/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/checked_cast.h" #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/base/secure_allocator.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/connection_health_metrics_parameter_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/transport/session.h" #include "mongo/transport/ssl_connection_context.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/mutex.h" #include "mongo/util/debug_util.h" #include "mongo/util/exit.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #include "mongo/util/net/cidr.h" #include "mongo/util/net/dh_openssl.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ocsp/ocsp_manager.h" #include "mongo/util/net/private/ssl_expiration.h" #include "mongo/util/net/socket_exception.h" #include "mongo/util/net/socket_utils.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_options.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_peer_info.h" #include "mongo/util/net/ssl_types.h" #include "mongo/util/periodic_runner.h" #include "mongo/util/read_through_cache.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/strong_weak_finish_line.h" #include "mongo/util/text.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_SSL_EC_KEY_NEW #include #endif #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kNetwork #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x1010100FL int SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites(SSL_CTX*, const char*) { uasserted( 4877400, "Setting OpenSSL cipher suites is not allowed for OpenSSL versions older than 1.1.1."); return 0; } #endif using namespace fmt::literals; namespace mongo { using transport::SSLConnectionContext; namespace { // NIDs mapping to OIDs in the MongoDBInc namespace. // Allocated during MONGO_INITIALIZER(SSLManager), valid for process lifetime. static int sMongoDbRolesNID; static int sMongoDbClusterMembershipNID; MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(disableStapling); using UniqueX509StoreCtx = std::unique_ptr>; using UniqueX509 = std::unique_ptr>; // This deleter should be used when you have a stack of X509 objects that you own and that // needs to be deleted. struct X509StackDeleter { void operator()(STACK_OF(X509) * chain) { if (chain) { sk_X509_pop_free(chain, X509_free); } } }; // If we have an X509 Stack that is owned by an internal SSL Object, we need to use this // deleter. struct X509StackDeleterNoOp { void operator()(STACK_OF(X509) * chain) {} }; // Modulus for Diffie-Hellman parameter 'ffdhe3072' defined in RFC 7919 constexpr std::array ffdhe3072_p = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xAD, 0xF8, 0x54, 0x58, 0xA2, 0xBB, 0x4A, 0x9A, 0xAF, 0xDC, 0x56, 0x20, 0x27, 0x3D, 0x3C, 0xF1, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xC5, 0x83, 0xCE, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x95, 0xA9, 0xE1, 0x36, 0x41, 0x14, 0x64, 0x33, 0xFB, 0xCC, 0x93, 0x9D, 0xCE, 0x24, 0x9B, 0x3E, 0xF9, 0x7D, 0x2F, 0xE3, 0x63, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x75, 0xD8, 0xF6, 0x81, 0xB2, 0x02, 0xAE, 0xC4, 0x61, 0x7A, 0xD3, 0xDF, 0x1E, 0xD5, 0xD5, 0xFD, 0x65, 0x61, 0x24, 0x33, 0xF5, 0x1F, 0x5F, 0x06, 0x6E, 0xD0, 0x85, 0x63, 0x65, 0x55, 0x3D, 0xED, 0x1A, 0xF3, 0xB5, 0x57, 0x13, 0x5E, 0x7F, 0x57, 0xC9, 0x35, 0x98, 0x4F, 0x0C, 0x70, 0xE0, 0xE6, 0x8B, 0x77, 0xE2, 0xA6, 0x89, 0xDA, 0xF3, 0xEF, 0xE8, 0x72, 0x1D, 0xF1, 0x58, 0xA1, 0x36, 0xAD, 0xE7, 0x35, 0x30, 0xAC, 0xCA, 0x4F, 0x48, 0x3A, 0x79, 0x7A, 0xBC, 0x0A, 0xB1, 0x82, 0xB3, 0x24, 0xFB, 0x61, 0xD1, 0x08, 0xA9, 0x4B, 0xB2, 0xC8, 0xE3, 0xFB, 0xB9, 0x6A, 0xDA, 0xB7, 0x60, 0xD7, 0xF4, 0x68, 0x1D, 0x4F, 0x42, 0xA3, 0xDE, 0x39, 0x4D, 0xF4, 0xAE, 0x56, 0xED, 0xE7, 0x63, 0x72, 0xBB, 0x19, 0x0B, 0x07, 0xA7, 0xC8, 0xEE, 0x0A, 0x6D, 0x70, 0x9E, 0x02, 0xFC, 0xE1, 0xCD, 0xF7, 0xE2, 0xEC, 0xC0, 0x34, 0x04, 0xCD, 0x28, 0x34, 0x2F, 0x61, 0x91, 0x72, 0xFE, 0x9C, 0xE9, 0x85, 0x83, 0xFF, 0x8E, 0x4F, 0x12, 0x32, 0xEE, 0xF2, 0x81, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x3B, 0x1B, 0x4C, 0x6F, 0xAD, 0x73, 0x3B, 0xB5, 0xFC, 0xBC, 0x2E, 0xC2, 0x20, 0x05, 0xC5, 0x8E, 0xF1, 0x83, 0x7D, 0x16, 0x83, 0xB2, 0xC6, 0xF3, 0x4A, 0x26, 0xC1, 0xB2, 0xEF, 0xFA, 0x88, 0x6B, 0x42, 0x38, 0x61, 0x1F, 0xCF, 0xDC, 0xDE, 0x35, 0x5B, 0x3B, 0x65, 0x19, 0x03, 0x5B, 0xBC, 0x34, 0xF4, 0xDE, 0xF9, 0x9C, 0x02, 0x38, 0x61, 0xB4, 0x6F, 0xC9, 0xD6, 0xE6, 0xC9, 0x07, 0x7A, 0xD9, 0x1D, 0x26, 0x91, 0xF7, 0xF7, 0xEE, 0x59, 0x8C, 0xB0, 0xFA, 0xC1, 0x86, 0xD9, 0x1C, 0xAE, 0xFE, 0x13, 0x09, 0x85, 0x13, 0x92, 0x70, 0xB4, 0x13, 0x0C, 0x93, 0xBC, 0x43, 0x79, 0x44, 0xF4, 0xFD, 0x44, 0x52, 0xE2, 0xD7, 0x4D, 0xD3, 0x64, 0xF2, 0xE2, 0x1E, 0x71, 0xF5, 0x4B, 0xFF, 0x5C, 0xAE, 0x82, 0xAB, 0x9C, 0x9D, 0xF6, 0x9E, 0xE8, 0x6D, 0x2B, 0xC5, 0x22, 0x36, 0x3A, 0x0D, 0xAB, 0xC5, 0x21, 0x97, 0x9B, 0x0D, 0xEA, 0xDA, 0x1D, 0xBF, 0x9A, 0x42, 0xD5, 0xC4, 0x48, 0x4E, 0x0A, 0xBC, 0xD0, 0x6B, 0xFA, 0x53, 0xDD, 0xEF, 0x3C, 0x1B, 0x20, 0xEE, 0x3F, 0xD5, 0x9D, 0x7C, 0x25, 0xE4, 0x1D, 0x2B, 0x66, 0xC6, 0x2E, 0x37, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; // Generator for Diffie-Hellman parameter 'ffdhe3072' defined in RFC 7919 (2) constexpr std::uint8_t ffdhe3072_g = 0x02; using UniqueBIO = std::unique_ptr>; #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_SSL_EC_KEY_NEW using UniqueEC_KEY = std::unique_ptr>; #endif using UniqueBIGNUM = std::unique_ptr>; UniqueBIO makeUniqueMemBio(std::vector& v) { UniqueBIO rv(::BIO_new_mem_buf(v.data(), v.size())); if (!rv) { class ssl_bad_alloc : public std::bad_alloc { private: std::string message; public: explicit ssl_bad_alloc(std::string m) : message(std::move(m)) {} const char* what() const noexcept override { return message.c_str(); } }; throw ssl_bad_alloc(str::stream() << "Error allocating SSL BIO: " << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } return rv; } // Attempts to set a hard coded curve (prime256v1) for ECDHE if the version of OpenSSL supports it. bool useDefaultECKey(SSL_CTX* const ctx) { #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_SSL_EC_KEY_NEW UniqueEC_KEY key(EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1)); if (key) { return SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(ctx, key.get()) == 1; } #endif return false; } // If the underlying SSL supports auto-configuration of ECDH parameters, this function will select // it. If not, this function will attempt to use a hard-coded but widely supported elliptic curve. // If that fails, ECDHE will not be enabled. bool enableECDHE(SSL_CTX* const ctx) { #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_SSL_SET_ECDH_AUTO SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(ctx, true); #elif OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || \ (defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x2070000fL) // SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO is defined to be 94 in OpenSSL 1.0.2. On RHEL 7, Mongo could be built // against 1.0.1 but actually linked with 1.0.2 at runtime. The define may not be present, but // this call could actually enable auto ecdh. We also ensure the OpenSSL version is sufficiently // old to protect against future versions where SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto could be removed and 94 // ctrl code could be repurposed. if (SSL_CTX_ctrl(ctx, 94, 1, nullptr) != 1) { // If manually setting the configuration option failed, use a hard coded curve if (!useDefaultECKey(ctx)) { LOGV2_WARNING(23230, "Failed to enable ECDHE due to a lack of support from system libraries."); return false; } } #endif std::ignore = ctx; return true; } // Old copies of OpenSSL will not have constants to disable protocols they don't support. // Define them to values we can OR together safely to generically disable these protocols across // all versions of OpenSSL. #ifndef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 0 #endif #ifndef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 0 #endif #ifndef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3 #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3 0 #endif // clang-format off #ifndef MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_ASN1_ANY_DEFINITIONS // Copies of OpenSSL before 1.0.0 do not have ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY, ASN1_SET_ANY, or the helper // functions which let us deserialize these objects. We must polyfill the definitions to interact // with ASN1 objects so stored. typedef STACK_OF(ASN1_TYPE) ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY; ASN1_ITEM_TEMPLATE(ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY) = ASN1_EX_TEMPLATE_TYPE(ASN1_TFLG_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY, ASN1_ANY) ASN1_ITEM_TEMPLATE_END(ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY) ASN1_ITEM_TEMPLATE(ASN1_SET_ANY) = ASN1_EX_TEMPLATE_TYPE(ASN1_TFLG_SET_OF, 0, ASN1_SET_ANY, ASN1_ANY) ASN1_ITEM_TEMPLATE_END(ASN1_SET_ANY) IMPLEMENT_ASN1_ENCODE_FUNCTIONS_const_fname(ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY, ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY, ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY) IMPLEMENT_ASN1_ENCODE_FUNCTIONS_const_fname(ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY, ASN1_SET_ANY, ASN1_SET_ANY) ; // clang format needs to see a semicolon or it will start formatting unrelated code #endif // MONGO_CONFIG_NEEDS_ASN1_ANY_DEFINITIONS // clang-format on #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || \ (defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x2070000fL) // Copies of OpenSSL after 1.1.0 define new functions for interaction with // X509 and DH structures. We must polyfill used definitions to interact with older OpenSSL // versions. const STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) * X509_get0_extensions(const X509* peerCert) { return peerCert->cert_info->extensions; } inline ASN1_TIME* X509_get0_notAfter(const X509* cert) { return X509_get_notAfter(cert); } inline int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set(const X509_NAME_ENTRY* ne) { return ne->set; } inline void X509_OBJECT_free(X509_OBJECT* a) { X509_OBJECT_free_contents(a); OPENSSL_free(a); } void X509_STORE_CTX_set0_untrusted(X509_STORE_CTX* ctx, STACK_OF(X509) * sk) { X509_STORE_CTX_set_chain(ctx, sk); } X509_OBJECT* X509_STORE_CTX_get_obj_by_subject(X509_STORE_CTX* vs, int type, X509_NAME* name) { X509_OBJECT* ret; ret = (X509_OBJECT*)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(X509_OBJECT)); if (ret == NULL) { return NULL; } if (!X509_STORE_get_by_subject(vs, type, name, ret)) { X509_OBJECT_free(ret); return NULL; } return ret; } X509* X509_OBJECT_get0_X509(const X509_OBJECT* a) { if (a == NULL || a->type != X509_LU_X509) { return NULL; } return a->data.x509; } using UniqueVerifiedChainPolyfill = std::unique_ptr; STACK_OF(X509) * SSL_get0_verified_chain(SSL* s) { auto* store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(SSL_get_SSL_CTX(s)); UniqueX509 peer(SSL_get_peer_certificate(s)); auto* peerChain = SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(s); UniqueX509StoreCtx ctx(X509_STORE_CTX_new()); if (!X509_STORE_CTX_init(ctx.get(), store, peer.get(), peerChain)) { return nullptr; } if (X509_verify_cert(ctx.get()) <= 0) { return nullptr; } return X509_STORE_CTX_get1_chain(ctx.get()); } const OCSP_CERTID* OCSP_SINGLERESP_get0_id(const OCSP_SINGLERESP* single) { return single->certId; } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10002000L inline bool ASN1_TIME_diff(int*, int*, const ASN1_TIME*, const ASN1_TIME*) { return false; } #endif int DH_set0_pqg(DH* dh, BIGNUM* p, BIGNUM* q, BIGNUM* g) { dh->p = p; dh->g = g; return 1; } void DH_get0_pqg(const DH* dh, const BIGNUM** p, const BIGNUM** q, const BIGNUM** g) { if (p) { *p = dh->p; } if (g) { *g = dh->g; } } // TLS versions before 1.1.0 did not define the TLS Feature extension static ASN1OID tlsFeatureOID("", "tlsfeature", "TLS Feature"); static int const NID_tlsfeature = OBJ_create(tlsFeatureOID.identifier.c_str(), tlsFeatureOID.shortDescription.c_str(), tlsFeatureOID.longDescription.c_str()); #else using UniqueVerifiedChainPolyfill = std::unique_ptr; #endif UniqueVerifiedChainPolyfill SSLgetVerifiedChain(SSL* s) { return UniqueVerifiedChainPolyfill(SSL_get0_verified_chain(s)); } SSLX509Name convertX509ToSSLX509Name(X509_NAME* x509Name) { std::vector> entries; int count = X509_NAME_entry_count(x509Name); int prevSet = -1; std::vector rdn; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { auto* entry = X509_NAME_get_entry(x509Name, i); const auto currentSet = X509_NAME_ENTRY_set(entry); if (currentSet != prevSet) { if (!rdn.empty()) { entries.push_back(std::move(rdn)); rdn = std::vector(); } prevSet = currentSet; } char buffer[128]; // OBJ_obj2txt can only fail if we pass a nullptr from get_object, // or if OpenSSL's BN library falls over. // In either case, just panic. uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Unable to parse certificate subject name", OBJ_obj2txt(buffer, sizeof(buffer), X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(entry), 1) > 0); const auto* str = X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(entry); rdn.emplace_back( buffer, str->type, std::string(reinterpret_cast(str->data), str->length)); } if (!rdn.empty()) { entries.push_back(std::move(rdn)); } SSLX509Name sslX509Name = SSLX509Name(std::move(entries)); uassertStatusOK(sslX509Name.normalizeStrings()); return sslX509Name; } /* * Converts time from OpenSSL return value to Date_t representing the time on * the ASN1_TIME object. */ Date_t convertASN1ToMillis(const ASN1_TIME* asn1time) { static const int DATE_LEN = 128; BIO* outBIO = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); int timeError = ASN1_TIME_print(outBIO, asn1time); ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { BIO_free(outBIO); }); if (timeError <= 0) { LOGV2_ERROR(23241, "ASN1_TIME_print failed or wrote no data."); return Date_t(); } char dateChar[DATE_LEN]; timeError = BIO_gets(outBIO, dateChar, DATE_LEN); if (timeError <= 0) { LOGV2_ERROR(23242, "BIO_gets call failed to transfer contents to buf"); return Date_t(); } // Ensure that day format is two digits for parsing. // Jun 8 17:00:03 2014 becomes Jun 08 17:00:03 2014. if (dateChar[4] == ' ') { dateChar[4] = '0'; } std::istringstream inStringStream((std::string(dateChar, 20))); boost::posix_time::time_input_facet* inputFacet = new boost::posix_time::time_input_facet("%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"); inStringStream.imbue(std::locale(std::cout.getloc(), inputFacet)); boost::posix_time::ptime posixTime; inStringStream >> posixTime; const boost::gregorian::date epoch = boost::gregorian::date(1970, boost::gregorian::Jan, 1); return Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch( (posixTime - boost::posix_time::ptime(epoch)).total_milliseconds()); } class SSLConnectionOpenSSL : public SSLConnectionInterface { public: SSL* ssl; BIO* networkBIO; BIO* internalBIO; Socket* socket; SSLConnectionOpenSSL(SSL_CTX* ctx, Socket* sock, const char* initialBytes, int len); ~SSLConnectionOpenSSL(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using UniqueSSLContext = std::unique_ptr>; using UniqueSSL = std::unique_ptr>; static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024; using UniqueOpenSSLStringStack = std::unique_ptr>; using UniqueOCSPResponse = std::unique_ptr>; using UniqueCertId = std::unique_ptr>; Status getSSLFailure(ErrorCodes::Error code, StringData errorMsg) { return Status(code, str::stream() << "SSL peer certificate revocation status checking failed: " << errorMsg << " " << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } Status getSSLFailure(StringData errorMsg) { return getSSLFailure(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, errorMsg); } // X509_OBJECT_free is not exposed in the same way as the rest of the functions. struct X509_OBJECTFree { void operator()(X509_OBJECT* obj) noexcept { if (obj) { X509_OBJECT_free(obj); } } }; using UniqueX509Object = std::unique_ptr; StatusWith getIssuerCertForCert(SSL_CTX* context, X509* cert, STACK_OF(X509) * intermediateCerts) { // First search the intermediate certificates for the issuer. for (int i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(intermediateCerts); i++) { if (X509_NAME_cmp(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), X509_get_subject_name(sk_X509_value(intermediateCerts, i))) == 0) { return UniqueX509(X509_dup(sk_X509_value(intermediateCerts, i))); } } UniqueX509StoreCtx storeCtx(X509_STORE_CTX_new()); if (!storeCtx) { return getSSLFailure("Could not create X509 store."); } // Look in the certificate store for the certificate that issued cert if (X509_STORE_CTX_init(storeCtx.get(), SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(context), NULL, NULL) == 0) { return getSSLFailure("Could not initialize the X509 Store Context for the SSL Context."); } UniqueX509Object obj(X509_STORE_CTX_get_obj_by_subject( storeCtx.get(), X509_LU_X509, X509_get_issuer_name(cert))); if (obj == nullptr) { return getSSLFailure("Could not get X509 Object from store."); } return UniqueX509(X509_dup(X509_OBJECT_get0_X509(obj.get()))); } UniqueCertId getCertIdForCert(X509* cert, X509* issuerCert) { return UniqueCertId(OCSP_cert_to_id(nullptr, cert, issuerCert)); } struct OCSPCertIDCompareLess { bool operator()(const UniqueCertId& id1, const UniqueCertId& id2) const { return OCSP_id_cmp(id1.get(), id2.get()) > 0; } }; using OCSPCertIDSet = std::set; using UniqueOCSPRequest = std::unique_ptr>; using UniqueOcspBasicResp = std::unique_ptr>; struct OCSPRequestAndIDs { UniqueOCSPRequest request; OCSPCertIDSet certIDs; }; struct OCSPValidationContext { std::map ocspRequestMap; OCSPCertIDSet uniqueCertIds; std::vector leafResponders; UniqueX509 issuerCert; }; constexpr Milliseconds kOCSPUnknownStatusRefreshRate = Minutes(5); struct OCSPFetchResponse { OCSPFetchResponse(Status statusOfResponse, UniqueOCSPResponse response, boost::optional refreshTime) : statusOfResponse(statusOfResponse), response(std::move(response)), refreshTime(refreshTime.value_or(Date_t::now() + 2 * kOCSPUnknownStatusRefreshRate)), hasNextUpdate(refreshTime) {} Status statusOfResponse; UniqueOCSPResponse response; Date_t refreshTime; bool hasNextUpdate; bool cacheable() { return (statusOfResponse == ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked) || hasNextUpdate; } Milliseconds fetchNewResponseDuration() { Milliseconds timeBeforeNextUpdate = refreshTime - Date_t::now(); if (timeBeforeNextUpdate < Milliseconds(0)) { return Milliseconds(0); } // If the setParameter for OCSPStaplingRefreshPeriodSecs is too high, we want to // make sure that we are never left without a stapled OCSP response because we // were not refreshing fast enough. if (kOCSPStaplingRefreshPeriodSecs != -1 && kOCSPStaplingRefreshPeriodSecs < durationCount(timeBeforeNextUpdate - Seconds(60 + gTLSOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs))) { return Milliseconds(Seconds(kOCSPStaplingRefreshPeriodSecs)); } return timeBeforeNextUpdate / 2; } Date_t nextStapleRefresh() { return refreshTime; } }; std::vector convertX509ToDERVec(X509* cert) { auto len = i2d_X509(cert, nullptr); uassert(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, "Could not convert certificate to DER representation", len > 0); std::vector x509Vec(len); auto ptr = x509Vec.data(); len = i2d_X509(cert, &ptr); return x509Vec; } std::vector> convertStackOfX509ToDERVec(STACK_OF(X509) * chain) { int numCerts = sk_X509_num(chain); if (numCerts < 0) { return {}; } std::vector> retVector(numCerts); for (int i = 0; i < numCerts; i++) { retVector.emplace_back(convertX509ToDERVec(sk_X509_value(chain, i))); } return retVector; } struct OCSPCacheKey { OCSPCacheKey(UniqueX509 cert, SSL_CTX* context, UniqueVerifiedChainPolyfill intermediateCerts) : peerCert(std::move(cert)), context(context), intermediateCerts(std::move(intermediateCerts)), peerCertBuffer(convertX509ToDERVec(peerCert.get())), chainBuffer(convertStackOfX509ToDERVec(intermediateCerts.get())) {} template friend H AbslHashValue(H h, const OCSPCacheKey& key) { return H::combine(std::move(h), key.peerCertBuffer, key.chainBuffer, key.context); } bool operator==(const OCSPCacheKey key) const { return peerCertBuffer == key.peerCertBuffer && context == key.context && chainBuffer == key.chainBuffer; } std::shared_ptr peerCert; SSL_CTX* context; std::shared_ptr intermediateCerts; std::vector peerCertBuffer; std::vector> chainBuffer; }; /** * This function takes an individual certificate and adds its OCSP certificate ID * to the ocspRequestMap. See comment in extractOcspUris for details. */ StatusWith> addOCSPUrlToMap( X509* cert, X509* issuerCert, std::map& ocspRequestMap, OCSPCertIDSet& uniqueCertIds) { UniqueOpenSSLStringStack aiaOCSP(X509_get1_ocsp(cert)); std::vector responders; if (!aiaOCSP) { return responders; } // Iterate through all the values in the Authority Information Access extension in // the certificate to get the location of the OCSP responder. for (int i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(aiaOCSP.get()); i++) { int useSSL = 0; char *host, *port, *path; ScopeGuard OCSPStrGuard([&] { if (host) { OPENSSL_free(host); } if (port) { OPENSSL_free(port); } if (path) { OPENSSL_free(path); } }); if (!OCSP_parse_url( sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(aiaOCSP.get(), i), &host, &port, &path, &useSSL)) { return getSSLFailure("Could not parse AIA url."); } HostAndPort hostAndPort(str::stream() << host << ":" << port); UniqueCertId certID = getCertIdForCert(cert, issuerCert); if (!certID) { return getSSLFailure("Could not get certificate ID for Map."); } UniqueCertId certIDForArray = getCertIdForCert(cert, issuerCert); if (certIDForArray == nullptr) { return getSSLFailure("Could not get certificate ID for Array."); } OCSPRequestAndIDs reqAndIDs{UniqueOCSPRequest(OCSP_REQUEST_new()), OCSPCertIDSet()}; auto [mapIter, _] = ocspRequestMap.try_emplace(str::stream() << host << ":" << port << path, std::move(reqAndIDs)); responders.emplace_back(str::stream() << host << ":" << port << path); OCSP_request_add0_id(mapIter->second.request.get(), certID.release()); mapIter->second.certIDs.insert(std::move(certIDForArray)); } UniqueCertId certIDForSet = getCertIdForCert(cert, issuerCert); if (!certIDForSet) { return getSSLFailure("Could not get certificate ID for Set."); } uniqueCertIds.insert(std::move(certIDForSet)); return responders; } Future retrieveOCSPResponse(const std::string& host, OCSPRequestAndIDs& ocspRequestAndIDs, OCSPPurpose purpose) { auto& [ocspReq, certIDs] = ocspRequestAndIDs; // Decompose the OCSP request into a DER encoded OCSP request auto len = i2d_OCSP_REQUEST(ocspReq.get(), nullptr); std::vector buffer; if (len <= 0) { return getSSLFailure("Could not decode response from responder."); } buffer.resize(len); auto bufferData = buffer.data(); if (i2d_OCSP_REQUEST(ocspReq.get(), &bufferData) < 0) { return getSSLFailure("Could not convert type OCSP Response to DER encoded object."); } if (!OCSPManager::get(getGlobalServiceContext())) { return getSSLFailure("OCSP fetch could not complete, server is in shutdown mode."); } // Query the OCSP responder return OCSPManager::get(getGlobalServiceContext()) ->requestStatus(buffer, host, purpose) .then([](std::vector responseData) mutable -> StatusWith { const uint8_t* respDataPtr = responseData.data(); // Convert the Response back to a OpenSSL known format UniqueOCSPResponse response( d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE(nullptr, &respDataPtr, responseData.size())); if (response == nullptr) { return getSSLFailure("Could not retrieve OCSP Response."); } return std::move(response); }); } bool certIdsMatch(const UniqueCertId& reqCertId, const UniqueCertId& rspCertId, X509* issuerCert) { if (!(OCSP_id_cmp(rspCertId.get(), reqCertId.get()))) { // all CertID fields match return true; } ASN1_OBJECT* rspHashAlgo = nullptr; ASN1_INTEGER* rspSerial = nullptr; ASN1_INTEGER* reqSerial = nullptr; if (!(OCSP_id_get0_info(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &reqSerial, reqCertId.get()))) { LOGV2_DEBUG(6031001, 3, "Failed to obtain field values from OCSP request CertID"); return false; } if (!(OCSP_id_get0_info(nullptr, &rspHashAlgo, nullptr, &rspSerial, rspCertId.get()))) { LOGV2_DEBUG(6031002, 3, "Failed to obtain field values from OCSP response CertID"); return false; } if (ASN1_INTEGER_cmp(rspSerial, reqSerial)) { // serial numbers don't match return false; } // It is possible that the issuer hashes did not match because // the hash algorithm used is different, so we have to re-hash the // requested issuer name & key using the algorithm in the response, and // do another comparison. auto md = EVP_get_digestbyobj(rspHashAlgo); if (!md) { // unrecognized digest algorithm, skip LOGV2_DEBUG(6031000, 3, "Received an OCSP CertID with an unknown hash algorithm"); return false; } auto newReqCertId = UniqueCertId(OCSP_cert_id_new( md, X509_get_subject_name(issuerCert), X509_get0_pubkey_bitstr(issuerCert), reqSerial)); // Compare just the issuer hashes here since the serial numbers are known to be the same. if (!(OCSP_id_issuer_cmp(newReqCertId.get(), rspCertId.get()))) { // issuers matched return true; } return false; } /** * This function iterates over the basic response object from the OCSP response object * and returns a set of Certificate IDs that are there in the response and a date object * which represents the time when the Response needs to be refreshed. */ StatusWith>> iterateResponse( OCSP_BASICRESP* basicResp, X509* issuerCert, const OCSPCertIDSet& certIdsInRequest) { boost::optional earliestNextUpdate = boost::none; OCSPCertIDSet certIdsInResponse; // Iterate over all the certificates in the Response, mainly to see if any // of them have been revoked. int count = OCSP_resp_count(basicResp); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { OCSP_SINGLERESP* singleResp = OCSP_resp_get0(basicResp, i); if (!singleResp) { return getSSLFailure("OCSP Basic Response invalid: Missing response."); } auto certId = UniqueCertId( OCSP_CERTID_dup(const_cast(OCSP_SINGLERESP_get0_id(singleResp)))); // This is O(n), but certIdsInRequest is expected to only contain just // one CertID in it anyways, so this should be no big deal if (std::none_of(certIdsInRequest.begin(), certIdsInRequest.end(), [&certId, &issuerCert](const UniqueCertId& reqCertId) { return certIdsMatch(reqCertId, certId, issuerCert); })) { // skip irrelevant certificates continue; } certIdsInResponse.insert(std::move(certId)); int reason; ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *revtime, *thisupd, *nextupd; auto status = OCSP_single_get0_status(singleResp, &reason, &revtime, &thisupd, &nextupd); if (status == V_OCSP_CERTSTATUS_REVOKED) { return getSSLFailure(ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked, str::stream() << "OCSP Certificate Status: Revoked. Reason: " << OCSP_crl_reason_str(reason)); } else if (status != V_OCSP_CERTSTATUS_GOOD) { return getSSLFailure(str::stream() << "Unexpected OCSP Certificate Status. Reason: " << status); } if (nextupd) { Date_t nextUpdateDate(convertASN1ToMillis(static_cast(nextupd))); earliestNextUpdate = earliestNextUpdate ? boost::optional(std::min(earliestNextUpdate.get(), nextUpdateDate)) : boost::optional(nextUpdateDate); } } if (certIdsInResponse.empty()) { return getSSLFailure( "OCSP Basic Response is insufficient: No single responses matched any of the expected " "cert IDs"); } if (earliestNextUpdate && earliestNextUpdate < Date_t::now()) { return getSSLFailure("OCSP Basic Response is invalid: Response is expired."); } return std::make_pair(std::move(certIdsInResponse), earliestNextUpdate); } /** * This function returns a pair of a CertID set and a Date_t object. The CertID set contains * the IDs of the certificates that the OCSP Response contains. The Date_t object is the * earliest expiration date on the OCSPResponse. */ StatusWith>> parseAndValidateOCSPResponse( SSL_CTX* context, X509_STORE* ca, OCSP_RESPONSE* response, STACK_OF(X509) * intermediateCerts, X509* issuerCert, const OCSPCertIDSet& certIdsInRequest) { // Read the overall status of the OCSP response int responseStatus = OCSP_response_status(response); switch (responseStatus) { case OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL: break; case OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_MALFORMEDREQUEST: case OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED: case OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_SIGREQUIRED: return getSSLFailure(str::stream() << "Error querying the OCSP responder, issue with OCSP request. " << "Response Status: " << responseStatus); case OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_TRYLATER: case OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_INTERNALERROR: return getSSLFailure(str::stream() << "Error querying the OCSP responder, an error occured in the " << "responder itself. Response Status: " << responseStatus); default: return getSSLFailure(str::stream() << "Error querying the OCSP responder. " << "Response Status: " << responseStatus); } UniqueOcspBasicResp basicResponse(OCSP_response_get1_basic(response)); if (!basicResponse) { return getSSLFailure("incomplete OCSP response."); } X509_STORE* store = ca == nullptr ? SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(context) : ca; // OCSP_basic_verify takes in the Response from the responder and verifies // that the signer of the OCSP response is in intermediateCerts. Then it tries // to form a chain from the signer certificate to the trusted CA in the store. if (OCSP_basic_verify(basicResponse.get(), intermediateCerts, store, 0) != 1) { return getSSLFailure("Failed to verify signature from OCSP response."); } return iterateResponse(basicResponse.get(), issuerCert, certIdsInRequest); } Future dispatchOCSPRequests(SSL_CTX* context, std::shared_ptr ca, std::shared_ptr intermediateCerts, OCSPValidationContext ocspContext, OCSPPurpose purpose) { auto& [ocspRequestMap, _, leafResponders, issuer] = ocspContext; struct OCSPCompletionState { OCSPCompletionState(int numRequests_, Promise promise_, std::shared_ptr intermediateCerts_, OCSPValidationContext ocspContext_) : finishLine(numRequests_), promise(std::move(promise_)), intermediateCerts(std::move(intermediateCerts_)), ocspContext(std::move(ocspContext_)) {} StrongWeakFinishLine finishLine; Promise promise; std::shared_ptr intermediateCerts; OCSPValidationContext ocspContext; }; if (purpose == OCSPPurpose::kClientVerify) { LOGV2_INFO(6144501, "Dispatching OCSP requests for client-side verification"); } else { LOGV2_INFO(6144502, "Dispatching OCSP requests for server stapling"); } std::vector> futureResponses{}; std::vector requestedCertIDSets{}; for (auto& host : leafResponders) { auto& ocspRequestAndIDs = ocspRequestMap[host]; Future futureResponse = retrieveOCSPResponse(host, ocspRequestAndIDs, purpose); futureResponses.push_back(std::move(futureResponse)); requestedCertIDSets.push_back(&ocspRequestAndIDs.certIDs); }; auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); auto state = std::make_shared(futureResponses.size(), std::move(pf.promise), std::move(intermediateCerts), std::move(ocspContext)); auto startTimer = std::make_shared(); for (size_t i = 0; i < futureResponses.size(); i++) { auto futureResponse = std::move(futureResponses[i]); auto requestedCertIDs = requestedCertIDSets[i]; std::move(futureResponse) .getAsync([context, ca, state, requestedCertIDs, startTimer, purpose]( StatusWith swResponse) mutable { auto requestLatency = startTimer->millis(); // We use a scope guard because we only want to log the metrics once we have come to // a resolution on the status of the connection. This happens on the event of: // 1. The first OCSP response that we get that indicates the certificate is valid or // has been revoked. // 2. The last OCSP response returns and the status of the certificate is still // unknown. ScopeGuard logLatencyGuard([requestLatency, purpose]() { if (purpose != OCSPPurpose::kClientVerify || !gEnableDetailedConnectionHealthMetricLogLines) { return; } LOGV2_INFO(6840101, "Completed client-side verification of OCSP request", "verificationTimeMillis"_attr = requestLatency); }); if (!swResponse.isOK()) { if (state->finishLine.arriveWeakly()) { state->promise.setError( Status(ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusUnknown, "Could not obtain status information of certificates.")); } return; } auto swCertIDSetAndDuration = parseAndValidateOCSPResponse(context, ca.get(), swResponse.getValue().get(), state->intermediateCerts.get(), state->ocspContext.issuerCert.get(), *requestedCertIDs); if (swCertIDSetAndDuration.isOK() || swCertIDSetAndDuration.