/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/util/keyed_executor.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/stdx/thread.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/thread_pool.h" namespace mongo { namespace { class MockExecutor : public OutOfLineExecutor { public: void schedule(stdx::function func) override { _deque.push_front(std::move(func)); } size_t depth() const { return _deque.size(); } bool runOne() { if (_deque.empty()) { return false; } auto x = std::move(_deque.back()); _deque.pop_back(); x(); return true; } void runAll() { while (runOne()) { } } private: std::deque> _deque; }; class ThreadPoolExecutor : public OutOfLineExecutor { public: ThreadPoolExecutor() : _threadPool(ThreadPool::Options{}) {} void start() { _threadPool.startup(); } void shutdown() { _threadPool.shutdown(); } void schedule(stdx::function func) override { ASSERT_OK(_threadPool.schedule(std::move(func))); } private: ThreadPool _threadPool; }; TEST(KeyedExecutor, basicExecute) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); auto run1 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return 1; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); auto run2 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return 2; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_EQUALS(run1.get(), 1); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 0ul); ASSERT_EQUALS(run2.get(), 2); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, differentKeysDontConflict) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); auto foo = ke.execute("foo", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_FALSE(foo.isReady()); auto bar = ke.execute("bar", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT_FALSE(foo.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(bar.isReady()); me.runAll(); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 0ul); ASSERT(foo.get()); ASSERT(bar.get()); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, onCurrentTasksDrained) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); auto run1 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return true; }); auto bar = ke.execute("bar", [] { return true; }); auto onBarDone = ke.onCurrentTasksDrained("bar"); auto onRun1Done = ke.onCurrentTasksDrained("foo"); auto run2 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onRun1Done.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(bar.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onBarDone.isReady()); auto onRun2Done = ke.onCurrentTasksDrained("foo"); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onRun1Done.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onRun2Done.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(bar.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onBarDone.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT(run1.get()); ASSERT_OK(onRun1Done.getNoThrow()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onRun2Done.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(bar.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onBarDone.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT(bar.get()); ASSERT_OK(onBarDone.getNoThrow()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 0ul); ASSERT(run2.get()); ASSERT_OK(onRun2Done.getNoThrow()); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, onAllCurrentTasksDrained) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); auto run1 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); auto run2 = ke.execute("bar", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); auto onAllDone = ke.onAllCurrentTasksDrained(); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onAllDone.isReady()); auto run3 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run3.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onAllDone.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 2ul); ASSERT(run1.get()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(onAllDone.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT(run2.get()); ASSERT_OK(onAllDone.getNoThrow()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 0ul); ASSERT(run3.get()); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, onCurrentTasksDrainedEmpty) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); ASSERT_OK(ke.onCurrentTasksDrained("foo").getNoThrow()); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, onAllCurrentTasksDrainedEmpty) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); ASSERT_OK(ke.onAllCurrentTasksDrained().getNoThrow()); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, retriesFailureWithSpecialCode) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); int count = 2; auto run1 = ke.execute("foo", [&count] { if (--count) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::KeyedExecutorRetry, "force a retry"); } return true; }); auto run2 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(count, 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(count, 0); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT(run1.get()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 0ul); ASSERT(run2.get()); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, doesntRetryFailureWithoutSpecialCode) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); auto run1 = ke.execute("foo", [] { uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "some other code"); }); auto run2 = ke.execute("foo", [] { return true; }); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_FALSE(run1.isReady()); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 1ul); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(run1.get(), DBException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); ASSERT_FALSE(run2.isReady()); ASSERT(me.runOne()); ASSERT_EQUALS(me.depth(), 0ul); ASSERT(run2.get()); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, gracefulShutdown) { MockExecutor me; KeyedExecutor ke(&me); Status status = Status::OK(); auto adaptForInShutdown = [&](auto&& cb) { return [&] { uassertStatusOK(status); cb(); }; }; auto run = ke.execute("foo", adaptForInShutdown([] {})); auto onRunDone = ke.onCurrentTasksDrained("foo"); auto onAllRunDone = ke.onAllCurrentTasksDrained(); status = Status(ErrorCodes::InterruptedAtShutdown, "shutting down"); me.runAll(); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(run.get(), DBException, ErrorCodes::InterruptedAtShutdown); onRunDone.get(); onAllRunDone.get(); } TEST(KeyedExecutor, withThreadsTest) { ThreadPoolExecutor tpe; KeyedExecutor ke(&tpe); tpe.start(); constexpr size_t n = (1 << 16); stdx::mutex mutex; stdx::condition_variable condvar; size_t counter = 0; auto incCounter = [&](auto&&) { stdx::lock_guard lk(mutex); counter++; if (counter == n) { condvar.notify_one(); } }; std::mt19937 gen(1); std::uniform_int_distribution<> keyDistribution(1, 3); std::uniform_int_distribution<> actionDistribution(1, 100); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { auto action = actionDistribution(gen); if (action <= 65) { ke.execute(keyDistribution(gen), [] { stdx::this_thread::yield(); }).getAsync(incCounter); } else if (action <= 90) { ke.onCurrentTasksDrained(keyDistribution(gen)).getAsync(incCounter); } else { ke.onAllCurrentTasksDrained().getAsync(incCounter); } } stdx::unique_lock lk(mutex); condvar.wait(lk, [&] { return counter == n; }); tpe.shutdown(); ASSERT_EQUALS(counter, n); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo