/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/stdx/unordered_map.h" #include "mongo/stdx/unordered_set.h" #include "mongo/unittest/assert_that.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTest namespace mongo::unittest::match { namespace { #define GET_FAILURE_STRING(v, m) \ [&] { \ try { \ ASSERT_THAT(v, m); \ return std::string{}; \ } catch (const TestAssertionFailureException& ex) { \ return ex.what(); \ } \ }() TEST(AssertThat, AssertThat) { ASSERT_THAT(123, Eq(123)); ASSERT_THAT(0, Not(Eq(123))); ASSERT_THAT(std::string("hi"), Eq(std::string("hi"))); ASSERT_THAT("hi", Not(Eq(std::string("Hi")))); ASSERT_THAT(123., Eq(123)); int x = 456; auto failStr = GET_FAILURE_STRING(x + 1, Eq(123)); ASSERT_EQ(failStr, "value: x + 1, actual: 457, expected: Eq(123)"); } TEST(AssertThat, MatcherDescribe) { ASSERT_EQ(Eq(123).describe(), "Eq(123)"); ASSERT_EQ(Not(Eq(123)).describe(), "Not(Eq(123))"); } TEST(AssertThat, AllOf) { { auto m = AllOf(Eq(123), Not(Eq(0))); ASSERT_TRUE(m.match(123)); ASSERT_EQ(m.describe(), "AllOf(Eq(123), Not(Eq(0)))"); ASSERT_THAT(123, m); } { auto m = AllOf(Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3)); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match(2)); ASSERT_EQ(m.describe(), "AllOf(Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3))"); ASSERT_EQ(m.match(2).message(), "failed: [0:(Eq(1)), 2:(Eq(3))]"); } } TEST(AssertThat, AnyOf) { auto m = AnyOf(Eq(123), Not(Eq(4))); ASSERT_TRUE(m.match(123)); ASSERT_EQ(m.describe(), "AnyOf(Eq(123), Not(Eq(4)))"); ASSERT_THAT(123, m); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match(4)); ASSERT_EQ(m.match(4).message(), "failed: [0:(Eq(123)), 1:(Not(Eq(4)))]"); } // Googlemock has `IsNull`, a relic of the pre-`nullptr` era. We do not. TEST(AssertThat, IsNull) { int v1 = 123; int* np = nullptr; auto m = Eq(nullptr); // Equivalent to IsNull() ASSERT_EQ(m.describe(), "Eq(nullptr)"); // Make sure `nullptr` stringifies. ASSERT_TRUE(m.match(np)); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match(&v1)); ASSERT_THAT(np, m); ASSERT_EQ(m.match(&v1).message(), ""); ASSERT_EQ(m.match(np).message(), ""); } TEST(AssertThat, Pointee) { int v1 = 123; int v2 = 4; auto m = Pointee(Eq(123)); ASSERT_EQ(m.describe(), "Pointee(Eq(123))"); ASSERT_TRUE(m.match(&v1)); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match(&v2)); ASSERT_THAT(&v1, m); ASSERT_EQ(m.match(&v2).message(), ""); ASSERT_EQ(m.match((int*)nullptr).message(), "empty pointer"); } TEST(AssertThat, ContainsRegex) { auto m = ContainsRegex("aa*\\d*"); ASSERT_EQ(m.describe(), "ContainsRegex(\"aa*\\d*\")"); ASSERT_TRUE(m.match("aaa123")); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match("zzz")); ASSERT_THAT("aaa123", m); ASSERT_EQ(m.match("zzz").message(), ""); ASSERT_THAT("a", Not(ContainsRegex("ab*c"))); ASSERT_THAT("ac", ContainsRegex("ab*c")); ASSERT_THAT("abc", ContainsRegex("ab*c")); ASSERT_THAT("abbc", ContainsRegex("ab*c")); } TEST(AssertThat, ContainsRegexIsPartialMatch) { ASSERT_THAT("a", ContainsRegex("a")); ASSERT_THAT("za", ContainsRegex("a")); ASSERT_THAT("az", ContainsRegex("a")); ASSERT_THAT("zaz", ContainsRegex("a")); // Check ^ and $ anchors ASSERT_THAT("az", ContainsRegex("^a")); ASSERT_THAT("za", Not(ContainsRegex("^a"))); ASSERT_THAT("za", ContainsRegex("a$")); ASSERT_THAT("az", Not(ContainsRegex("a$"))); } TEST(AssertThat, ElementsAre) { auto m = ElementsAre(Eq(111), Eq(222), Eq(333)); ASSERT_EQ(m.describe(), "ElementsAre(Eq(111), Eq(222), Eq(333))"); ASSERT_TRUE(m.match(std::vector{111, 222, 333})); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match(std::vector{111, 222, 333, 444})); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match(std::vector{111, 222, 444})); ASSERT_FALSE(m.match(std::vector{111, 222, 444})); { auto failStr = GET_FAILURE_STRING(std::vector({111, 222, 444}), m); ASSERT_EQ(failStr, "value: std::vector({111, 222, 444})" ", actual: [111, 222, 444]" ", failed: [2]" ", expected: ElementsAre(Eq(111), Eq(222), Eq(333))"); } { auto failStr = GET_FAILURE_STRING(std::vector({111, 222}), m); ASSERT_EQ(failStr, "value: std::vector({111, 222})" ", actual: [111, 222]" ", failed: size 2 != expected size 3" ", expected: ElementsAre(Eq(111), Eq(222), Eq(333))"); } } TEST(AssertThat, TupleElementsAre) { ASSERT_THAT((std::tuple{123, std::string{"hi"}}), TupleElementsAre(Eq(123), Eq("hi"))); } TEST(AssertThat, StructuredBindingsAre) { struct X { int i; std::string str; }; ASSERT_THAT((X{123, "hi"}), StructuredBindingsAre(Eq(123), Eq("hi"))); #if 0 // Must not compile. Check manually I guess. struct MoreFields {int i1; int i2; }; ASSERT_THAT((MoreFields{123, 456}), StructuredBindingsAre(Eq(123))); #endif } TEST(AssertThat, StatusIs) { ASSERT_THAT(Status::OK(), StatusIs(Eq(ErrorCodes::OK), Eq(""))); Status oops{ErrorCodes::InternalError, "oops I did it again"}; ASSERT_THAT(oops, StatusIs(Eq(ErrorCodes::InternalError), Eq("oops I did it again"))); ASSERT_THAT(oops, StatusIs(Ne(ErrorCodes::OK), Any())); ASSERT_THAT(oops, StatusIs(Ne(ErrorCodes::OK), ContainsRegex("o*ps"))); } TEST(AssertThat, BSONObj) { auto obj = BSONObjBuilder{}.append("i", 123).append("s", "hi").obj(); ASSERT_THAT(obj, BSONObjHas(BSONElementIs(Eq("i"), Eq(NumberInt), Any()))); ASSERT_THAT(obj, AllOf(BSONObjHas(BSONElementIs(Eq("i"), Eq(NumberInt), Eq(123))), BSONObjHas(BSONElementIs(Eq("s"), Eq(String), Eq("hi"))))); ASSERT_THAT(obj, Not(BSONObjHas(BSONElementIs(Eq("x"), Any(), Any())))); } TEST(AssertThat, Demo) { ASSERT_THAT(123, Eq(123)); ASSERT_THAT(123, Not(Eq(0))); ASSERT_THAT("hi", Eq("hi")); ASSERT_THAT("Four score and seven", AllOf(Ne("hi"), ContainsRegex("score"), ContainsRegex(R"( \w{5} )"))); // Composing matchers ASSERT_THAT(123, Not(Eq(0))); ASSERT_THAT(123, AllOf(Gt(0), Lt(1000))); // Sequences std::vector myVec{111, 222, 333}; std::list myList{111, 222, 333}; ASSERT_THAT(myVec, Eq(std::vector{111, 222, 333})); ASSERT_THAT(myVec, ElementsAre(Eq(111), AllOf(Lt(1000), Gt(0)), Any())); ASSERT_THAT(myList, ElementsAre(Eq(111), AllOf(Lt(1000), Gt(0)), Any())); // Map std::map myMap{{101, 201}, {102, 202}}; ASSERT_THAT( myMap, ElementsAre(TupleElementsAre(Eq(101), Eq(201)), TupleElementsAre(Eq(102), Eq(202)))); // Structs/Tuples struct { int i; std::string s; } x{123, "hello"}; ASSERT_THAT(x, StructuredBindingsAre(Eq(123), ContainsRegex("hel*o"))); // Status Status oops{ErrorCodes::InternalError, "oops I did it again"}; ASSERT_THAT(oops, StatusIs(Eq(ErrorCodes::InternalError), Eq("oops I did it again"))); ASSERT_THAT(oops, StatusIs(Ne(ErrorCodes::OK), Any())); ASSERT_THAT(oops, StatusIs(Ne(ErrorCodes::OK), ContainsRegex("o*ps"))); // BSONElement and BSONObj auto obj = BSONObjBuilder{}.append("i", 123).append("s", "hi").obj(); ASSERT_THAT(obj, AllOf(BSONObjHas(BSONElementIs(Eq("i"), Eq(NumberInt), Eq(123))), BSONObjHas(BSONElementIs(Eq("s"), Eq(String), Eq("hi"))))); ASSERT_THAT(obj, Not(BSONObjHas(BSONElementIs(Eq("x"), Any(), Any())))); } TEST(StringifyForAssert, PrintableTypes) { using stringify::stringifyForAssert; ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(3.14), "3.14"); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::string{"pi"}), "pi"); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::pair{"pi", 3.14}), "(pi, 3.14)"); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::tuple{1, 2}), "(1, 2)"); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::tuple<>{}), "()"); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::vector{1, 2, 3}), "[1, 2, 3]"); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::list{1, 2, 3}), "[1, 2, 3]"); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::map{{1, "a"}, {2, "b"}}), "[(1, a), (2, b)]"); ASSERT_THAT( stringifyForAssert(std::unordered_map{{1, "a"}, {2, "b"}}), // NOLINT AnyOf(Eq("[(1, a), (2, b)]"), Eq("[(2, b), (1, a)]"))); ASSERT_THAT(stringifyForAssert(stdx::unordered_map{{1, "a"}, {2, "b"}}), AnyOf(Eq("[(1, a), (2, b)]"), Eq("[(2, b), (1, a)]"))); ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(std::array{1, 2, 3, 4}), "[1, 2, 3, 4]") << "std::array is both a sequence and a tuple. Should prefer sequence notation"; } TEST(AssertThat, UnprintableValues) { struct Unprintable { int i; } v{123}; std::string lastResort = stringify::lastResortFormat(typeid(v), &v, sizeof(v)); // Test that the lastResortFormat function is used for unprintable values. using stringify::stringifyForAssert; // Augment ADL with the "detail" NS. ASSERT_EQ(stringifyForAssert(v), lastResort); // Test that a typical matcher like Eq uses it. ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(Eq(v).describe(), lastResort); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo::unittest::match