/* hashtab.h Simple, fixed size hash table. Darn simple. Uses a contiguous block of memory, so you can put it in a memory mapped file very easily. */ /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "../pch.h" #include #include "../db/dur.h" namespace mongo { #pragma pack(1) /* you should define: int Key::hash() return > 0 always. */ template < class Key, class Type > class HashTable : boost::noncopyable { public: const char *name; struct Node { int hash; Key k; Type value; bool inUse() { return hash != 0; } void setUnused() { hash = 0; } }; void* _buf; int n; // number of hashtable buckets int maxChain; Node& nodes(int i) { Node *nodes = (Node *) _buf; return nodes[i]; } int _find(const Key& k, bool& found) { found = false; int h = k.hash(); int i = h % n; int start = i; int chain = 0; int firstNonUsed = -1; while ( 1 ) { if ( !nodes(i).inUse() ) { if ( firstNonUsed < 0 ) firstNonUsed = i; } if ( nodes(i).hash == h && nodes(i).k == k ) { if ( chain >= 200 ) out() << "warning: hashtable " << name << " long chain " << endl; found = true; return i; } chain++; i = (i+1) % n; if ( i == start ) { // shouldn't get here / defensive for infinite loops out() << "error: hashtable " << name << " is full n:" << n << endl; return -1; } if( chain >= maxChain ) { if ( firstNonUsed >= 0 ) return firstNonUsed; out() << "error: hashtable " << name << " max chain reached:" << maxChain << endl; return -1; } } } public: /* buf must be all zeroes on initialization. */ HashTable(void* buf, int buflen, const char *_name) : name(_name) { int m = sizeof(Node); // out() << "hashtab init, buflen:" << buflen << " m:" << m << endl; n = buflen / m; if ( (n & 1) == 0 ) n--; maxChain = (int) (n * 0.05); _buf = buf; //nodes = (Node *) buf; if ( sizeof(Node) != 628 ) { out() << "HashTable() " << _name << " sizeof(node):" << sizeof(Node) << " n:" << n << " sizeof(Key): " << sizeof(Key) << " sizeof(Type):" << sizeof(Type) << endl; verify( sizeof(Node) == 628 ); } } Type* get(const Key& k) { bool found; int i = _find(k, found); if ( found ) return &nodes(i).value; return 0; } void kill(const Key& k) { bool found; int i = _find(k, found); if ( i >= 0 && found ) { Node* n = &nodes(i); n = getDur().writing(n); n->k.kill(); n->setUnused(); } } /** returns false if too full */ bool put(const Key& k, const Type& value) { bool found; int i = _find(k, found); if ( i < 0 ) return false; Node* n = getDur().writing( &nodes(i) ); if ( !found ) { n->k = k; n->hash = k.hash(); } else { verify( n->hash == k.hash() ); } n->value = value; return true; } typedef void (*IteratorCallback)( const Key& k , Type& v ); void iterAll( IteratorCallback callback ) { for ( int i=0; i