandResponse reply) { ASSERT_OK(reply.status); ASSERT(reply.data["ok"]) << reply.data; }; auto connectionString = unittest::getFixtureConnectionString(); auto server = connectionString.getServers().front(); auto sc = getGlobalServiceContext(); auto reactor = sc->getTransportLayer()->getReactor(transport::TransportLayer::kNewReactor); stdx::thread thread([&] { reactor->run(); }); const auto threadGuard = makeGuard([&] { reactor->stop(); thread.join(); }); AsyncDBClient::Handle isMasterHandle = AsyncDBClient::connect(server, transport::kGlobalSSLMode, sc, reactor, Milliseconds::max()) .get(); isMasterHandle->initWireVersion(__FILE__, nullptr).get(); AsyncDBClient::Handle failpointHandle = AsyncDBClient::connect(server, transport::kGlobalSSLMode, sc, reactor, Milliseconds::max()) .get(); failpointHandle->initWireVersion(__FILE__, nullptr).get(); // Turn on the failCommand fail point for isMaster auto configureFailPointRequest = executor::RemoteCommandRequest{ server, "admin", BSON("configureFailPoint" << "failCommand" << "mode" << "alwaysOn" << "data" << BSON("errorCode" << ErrorCodes::CommandFailed << "failCommands" << BSON_ARRAY("isMaster"))), BSONObj(), nullptr}; assertOK(failpointHandle->runCommandRequest(configureFailPointRequest).get()); ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { auto stopFpRequest = executor::RemoteCommandRequest{server, "admin", BSON("configureFailPoint" << "failCommand" << "mode" << "off"), BSONObj(), nullptr}; assertOK(failpointHandle->runCommandRequest(stopFpRequest).get()); }); // Send a dummy topologyVersion because the mongod generates this and sends it to the client on // the initial handshake. auto isMasterRequest = executor::RemoteCommandRequest{ server, "admin", BSON("isMaster" << 1 << "maxAwaitTimeMS" << 1000 << "topologyVersion" << TopologyVersion(OID::max(), 0).toBSON()), BSONObj(), nullptr}; Future beginExhaustFuture = isMasterHandle->beginExhaustCommandRequest(isMasterRequest); { auto reply = beginExhaustFuture.get(); ASSERT_OK(reply.status); ASSERT_EQ(reply.data["ok"].Double(), 0.0); ASSERT(!reply.moreToCome); } } } // namespace } // namespace mongo