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked) { // We want to send the nextUpdate time down for the cache, so if there is a // duration value passed from parseAndValidateOCSPResponse, we send that down. // If not, we pass down a bogus response, and let the caller deal with it down // there. boost::optional nextUpdate = swCertIDSetAndDuration.isOK() ? swCertIDSetAndDuration.getValue().second : boost::none; if (state->finishLine.arriveStrongly()) { state->promise.emplaceValue(swCertIDSetAndDuration.getStatus(), std::move(swResponse.getValue()), nextUpdate); return; } } else { if (state->finishLine.arriveWeakly()) { state->promise.setError( Status(ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusUnknown, swCertIDSetAndDuration.getStatus().reason()) .withContext( "Could not obtain status information of certificates")); return; } } // Don't log any metrics if we haven't come to a decision on the validity of the // certificate yet. logLatencyGuard.dismiss(); }); } return std::move(pf.future); } /** * Iterates over a list of intermediate certificates and the peer certificate * in a chain of X509 certificates * and adds the OCSP certificate ID to the correct OCSP Request object. * OCSP Request objects need to be separated by the specific OCSP responder URI. */ StatusWith extractOcspUris(SSL_CTX* context, X509* peerCert, STACK_OF(X509) * intermediateCerts) { std::map ocspRequestMap; OCSPCertIDSet uniqueCertIds; auto swIssuerCert = getIssuerCertForCert(context, peerCert, intermediateCerts); if (!swIssuerCert.isOK()) { return swIssuerCert.getStatus(); } auto swLeafResponders = addOCSPUrlToMap(peerCert, swIssuerCert.getValue().get(), ocspRequestMap, uniqueCertIds); if (!swLeafResponders.isOK()) { return swLeafResponders.getStatus(); } auto leafResponders = std::move(swLeafResponders.getValue()); if (leafResponders.size() == 0) { return getSSLFailure("Certificate has no OCSP Responders"); } return OCSPValidationContext{std::move(ocspRequestMap), std::move(uniqueCertIds), std::move(leafResponders), std::move(swIssuerCert.getValue())}; } class OCSPCache : public ReadThroughCache { public: OCSPCache(ServiceContext* service) : ReadThroughCache(_mutex, service, _threadPool, _lookup, tlsOCSPCacheSize) { _threadPool.startup(); } static void create(ServiceContext* service) { getOCSPCache(service).emplace(service); } static void destroy(ServiceContext* service) { getOCSPCache(service).reset(); } static OCSPCache& get(ServiceContext* service) { return *getOCSPCache(service); } private: static LookupResult _lookup(OperationContext* opCtx, const OCSPCacheKey& key, const ValueHandle& unusedCachedValue) { // If there is a CRL file, we expect the CRL file to cover the certificate status // information, and therefore we don't need to make a roundtrip. if (!getSSLGlobalParams().sslCRLFile.empty()) { return LookupResult(boost::none); } auto swOCSPContext = extractOcspUris(key.context, key.peerCert.get(), key.intermediateCerts.get()); if (!swOCSPContext.isOK()) { return LookupResult(boost::none); } auto swResponse = dispatchOCSPRequests(key.context, nullptr, key.intermediateCerts, std::move(swOCSPContext.getValue()), OCSPPurpose::kClientVerify) .getNoThrow(); if (!swResponse.isOK() || !swResponse.getValue().cacheable()) { // if the response is unknown or not cacheable, (ie. because of // a missing nextUpdate field), then return none so that the // response is not cached return LookupResult(boost::none); } return LookupResult(std::move(swResponse.getValue())); } static const ServiceContext::Decoration> getOCSPCache; Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("OCSPCache::_mutex"); ThreadPool _threadPool{[] { ThreadPool::Options options; options.poolName = "OCSPCache"; options.minThreads = 0; return options; }()}; }; const ServiceContext::Decoration> OCSPCache::getOCSPCache = ServiceContext::declareDecoration>(); ServiceContext::ConstructorActionRegisterer OCSPCacheRegisterer( "CreateOCSPCache", [](ServiceContext* context) { OCSPCache::create(context); }, [](ServiceContext* context) { OCSPCache::destroy(context); }); using OCSPCacheVal = OCSPCache::ValueHandle; struct OCSPStaplingContext { OCSPStaplingContext(UniqueOCSPResponse response, Date_t nextUpdate) : sharedResponseForServer(std::move(response)), sharedResponseNextUpdate(nextUpdate) {} OCSPStaplingContext() = default; std::shared_ptr sharedResponseForServer; Date_t sharedResponseNextUpdate; }; class SSLManagerOpenSSL; /** * OCSPFetcher is responsible for periodically fetching OCSP responses. * * The first response can be optionally waited for. */ class OCSPFetcher { public: OCSPFetcher(SSLManagerOpenSSL* manager) : _manager(manager) {} /** * Start fetching OCSP responses. The first one can be optionally waited for. */ Status start(SSL_CTX* context, bool asyncOCSPStaple); /** * Stop fetching. */ void shutdown(); private: Future fetchAndStaple(Promise* promise); void startPeriodicJob(StatusWith swDurationInitial); void doPeriodicJob(); bool _isShutdownConditionLocked(WithLock); void _shutdownLocked(WithLock); private: // Hack // OpenSSL 1.1.0 = Since OpenSSL is ref counted underneath, we should use SSL_CTX_up_ref. // But we support older versions, we workaround the lack of SSL_CTX_up_ref so instead we create // a SSL* off the SSL_CTX to bump the ref count in SSL_CTX UniqueSSL _ssl{nullptr}; SSL_CTX* _context{nullptr}; X509* _cert{nullptr}; std::shared_ptr _ca; // Note: A ref is kept by all futures and the periodic job on the SSLManagerOpenSSL ensure this // object is alive. SSLManagerOpenSSL* _manager; // Weak pointer to verify that the context owning the manager above is still valid // and the manager it owns still matches the manager. std::weak_ptr _ownedByContext; Mutex _staplingMutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("OCSPStaplingJobRunner::_mutex"); PeriodicRunner::JobAnchor _ocspStaplingAnchor; bool _shutdown{false}; }; /** * OCSPRefreshBackoff implements a backoff counter that is used by the OCSPFetcher in determining * how long to wait until the next fetch retry if it encounters transient errors while communicating * with an OCSP responder. */ struct OCSPRefreshBackoff { static constexpr auto kOCSPRefreshBackoffMinimum = Milliseconds(500); OCSPRefreshBackoff(Milliseconds limit = kOCSPUnknownStatusRefreshRate) : _backoff(kOCSPRefreshBackoffMinimum), _limit(limit) {} Milliseconds getNextRefreshDuration() { auto prev = _backoff; _backoff = std::min(_limit, _backoff * 2); return prev; } Milliseconds _backoff; Milliseconds _limit; }; class SSLManagerOpenSSL : public SSLManagerInterface, public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: explicit SSLManagerOpenSSL(const SSLParams& params, const boost::optional& transientSSLParams, bool isServer); ~SSLManagerOpenSSL() { stopJobs(); } /** * Initializes an OpenSSL context according to the provided settings. Only settings which are * acceptable on non-blocking connections are set. */ Status initSSLContext(SSL_CTX* context, const SSLParams& params, ConnectionDirection direction) final; void registerOwnedBySSLContext(std::weak_ptr ownedByContext) final; std::weak_ptr getSSLContextOwner() { return *_ownedByContext; } std::shared_ptr getOCSPCertStore() { return _ocspCertStore; } SSLConnectionInterface* connect(Socket* socket) final; SSLConnectionInterface* accept(Socket* socket, const char* initialBytes, int len) final; SSLPeerInfo parseAndValidatePeerCertificateDeprecated(const SSLConnectionInterface* conn, const std::string& remoteHost, const HostAndPort& hostForLogging) final; Future parseAndValidatePeerCertificate(SSL* conn, boost::optional sni, const std::string& remoteHost, const HostAndPort& hostForLogging, const ExecutorPtr& reactor) final; /** * Sets the OCSP Response to be stapled to the TLS Connection. Sets the _ocspStaplingAnchor * object in the class. */ Status stapleOCSPResponse(SSL_CTX* context, bool asyncOCSPStaple) final; void stopJobs() final; const SSLConfiguration& getSSLConfiguration() const final { return _sslConfiguration; } bool isTransient() const final; std::string getTargetedClusterConnectionString() const final; int SSL_read(SSLConnectionInterface* conn, void* buf, int num) final; int SSL_write(SSLConnectionInterface* conn, const void* buf, int num) final; int SSL_shutdown(SSLConnectionInterface* conn) final; Future ocspClientVerification(SSL* ssl, const ExecutorPtr& reactor); SSLInformationToLog getSSLInformationToLog() const final; std::shared_ptr getOcspStaplingContext() { stdx::lock_guard guard(_sharedResponseMutex); return _ocspStaplingContext; } Milliseconds updateOcspStaplingContextWithResponse(StatusWith swResponse); private: UniqueSSLContext _serverContext; // SSL context for incoming connections UniqueSSLContext _clientContext; // SSL context for outgoing connections std::shared_ptr _ocspCertStore; // X509 Store specifically for OCSP stapling bool _weakValidation; bool _allowInvalidCertificates; bool _allowInvalidHostnames; bool _suppressNoCertificateWarning; SSLConfiguration _sslConfiguration; // If set, this manager is an instance providing authentication with remote server specified // with TransientSSLParams::targetedClusterConnectionString. const boost::optional _transientSSLParams; // Weak pointer to verify that this manager is still owned by this context. synchronized_value> _ownedByContext; Mutex _sharedResponseMutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("OCSPStaplingJobRunner::_sharedResponseMutex"); std::shared_ptr _ocspStaplingContext; OCSPFetcher _fetcher; OCSPRefreshBackoff _fetcherBackoff; /** Password caching helper class. * Objects of this type will remember the config provided password they had access to at * construction. * If the config provides no password, fetching will invoke OpenSSL's password prompting * routine, and cache the outcome. */ class PasswordFetcher { public: PasswordFetcher(StringData configParameter, StringData prompt) : _password(configParameter.begin(), configParameter.end()), _prompt(prompt.toString()) { invariant(!prompt.empty()); } /** Either returns a cached password, or prompts the user to enter one. */ StatusWith fetchPassword() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); if (_password->size()) { return StringData(_password->c_str()); } std::array pwBuf; int ret = EVP_read_pw_string(pwBuf.data(), pwBuf.size() - 1, _prompt.c_str(), 0); pwBuf.at(pwBuf.size() - 1) = '\0'; if (ret != 0) { StringBuilder error; if (ret == -1) { error << "Failed to read user provided decryption password: " << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error()); } else { error << "Failed to read user provided decryption password"; } return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, error.str()); } _password = SecureString(pwBuf.data()); return StringData(_password->c_str()); } /** * This method can only return a cached password and never prompts. * @returns cached password if available, error if password is not cached. */ StatusWith fetchCachedPasswordNoPrompt() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); if (_password->size()) { return StringData(_password->c_str()); } return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, "Failed to return a cached password, cannot prompt."); } private: Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("PasswordFetcher::_mutex"); SecureString _password; // Protected by _mutex std::string _prompt; }; PasswordFetcher _serverPEMPassword; PasswordFetcher _clusterPEMPassword; /** * creates an SSL object to be used for this file descriptor. * caller must SSL_free it. */ SSL* _secure(SSL_CTX* context, int fd); /** * Given an error code from an SSL-type IO function, logs an * appropriate message and throws a NetworkException. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void _handleSSLError(SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn, int ret); /* * Init the SSL context using parameters provided in params. This SSL context will * be configured for blocking send/receive. */ bool _initSynchronousSSLContext(UniqueSSLContext* context, const SSLParams& params, ConnectionDirection direction); /* * Parse and store x509 subject name from the PEM keyfile. * For server instances check that PEM certificate is not expired * and extract server certificate notAfter date. * @param keyFile referencing the PEM file to be read. * @param subjectName as a pointer to the subject name variable being set. * @param verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName to generate warning if SAN is absent. * @param serverNotAfter a Date_t object pointer that is valued if the * date is to be checked (as for a server certificate) and null otherwise. * @return Status::Ok showing if the function was successful. */ Status _parseAndValidateCertificate(const std::string& keyFile, PasswordFetcher* keyPassword, SSLX509Name* subjectName, bool verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, Date_t* serverNotAfter); Status _parseAndValidateCertificateFromBIO(UniqueBIO inBio, PasswordFetcher* keyPassword, StringData fileNameForLogging, SSLX509Name* subjectName, bool verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, Date_t* serverNotAfter); Status _parseAndValidateCertificateFromMemory(StringData buffer, PasswordFetcher* keyPassword, SSLX509Name* subjectName, bool verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, Date_t* serverNotAfter); /* * Parse and return x509 object from the provided keyfile. * @param keyFile referencing the PEM file to be read. * @param keyPassword password to the PEM file. * @return UniqueX509 object parsed from the keyfile. */ UniqueX509 _getX509Object(StringData keyFile, const PasswordFetcher* keyPassword) const; /* * Retrieve and store certificate information from the provided UniqueX509 object. * @param x509 referencing the UniqueX509 object to query. * @param info as a pointer to the CertInformationToLog struct to populate * with the information. */ static void _getX509CertInfo(UniqueX509& x509, CertInformationToLog* info, boost::optional keyFile, boost::optional targetClusterURI); /* * Retrieve and store CRL information from the provided CRL filename. * @param crlFile referencing the CRL filename * @param info as a pointer to the CRLInformationToLog struct to populate * with the information. */ void _getCRLInfo(StringData crlFile, CRLInformationToLog* info) const; struct ParsedPeerExtensions { stdx::unordered_set roles; boost::optional clusterMembership; }; StatusWith _parsePeerExtensions(X509* peerCert) const; // Fetches NID for mongodbRolesOID constant. static int _getMongoDbRolesNID() { return sMongoDbRolesNID; } // Fetches NID for mongodbClusterMembershipOID constant. static int _getMongoDbClusterMembershipNID() { return sMongoDbClusterMembershipNID; } StatusWith>> _parseTLSFeature(X509* peerCert) const; /** @return true if was successful, otherwise false */ bool _setupPEM(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& keyFile, PasswordFetcher* password) const; /** * @param payload in-memory payload of a PEM file * @return true if was successful, otherwise false */ bool _setupPEMFromMemoryPayload(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& payload, PasswordFetcher* password, StringData targetClusterURI) const; /** * Setup PEM from BIO, which could be file or memory input abstraction. * @param inBio input BIO, where smart pointer is created with a custom deleter to call * 'BIO_free()'. * @param keyFile if the certificate was loaded from file, this is the file name. If empty, * it means the certificate came from memory payload. * @param targetClusterURI If the certificate targets a particular cluster, this is cluster URI. * If empty, it means the certificate is the default one for the local cluster. * @return true if was successful, otherwise false */ bool _setupPEMFromBIO(SSL_CTX* context, UniqueBIO inBio, PasswordFetcher* password, boost::optional keyFile, boost::optional targetClusterURI) const; /** * Loads a certificate chain from memory into context. * This method is intended to be a repalcement of API call SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file() * but using memory instead of file. * @return true if was successful, otherwise false */ static bool _readCertificateChainFromMemory(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& payload, PasswordFetcher* password, boost::optional targetClusterURI); /* * Set up an SSL context for certificate validation by loading a CA */ Status _setupCA(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& caFile); /* * Set up an SSL context for certificate validation by loading the system's CA store */ Status _setupSystemCA(SSL_CTX* context); /* * Import a certificate revocation list into an SSL context * for use with validating certificates */ bool _setupCRL(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& crlFile); /* * sub function for checking the result of an SSL operation */ bool _doneWithSSLOp(SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn, int status); /* * Send and receive network data */ void _flushNetworkBIO(SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn); /* * Utility method to process the result returned by password Fetcher. */ static int _processPasswordFetcherOutput(StatusWith* fetcherResult, char* buf, int num, int rwflag); /** * Callbacks for SSL functions. */ static int password_cb(char* buf, int num, int rwflag, void* userdata); /** * Special flawor of password callback, which always fails. * @return -1. */ static int always_error_password_cb(char* buf, int num, int rwflag, void* userdata); static int servername_cb(SSL* s, int* al, void* arg); static int verify_cb(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx); }; } // namespace // Global variable indicating if this is a server or a client instance bool isSSLServer = false; extern SSLManagerCoordinator* theSSLManagerCoordinator; MONGO_INITIALIZER_WITH_PREREQUISITES(SSLManager, ("SetupOpenSSL", "EndStartupOptionHandling")) (InitializerContext*) { if (!isSSLServer || (sslGlobalParams.sslMode.load() != SSLParams::SSLMode_disabled)) { theSSLManagerCoordinator = new SSLManagerCoordinator(); } sMongoDbRolesNID = OBJ_create(mongodbRolesOID.identifier.c_str(), mongodbRolesOID.shortDescription.c_str(), mongodbRolesOID.longDescription.c_str()); sMongoDbClusterMembershipNID = OBJ_create(mongodbClusterMembershipOID.identifier.c_str(), mongodbClusterMembershipOID.shortDescription.c_str(), mongodbClusterMembershipOID.longDescription.c_str()); } std::shared_ptr SSLManagerInterface::create( const SSLParams& params, const boost::optional& transientSSLParams, bool isServer) { return std::make_shared(params, transientSSLParams, isServer); } std::shared_ptr SSLManagerInterface::create(const SSLParams& params, bool isServer) { return std::make_shared( params, boost::optional{}, isServer); } SSLX509Name getCertificateSubjectX509Name(X509* cert) { auto name = X509_get_subject_name(cert); return convertX509ToSSLX509Name(name); } int verifyDHParameters(const UniqueDHParams& dhparams) { int codes = 0; ::DH_check(dhparams.get(), &codes); const BIGNUM* p = nullptr; const BIGNUM* g = nullptr; DH_get0_pqg(dhparams.get(), &p, nullptr, &g); // Many RFC's define DH parameters where 2 is listed as the generator for the group. If p = 11 // mod 24, then 2 generates the entire group. However, it becomes trivial for an attacker to // determine the lsb of any shared secret. Instead of leaking this bit, the RFC designers chose // primes which halve the number of possible shared secrets. Since 2 does not generate the // entire group associated with such primes, OpenSSL fails the DH_check with // DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR. Since leaking a single bit and halving the number of possible // shared secrets is essentially the same thing, we manually check for it here (p = 23 mod 24) // and strip out the errors as necessary. See Appendix E of RFC 2412. if (BN_is_word(g, DH_GENERATOR_2)) { long residue = BN_mod_word(p, 24); if (residue == 11 || residue == 23) { codes &= ~DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR; } } return codes; } UniqueDHParams makeDefaultDHParameters() { UniqueDHParams dhparams(::DH_new()); if (!dhparams) { return nullptr; } UniqueBIGNUM p(::BN_bin2bn(ffdhe3072_p.data(), ffdhe3072_p.size(), nullptr)); UniqueBIGNUM g(::BN_bin2bn(&ffdhe3072_g, sizeof(ffdhe3072_g), nullptr)); if (!p || !g) { return nullptr; } if (DH_set0_pqg(dhparams.get(), p.get(), nullptr, g.get()) != 1) { return nullptr; } // DH takes over memory management responsibilities after successfully setting these p.release(); g.release(); return dhparams; } SSLConnectionOpenSSL::SSLConnectionOpenSSL(SSL_CTX* context, Socket* sock, const char* initialBytes, int len) : socket(sock) { ssl = SSL_new(context); std::string sslErr = SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error()); massert(15861, "Error creating new SSL object " + sslErr, ssl); BIO_new_bio_pair(&internalBIO, BUFFER_SIZE, &networkBIO, BUFFER_SIZE); SSL_set_bio(ssl, internalBIO, internalBIO); if (len > 0) { int toBIO = BIO_write(networkBIO, initialBytes, len); if (toBIO != len) { LOGV2_DEBUG(23223, 3, "Failed to write initial network data to the SSL BIO layer"); throwSocketError(SocketErrorKind::RECV_ERROR, socket->remoteString()); } } } SSLConnectionOpenSSL::~SSLConnectionOpenSSL() { if (ssl) { // The internalBIO is automatically freed as part of SSL_free SSL_free(ssl); } if (networkBIO) { BIO_free(networkBIO); } } SSLManagerOpenSSL::SSLManagerOpenSSL(const SSLParams& params, const boost::optional& transientSSLParams, bool isServer) : _serverContext(nullptr), _clientContext(nullptr), _ocspCertStore(nullptr), _weakValidation(params.sslWeakCertificateValidation), _allowInvalidCertificates(params.sslAllowInvalidCertificates), _allowInvalidHostnames(params.sslAllowInvalidHostnames), _suppressNoCertificateWarning(params.suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning), _transientSSLParams(transientSSLParams), _fetcher(this), _serverPEMPassword(params.sslPEMKeyPassword, "Enter PEM passphrase"), _clusterPEMPassword(params.sslClusterPassword, "Enter cluster certificate passphrase") { if (!_initSynchronousSSLContext(&_clientContext, params, ConnectionDirection::kOutgoing)) { uasserted(16768, "ssl initialization problem"); } if (_transientSSLParams.has_value()) { // No other initialization is necessary: this is egress connection manager that // is not using local PEM files. LOGV2_DEBUG(54090, 1, "Default params are ignored for transient SSL manager"); return; } // pick the certificate for use in outgoing connections, std::string clientPEM; PasswordFetcher* clientPassword; if (!isServer || params.sslClusterFile.empty()) { // We are either a client, or a server without a cluster key, // so use the PEM key file, if specified clientPEM = params.sslPEMKeyFile; clientPassword = &_serverPEMPassword; } else { // We are a server with a cluster key, so use the cluster key file clientPEM = params.sslClusterFile; clientPassword = &_clusterPEMPassword; } if (!clientPEM.empty()) { auto status = _parseAndValidateCertificate( clientPEM, clientPassword, &_sslConfiguration.clientSubjectName, false, nullptr); uassertStatusOKWithContext( status, str::stream() << "ssl client initialization problem for certificate: " << clientPEM); } // SSL server specific initialization if (isServer) { if (!_initSynchronousSSLContext(&_serverContext, params, ConnectionDirection::kIncoming)) { uasserted(16562, "ssl initialization problem"); } SSLX509Name serverSubjectName; auto status = _parseAndValidateCertificate(params.sslPEMKeyFile, &_serverPEMPassword, &serverSubjectName, true, &_sslConfiguration.serverCertificateExpirationDate); uassertStatusOKWithContext(status, str::stream() << "ssl server initialization problem for certificate: " << params.sslPEMKeyFile); uassertStatusOK(_sslConfiguration.setServerSubjectName(std::move(serverSubjectName))); uassertStatusOK(_sslConfiguration.setClusterAuthX509Config()); CertificateExpirationMonitor::get()->updateExpirationDeadline( _sslConfiguration.serverCertificateExpirationDate); if (tlsOCSPEnabled) { OpenSSLDeleter deleter; _ocspCertStore = std::shared_ptr(X509_STORE_new(), deleter); if (!_ocspCertStore) { uasserted(5771600, "failed to allocate X509 store for OCSP fetcher"); } LOGV2_DEBUG(5771602, 1, "Loading ocsp store", "cafile"_attr = params.sslCAFile); int result = params.sslCAFile.empty() ? X509_STORE_set_default_paths(_ocspCertStore.get()) : X509_STORE_load_locations( _ocspCertStore.get(), params.sslCAFile.c_str(), nullptr); if (result == 0) { uasserted(5771601, "failed to load certificates into OCSP X509 store"); } } } } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::password_cb(char* buf, int num, int rwflag, void* userdata) { invariant(userdata); auto pwFetcher = static_cast(userdata); auto swPassword = pwFetcher->fetchPassword(); return _processPasswordFetcherOutput(&swPassword, buf, num, rwflag); } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::always_error_password_cb(char* buf, int num, int rwflag, void* userdata) { return -1; } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::_processPasswordFetcherOutput(StatusWith* swPassword, char* buf, int num, int rwflag) { // Unless OpenSSL misbehaves, num should always be positive fassert(17314, num > 0); if (!swPassword->isOK()) { LOGV2_ERROR(23239, "Unable to fetch password", "error"_attr = swPassword->getStatus()); return -1; } StringData password = std::move(swPassword->getValue()); const size_t copyCount = std::min(password.size(), static_cast(num)); std::copy_n(password.begin(), copyCount, buf); buf[copyCount] = '\0'; return copyCount; } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::servername_cb(SSL* s, int* al, void* arg) { // Unconditionally accept the SNI presented by the client. This will ensure that if the client // later performs session resumption, subsequent connections will still have access to the SNI. return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::verify_cb(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx) { return 1; // always succeed; we will catch the error in our get_verify_result() call } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::SSL_read(SSLConnectionInterface* connInterface, void* buf, int num) { int status; SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn = checked_cast(connInterface); do { status = ::SSL_read(conn->ssl, buf, num); } while (!_doneWithSSLOp(conn, status)); if (status <= 0) _handleSSLError(conn, status); return status; } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::SSL_write(SSLConnectionInterface* connInterface, const void* buf, int num) { int status; SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn = checked_cast(connInterface); do { status = ::SSL_write(conn->ssl, buf, num); } while (!_doneWithSSLOp(conn, status)); if (status <= 0) _handleSSLError(conn, status); return status; } int SSLManagerOpenSSL::SSL_shutdown(SSLConnectionInterface* connInterface) { int status; SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn = checked_cast(connInterface); do { status = ::SSL_shutdown(conn->ssl); } while (!_doneWithSSLOp(conn, status)); if (status < 0) _handleSSLError(conn, status); return status; } int ocspServerCallback(SSL* ssl, void* arg) { std::shared_ptr context = static_cast(arg)->getOcspStaplingContext(); if (!context || !context->sharedResponseForServer) { return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK; } unsigned char* ocspResponseBuffer = NULL; int length = i2d_OCSP_RESPONSE(context->sharedResponseForServer.get(), &ocspResponseBuffer); if (length == 0) { return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK; } SSL_set_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp(ssl, ocspResponseBuffer, length); return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; } // If the OCSP response says any certificate is revoked, we return the error code associated with // that. If the function returns a StatusWith, the peer certificate is verified. If the // function returns false, the peer certificate has not yet been verified. StatusWith verifyStapledResponse(SSL* conn, X509* peerCert, OCSP_RESPONSE* response) { UniqueOpenSSLStringStack aiaOCSP(X509_get1_ocsp(peerCert)); if (!aiaOCSP) { return true; } // OCSP checks. AIA stands for the Authority Information Access x509 extension. ERR_clear_error(); auto intermediateCerts = SSLgetVerifiedChain(conn); auto context = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(conn); auto swIssuerCert = getIssuerCertForCert(context, peerCert, intermediateCerts.get()); if (!swIssuerCert.isOK()) { return swIssuerCert.getStatus(); } auto issuerCert = std::move(swIssuerCert.getValue()); auto certId = getCertIdForCert(peerCert, issuerCert.get()); OCSPCertIDSet requestedCertIds; requestedCertIds.insert(std::move(certId)); auto swCertIDSetAndDuration = parseAndValidateOCSPResponse( context, nullptr, response, intermediateCerts.get(), issuerCert.get(), requestedCertIds); if (swCertIDSetAndDuration.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked) { return swCertIDSetAndDuration.getStatus(); } if (swCertIDSetAndDuration.isOK()) { return true; } return false; } // The definition of the callbacks // https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/man3/SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb.html constexpr int OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 0; constexpr int OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ERROR = -1; constexpr int OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ACCEPTABLE = 1; int ocspClientCallback(SSL* ssl, void* arg) { if (getSSLGlobalParams().sslAllowInvalidCertificates) { return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ACCEPTABLE; } const unsigned char* response_ptr = NULL; long length = SSL_get_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp(ssl, &response_ptr); if (length <= 0) { return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ACCEPTABLE; } UniqueX509 peerCert(SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)); if (!peerCert) { LOGV2_DEBUG(23224, 1, "Could not get peer certificate from SSL object in OCSP verification callback. " "Will continue with the connection."); return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ACCEPTABLE; } UniqueOpenSSLStringStack aiaOCSP(X509_get1_ocsp(peerCert.get())); if (!aiaOCSP) { return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ACCEPTABLE; } auto response = UniqueOCSPResponse(d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE(NULL, &response_ptr, length)); auto swStapleOK = verifyStapledResponse(ssl, peerCert.get(), response.get()); // The swStapleOK object has three states. If the status returned by the function is // ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked, that means that the peer certificate has // been revoked. If the status is OK but the value is false, that means that the respose // doesn't verify the status of the peer certificate and we need to verify that using // CRLs or check with the OCSP responder ourselves. If it is true, then we are done. if (!swStapleOK.isOK()) { if (swStapleOK.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked) { LOGV2_DEBUG(23225, 1, "Stapled OCSP Response validation failed: {error}", "Stapled OCSP Response validation failed", "error"_attr = swStapleOK.getStatus()); return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; } LOGV2_ERROR(4781101, "Stapled OCSP Response validation threw an error: {error}", "Stapled OCSP Response validation threw an error", "error"_attr = swStapleOK.getStatus()); return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ERROR; } else if (!swStapleOK.getValue()) { LOGV2_DEBUG(23226, 1, "Stapled Certificate validation failed: Stapled response does not contain " "status information regarding the peer certificate."); return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; } return OCSP_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ACCEPTABLE; } /* * According to policy decided with drivers, the shell should verify the peer certificate with the * stapled response. If that works, no more work is required. If it doesn't work, it should verify * the chain using a CRL. If no CRL is provided then the shell should reach out to the OCSP * responders itself and verify the status of the peer certificate. */ Future SSLManagerOpenSSL::ocspClientVerification(SSL* ssl, const ExecutorPtr& reactor) { const unsigned char* response_ptr = NULL; long length = SSL_get_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp(ssl, &response_ptr); UniqueX509 peerCert(SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)); auto tlsFeature = _parseTLSFeature(peerCert.get()); if (!tlsFeature.isOK()) { return tlsFeature.getStatus(); } auto features = tlsFeature.getValue(); // this DER INTEGER represents what a MustStaple feature should look like DERInteger mustStapleFeature{TLSEXT_TYPE_status_request}; bool mustStaple = features != boost::none && std::any_of(features->begin(), features->end(), [&](DERInteger feature) { return feature == mustStapleFeature; }); // If we see that we had a OCSP response, we can assume that it passed the callback // verification, so we can bypass other verification. if (length > 0) { return Status::OK(); } else if (mustStaple) { // mustStaple means the peer cert has to have a stapled response. // If length is 0, then there is no stapled response. This is bad. return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Peer certificate requires a stapled OCSP response, but none were provided."); } // Do this after everything else - only if a roundtrip is required. UniqueOpenSSLStringStack aiaOCSP(X509_get1_ocsp(peerCert.get())); if (!aiaOCSP) { return Status::OK(); } // OCSP checks. AIA stands for the Authority Information Access x509 extension. ERR_clear_error(); auto intermediateCerts = SSLgetVerifiedChain(ssl); auto context = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl); OCSPCacheKey cacheKey(std::move(peerCert), context, std::move(intermediateCerts)); // Convert auto convert = [reactor](SharedSemiFuture semifuture) mutable -> Future { if (!reactor) { return Future::makeReady(std::move(semifuture).get()); } else { auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); std::move(semifuture) .thenRunOn(reactor) .getAsync( [promise = std::move(pf.promise)](StatusWith response) mutable { if (!response.isOK()) { promise.setError(response.getStatus()); return; } promise.emplaceValue(std::move(response.getValue())); }); return std::move(pf.future); } }; auto validate = [](StatusWith swOcspFetchResponse) -> std::pair> { // OCSP Status Unknown of some kind if (!swOcspFetchResponse.isOK()) { return {Status::OK(), boost::none}; } // If lookup returns a boost::none, then it is either because the OCSP // cert status is 'Unknown', or the status is 'Good', but the response // containing this status cannot be cached due to a missing nextUpdate // time. If the status is Unknown, we still let the client connect to // the server since the server certificate is not definitively revoked if (!swOcspFetchResponse.getValue()) { return {Status::OK(), boost::none}; } return {swOcspFetchResponse.getValue()->statusOfResponse, swOcspFetchResponse.getValue()->refreshTime}; }; auto& cache = OCSPCache::get(getGlobalServiceContext()); auto refetchIfInvalidAndReturn = [&cache, cacheKey, convert, validate]( std::pair> validatedResponse) mutable -> Future { if (!validatedResponse.first.isOK() || !validatedResponse.second) { return validatedResponse.first; } auto timeNow = Date_t::now(); if (validatedResponse.second.get() < timeNow) { cache.invalidateKey(cacheKey); auto semifuture = cache.acquireAsync(cacheKey); return convert(std::move(semifuture)) .onCompletion(validate) .then([](std::pair> validateResult) { return validateResult.first; }); } return validatedResponse.first; }; auto semifuture = cache.acquireAsync(cacheKey); return convert(std::move(semifuture)).onCompletion(validate).then(refetchIfInvalidAndReturn); } using StoreCtxVerifiedChain = std::unique_ptr; /** getCertificateForContext provides access to the X509* used by the provided SSL_CTX*. * OpenSSL 1.0.2 provides SSL_CTX_get0_certificate, which provides direct access to the pointer. * OpenSSL 1.0.1 only exposes the pointer on a per-connection basis via SSL_get_certificate. * We must provide different implementations depending on the symbols available at compile-time. * On 1.0.1, we must ensure that the lifetime of SSL object is longer than the X509 pointer we're * inspecting. */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10002000L std::tuple getCertificateForContext(SSL_CTX* context) { UniqueSSL ssl(SSL_new(context)); X509* ret = SSL_get_certificate(ssl.get()); return std::make_tuple(std::move(ssl), ret); } #else std::tuple getCertificateForContext(SSL_CTX* context) { return std::make_tuple(SSL_CTX_get0_certificate(context)); } #endif #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_OCSP_STAPLING_ENABLED Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::stapleOCSPResponse(SSL_CTX* context, bool asyncOCSPStaple) { if (MONGO_unlikely(disableStapling.shouldFail()) || !tlsOCSPEnabled) { return Status::OK(); } if (!isSSLServer || isTransient()) { return Status::OK(); } return _fetcher.start(context, asyncOCSPStaple); } #else Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::stapleOCSPResponse(SSL_CTX* context, bool asyncOCSPStaple) { return Status::OK(); } #endif // MONGO_CONFIG_OCSP_STAPLING_ENABLED Status OCSPFetcher::start(SSL_CTX* context, bool asyncOCSPStaple) { // Increment the ref count on SSL_CTX by creating a SSL object so that our context lives with // the OCSPFetcher _ssl = UniqueSSL(SSL_new(context)); _ca = _manager->getOCSPCertStore(); invariant(_ca); _context = context; _ownedByContext = _manager->getSSLContextOwner(); // Verify the consistent link between manager and the context that owns it. invariant(_ownedByContext.lock()->manager.get() == _manager); auto certificateHolder = getCertificateForContext(_context); _cert = std::get(certificateHolder); if (!_cert) { return getSSLFailure( "Could not staple because could not get certificate from SSL Context."); } UniqueOpenSSLStringStack aiaOCSP(X509_get1_ocsp(_cert)); if (!aiaOCSP) { return Status::OK(); } auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); auto promisePtr = &pf.promise; if (asyncOCSPStaple) { promisePtr = nullptr; } fetchAndStaple(promisePtr) .getAsync([this, sm = _manager->shared_from_this()]( StatusWith swDurationInitial) mutable { if (!swDurationInitial.isOK()) { LOGV2_WARNING(5512202, "Server was unable to staple OCSP Response", "reason"_attr = swDurationInitial.getStatus()); } startPeriodicJob(swDurationInitial); }); SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb(context, ocspServerCallback); SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_arg(context, static_cast(_manager)); if (!asyncOCSPStaple) { Status stapleStatus = pf.future.getNoThrow(); if (stapleStatus == ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked) { return Status(ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusRevoked, str::stream() << "Certificate is revoked" << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } } return Status::OK(); } Milliseconds getPeriodForStapleJob(StatusWith swDuration) { if (!swDuration.isOK()) { return kOCSPUnknownStatusRefreshRate; } else { return swDuration.getValue(); } } void OCSPFetcher::startPeriodicJob(StatusWith swDurationInitial) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_staplingMutex); if (_ocspStaplingAnchor) { return; } if (_isShutdownConditionLocked(lock)) { return; } _ocspStaplingAnchor = getGlobalServiceContext()->getPeriodicRunner()->makeJob(PeriodicRunner::PeriodicJob( "OCSP Fetch and Staple", [this, sm = _manager->shared_from_this()](Client* client) { doPeriodicJob(); }, getPeriodForStapleJob(swDurationInitial), // TODO(SERVER-74660): Please revisit if this periodic job could be made killable. false /*isKillableByStepdown*/)); _ocspStaplingAnchor.start(); } void OCSPFetcher::doPeriodicJob() { fetchAndStaple(nullptr).getAsync( [this, sm = _manager->shared_from_this()](StatusWith swDuration) { if (!swDuration.isOK()) { LOGV2_WARNING(5512201, "Server was unable to staple OCSP Response", "reason"_attr = swDuration.getStatus()); } stdx::lock_guard lock(this->_staplingMutex); if (_isShutdownConditionLocked(lock)) { return; } this->_ocspStaplingAnchor.setPeriod(getPeriodForStapleJob(swDuration)); }); } bool OCSPFetcher::_isShutdownConditionLocked(WithLock lock) { if (_shutdown) { return true; } const auto lockedContext = _ownedByContext.lock(); const auto lockedContextFromManager = _manager->getSSLContextOwner().lock(); if (!lockedContext) { LOGV2(5760101, "SSLConnectionContext that should own the manager for the active OCSPFetcher is " "deleted"); _shutdownLocked(lock); return true; } if (lockedContext.get() != lockedContextFromManager.get()) { LOGV2_WARNING(5760102, "SSLConnectionContext that should own the manager for the active OCSPFetcher " "doesn't match"); _shutdownLocked(lock); return true; } return false; } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L void sslContextGetOtherCerts(SSL_CTX* ctx, STACK_OF(X509) * *sk) { SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs(ctx, sk); } #else void sslContextGetOtherCerts(SSL_CTX* ctx, STACK_OF(X509) * *sk) { SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs(ctx, sk); } #endif Future OCSPFetcher::fetchAndStaple(Promise* promise) { LOGV2_INFO(577164, "OCSP fetch/staple started"); // Generate a new verified X509StoreContext to get our own certificate chain UniqueX509StoreCtx storeCtx(X509_STORE_CTX_new()); if (!storeCtx) { return getSSLFailure("Could not create X509 store."); } X509_STORE* store = _ca ? _ca.get() : SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(_context); if (X509_STORE_CTX_init(storeCtx.get(), store, NULL, NULL) == 0) { return getSSLFailure("Could not initialize the X509 Store Context."); } X509_STORE_CTX_set_cert(storeCtx.get(), _cert); STACK_OF(X509) * sk; sslContextGetOtherCerts(_context, &sk); X509_STORE_CTX_set_chain(storeCtx.get(), sk); if (X509_verify_cert(storeCtx.get()) <= 0) { return getSSLFailure("Could not verify X509 certificate store for OCSP Stapling."); } // Extract the chain from the verified X509StoreCtx StoreCtxVerifiedChain intermediateCerts(X509_STORE_CTX_get1_chain(storeCtx.get())); // Continue with OCSP Stapling logic auto swOCSPContext = extractOcspUris(_context, _cert, intermediateCerts.get()); if (!swOCSPContext.isOK()) { LOGV2_WARNING(23232, "Could not staple OCSP response to outgoing certificate."); return swOCSPContext.getStatus(); } return dispatchOCSPRequests(_context, _ca, std::move(intermediateCerts), std::move(swOCSPContext.getValue()), OCSPPurpose::kStaple) .onCompletion( [this, promise](StatusWith swResponse) mutable -> Milliseconds { LOGV2_INFO(577165, "OCSP fetch/staple completion"); stdx::lock_guard lock(this->_staplingMutex); if (_isShutdownConditionLocked(lock)) { return kOCSPUnknownStatusRefreshRate; } // protect against pf going out of scope when asynchronous if (promise != nullptr) { promise->setWith([&] { return (swResponse == ErrorCodes::OCSPCertificateStatusUnknown) ? Status::OK() : swResponse.getValue().statusOfResponse; }); } LOGV2_INFO(577163, "OCSP response", "status"_attr = swResponse.getStatus()); return _manager->updateOcspStaplingContextWithResponse(std::move(swResponse)); }); } void OCSPFetcher::shutdown() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_staplingMutex); _shutdownLocked(lock); } void OCSPFetcher::_shutdownLocked(WithLock) { _shutdown = true; if (_ocspStaplingAnchor.isValid()) { _ocspStaplingAnchor.stop(); _ocspStaplingAnchor.detach(); } } void SSLManagerOpenSSL::stopJobs() { _fetcher.shutdown(); } Milliseconds SSLManagerOpenSSL::updateOcspStaplingContextWithResponse( StatusWith swResponse) { stdx::lock_guard guard(_sharedResponseMutex); if (!swResponse.isOK() || !swResponse.getValue().cacheable()) { if (!swResponse.isOK()) { LOGV2_WARNING(23233, "Could