/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTest #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/transport/transport_layer_asio.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/rpc/op_msg.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_entry_point.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/net/sock.h" #include "asio.hpp" namespace mongo { namespace { class ServiceEntryPointUtil : public ServiceEntryPoint { public: void startSession(transport::SessionHandle session) override { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _sessions.push_back(std::move(session)); LOGV2(2303201, "started session"); _cv.notify_one(); } void endAllSessions(transport::Session::TagMask tags) override { LOGV2(2303301, "end all sessions"); std::vector old_sessions; { stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); old_sessions.swap(_sessions); } old_sessions.clear(); } Status start() override { return Status::OK(); } bool shutdown(Milliseconds timeout) override { return true; } void appendStats(BSONObjBuilder*) const override {} size_t numOpenSessions() const override { stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); return _sessions.size(); } Future handleRequest(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& request) noexcept override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void setTransportLayer(transport::TransportLayer* tl) { _transport = tl; } void waitForConnect() { stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); _cv.wait(lock, [&] { return !_sessions.empty(); }); } private: mutable Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("::_mutex"); stdx::condition_variable _cv; std::vector _sessions; transport::TransportLayer* _transport = nullptr; }; class SimpleConnectionThread { public: explicit SimpleConnectionThread(int port) : _port(port) { _thr = stdx::thread{[&] { auto sa = SockAddr::create("localhost", _port, AF_INET); _s.connect(sa); LOGV2(23034, "connection: port {port}", "port"_attr = _port); stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _cv.wait(lk, [&] { return _stop; }); LOGV2(23035, "connection: Rx stop request"); }}; } void forceCloseSocket() { // Setting linger on to a zero-value timeout causes the socket to send an RST packet to the // recipient side when closing the connection. struct linger sl = {1, 0}; #ifdef _WIN32 char* pval = reinterpret_cast(&sl); #else void* pval = &sl; #endif ASSERT(!setsockopt(_s.rawFD(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, pval, sizeof(sl))); _s.close(); } void stop() { { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _stop = true; } LOGV2(23036, "connection: Tx stop request"); _cv.notify_one(); _thr.join(); LOGV2(23037, "connection: stopped"); } private: Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("SimpleConnectionThread::_mutex"); stdx::condition_variable _cv; stdx::thread _thr; bool _stop = false; Socket _s; int _port; }; std::unique_ptr makeAndStartTL(ServiceEntryPoint* sep) { auto options = [] { ServerGlobalParams params; params.noUnixSocket = true; transport::TransportLayerASIO::Options opts(¶ms); // TODO SERVER-30212 should clean this up and assign a port from the supplied port range // provided by resmoke. opts.port = 0; return opts; }(); auto tla = std::make_unique(options, sep); ASSERT_OK(tla->setup()); ASSERT_OK(tla->start()); return tla; } TEST(TransportLayerASIO, PortZeroConnect) { ServiceEntryPointUtil sepu; auto tla = makeAndStartTL(&sepu); int port = tla->listenerPort(); ASSERT_GT(port, 0); LOGV2(23038, "TransportLayerASIO.listenerPort() is {port}", "port"_attr = port); SimpleConnectionThread connect_thread(port); sepu.waitForConnect(); ASSERT_EQ(sepu.numOpenSessions(), 1); connect_thread.stop(); sepu.endAllSessions({}); tla->shutdown(); } TEST(TransportLayerASIO, TCPResetAfterConnectionIsSilentlySwallowed) { ServiceEntryPointUtil sepu; auto tla = makeAndStartTL(&sepu); auto hangBeforeAcceptFp = globalFailPointRegistry().find("transportLayerASIOhangBeforeAccept"); auto timesEntered = hangBeforeAcceptFp->setMode(FailPoint::alwaysOn); SimpleConnectionThread connect_thread(tla->listenerPort()); hangBeforeAcceptFp->waitForTimesEntered(timesEntered + 1); connect_thread.forceCloseSocket(); hangBeforeAcceptFp->setMode(FailPoint::off); ASSERT_EQ(sepu.numOpenSessions(), 0); connect_thread.stop(); tla->shutdown(); } class TimeoutSEP : public ServiceEntryPoint { public: ~TimeoutSEP() override { // This should shutdown immediately, so give the maximum timeout shutdown(Milliseconds::max()); } void endAllSessions(transport::Session::TagMask tags) override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } bool shutdown(Milliseconds timeout) override { LOGV2(23039, "Joining all worker threads"); for (auto& thread : _workerThreads) { thread.join(); } return true; } Status start() override { return Status::OK(); } void appendStats(BSONObjBuilder*) const override {} size_t numOpenSessions() const override { return 0; } Future handleRequest(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& request) noexcept override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } bool waitForTimeout(boost::optional timeout = boost::none) { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); bool ret = true; if (timeout) { ret = _cond.wait_for(lk, timeout->toSystemDuration(), [this] { return _finished; }); } else { _cond.wait(lk, [this] { return _finished; }); } _finished = false; return ret; } protected: void notifyComplete() { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _finished = true; _cond.notify_one(); } template void startWorkerThread(FunT&& fun) { _workerThreads.emplace_back(std::forward(fun)); } private: Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("TimeoutSEP::_mutex"); stdx::condition_variable _cond; bool _finished = false; std::vector _workerThreads; }; class TimeoutSyncSEP : public TimeoutSEP { public: enum Mode { kShouldTimeout, kNoTimeout }; TimeoutSyncSEP(Mode mode) : _mode(mode) {} void startSession(transport::SessionHandle session) override { LOGV2(23040, "Accepted connection", "remote"_attr = session->remote()); startWorkerThread([this, session = std::move(session)]() mutable { LOGV2(23041, "waiting for message"); session->setTimeout(Milliseconds{500}); auto status = session->sourceMessage().getStatus(); if (_mode == kShouldTimeout) { ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout); LOGV2(23042, "message timed out"); } else { ASSERT_OK(status); LOGV2(23043, "message received okay"); } session.reset(); notifyComplete(); }); } private: Mode _mode; }; class TimeoutConnector { public: TimeoutConnector(int port, bool sendRequest) : _ctx(), _sock(_ctx), _endpoint(asio::ip::address_v4::loopback(), port) { std::error_code ec; _sock.connect(_endpoint, ec); ASSERT_EQ(ec, std::error_code()); if (sendRequest) { sendMessage(); } } void sendMessage() { OpMsgBuilder builder; builder.setBody(BSON("ping" << 1)); Message msg = builder.finish(); msg.header().setResponseToMsgId(0); msg.header().setId(0); OpMsg::appendChecksum(&msg); std::error_code ec; asio::write(_sock, asio::buffer(msg.buf(), msg.size()), ec); ASSERT_FALSE(ec); } private: asio::io_context _ctx; asio::ip::tcp::socket _sock; asio::ip::tcp::endpoint _endpoint; }; /* check that timeouts actually time out */ TEST(TransportLayerASIO, SourceSyncTimeoutTimesOut) { TimeoutSyncSEP sep(TimeoutSyncSEP::kShouldTimeout); auto tla = makeAndStartTL(&sep); TimeoutConnector connector(tla->listenerPort(), false); sep.waitForTimeout(); tla->shutdown(); } /* check that timeouts don't time out unless there's an actual timeout */ TEST(TransportLayerASIO, SourceSyncTimeoutSucceeds) { TimeoutSyncSEP sep(TimeoutSyncSEP::kNoTimeout); auto tla = makeAndStartTL(&sep); TimeoutConnector connector(tla->listenerPort(), true); sep.waitForTimeout(); tla->shutdown(); } /* check that switching from timeouts to no timeouts correctly resets the timeout to unlimited */ class TimeoutSwitchModesSEP : public TimeoutSEP { public: void startSession(transport::SessionHandle session) override { LOGV2(23044, "Accepted connection", "remote"_attr = session->remote()); startWorkerThread([this, session = std::move(session)]() mutable { LOGV2(23045, "waiting for message"); auto sourceMessage = [&] { return session->sourceMessage().getStatus(); }; // the first message we source should time out. session->setTimeout(Milliseconds{500}); ASSERT_EQ(sourceMessage(), ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout); notifyComplete(); LOGV2(23046, "timed out successfully"); // get the session back in a known state with the timeout still in place ASSERT_OK(sourceMessage()); notifyComplete(); LOGV2(23047, "waiting for message without a timeout"); // this should block and timeout the waitForComplete mutex, and the session should wait // for a while to make sure this isn't timing out and then send a message to unblock // the this call to recv session->setTimeout(boost::none); ASSERT_OK(sourceMessage()); session.reset(); notifyComplete(); LOGV2(23048, "ending test"); }); } }; TEST(TransportLayerASIO, SwitchTimeoutModes) { TimeoutSwitchModesSEP sep; auto tla = makeAndStartTL(&sep); TimeoutConnector connector(tla->listenerPort(), false); ASSERT_TRUE(sep.waitForTimeout()); connector.sendMessage(); ASSERT_TRUE(sep.waitForTimeout()); ASSERT_FALSE(sep.waitForTimeout(Milliseconds{1000})); connector.sendMessage(); ASSERT_TRUE(sep.waitForTimeout()); tla->shutdown(); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo