/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/util/options_parser/environment.h" #include #include #include "mongo/bson/util/builder.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/util/options_parser/constraints.h" namespace mongo { namespace optionenvironment { using std::shared_ptr; using std::string; using std::type_info; // Environment implementation Status Environment::addKeyConstraint(KeyConstraint* keyConstraint) { keyConstraints.push_back(keyConstraint); return Status::OK(); } Status Environment::addConstraint(Constraint* constraint) { constraints.push_back(constraint); return Status::OK(); } /** Get the value at Key. Note that we should not be able to add empty values to the * environment, so we don't check for that here */ Status Environment::get(const Key& get_key, Value* get_value) const { typedef std::map::const_iterator it_type; it_type value = values.find(get_key); if (value == values.end()) { value = default_values.find(get_key); if (value == default_values.end()) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "Value not found for key: " << get_key; return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey, sb.str()); } } *get_value = value->second; return Status::OK(); } /** Set the Value in our Environment. Always disallow empty values */ Status Environment::set(const Key& add_key, const Value& add_value) { // 1. Make sure value is not empty if (add_value.isEmpty()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "Attempted to add an empty value"); } // 2. Save old values std::map old_values = values; // 3. Add value to be added values[add_key] = add_value; // 4. Validate only if our environment is already valid if (valid) { Status ret = validate(); if (!ret.isOK()) { // 5. Revert to old values if this was invalid values = old_values; return ret; } } return Status::OK(); } /** Removes a Value from our Environment */ Status Environment::remove(const Key& remove_key) { // 1. Save old values std::map old_values = values; // 2. Remove value to be removed values.erase(remove_key); // 3. Validate only if our environment is already valid if (valid) { Status ret = validate(); if (!ret.isOK()) { // 4. Revert to old values if this was invalid values = old_values; return ret; } } return Status::OK(); } /** Set the default Value for the given Key in our Environment. Always disallow empty values */ Status Environment::setDefault(const Key& add_key, const Value& add_value) { // 1. Make sure value is not empty if (add_value.isEmpty()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "Attempted to set an empty default value"); } // 2. Disallow modifying defaults after calling validate on this Environment if (valid) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "Attempted to set a default value after calling validate"); } // 3. Add this value to our defaults default_values[add_key] = add_value; return Status::OK(); } /** Set all the Values from the source Environment in our Environment. Does not check for empty * values as the source Environment should not have been allowed to have any */ Status Environment::setAll(const Environment& add_environment) { // 1. Save old values std::map old_values = values; // 2. Add values to be added std::map add_values = add_environment.values; for (std::map::const_iterator iterator = add_values.begin(); iterator != add_values.end(); iterator++) { values[iterator->first] = iterator->second; } // 3. Validate only if our environment is already valid if (valid) { Status ret = validate(); if (!ret.isOK()) { // 4. Revert to old values if this was invalid values = old_values; return ret; } } return Status::OK(); } /** Validate the Environment by iterating over all our constraints and calling them on our * Environment */ Status Environment::validate(bool setValid) { // 1. Iterate and check all KeyConstraints typedef std::vector::iterator it_keyConstraint; for (it_keyConstraint iterator = keyConstraints.begin(); iterator != keyConstraints.end(); iterator++) { Status ret = (**iterator)(*this); if (!ret.isOK()) { return ret; } } // 2. Iterate and check all Constraints typedef std::vector::iterator it_constraint; for (it_constraint iterator = constraints.begin(); iterator != constraints.end(); iterator++) { Status ret = (**iterator)(*this); if (!ret.isOK()) { return ret; } } // 3. Our Environment is now valid. Record this if we should and return success if (setValid) { valid = true; } return Status::OK(); } /** Implementation of legacy interface to be consistent with * boost::program_options::variables_map during the transition period * * boost::program_options::variables_map inherits the count function from std::map, which * returns 1 if the value is set, and 0 if it is not set */ bool Environment::count(const Key& key) const { Value value; Status ret = get(key, &value); if (ret.isOK()) { return true; } else { return false; } } Value Environment::operator[](const Key& key) const { Value value; Status ret = get(key, &value); if (!ret.isOK()) { return Value(); } return value; } /* Debugging */ void Environment::dump() const { std::map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = values.begin(); iter != values.end(); ++iter) { std::cout << "Key: '" << iter->first << "', Value: '" << iter->second.toString() << "'" << std::endl; } } namespace { // Converts a map of values with dotted key names to a BSONObj with sub objects. // 1. Check for dotted field names and call valueMapToBSON recursively. // 2. Append the actual value to our builder if we did not find a dot in our key name. Status valueMapToBSON(const std::map& params, BSONObjBuilder* builder, const std::string& prefix = std::string()) { for (std::map::const_iterator it(params.begin()); it != params.end(); it++) { Key key = it->first; Value value = it->second; // 1. Check for dotted field names and call valueMapToBSON recursively. // NOTE: this code depends on the fact that std::map is sorted // // EXAMPLE: // The map: // { // "var1.dotted1" : false, // "var2" : true, // "var1.dotted2" : 6 // } // // Gets sorted by keys as: // { // "var1.dotted1" : false, // "var1.dotted2" : 6, // "var2" : true // } // // Which means when we see the "var1" prefix, we can iterate until we see either a name // without a dot or without "var1" as a prefix, aggregating its fields in a new map as // we go. Because the map is sorted, once we see a name without a dot or a "var1" // prefix we know that we've seen everything with "var1" as a prefix and can recursively // build the entire sub object at once using our new map (which is the only way to make // a single coherent BSON sub object using this append only builder). // // The result of this function for this example should be a BSON object of the form: // { // "var1" : { // "dotted1" : false, // "dotted2" : 6 // }, // "var2" : true // } // Check to see if this key name is dotted std::string::size_type dotOffset = key.find('.'); if (dotOffset != string::npos) { // Get the name of the "section" that we are currently iterating. This will be // the name of our sub object. std::string sectionName = key.substr(0, dotOffset); // Build a map of the "section" that we are iterating to be passed in a // recursive call. std::map sectionMap; std::string beforeDot = key.substr(0, dotOffset); std::string afterDot = key.substr(dotOffset + 1, key.size() - dotOffset - 1); std::map::const_iterator it_next = it; do { // Here we know that the key at it_next has a dot and has the prefix we are // currently creating a sub object for. Since that means we will definitely // process that element in this loop, advance the outer for loop iterator here. it = it_next; // Add the value to our section map with a key of whatever is after the dot // since the section name itself will be part of our sub object builder. sectionMap[afterDot] = value; // Peek at the next value for our iterator and check to see if we've finished. if (++it_next == params.end()) { break; } key = it_next->first; value = it_next->second; // Look for a dot for our next iteration. dotOffset = key.find('.'); beforeDot = key.substr(0, dotOffset); afterDot = key.substr(dotOffset + 1, key.size() - dotOffset - 1); } while (dotOffset != string::npos && beforeDot == sectionName); // Use the section name in our object builder, and recursively call // valueMapToBSON with our sub map with keys that have the section name removed. BSONObjBuilder sectionObjBuilder(builder->subobjStart(sectionName)); valueMapToBSON(sectionMap, §ionObjBuilder, sectionName).transitional_ignore(); sectionObjBuilder.done(); // Our iterator is currently on the last field that matched our dot and prefix, so // continue to the next loop iteration. continue; } // 2. Append the actual value to our builder if we did not find a dot in our key name. const type_info& type = value.type(); if (type == typeid(string)) { if (value.as().empty()) { // boost po uses empty string for flags like --quiet // TODO: Remove this when we remove boost::program_options builder->appendBool(key, true); } else { builder->append(key, value.as()); } } else if (type == typeid(int)) builder->append(key, value.as()); else if (type == typeid(double)) builder->append(key, value.as()); else if (type == typeid(bool)) builder->appendBool(key, value.as()); else if (type == typeid(long)) builder->appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as()); else if (type == typeid(unsigned)) builder->appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as()); else if (type == typeid(unsigned long long)) builder->appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as()); else if (type == typeid(StringVector_t)) builder->append(key, value.as()); else if (type == typeid(StringMap_t)) { BSONObjBuilder subBuilder(builder->subobjStart(key)); StringMap_t stringMap = value.as(); for (StringMap_t::iterator stringMapIt = stringMap.begin(); stringMapIt != stringMap.end(); stringMapIt++) { subBuilder.append(stringMapIt->first, stringMapIt->second); } subBuilder.done(); } else builder->append(key, "UNKNOWN TYPE: " + demangleName(type)); } return Status::OK(); } void buildYAMLNode(YAML::Emitter& out, const BSONObj& in, bool isMap = true) { if (isMap) { out << YAML::BeginMap; } else { out << YAML::BeginSeq; } for (const auto& elem : in) { if (isMap) { out << YAML::Key << elem.fieldName(); out << YAML::Value; } switch (elem.type()) { case BSONType::Bool: out << elem.Bool(); break; case BSONType::NumberInt: out << elem.Int(); break; case BSONType::NumberLong: out << elem.Long(); break; case BSONType::NumberDouble: out << YAML::Precision(10) << elem.Double(); break; case BSONType::String: out << elem.String(); break; case BSONType::Array: buildYAMLNode(out, elem.Obj(), false); break; case BSONType::Object: buildYAMLNode(out, elem.Obj(), true); break; default: // Other types should not be produced by MOE. uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Invalid type encountered in config: " << elem.type()); } } if (isMap) { out << YAML::EndMap; } else { out << YAML::EndSeq; } } } // namespace BSONObj Environment::toBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder builder; Status ret = valueMapToBSON(values, &builder); if (!ret.isOK()) { return BSONObj(); } return builder.obj(); } std::string Environment::toYAML() const { auto bson = toBSON(); YAML::Emitter root; buildYAMLNode(root, bson); return root.c_str(); } } // namespace optionenvironment } // namespace mongo