not staple OCSP response to outgoing certificate."); } else { LOGV2_WARNING(6144500, "Server will not staple the OCSP response because it is missing a " "nextUpdate time."); } Milliseconds nextRefreshDuration = _fetcherBackoff.getNextRefreshDuration(); if (_ocspStaplingContext && _ocspStaplingContext->sharedResponseForServer && _ocspStaplingContext->sharedResponseNextUpdate < (Date_t::now() + nextRefreshDuration)) { _ocspStaplingContext = std::make_shared(); LOGV2_WARNING(4633601, "Server will remove and not staple the expiring OCSP Response."); } return nextRefreshDuration; } _fetcherBackoff = OCSPRefreshBackoff(); _ocspStaplingContext = std::make_shared( std::move(swResponse.getValue().response), swResponse.getValue().nextStapleRefresh()); return swResponse.getValue().fetchNewResponseDuration(); } bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::isTransient() const { return _transientSSLParams.has_value(); } std::string SSLManagerOpenSSL::getTargetedClusterConnectionString() const { if (_transientSSLParams.has_value()) { return (*_transientSSLParams).targetedClusterConnectionString.toString(); } return {}; } Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::initSSLContext(SSL_CTX* context, const SSLParams& params, ConnectionDirection direction) { if (isTransient()) { LOGV2_DEBUG(5270602, 2, "Initializing transient egress SSL context", "targetClusterConnectionString"_attr = (*_transientSSLParams).targetedClusterConnectionString); } // SSL_OP_ALL - Activate all bug workaround options, to support buggy client SSL's. // SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 - Disable SSL v2 support // SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 - Disable SSL v3 support long options = SSL_OP_ALL | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3; // Set the supported TLS protocols. Allow --sslDisabledProtocols to disable selected // ciphers. for (const SSLParams::Protocols& protocol : params.sslDisabledProtocols) { if (protocol == SSLParams::Protocols::TLS1_0) { options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1; } else if (protocol == SSLParams::Protocols::TLS1_1) { options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1; } else if (protocol == SSLParams::Protocols::TLS1_2) { options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2; } else if (protocol == SSLParams::Protocols::TLS1_3) { options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3; } } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000 // OpenSSL pre-1.1.0 isn't ABI compatable enough to ever work, so skip it. #ifndef SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION #define SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION 0x40000000U #endif if (OpenSSL_version_num() >= 0x10100080) { /* SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION added in 1.1.0h (0x10100080) * but we might be compiling with 1.1.0(a-g). * Allow this option to be specified at runtime * in this specific window. */ options |= SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION; } #endif ::SSL_CTX_set_options(context, options); if (0 == ::SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(context, params.sslCipherConfig.c_str())) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Can not set supported cipher suites with config string \"" << params.sslCipherConfig << "\": " << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } if (!params.sslCipherSuiteConfig.empty()) { // OpenSSL versions older than version 1.1.1 are not allowed to configure their cipher // suites using the sslCipherSuiteConfig flag. if (0 == ::SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites(context, params.sslCipherSuiteConfig.c_str())) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Can not set supported cipher suites with config string \"" << params.sslCipherSuiteConfig << "\": " << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } } // We use the address of the context as the session id context. if (0 == ::SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context( context, reinterpret_cast(&context), sizeof(context))) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Can not store ssl session id context: " << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } // We should accept all SNI extensions advertised by clients if (1 != SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(context, &SSLManagerOpenSSL::servername_cb)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Can not set servername callback: " << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } if (direction == ConnectionDirection::kOutgoing && _transientSSLParams) { // Transient params for outgoing connection have priority over global params. if (!_setupPEMFromMemoryPayload( context, (*_transientSSLParams).sslClusterPEMPayload, &_clusterPEMPassword, (*_transientSSLParams).targetedClusterConnectionString.toString())) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Can not set up transient ssl cluster certificate for " << (*_transientSSLParams).targetedClusterConnectionString); } auto status = _parseAndValidateCertificateFromMemory((*_transientSSLParams).sslClusterPEMPayload, &_clusterPEMPassword, &_sslConfiguration.clientSubjectName, false, nullptr); if (!status.isOK()) { return status.withContext("Could not validate transient certificate"); } } else if (direction == ConnectionDirection::kOutgoing && params.tlsWithholdClientCertificate) { // Do not send a client certificate if they have been suppressed. } else if (direction == ConnectionDirection::kOutgoing && !params.sslClusterFile.empty()) { // Use the configured clusterFile as our client certificate. if (!_setupPEM(context, params.sslClusterFile, &_clusterPEMPassword)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Can not set up ssl clusterFile."); } } else if (!params.sslPEMKeyFile.empty()) { // Use the base pemKeyFile for any other outgoing connections, // as well as all incoming connections. if (!_setupPEM(context, params.sslPEMKeyFile, &_serverPEMPassword)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Can not set up PEM key file."); } } std::string cafile = params.sslCAFile; if (direction == ConnectionDirection::kIncoming && !params.sslClusterCAFile.empty()) { cafile = params.sslClusterCAFile; } const auto status = cafile.empty() ? _setupSystemCA(context) : _setupCA(context, cafile); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } if (!params.sslCRLFile.empty()) { if (!_setupCRL(context, params.sslCRLFile)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Can not set up CRL file."); } } if (tlsOCSPEnabled) { if (direction == SSLManagerInterface::ConnectionDirection::kOutgoing) { // This should only induce an extra network call if there is no stapled response // and there is no CRL. SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb(context, ocspClientCallback); SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_arg(context, nullptr); } } if (!params.sslPEMTempDHParam.empty()) { try { std::ifstream dhparamPemFile(params.sslPEMTempDHParam, std::ios_base::binary); if (dhparamPemFile.fail() || dhparamPemFile.bad()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Cannot open PEM DHParams file."); } std::vector paramData{std::istreambuf_iterator(dhparamPemFile), std::istreambuf_iterator()}; auto bio = makeUniqueMemBio(paramData); UniqueDHParams dhparams(::PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if (!dhparams) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Error reading DHParams file." << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } if (::SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(context, dhparams.get()) != 1) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Failure to set PFS DH parameters: " << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, ex.what()); } } // We always set ECDH mode anyhow, if available. if (enableECDHE(context)) { // If we enable ECDHE successfully, we can also enable DHE without breaking compatibility // with Java 7. Java 7 clients are unable to use DHE with strong parameters, but they will // ignore that we advertise it if we advertise ECDHE first, which it does support. // If opensslDiffieHellmanParameters has been specified, we set it above (even if ECDHE is // not enabled). Otherwise, we use a default, (currently) strong DHE parameter. if (params.sslPEMTempDHParam.empty()) { UniqueDHParams dhparams = makeDefaultDHParameters(); if (!dhparams || SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(context, dhparams.get()) != 1) { LOGV2_ERROR(23240, "Failed to set default DH parameters: {error}", "Failed to set default DH parameters", "error"_attr = getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } } } return Status::OK(); } void SSLManagerOpenSSL::registerOwnedBySSLContext( std::weak_ptr ownedByContext) { _ownedByContext = ownedByContext; } bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::_initSynchronousSSLContext(UniqueSSLContext* contextPtr, const SSLParams& params, ConnectionDirection direction) { *contextPtr = UniqueSSLContext(SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method())); uassertStatusOK(initSSLContext(contextPtr->get(), params, direction)); // If renegotiation is needed, don't return from recv() or send() until it's successful. // Note: this is for blocking sockets only. SSL_CTX_set_mode(contextPtr->get(), SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); return true; } Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::_parseAndValidateCertificate(const std::string& keyFile, PasswordFetcher* keyPassword, SSLX509Name* subjectName, bool verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, Date_t* serverCertificateExpirationDate) { UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new(BIO_s_file())); if (!inBio) { return Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Failed to allocate BIO object. error: {}"_format(getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error()))); } if (BIO_read_filename(inBio.get(), keyFile.c_str()) <= 0) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Cannot read key file '{}' when setting subject name. error: {}"_format( keyFile, getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error()))); } return _parseAndValidateCertificateFromBIO(std::move(inBio), keyPassword, keyFile, subjectName, verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, serverCertificateExpirationDate); } Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::_parseAndValidateCertificateFromMemory( StringData buffer, PasswordFetcher* keyPassword, SSLX509Name* subjectName, bool verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, Date_t* serverCertificateExpirationDate) { logv2::DynamicAttributes errorAttrs; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x1000114fL UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(buffer.rawData()), buffer.size())); #else UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new_mem_buf(buffer.rawData(), buffer.size())); #endif if (!inBio) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Failed to allocate BIO object from in-memory payload. error: {}"_format( getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error()))); } return _parseAndValidateCertificateFromBIO(std::move(inBio), keyPassword, "transient"_sd, subjectName, verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, serverCertificateExpirationDate); } Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::_parseAndValidateCertificateFromBIO( UniqueBIO inBio, PasswordFetcher* keyPassword, StringData fileNameForLogging, SSLX509Name* subjectName, bool verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName, Date_t* serverCertificateExpirationDate) { UniqueX509 x509(PEM_read_bio_X509( inBio.get(), nullptr, &SSLManagerOpenSSL::password_cb, static_cast(&keyPassword))); if (x509 == nullptr) { return Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "Cannot retrieve certificate from keyfile '{}' when setting subject name. error: {}"_format( fileNameForLogging, getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error()))); } *subjectName = getCertificateSubjectX509Name(x509.get()); if (verifyHasSubjectAlternativeName) { bool hasSan = false; STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAME)* sanNames = static_cast( X509_get_ext_d2i(x509.get(), NID_subject_alt_name, nullptr, nullptr)); if (nullptr != sanNames) { int sanNamesCount = sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(sanNames); hasSan = (0 != sanNamesCount); sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop_free(sanNames, GENERAL_NAME_free); } if (!hasSan) { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS(551190, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "Server certificate has no compatible Subject Alternative Name. " "This may prevent TLS clients from connecting"); } } auto notBeforeMillis = convertASN1ToMillis(X509_get_notBefore(x509.get())); if (notBeforeMillis == Date_t()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "notBefore certificate date conversion failed"); } auto notAfterMillis = convertASN1ToMillis(X509_get_notAfter(x509.get())); if (notAfterMillis == Date_t()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "notAfter certificate date conversion failed"); } auto now = Date_t::now(); if ((notBeforeMillis > now) || (now > notAfterMillis)) { return Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, "The provided SSL certificate is expired or not yet valid. notBefore {}, notAfter {}"_format( notBeforeMillis.toString(), notAfterMillis.toString())); } if (serverCertificateExpirationDate != nullptr) { *serverCertificateExpirationDate = notAfterMillis; } return Status::OK(); } // static bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::_readCertificateChainFromMemory( SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& payload, PasswordFetcher* password, boost::optional targetClusterURI) { logv2::DynamicAttributes errorAttrs; if (targetClusterURI) { errorAttrs.add("targetClusterURI", *targetClusterURI); } ERR_clear_error(); // Clear error stack for SSL_CTX_use_certificate(). // Note: old versions of SSL take (void*) here but it's still R/O. #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x1000114fL UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(payload.c_str()), payload.length())); #else UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new_mem_buf(payload.c_str(), payload.length())); #endif if (!inBio) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(5159905, "Failed to allocate BIO from in memory payload", errorAttrs); return false; } auto password_cb = &SSLManagerOpenSSL::always_error_password_cb; // We don't expect a password to be required. void* userdata = static_cast(password); UniqueX509 x509cert(PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(inBio.get(), NULL, password_cb, userdata)); if (!x509cert) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(5159906, "Failed to read the X509 certificate from memory", errorAttrs); return false; } CertInformationToLog debugInfo; _getX509CertInfo(x509cert, &debugInfo, boost::none, targetClusterURI); logCert(debugInfo, "", 5159903); // SSL_CTX_use_certificate increments the refcount on cert. if (1 != SSL_CTX_use_certificate(context, x509cert.get())) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(5159907, "Failed to use the X509 certificate loaded from memory", errorAttrs); return false; } // If we could set up our certificate, now proceed to the CA certificates. UniqueX509 ca; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x100010fFL SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs(context); #else SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs(context); #endif while ((ca = UniqueX509(PEM_read_bio_X509(inBio.get(), NULL, password_cb, userdata)))) { #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x100010fFL if (1 != SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert(context, ca.get())) { #else if (1 != SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(context, ca.get())) { #endif CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR( 5159908, "Failed to use the CA X509 certificate loaded from memory", errorAttrs); return false; } _getX509CertInfo(ca, &debugInfo, boost::none, targetClusterURI); logCert(debugInfo, "", 5159902); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x100010fFL ca.release(); // Older version add_extra_chain_cert takes over the pointer without // incrementing refcount. Avoid double free. #endif } // When the while loop ends, it's usually just EOF. auto err = ERR_peek_last_error(); if (ERR_GET_LIB(err) == ERR_LIB_PEM && ERR_GET_REASON(err) == PEM_R_NO_START_LINE) { ERR_clear_error(); } else { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR( 5159909, "Error remained after scanning all X509 certificates from memory", errorAttrs); return false; // Some real error. } return true; } bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::_setupPEM(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& keyFile, PasswordFetcher* password) const { logv2::DynamicAttributes errorAttrs; errorAttrs.add("keyFile", keyFile); if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(context, keyFile.c_str()) != 1) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(23248, "Cannot read certificate file", errorAttrs); return false; } UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new(BIO_s_file())); if (!inBio) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(23249, "Failed to allocate BIO object", errorAttrs); return false; } if (BIO_read_filename(inBio.get(), keyFile.c_str()) <= 0) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(23250, "Cannot read PEM key file", errorAttrs); return false; } return _setupPEMFromBIO(context, std::move(inBio), password, StringData{keyFile}, boost::none); } bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::_setupPEMFromMemoryPayload(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& payload, PasswordFetcher* password, StringData targetClusterURI) const { logv2::DynamicAttributes errorAttrs; errorAttrs.add("targetClusterURI", targetClusterURI); if (!_readCertificateChainFromMemory(context, payload, password, targetClusterURI)) { return false; } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x1000114fL UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(payload.c_str()), payload.length())); #else UniqueBIO inBio(BIO_new_mem_buf(payload.c_str(), payload.length())); #endif if (!inBio) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(5159901, "Failed to allocate BIO object from in-memory payload", errorAttrs); return false; } return _setupPEMFromBIO(context, std::move(inBio), password, boost::none, targetClusterURI); } bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::_setupPEMFromBIO(SSL_CTX* context, UniqueBIO inBio, PasswordFetcher* password, boost::optional keyFile, boost::optional targetClusterURI) const { logv2::DynamicAttributes errorAttrs; if (keyFile) { errorAttrs.add("keyFile", *keyFile); } if (targetClusterURI) { errorAttrs.add("targetClusterURI", *targetClusterURI); } // Obtain the private key, using our callback to acquire a decryption password if necessary. auto password_cb = &SSLManagerOpenSSL::password_cb; void* userdata = static_cast(password); EVP_PKEY* privateKey = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(inBio.get(), nullptr, password_cb, userdata); if (!privateKey) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(23251, "Cannot read PEM key", errorAttrs); return false; } const ScopeGuard privateKeyGuard([&privateKey]() { EVP_PKEY_free(privateKey); }); if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(context, privateKey) != 1) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(23252, "Cannot use PEM key", errorAttrs); return false; } // Verify that the certificate and the key go together. if (SSL_CTX_check_private_key(context) != 1) { CaptureSSLErrorInAttrs capture(errorAttrs); LOGV2_ERROR(23253, "SSL certificate validation failed", errorAttrs); return false; } return true; } Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::_setupCA(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& caFile) { // Set the list of CAs sent to clients STACK_OF(X509_NAME)* certNames = SSL_load_client_CA_file(caFile.c_str()); if (certNames == nullptr) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "cannot read certificate authority file: " << caFile << " " << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(context, certNames); // Load trusted CA if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(context, caFile.c_str(), nullptr) != 1) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "cannot read certificate authority file: " << caFile << " " << getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } // Set SSL to require peer (client) certificate verification // if a certificate is presented SSL_CTX_set_verify(context, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, &SSLManagerOpenSSL::verify_cb); _sslConfiguration.hasCA = true; return Status::OK(); } inline Status checkX509_STORE_error() { const auto errCode = ERR_peek_last_error(); if (ERR_GET_LIB(errCode) != ERR_LIB_X509 || ERR_GET_REASON(errCode) != X509_R_CERT_ALREADY_IN_HASH_TABLE) { return {ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "Error adding certificate to X509 store: " << ERR_reason_error_string(errCode)}; } return Status::OK(); } Status SSLManagerOpenSSL::_setupSystemCA(SSL_CTX* context) { // The OpenSSL libraries should have been configured // with default locations for CA certificates. if (SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(context) != 1) { return { ErrorCodes::InvalidSSLConfiguration, str::stream() << "error loading system CA certificates " << "(default certificate file: " << X509_get_default_cert_file() << ", " << "default certificate path: " << X509_get_default_cert_dir() << ")"}; } return Status::OK(); } bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::_setupCRL(SSL_CTX* context, const std::string& crlFile) { X509_STORE* store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(context); fassert(16583, store); X509_STORE_set_flags(store, X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK); X509_LOOKUP* lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_file()); fassert(16584, lookup); int status = X509_load_crl_file(lookup, crlFile.c_str(), X509_FILETYPE_PEM); if (status == 0) { LOGV2_ERROR(23254, "cannot read CRL file: {crlFile} {error}", "Cannot read CRL file", "crlFile"_attr = crlFile, "error"_attr = getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); return false; } if (status == 1) { LOGV2(4652601, "ssl imported 1 revoked certificate from the revocation list."); } else { LOGV2(4652602, "ssl imported {numberCerts} revoked certificates from the revocation list", "SSL imported revoked certificates from the revocation list", "numberCerts"_attr = status); } return true; } /* * The interface layer between network and BIO-pair. The BIO-pair buffers * the data to/from the TLS layer. */ void SSLManagerOpenSSL::_flushNetworkBIO(SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int wantWrite; /* * Write the complete contents of the buffer. Leaving the buffer * unflushed could cause a deadlock. */ while ((wantWrite = BIO_ctrl_pending(conn->networkBIO)) > 0) { if (wantWrite > BUFFER_SIZE) { wantWrite = BUFFER_SIZE; } int fromBIO = BIO_read(conn->networkBIO, buffer, wantWrite); int writePos = 0; do { int numWrite = fromBIO - writePos; numWrite = send(conn->socket->rawFD(), buffer + writePos, numWrite, portSendFlags); if (numWrite < 0) { conn->socket->handleSendError(numWrite, ""); } writePos += numWrite; } while (writePos < fromBIO); } int wantRead; while ((wantRead = BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(conn->networkBIO)) > 0) { if (wantRead > BUFFER_SIZE) { wantRead = BUFFER_SIZE; } int numRead = recv(conn->socket->rawFD(), buffer, wantRead, portRecvFlags); if (numRead <= 0) { conn->socket->handleRecvError(numRead, wantRead); continue; } int toBIO = BIO_write(conn->networkBIO, buffer, numRead); if (toBIO != numRead) { LOGV2_DEBUG(23228, 3, "Failed to write network data to the SSL BIO layer"); throwSocketError(SocketErrorKind::RECV_ERROR, conn->socket->remoteString()); } } } bool SSLManagerOpenSSL::_doneWithSSLOp(SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn, int status) { int sslErr = SSL_get_error(conn->ssl, status); switch (sslErr) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: _flushNetworkBIO(conn); // success, flush network BIO before leaving return true; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: _flushNetworkBIO(conn); // not ready, flush network BIO and try again return false; default: return true; } } SSLConnectionInterface* SSLManagerOpenSSL::connect(Socket* socket) { std::unique_ptr sslConn = std::make_unique( _clientContext.get(), socket, (const char*)nullptr, 0); const auto undotted = removeFQDNRoot(socket->remoteAddr().hostOrIp()); int ret; if (!undotted.empty()) { // only have TLS advertise host name as SNI if it is not an IP address std::array unusedBuf; if ((inet_pton(AF_INET, undotted.c_str(), unusedBuf.data()) == 0) && (inet_pton(AF_INET6, undotted.c_str(), unusedBuf.data()) == 0)) { ret = ::SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(sslConn->ssl, undotted.c_str()); if (ret != 1) { _handleSSLError(sslConn.get(), ret); } } } do { ret = ::SSL_connect(sslConn->ssl); } while (!_doneWithSSLOp(sslConn.get(), ret)); if (ret != 1) _handleSSLError(sslConn.get(), ret); return sslConn.release(); } SSLConnectionInterface* SSLManagerOpenSSL::accept(Socket* socket, const char* initialBytes, int len) { std::unique_ptr sslConn = std::make_unique(_serverContext.get(), socket, initialBytes, len); int ret; do { ret = ::SSL_accept(sslConn->ssl); } while (!_doneWithSSLOp(sslConn.get(), ret)); if (ret != 1) _handleSSLError(sslConn.get(), ret); return sslConn.release(); } StatusWith mapTLSVersion(SSL* conn) { int protocol = SSL_version(conn); switch (protocol) { case TLS1_VERSION: return TLSVersion::kTLS10; case TLS1_1_VERSION: return TLSVersion::kTLS11; case TLS1_2_VERSION: return TLSVersion::kTLS12; #ifdef TLS1_3_VERSION case TLS1_3_VERSION: return TLSVersion::kTLS13; #endif default: return TLSVersion::kUnknown; } } namespace { Status _validatePeerRoles(const stdx::unordered_set& embeddedRoles, SSL* conn) { if (embeddedRoles.empty()) { // Nothing offered, nothing to restrict. return Status::OK(); } if (!sslGlobalParams.tlsCATrusts) { // Nothing restricted. return Status::OK(); } const auto& tlsCATrusts = sslGlobalParams.tlsCATrusts.get(); if (tlsCATrusts.empty()) { // Nothing permitted. return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "tlsCATrusts parameter prohibits role based authorization via X509 certificates"}; } auto stack = SSLgetVerifiedChain(conn); if (!stack || !sk_X509_num(stack.get())) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Unable to obtain certificate chain"}; } auto root = sk_X509_value(stack.get(), sk_X509_num(stack.get()) - 1); auto digest = SHA256Block::HashType(); if (!X509_digest(root, EVP_sha256(), digest.data(), nullptr)) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Unable to digest root certificate"}; } SHA256Block sha256(digest); auto it = tlsCATrusts.find(sha256); if (it == tlsCATrusts.end()) { return { ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "CA: " << sha256.toHexString() << " is not authorized to grant any roles due to tlsCATrusts parameter"}; } auto allowedRoles = it->second; // See TLSCATrustsSetParameter::set() for a description of tlsCATrusts format. if (allowedRoles.count(RoleName())) { // CA is authorized for all role assignments. return Status::OK(); } for (const auto& role : embeddedRoles) { // Check for exact match or wildcard matches. if (!allowedRoles.count(role) && !allowedRoles.count(RoleName(role.getRole(), "")) && !allowedRoles.count(RoleName("", role.getDB()))) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "CA: " << sha256.toHexString() << " is not authorized to grant role " << role << " due to tlsCATrusts parameter"}; } } return Status::OK(); } } // namespace Future SSLManagerOpenSSL::parseAndValidatePeerCertificate( SSL* conn, boost::optional sni, const std::string& remoteHost, const HostAndPort& hostForLogging, const ExecutorPtr& reactor) { auto tlsVersionStatus = mapTLSVersion(conn); if (!tlsVersionStatus.isOK()) { return tlsVersionStatus.getStatus(); } recordTLSVersion(tlsVersionStatus.getValue(), hostForLogging); if (!_sslConfiguration.hasCA && isSSLServer) return SSLPeerInfo(sni); UniqueX509 peerCert(SSL_get_peer_certificate(conn)); if (nullptr == peerCert) { // no certificate presented by peer if (_weakValidation) { // do not give warning if certificate warnings are suppressed if (!_suppressNoCertificateWarning) { LOGV2_WARNING(23234, "no SSL certificate provided by peer", "No SSL certificate provided by peer"); } return SSLPeerInfo(sni); } else { LOGV2_ERROR(23255, "no SSL certificate provided by peer; connection rejected", "No SSL certificate provided by peer; connection rejected"); return Status(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, "no SSL certificate provided by peer; connection rejected"); } } long result = SSL_get_verify_result(conn); if (result != X509_V_OK) { if (_allowInvalidCertificates) { LOGV2_WARNING(23235, "SSL peer certificate validation failed: {reason}", "SSL peer certificate validation failed", "reason"_attr = X509_verify_cert_error_string(result)); return SSLPeerInfo(sni); } else { str::stream msg; msg << "SSL peer certificate validation failed: " << X509_verify_cert_error_string(result); LOGV2_ERROR(23256, "{error}", "SSL peer certificate validation failed", "error"_attr = msg.ss.str()); return Status(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, msg); } } Future ocspFuture; // The check to ensure that remoteHost is empty is to ensure that we only run OCSP // verification when we are a client, never as a server. if (tlsOCSPEnabled && !remoteHost.empty() && !_allowInvalidCertificates) { ocspFuture = ocspClientVerification(conn, reactor); } // TODO: check optional cipher restriction, using cert. auto peerSubject = getCertificateSubjectX509Name(peerCert.get()); const auto cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(conn); if (!serverGlobalParams.quiet.load() && gEnableDetailedConnectionHealthMetricLogLines) { LOGV2_INFO(6723801, "Accepted TLS connection from peer", "peerSubject"_attr = peerSubject, "cipher"_attr = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher)); } auto swParsedPeerExtensions = _parsePeerExtensions(peerCert.get()); if (!swParsedPeerExtensions.isOK()) { return Future::makeReady(swParsedPeerExtensions.getStatus()); } auto parsedPeerExtensions = std::move(swParsedPeerExtensions.getValue()); if (auto status = _validatePeerRoles(parsedPeerExtensions.roles, conn); !status.isOK()) { return status; } // Server side. if (remoteHost.empty()) { const auto exprThreshold = tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays; if (exprThreshold > 0) { const auto expiration = X509_get0_notAfter(peerCert.get()); time_t threshold = (Date_t::now() + Days(exprThreshold)).toTimeT(); if (X509_cmp_time(expiration, &threshold) < 0) { int days = 0, secs = 0; if (!ASN1_TIME_diff(&days, &secs, nullptr /* now */, expiration)) { tlsEmitWarningExpiringClientCertificate(peerSubject); } else { tlsEmitWarningExpiringClientCertificate(peerSubject, Days(days)); } } } // If client and server certificate are the same, log a warning. if (_sslConfiguration.serverSubjectName() == peerSubject) { LOGV2_WARNING(23236, "Client connecting with server's own TLS certificate"); } // void futures are default constructed as ready futures. return std::move(ocspFuture) .then([peerSubject, sni, roles = std::move(parsedPeerExtensions.roles), clusterMembership = std::move(parsedPeerExtensions.clusterMembership)] { SSLPeerInfo info(peerSubject, sni, roles); info.setClusterMembership(clusterMembership); return info; }); } // If this is an SSL client context (on a MongoDB server or client) // perform hostname validation of the remote server. // This is to standardize the IPAddress format for comparison. auto swCIDRRemoteHost = CIDR::parse(remoteHost); // Try to match using the Subject Alternate Name, if it exists. // RFC-2818 requires the Subject Alternate Name to be used if present. // Otherwise, the most specific Common Name field in the subject field // must be used. bool sanMatch = false; bool cnMatch = false; StringBuilder certificateNames; STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAME)* sanNames = static_cast( X509_get_ext_d2i(peerCert.get(), NID_subject_alt_name, nullptr, nullptr)); if (sanNames != nullptr) { int sanNamesList = sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(sanNames); certificateNames << "SAN(s): "; for (int i = 0; i < sanNamesList; i++) { const GENERAL_NAME* currentName = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(sanNames, i); if (currentName && currentName->type == GEN_DNS) { std::string dnsName( reinterpret_cast(ASN1_STRING_data(currentName->d.dNSName))); auto swCIDRDNSName = CIDR::parse(dnsName); if (swCIDRDNSName.isOK()) { LOGV2_WARNING(23237, "You have an IP Address in the DNS Name field on your " "certificate. This formulation is deprecated."); if (swCIDRRemoteHost.isOK() && swCIDRRemoteHost.getValue() == swCIDRDNSName.getValue()) { sanMatch = true; break; } } if (hostNameMatchForX509Certificates(remoteHost, dnsName)) { sanMatch = true; break; } certificateNames << std::string(dnsName) << ", "; } else if (currentName && currentName->type == GEN_IPADD) { auto ipAddrStruct = currentName->d.iPAddress; struct sockaddr_storage ss; memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss)); if (ipAddrStruct->length == 4) { struct sockaddr_in* sa = reinterpret_cast(&ss); sa->sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&(sa->sin_addr), ipAddrStruct->data, ipAddrStruct->length); } else if (ipAddrStruct->length == 16) { struct sockaddr_in6* sa = reinterpret_cast(&ss); sa->sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&(sa->sin6_addr), ipAddrStruct->data, ipAddrStruct->length); } auto ipAddress = SockAddr(reinterpret_cast(&ss), sizeof(ss)).getAddr(); auto swIpAddress = CIDR::parse(ipAddress); if (swCIDRRemoteHost.isOK() && swIpAddress.isOK() && swCIDRRemoteHost.getValue() == swIpAddress.getValue()) { sanMatch = true; break; } certificateNames << ipAddress << ", "; } } sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop_free(sanNames, GENERAL_NAME_free); } if (!sanMatch) { // If SAN doesn't match, check to see if CN does. // If it does and no SAN was provided, that's a match. // Anything else is a varying degree of failure. auto swCN = peerSubject.getOID(kOID_CommonName); if (swCN.isOK()) { auto commonName = std::move(swCN.getValue()); certificateNames << "CN: " << commonName; if (hostNameMatchForX509Certificates(remoteHost, commonName)) { if (sanNames) { certificateNames << " would have matched, but was overridden by SAN"; } else { cnMatch = true; } } } else if (!sanNames) { certificateNames << "No Common Name (CN) or Subject Alternate Names (SAN) found"; } } if (!sanMatch && !cnMatch) { StringBuilder msgBuilder; msgBuilder << "The server certificate does not match the host name. Hostname: " << remoteHost << " does not match " << certificateNames.str(); std::string msg = msgBuilder.str(); // isUnixDomainSocket() uses the hostname having a slash to determine if a hostname is a // Unix Domain Socket endpoint. A user explicitly specifying a Unix // Domain Socket in the present working directory, through a code path which supplies // `sa_family_t` as `AF_UNIX` will cause this code to lie. This will, in turn, cause the // `SSLManagerInterface::parseAndValidatePeerCertificate` code to believe a socket is a // host, which will then cause a connection failure if and only if that domain socket also // has a certificate for SSL and the connection is an SSL connection. if (_allowInvalidCertificates || _allowInvalidHostnames || isUnixDomainSocket(remoteHost)) { LOGV2_WARNING(23238, "The server certificate does not match the host name. Hostname: " "{remoteHost} does not match {certificateNames}", "The server certificate does not match the remote host name", "remoteHost"_attr = remoteHost, "certificateNames"_attr = certificateNames.str()); } else { LOGV2_ERROR(23257, "The server certificate does not match the host name. Hostname: " "{remoteHost} does not match {certificateNames}", "The server certificate does not match the remote host name", "remoteHost"_attr = remoteHost, "certificateNames"_attr = certificateNames.str()); return Future::makeReady(Status(ErrorCodes::SSLHandshakeFailed, msg)); } } return std::move(ocspFuture).then([this, peerSubject]() { return SSLPeerInfo(peerSubject); }); } SSLPeerInfo SSLManagerOpenSSL::parseAndValidatePeerCertificateDeprecated( const SSLConnectionInterface* connInterface, const std::string& remoteHost, const HostAndPort& hostForLogging) { const SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn = checked_cast(connInterface); auto swPeerSubjectName = parseAndValidatePeerCertificate(conn->ssl, boost::none, remoteHost, hostForLogging, nullptr) .getNoThrow(); // We can't use uassertStatusOK here because we need to throw a NetworkException. if (!swPeerSubjectName.isOK()) { throwSocketError(SocketErrorKind::CONNECT_ERROR, swPeerSubjectName.getStatus().reason()); } return swPeerSubjectName.getValue(); } StatusWith SSLManagerOpenSSL::_parsePeerExtensions( X509* peerCert) const { // exts is owned by the peerCert const STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION)* exts = X509_get0_extensions(peerCert); int extCount = 0; if (exts) { extCount = sk_X509_EXTENSION_num(exts); } ASN1_OBJECT* rolesObj = OBJ_nid2obj(_getMongoDbRolesNID()); ASN1_OBJECT* clusterMembershipObj = OBJ_nid2obj(_getMongoDbClusterMembershipNID()); // Search all certificate extensions for our own ParsedPeerExtensions parsed; for (int i = 0; i < extCount; i++) { X509_EXTENSION* ex = sk_X509_EXTENSION_value(exts, i); ASN1_OBJECT* obj = X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ex); if (!OBJ_cmp(obj, rolesObj)) { // mongodbRoles extension. ASN1_OCTET_STRING* data = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ex); auto ptr = reinterpret_cast(data->data); auto swRoles = parsePeerRoles(ConstDataRange(ptr, ptr + data->length)); if (!swRoles.isOK()) { return std::move(swRoles.getStatus()); } parsed.roles = std::move(swRoles.getValue()); } else if (!OBJ_cmp(obj, clusterMembershipObj)) { // mongodbClusterMembership extension. ASN1_OCTET_STRING* data = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ex); auto ptr = reinterpret_cast(data->data); auto swMembership = parseDERString(ConstDataRange(ptr, ptr + data->length)); if (!swMembership.isOK()) { return std::move(swMembership.getStatus()); } parsed.clusterMembership = std::move(swMembership.getValue()); } } return parsed; } StatusWith>> SSLManagerOpenSSL::_parseTLSFeature( X509* peerCert) const { // exts is owned by the peerCert const STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION)* exts = X509_get0_extensions(peerCert); int extCount = 0; if (exts) { extCount = sk_X509_EXTENSION_num(exts); } ASN1_OBJECT* featuresObj = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_tlsfeature); for (int i = 0; i < extCount; i++) { X509_EXTENSION* ex = sk_X509_EXTENSION_value(exts, i); ASN1_OBJECT* obj = X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ex); if (!OBJ_cmp(obj, featuresObj)) { // We've found an extension which has the features OID ASN1_OCTET_STRING* data = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ex); return parseTLSFeature( ConstDataRange(reinterpret_cast(data->data), reinterpret_cast(data->data) + data->length)); } } return boost::none; } void SSLManagerOpenSSL::_handleSSLError(SSLConnectionOpenSSL* conn, int ret) { int code = SSL_get_error(conn->ssl, ret); int err = ERR_get_error(); SocketErrorKind errToThrow = SocketErrorKind::CONNECT_ERROR; switch (code) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: // should not happen because we turned on AUTO_RETRY // However, it turns out this CAN happen during a connect, if the other side // accepts the socket connection but fails to do the SSL handshake in a timely // manner. errToThrow = (code == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) ? SocketErrorKind::RECV_ERROR : SocketErrorKind::SEND_ERROR; LOGV2_ERROR(23258, "SSL: {error}, possibly timed out during connect", "SSL: possibly timed out during connect", "error"_attr = code); break; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: // TODO: Check if we can avoid throwing an exception for this condition // If so, change error() back to LOG(3) LOGV2_ERROR(23259, "SSL network connection closed"); break; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: // If ERR_get_error returned 0, the error queue is empty // check the return value of the actual SSL operation if (err != 0) { LOGV2_ERROR( 23260, "SSL: {error}", "SSL error", "error"_attr = getSSLErrorMessage(err)); } else if (ret == 0) { LOGV2_ERROR(23261, "Unexpected EOF encountered during SSL communication"); } else { auto ec = lastSystemError(); LOGV2_ERROR(23262, "The SSL BIO reported an I/O error {error}", "The SSL BIO reported an I/O error", "error"_attr = errorMessage(ec)); } break; case SSL_ERROR_SSL: { LOGV2_ERROR(23263, "SSL: {error}", "SSL error", "error"_attr = getSSLErrorMessage(err)); break; } default: LOGV2_ERROR(23264, "unrecognized SSL error"); break; } _flushNetworkBIO(conn); throwSocketError(errToThrow, conn->socket->remoteString()); } UniqueX509 SSLManagerOpenSSL::_getX509Object(StringData keyFile, const PasswordFetcher* keyPassword) const { BIO* inBIO = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); if (inBIO == nullptr) { uasserted(4913000, "failed to allocate BIO object"); } ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { BIO_free(inBIO); }); if (BIO_read_filename(inBIO, keyFile.toString().c_str()) <= 0) { uasserted(4913001, str::stream() << "cannot read key file when setting subject name: " << keyFile << " " << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } UniqueX509 x509(PEM_read_bio_X509( inBIO, nullptr, &SSLManagerOpenSSL::password_cb, static_cast(&keyPassword))); if (x509 == nullptr) { uasserted(4913002, str::stream() << "cannot retrieve certificate from keyfile: " << keyFile << " " << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } return x509; } constexpr size_t kSHA1HashBytes = 20; // static void SSLManagerOpenSSL::_getX509CertInfo(UniqueX509& x509, CertInformationToLog* info, boost::optional keyFile, boost::optional targetClusterURI) { if (!x509) { return; } info->subject = getCertificateSubjectX509Name(x509.get()); info->issuer = convertX509ToSSLX509Name(X509_get_issuer_name(x509.get())); info->thumbprint.resize(kSHA1HashBytes); int result = X509_digest( x509.get(), EVP_sha1(), reinterpret_cast(info->thumbprint.data()), nullptr); uassert(6014700, "X509 digest failed", result == 1); info->hexEncodedThumbprint = hexblob::encode(info->thumbprint.data(), info->thumbprint.size()); auto notBeforeMillis = convertASN1ToMillis(X509_get_notBefore(x509.get())); uassert(4913003, "date conversion failed", notBeforeMillis != Date_t()); info->validityNotBefore = notBeforeMillis; auto notAfterMillis = convertASN1ToMillis(X509_get_notAfter(x509.get())); info->validityNotAfter = notAfterMillis; uassert(4913004, "date conversion failed", notAfterMillis != Date_t()); if (keyFile) info->keyFile = keyFile->toString(); if (targetClusterURI) info->targetClusterURI = targetClusterURI->toString(); } void SSLManagerOpenSSL::_getCRLInfo(StringData crlFile, CRLInformationToLog* info) const { BIO* inBIO = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); if (inBIO == nullptr) { uasserted(4913005, "failed to allocate BIO object"); } ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { BIO_free(inBIO); }); if (BIO_read_filename(inBIO, crlFile.toString().c_str()) <= 0) { uasserted(4913006, str::stream() << "cannot read crl file when setting subject name: " << crlFile << " " << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } X509_CRL* x509 = PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL(inBIO, nullptr, &SSLManagerOpenSSL::password_cb, nullptr); if (x509 == nullptr) { uasserted(4913007, str::stream() << "cannot retrieve CRL information from crl file: " << crlFile << " " << SSLManagerInterface::getSSLErrorMessage(ERR_get_error())); } ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { X509_CRL_free(x509); }); info->thumbprint.resize(kSHA1HashBytes); X509_CRL_digest( x509, EVP_sha1(), reinterpret_cast(info->thumbprint.data()), nullptr); auto notBeforeMillis = convertASN1ToMillis(X509_CRL_get_lastUpdate(x509)); uassert(4913008, "date conversion failed", notBeforeMillis != Date_t()); info->validityNotBefore = notBeforeMillis; auto notAfterMillis = convertASN1ToMillis(X509_CRL_get_nextUpdate(x509)); uassert(4913009, "date conversion failed", notAfterMillis != Date_t()); info->validityNotAfter = notAfterMillis; } SSLInformationToLog SSLManagerOpenSSL::getSSLInformationToLog() const { SSLInformationToLog info; if (!(sslGlobalParams.sslPEMKeyFile.empty())) { UniqueX509 serverX509Cert = _getX509Object(sslGlobalParams.sslPEMKeyFile, &_serverPEMPassword); _getX509CertInfo( serverX509Cert, &info.server, StringData{sslGlobalParams.sslPEMKeyFile}, boost::none); } if (!(sslGlobalParams.sslClusterFile.empty())) { CertInformationToLog clusterInfo; UniqueX509 clusterX509Cert = _getX509Object(sslGlobalParams.sslClusterFile, &_clusterPEMPassword); _getX509CertInfo( clusterX509Cert, &clusterInfo, StringData{sslGlobalParams.sslClusterFile}, boost::none); info.cluster = clusterInfo; } else { info.cluster = boost::none; } if (!sslGlobalParams.sslCRLFile.empty()) { CRLInformationToLog crlInfo; _getCRLInfo(getSSLGlobalParams().sslCRLFile, &crlInfo); info.crl = crlInfo; } else { info.crl = boost::none; } return info; } } // namespace mongo