/** * Copyright (C) 2022-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/util/pcre.h" #include #include "mongo/unittest/assert_that.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" namespace mongo::pcre { namespace { using namespace fmt::literals; using namespace std::string_literals; using namespace unittest::match; /** * In C++20, u8 literals yield char8_t[N]. * These require explicit conversion to `std::string` and `StringData`. */ template Out u8Cast(const Ch (&in)[N]) { const Ch* inp = in; auto cp = reinterpret_cast(inp); return Out{cp, cp + N - 1}; } TEST(PcreTest, GoodPatterns) { const char* goodPatterns[] = { "hi", "h(i)", }; for (auto p : goodPatterns) ASSERT_TRUE(!!Regex{p}); } TEST(PcreTest, BadPatterns) { struct { std::string in; std::error_code err; } badPatterns[]{ {"h(", Errc::ERROR_MISSING_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS}, {"h)", Errc::ERROR_UNMATCHED_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS}, {"h\\", Errc::ERROR_END_BACKSLASH}, }; for (auto [in, err] : badPatterns) { Regex re{in}; ASSERT_FALSE(!!re); ASSERT_EQ(re.error(), err); } } TEST(PcreTest, RegexCopyConstruct) { Regex abc("ab*c"); Regex re = abc; ASSERT(re); ASSERT_EQ(re.pattern(), "ab*c"); ASSERT_TRUE(re.matchView("abbbc")); ASSERT_FALSE(re.matchView("def")); } TEST(PcreTest, RegexCopyAssign) { Regex re("ab*c"); Regex def("de*f"); ASSERT_TRUE(re); ASSERT_TRUE(re.matchView("abbbc")); ASSERT_FALSE(re.matchView("deeef")); re = def; ASSERT_TRUE(def); ASSERT_TRUE(re); ASSERT_FALSE(re.matchView("abbbc")); ASSERT_TRUE(re.matchView("deeef")); } TEST(PcreTest, RegexMoveConstruct) { Regex src("ab*c"); Regex dst = std::move(src); ASSERT_TRUE(dst); ASSERT_TRUE(dst.matchView("abbbc")); ASSERT_FALSE(dst.matchView("def")); } TEST(PcreTest, RegexMoveAssign) { Regex dst("ab*c"); Regex src("de*f"); dst = std::move(src); // move-assign ASSERT_TRUE(dst); ASSERT_FALSE(dst.matchView("abbbc")); ASSERT_TRUE(dst.matchView("deeef")); { // Moved-from Regex can be assigned to, and can be destroyed. Regex other("gh*i"); src = std::move(other); ASSERT_TRUE(src); ASSERT_FALSE(src.matchView("deeef")); ASSERT_TRUE(src.matchView("ghhhi")); } } TEST(PcreTest, CodeSize) { auto reSize = [](std::string p) { return Regex{std::move(p)}.codeSize(); }; ASSERT_LT(reSize(""), reSize("hi")); ASSERT_LT(reSize("hi"), reSize("^(hi)*|(\\d{45})$")); } TEST(PcreTest, MatchView) { Regex re{"hi"}; ASSERT_EQ(re.matchView("hi").error(), std::error_code{}); ASSERT_EQ(re.matchView("hello").error(), Errc::ERROR_NOMATCH); ASSERT_EQ(re.matchView("thigh").error(), std::error_code{}); } // While `match` copies the input and results refer to the copy, `matchView` // results refer to the input directly. TEST(PcreTest, MatchDataInputStorage) { Regex re{"hi"}; const std::string in = "i"; ASSERT_NE(re.match(in).input().rawData(), in.data()); ASSERT_EQ(re.matchView(in).input().rawData(), in.data()); } TEST(PcreTest, StartPos) { Regex hiRe{"hi"}; Regex hiRePrefix{"^hi"}; StringData ohi = "ohi"_sd; StringData hi = ohi.substr(1); ASSERT_TRUE(hiRe.matchView(hi, {}, 0)); ASSERT_FALSE(hiRe.matchView(hi, {}, 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(hiRe.matchView(ohi, {}, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(hiRe.matchView(ohi, {}, 1)); // PCRE2 checks the startPos range internally. ASSERT_EQ(hiRe.matchView(ohi, {}, 3).error(), Errc::ERROR_NOMATCH); ASSERT_EQ(hiRe.matchView(ohi, {}, 4).error(), Errc::ERROR_BADOFFSET); // Using startPos=1 is different from startPos=0 on a substring. ASSERT_TRUE(hiRePrefix.matchView(hi, {}, 0)); ASSERT_FALSE(hiRePrefix.matchView(ohi, {}, 1)); // `MatchData` retains the `startPos` from the match call. for (size_t i = 0; i != ohi.size(); ++i) ASSERT_EQ(hiRe.matchView(ohi, {}, i).startPos(), i) << " i="_format(i); } TEST(PcreTest, CompileOptions) { std::string pattern = "a.b"; std::array subjects{"a\nb"s, "A_b"s, "A\nb"s}; struct Spec { CompileOptions opt; std::array outMatch; }; for (auto&& [opt, outMatch] : { Spec{{}, {0, 0, 0}}, // Spec{DOTALL, {1, 0, 0}}, // Spec{CASELESS, {0, 1, 0}}, // Spec{DOTALL | CASELESS, {1, 1, 1}}, // }) { Regex re{pattern, opt}; for (size_t i = 0; i < subjects.size(); ++i) ASSERT_EQ(!!re.matchView(subjects[i], pcre::ANCHORED | pcre::ENDANCHORED), outMatch[i]) << "opt={}, subject={}"_format(uint32_t(opt), subjects[i]); } } TEST(PcreTest, CaptureCount) { auto count = [](std::string p) { Regex re(std::move(p)); ASSERT_TRUE(!!re) << errorMessage(re.error()); return re.captureCount(); }; ASSERT_EQ(count("hi"), 0) << "none"; ASSERT_EQ(count("()"), 1) << "empty"; ASSERT_EQ(count("a(b*)c"), 1) << "single"; ASSERT_EQ(count("(\\d*):(\\w*)"), 2) << "sequential"; ASSERT_EQ(count("(\\d*|(b*))c"), 2) << "nested"; ASSERT_EQ(count("a(?:b|c)d"), 0) << "solely non-capturing group"; ASSERT_EQ(count("a(?:b|(?:c*))d"), 0) << "multiple non-capturing groups"; ASSERT_EQ(count("a(?:b|(c*))d"), 1) << "mix of capturing and non-capturing groups"; } TEST(PcreTest, Captures) { Regex re("a(b*)c"); ASSERT_EQ(re.captureCount(), 1); auto subject = "123abbbc456"_sd; auto m = re.matchView(subject); ASSERT_EQ(m.captureCount(), 1); ASSERT_TRUE(!!m); ASSERT_EQ(m[0], "abbbc"); ASSERT_EQ(m[0].rawData(), subject.rawData() + 3); ASSERT_EQ(m[1], "bbb"); ASSERT_EQ(m[1].rawData(), subject.rawData() + 4); ASSERT_THROWS(m[2], ExceptionFor); } TEST(PcreTest, SkippedCapture) { Regex re("the ((red|white) (king|queen))"); ASSERT_THAT(re.matchView("the red queen").getMatchList(), ElementsAre(Eq("the red queen"), Eq("red queen"), Eq("red"), Eq("queen"))); // Same, but second capture group is skipped. Regex reWithSkip("the ((?:red|white) (king|queen))"); ASSERT_THAT(reWithSkip.matchView("the white queen").getMatchList(), ElementsAre(Eq("the white queen"), Eq("white queen"), Eq("queen"))); ASSERT_THAT(reWithSkip.matchView("the red queen").getMatchList(), ElementsAre(Eq("the red queen"), Eq("red queen"), Eq("queen"))); } TEST(PcreTest, UnusedLastCapture) { Regex re("(a)|(b)"); auto m = re.match("a"); ASSERT_THAT(m.getMatchList(), ElementsAre(Eq("a"), Eq("a"), Eq(""))); } TEST(PcreTest, NullCapture) { static constexpr auto sb = "b"_sd; ASSERT_THAT(Regex("(a*)b").matchView(sb)[1].rawData(), Eq(sb.rawData())) << "Empty"; ASSERT_THAT(Regex("(?:b|(a))").matchView(sb)[1].rawData(), Eq(nullptr)) << "Null"; } TEST(PcreTest, CapturesByName) { Regex re("a(?Pb*)c"); ASSERT_EQ(re.captureCount(), 1); auto subject = "123abbbc456"_sd; auto m = re.matchView(subject); ASSERT_TRUE(!!m); ASSERT_EQ(m[1], "bbb"); ASSERT_THROWS(m[2], ExceptionFor); ASSERT_EQ(m["bees"], "bbb"); ASSERT_THROWS(m["seas"], ExceptionFor); } TEST(PcreTest, Utf) { StringData subject = u8Cast(u8"é"); ASSERT_EQ(subject, "\xc3\xa9"_sd); ASSERT_TRUE(Regex("^..$").matchView(subject)) << "é is 2 bytes"; ASSERT_TRUE(Regex("^.$", UTF).matchView(subject)) << "é is 1 UTF-8 character"; } TEST(PcreTest, BadUtfEncoding) { // The UTF_ERR codes are obscure. // See https://www.pcre.org/current/doc/html/pcre2unicode.html Regex re("^.$", UTF); ASSERT_TRUE(!!re); struct Spec { std::string in; std::error_code err; } specs[] = { {"\xbf", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR20}, // isolated bit7 code point {"\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR20}, // isolated bit7 code point {"\xfe", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR21}, // invalid byte value {"\xff", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR21}, // invalid byte value {"\xef\xbf\xbf", {}}, // (U+ffff) {"\xf8\xa0\x8f\xbf\xbf", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR11}, // (U+10ffff) no 5-byte codes {"\xd0\x80", {}}, {"\xe8\x80\x80", {}}, {"\xf4\x80\x80\x80", {}}, // missing 1 code point {"\xc0", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR1}, {"\xe0\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR1}, {"\xf0\x80\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR1}, {"\xf8\x80\x80\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR1}, {"\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR1}, // missing 2 code points {"\xe0", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR2}, {"\xf0\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR2}, {"\xf8\x80\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR2}, {"\xfc\x80\x80\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR2}, // missing 3 code points {"\xf0", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR3}, {"\xf8\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR3}, {"\xfc\x80\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR3}, // missing 4 code points {"\xf8", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR4}, {"\xfc\x80", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR4}, // missing 5 code points {"\xfc", Errc::ERROR_UTF8_ERR5}, // Emoji ? {u8Cast(u8"🍌"), {}}, }; for (auto&& [in, err] : specs) { ASSERT_EQ(re.matchView(in).error(), err); } } std::string subst(std::string re, StringData rep, std::string subject, MatchOptions options = {}) { Regex{std::move(re)}.substitute(rep, &subject, options); return subject; } TEST(PcreTest, Substitute) { ASSERT_EQ(subst("funky", "pretty", "I feel funky funky."), // "I feel pretty funky."); ASSERT_EQ(subst("funky", "pretty", "I feel funky funky.", SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL), // "I feel pretty pretty."); ASSERT_EQ(subst("a(b*)c", "A${1}C", "_abbbc_"), "_AbbbC_"); } TEST(PcreTest, SubstituteFlags) { std::string re = R"re(\[(\w+):(\w+):(\w+)\])re"; StringData repl = "$3 $2 $1"; std::string str = "The [fox:brown:quick] jumped over [dog:lazy:the]."; ASSERT_EQ(subst(re, repl, str), // "The quick brown fox jumped over [dog:lazy:the]."); ASSERT_EQ(subst(re, repl, str, SUBSTITUTE_LITERAL), // "The $3 $2 $1 jumped over [dog:lazy:the]."); ASSERT_EQ(subst(re, repl, str, SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL), // "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."); ASSERT_EQ(subst(re, repl, str, SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL | SUBSTITUTE_LITERAL), // "The $3 $2 $1 jumped over $3 $2 $1."); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo::pcre