/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kDefault #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/base/static_assert.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/server_status.h" #include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/stacktrace.h" #include #include // for dlfcn.h and backtrace #if defined(_POSIX_VERSION) && defined(MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_EXECINFO_BACKTRACE) #include #include // // Sampling heap profiler // // Intercepts allocate and free calls to track approximate number of live allocated bytes // associated with each allocating stack trace at each point in time. // // Hooks into tcmalloc via the MallocHook interface, but has no dependency // on any allocator internals; could be used with any allocator via similar // hooks, or via shims. // // Adds no space overhead to each allocated object - allocated objects // and associated stack traces are recorded in separate pre-allocated // fixed-size hash tables. Size of the separate hash tables is configurable // but something on the order of tens of MB should suffice for most purposes. // // Performance overhead is small because it only samples a fraction of the allocations. // // Samples allocate calls every so many bytes allocated. // * a stack trace is obtained, and entered in a stack hash table if it's a new stack trace // * the number of active bytes charged to that stack trace is increased // * the allocated object, stack trace, and number of bytes is recorded in an object hash table // For each free call if the freed object is in the object hash table. // * the number of active bytes charged to the allocating stack trace is decreased // * the object is removed from the object hash table // // Enable at startup time (only) with // mongod --setParameter heapProfilingEnabled=true // // If enabled, adds a heapProfile section to serverStatus as follows: // // heapProfile: { // stats: { // // internal stats related to heap profiling process (collisions, number of stacks, etc.) // } // stacks: { // stack_n_: { // one for each stack _n_ // activeBytes: ..., // number of active bytes allocated by this stack // stack: [ // the stack itself // "frame0", // "frame1", // ... // ] // } // } // // Each new stack encountered is also logged to mongod log with a message like // .... stack_n_: {0: "frame0", 1: "frame1", ...} // // Can be used in one of two ways: // // Via FTDC - strings are not captured by FTDC, so the information // recorded in FTDC for each sample is essentially of the form // {stack_n_: activeBytes} for each stack _n_. The timeseries tool // will present one graph per stack, identified by the label stack_n_, // showing active bytes that were allocated by that stack at each // point in time. The mappings from stack_n_ to the actual stack can // be found in mongod log. // // Via serverStatus - the serverStatus section described above // contains complete information, including the stack trace. It can // be obtained and examined manually, and can be further processed by // tools. // // We will need about 1 active ObjInfo for every sampleIntervalBytes live bytes, // so max active memory we can handle is sampleIntervalBytes * kMaxObjInfos. // With the current defaults of // kMaxObjInfos = 1024 * 1024 // sampleIntervalBytes = 256 * 1024 // the following information is computed and logged on startup (see HeapProfiler()): // maxActiveMemory 262144 MB // objTableSize 72 MB // stackTableSize 16.6321MB // So the defaults allow handling very large memories at a reasonable sampling interval // and acceptable size overhead for the hash tables. // namespace mongo { namespace { // // Simple hash table maps Key->Value. // All storage is pre-allocated at creation. // Access functions take a hash specifying a bucket as the first parameter to avoid re-computing // hash unnecessarily; caller must ensure that hash is correctly computed from the appropriate Key. // Key must implement operator== to support find(). // Key and Value must both support assignment to allow copying key and value into table on insert. // // Concurrency rules: // Reads (find(), isBucketEmpty(), forEach()) MAY be called concurrently with each other. // Writes (insert(), remove()) may NOT be called concurrently with each other. // Concurrency of reads and writes is as follows: // find() may NOT be called concurrently with any write. // isBucketEmpty() MAY be called concurrently with any write. // forEach() // MAY be called concurrently with insert() but NOT remove() // does not provide snapshot semantics wrt set of entries traversed // caller must ensure safety wrt concurrent modification of Value of existing entry // using Hash = uint32_t; template class HashTable { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(HashTable); private: struct Entry { Key key{}; Value value{}; std::atomic next{nullptr}; // NOLINT std::atomic valid{false}; // NOLINT Entry() {} }; const size_t maxEntries; // we allocate storage for this many entries on creation std::atomic_size_t numEntries; // number of entries currently in use NOLINT size_t numBuckets; // number of buckets, computed as numEntries * loadFactor // pre-allocate buckets and entries std::unique_ptr[]> buckets; // NOLINT std::unique_ptr entries; std::atomic_size_t nextEntry; // first entry that's never been used NOLINT Entry* freeEntry; // linked list of entries returned to us by removeEntry public: HashTable(size_t maxEntries, int loadFactor) : maxEntries(maxEntries), numEntries(0), numBuckets(maxEntries * loadFactor), buckets(new std::atomic[numBuckets]()), // NOLINT entries(new Entry[maxEntries]()), nextEntry(0), freeEntry(nullptr) {} // Allocate a new entry in the specified hash bucket. // Stores a copy of the specified Key and Value. // Returns a pointer to the newly allocated Value, or nullptr if out of space. Value* insert(Hash hash, const Key& key, const Value& value) { hash %= numBuckets; Entry* entry = nullptr; if (freeEntry) { entry = freeEntry; freeEntry = freeEntry->next; } else if (nextEntry < maxEntries) { entry = &entries[nextEntry++]; } if (entry) { entry->next = buckets[hash].load(); buckets[hash] = entry; entry->key = key; entry->value = value; entry->valid = true; // signal that the entry is well-formed and may be traversed numEntries++; return &entry->value; } else { return nullptr; } } // Find the entry containing Key in the specified hash bucket. // Returns a pointer to the corresponding Value object, or nullptr if not found. Value* find(Hash hash, const Key& key) { hash %= numBuckets; for (Entry* entry = buckets[hash]; entry; entry = entry->next) if (entry->key == key) return &entry->value; return nullptr; } // Remove an entry specified by key. void remove(Hash hash, const Key& key) { hash %= numBuckets; for (auto nextp = &buckets[hash]; *nextp; nextp = &((*nextp).load()->next)) { Entry* entry = *nextp; if (entry->key == key) { *nextp = entry->next.load(); entry->valid = false; // first signal entry is invalid as it may get reused entry->next = freeEntry; freeEntry = entry; numEntries--; break; } } } // Traverse the array of pre-allocated entries, calling f(key, value) on each valid entry. // This may be called concurrently with insert() but not remove() // atomic entry.valid ensures that it will see only well-formed entries // nextEntry is atomic to guard against torn reads as nextEntry is updated // Note however it is not guaranteed to provide snapshot semantics wrt the set of entries, // and caller must ensure safety wrt concurrent updates to the Value of an entry template void forEach(F f) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nextEntry; i++) { Entry& entry = entries[i]; if (entry.valid) // only traverse well-formed entries f(entry.key, entry.value); } } // Determines whether the specified hash bucket is empty. May be called concurrently with // insert() and remove(). Concurrent visibility on other threads is guaranteed because // buckets[hash] is atomic. bool isEmptyBucket(Hash hash) { hash %= numBuckets; return buckets[hash] == nullptr; } // Number of entries. size_t size() { return numEntries; } // Highwater mark of number of entries used, for reporting stats. size_t maxSizeSeen() { return nextEntry; } // Returns total allocated size of the hash table, for reporting stats. size_t memorySizeBytes() { return numBuckets * sizeof(buckets[0]) + maxEntries * sizeof(entries[0]); } }; class HeapProfiler { private: // 0: sampling internally disabled // 1: sample every allocation - byte accurate but slow and big // >1: sample ever sampleIntervalBytes bytes allocated - less accurate but fast and small std::atomic_size_t sampleIntervalBytes; // NOLINT stdx::mutex hashtable_mutex; // guards updates to both object and stack hash tables stdx::mutex stackinfo_mutex; // guards against races updating the StackInfo bson representation // cumulative bytes allocated - determines when samples are taken std::atomic_size_t bytesAllocated{0}; // NOLINT // estimated currently active bytes - sum of activeBytes for all stacks size_t totalActiveBytes = 0; // // Hash table of stacks // using FrameInfo = void*; // per-frame information is just the IP static const int kMaxStackInfos = 20000; // max number of unique call sites we handle static const int kStackHashTableLoadFactor = 2; // keep loading <50% static const int kMaxFramesPerStack = 100; // max depth of stack // stack HashTable Key struct Stack { int numFrames = 0; std::array frames; Stack() {} bool operator==(const Stack& that) { return this->numFrames == that.numFrames && std::equal(frames.begin(), frames.begin() + numFrames, that.frames.begin()); } Hash hash() { Hash hash; MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(sizeof(frames) == sizeof(FrameInfo) * kMaxFramesPerStack, "frames array is not dense"); MurmurHash3_x86_32(frames.data(), numFrames * sizeof(FrameInfo), 0, &hash); return hash; } }; // Stack HashTable Value. struct StackInfo { int stackNum = 0; // used for stack short name BSONObj stackObj{}; // symbolized representation size_t activeBytes = 0; // number of live allocated bytes charged to this stack explicit StackInfo(int stackNum) : stackNum(stackNum) {} StackInfo() {} }; // The stack HashTable itself. HashTable stackHashTable{kMaxStackInfos, kStackHashTableLoadFactor}; // frames to skip at top and bottom of backtrace when reporting stacks int skipStartFrames = 0; int skipEndFrames = 0; // // Hash table of allocated objects. // static const int kMaxObjInfos = 1024 * 1024; // maximum tracked allocations static const int kObjHashTableLoadFactor = 4; // keep hash table loading <25% // Obj HashTable Key. struct Obj { const void* objPtr = nullptr; explicit Obj(const void* objPtr) : objPtr(objPtr) {} Obj() {} bool operator==(const Obj& that) { return this->objPtr == that.objPtr; } Hash hash() { Hash hash = 0; MurmurHash3_x86_32(&objPtr, sizeof(objPtr), 0, &hash); return hash; } }; // Obj HashTable Value. struct ObjInfo { size_t accountedLen = 0; StackInfo* stackInfo = nullptr; ObjInfo(size_t accountedLen, StackInfo* stackInfo) : accountedLen(accountedLen), stackInfo(stackInfo) {} ObjInfo() {} }; // The obj HashTable itself. HashTable objHashTable{kMaxObjInfos, kObjHashTableLoadFactor}; // If we encounter an error that doesn't allow us to proceed, for // example out of space for new hash table entries, we internally // disable profiling and then log an error message. void disable(const char* msg) { sampleIntervalBytes = 0; log() << msg; } // // Record an allocation. // void _alloc(const void* objPtr, size_t objLen) { // still profiling? if (sampleIntervalBytes == 0) return; // Sample every sampleIntervalBytes bytes of allocation. // We charge each sampled stack with the amount of memory allocated since the last sample // this could grossly overcharge any given stack sample, but on average over a large // number of samples will be correct. size_t lastSample = bytesAllocated.fetch_add(objLen); size_t currentSample = lastSample + objLen; size_t accountedLen = sampleIntervalBytes * (currentSample / sampleIntervalBytes - lastSample / sampleIntervalBytes); if (accountedLen == 0) return; // Get backtrace. Stack tempStack; tempStack.numFrames = backtrace(tempStack.frames.data(), kMaxFramesPerStack); // Compute backtrace hash. Hash stackHash = tempStack.hash(); // Now acquire lock. stdx::lock_guard lk(hashtable_mutex); // Look up stack in stackHashTable. StackInfo* stackInfo = stackHashTable.find(stackHash, tempStack); // If new stack, store in stackHashTable. if (!stackInfo) { StackInfo newStackInfo(stackHashTable.size() /*stackNum*/); stackInfo = stackHashTable.insert(stackHash, tempStack, newStackInfo); if (!stackInfo) { disable("too many stacks; disabling heap profiling"); return; } } // Count the bytes. totalActiveBytes += accountedLen; stackInfo->activeBytes += accountedLen; // Enter obj in objHashTable. Obj obj(objPtr); ObjInfo objInfo(accountedLen, stackInfo); if (!objHashTable.insert(obj.hash(), obj, objInfo)) { disable("too many live objects; disabling heap profiling"); return; } } // // Record a freed object. // void _free(const void* objPtr) { // still profiling? if (sampleIntervalBytes == 0) return; // Compute hash, quick return before locking if bucket is empty (common case). // This is crucial for performance because we need to check the hash table on every _free. // Visibility of the bucket entry if the _alloc was done on a different thread is // guaranteed because isEmptyBucket consults an atomic pointer. Obj obj(objPtr); Hash objHash = obj.hash(); if (objHashTable.isEmptyBucket(objHash)) return; // Now acquire lock. stdx::lock_guard lk(hashtable_mutex); // Remove the object from the hash bucket if present. ObjInfo* objInfo = objHashTable.find(objHash, obj); if (objInfo) { totalActiveBytes -= objInfo->accountedLen; objInfo->stackInfo->activeBytes -= objInfo->accountedLen; objHashTable.remove(objHash, obj); } } // // Generate bson representation of stack. // void generateStackIfNeeded(Stack& stack, StackInfo& stackInfo) { if (!stackInfo.stackObj.isEmpty()) return; BSONArrayBuilder builder; for (int j = skipStartFrames; j < stack.numFrames - skipEndFrames; j++) { Dl_info dli; StringData frameString; char* demangled = nullptr; if (dladdr(stack.frames[j], &dli)) { if (dli.dli_sname) { int status; demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle(dli.dli_sname, 0, 0, &status); if (demangled) { // strip off function parameters as they are very verbose and not useful char* p = strchr(demangled, '('); if (p) frameString = StringData(demangled, p - demangled); else frameString = demangled; } else { frameString = dli.dli_sname; } } } if (frameString.empty()) { std::ostringstream s; s << stack.frames[j]; frameString = s.str(); } builder.append(frameString); if (demangled) free(demangled); } stackInfo.stackObj = builder.obj(); log() << "heapProfile stack" << stackInfo.stackNum << ": " << stackInfo.stackObj; } // // Generate serverStatus section. // bool logGeneralStats = true; // first time only // In order to reduce load on ftdc we track the stacks we deem important enough to emit // once a stack is deemed "important" it remains important from that point on. // "Important" is a sticky quality to improve the stability of the set of stacks we emit, // and we always emit them in stackNum order, greatly improving ftdc compression efficiency. std::set importantStacks{ [](StackInfo* a, StackInfo* b) -> bool { return a->stackNum < b->stackNum; }}; int numImportantSamples = 0; // samples currently included in importantStacks const int kMaxImportantSamples = 4 * 3600; // reset every 4 hours at default 1 sample / sec void _generateServerStatusSection(BSONObjBuilder& builder) { // compute and log some informational stats first time through if (logGeneralStats) { const size_t maxActiveMemory = sampleIntervalBytes * kMaxObjInfos; const size_t objTableSize = objHashTable.memorySizeBytes(); const size_t stackTableSize = stackHashTable.memorySizeBytes(); const double MB = 1024 * 1024; log() << "sampleIntervalBytes " << sampleIntervalBytesParameter << "; " << "maxActiveMemory " << maxActiveMemory / MB << " MB; " << "objTableSize " << objTableSize / MB << " MB; " << "stackTableSize " << stackTableSize / MB << " MB"; // print a stack trace to log somap for post-facto symbolization log() << "following stack trace is for heap profiler informational purposes"; printStackTrace(); logGeneralStats = false; } // Stats subsection. BSONObjBuilder statsBuilder(builder.subobjStart("stats")); statsBuilder.appendNumber("totalActiveBytes", totalActiveBytes); statsBuilder.appendNumber("bytesAllocated", bytesAllocated); statsBuilder.appendNumber("numStacks", stackHashTable.size()); statsBuilder.appendNumber("currentObjEntries", objHashTable.size()); statsBuilder.appendNumber("maxObjEntriesUsed", objHashTable.maxSizeSeen()); statsBuilder.doneFast(); // Guard against races updating the StackInfo bson representation. stdx::lock_guard lk(stackinfo_mutex); // Traverse stackHashTable accumulating potential stacks to emit. // We do this traversal without locking hashtable_mutex because we need to use the heap. // forEach guarantees this is safe wrt to insert(), and we never call remove(). // We use stackinfo_mutex to ensure safety wrt concurrent updates to the StackInfo objects. // We can get skew between entries, which is ok. std::vector stackInfos; stackHashTable.forEach([&](Stack& stack, StackInfo& stackInfo) { if (stackInfo.activeBytes) { generateStackIfNeeded(stack, stackInfo); stackInfos.push_back(&stackInfo); } }); // Sort the stacks and find enough stacks to account for at least 99% of the active bytes // deem any stack that has ever met this criterion as "important". auto sortByActiveBytes = [](StackInfo* a, StackInfo* b) -> bool { return a->activeBytes > b->activeBytes; }; std::stable_sort(stackInfos.begin(), stackInfos.end(), sortByActiveBytes); size_t threshold = totalActiveBytes * 0.99; size_t cumulative = 0; for (auto it = stackInfos.begin(); it != stackInfos.end(); ++it) { StackInfo* stackInfo = *it; importantStacks.insert(stackInfo); cumulative += stackInfo->activeBytes; if (cumulative > threshold) break; } // Build the stacks subsection by emitting the "important" stacks. BSONObjBuilder stacksBuilder(builder.subobjStart("stacks")); for (auto it = importantStacks.begin(); it != importantStacks.end(); ++it) { StackInfo* stackInfo = *it; std::ostringstream shortName; shortName << "stack" << stackInfo->stackNum; BSONObjBuilder stackBuilder(stacksBuilder.subobjStart(shortName.str())); stackBuilder.appendNumber("activeBytes", stackInfo->activeBytes); } stacksBuilder.doneFast(); // importantStacks grows monotonically, so it can accumulate unneeded stacks, // so we clear it periodically. if (++numImportantSamples >= kMaxImportantSamples) { log() << "clearing importantStacks"; importantStacks.clear(); numImportantSamples = 0; } } // // Static hooks to give to the allocator. // static void alloc(const void* obj, size_t objLen) { heapProfiler->_alloc(obj, objLen); } static void free(const void* obj) { heapProfiler->_free(obj); } public: static HeapProfiler* heapProfiler; static bool enabledParameter; static long long sampleIntervalBytesParameter; HeapProfiler() { // Set sample interval from the parameter. sampleIntervalBytes = sampleIntervalBytesParameter; // This is our only allocator dependency - ifdef and change as // appropriate for other allocators, using hooks or shims. // For tcmalloc we skip two frames that are internal to the allocator // so that the top frame is the public tc_* function. skipStartFrames = 2; skipEndFrames = 0; MallocHook::AddNewHook(alloc); MallocHook::AddDeleteHook(free); } static void generateServerStatusSection(BSONObjBuilder& builder) { if (heapProfiler) heapProfiler->_generateServerStatusSection(builder); } }; // // serverStatus section // class HeapProfilerServerStatusSection final : public ServerStatusSection { public: HeapProfilerServerStatusSection() : ServerStatusSection("heapProfile") {} bool includeByDefault() const override { return HeapProfiler::enabledParameter; } BSONObj generateSection(OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONElement& configElement) const override { BSONObjBuilder builder; HeapProfiler::generateServerStatusSection(builder); return builder.obj(); } } heapProfilerServerStatusSection; // // startup // HeapProfiler* HeapProfiler::heapProfiler; bool HeapProfiler::enabledParameter = false; long long HeapProfiler::sampleIntervalBytesParameter = 256 * 1024; ExportedServerParameter heapProfilingEnabledParameter( ServerParameterSet::getGlobal(), "heapProfilingEnabled", &HeapProfiler::enabledParameter); ExportedServerParameter heapProfilingSampleIntervalBytes(ServerParameterSet::getGlobal(), "heapProfilingSampleIntervalBytes", &HeapProfiler::sampleIntervalBytesParameter); MONGO_INITIALIZER_GENERAL(StartHeapProfiling, ("EndStartupOptionHandling"), ("default")) (InitializerContext* context) { if (HeapProfiler::enabledParameter) HeapProfiler::heapProfiler = new HeapProfiler(); return Status::OK(); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo #endif // MONGO_HAVE_HEAP_PROFILER