/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include "mongo/bson/oid.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/platform/mutex.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/thread_pool_interface.h" #include "mongo/util/functional.h" #include "mongo/util/future.h" #include "mongo/util/invalidating_lru_cache.h" namespace mongo { /** * Serves as a container of the non-templatised parts of the ReadThroughCache class below. */ class ReadThroughCacheBase { ReadThroughCacheBase(const ReadThroughCacheBase&) = delete; ReadThroughCacheBase& operator=(const ReadThroughCacheBase&) = delete; protected: ReadThroughCacheBase(Mutex& mutex, ServiceContext* service, ThreadPoolInterface& threadPool); virtual ~ReadThroughCacheBase(); /** * This method is an extension of ThreadPoolInterface::schedule, with the following additions: * - Creates a client and an operation context and executes the specified 'work' under that * environment * - Returns a CancelToken, which can be used to attempt to cancel 'work' * * If the task manages to get canceled before it is executed (through a call to tryCancel), * 'work' will be invoked out-of-line with a non-OK status, set to error code * ReadThroughCacheLookupCanceled. */ class CancelToken { public: struct TaskInfo; CancelToken(std::shared_ptr info); CancelToken(CancelToken&&); ~CancelToken(); void tryCancel(); private: std::shared_ptr _info; }; using WorkWithOpContext = unique_function; CancelToken _asyncWork(WorkWithOpContext work) noexcept; Date_t _now(); // Service context under which this cache has been instantiated (used for access to service-wide // functionality, such as client/operation context creation) ServiceContext* const _serviceContext; // Thread pool to be used for invoking the blocking 'lookup' calls ThreadPoolInterface& _threadPool; // Used to protect the shared state in the child ReadThroughCache template below. Has a lock // level of 3, meaning that while held, it is only allowed to take '_cancelTokenMutex' below and // the Client lock. Mutex& _mutex; // Used to protect calls to 'tryCancel' above. Has a lock level of 2, meaning what while held, // it is only allowed to take the Client lock. Mutex _cancelTokenMutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("ReadThroughCacheBase::_cancelTokenMutex"); }; template struct ReadThroughCacheLookup { using Fn = unique_function; }; template struct ReadThroughCacheLookup { using Fn = unique_function; }; /** * Implements an (optionally) causally consistent read-through cache from Key to Value, built on top * of InvalidatingLRUCache. * * Causal consistency is provided by requiring the backing store to asociate every Value it returns * with a logical timestamp of type Time. */ template class ReadThroughCache : public ReadThroughCacheBase { /** * Data structure wrapping and expanding on the values stored in the cache. */ struct StoredValue { Value value; // Contains the wallclock time of when the value was fetched from the backing storage. This // value is not precise and should only be used for diagnostics purposes (i.e., it cannot be // relied on to perform any recency comparisons for example). Date_t updateWallClockTime; }; using Cache = InvalidatingLRUCache; public: template static constexpr bool IsComparable = Cache::template IsComparable; /** * Common type for values returned from the cache. */ class ValueHandle { public: // The three constructors below are present in order to offset the fact that the cache // doesn't support pinning items. Their only usage must be in the authorization mananager // for the internal authentication user. ValueHandle(Value&& value) : _valueHandle({std::move(value), Date_t::min()}) {} ValueHandle(Value&& value, const Time& t) : _valueHandle({std::move(value), Date_t::min()}, t) {} ValueHandle() = default; operator bool() const { return bool(_valueHandle); } bool isValid() const { return _valueHandle.isValid(); } const Time& getTime() const { return _valueHandle.getTime(); } Value* get() { return &_valueHandle->value; } const Value* get() const { return &_valueHandle->value; } Value& operator*() { return *get(); } const Value& operator*() const { return *get(); } Value* operator->() { return get(); } const Value* operator->() const { return get(); } /** * See the comments for `StoredValue::updateWallClockTime` above. */ Date_t updateWallClockTime() const { return _valueHandle->updateWallClockTime; } private: friend class ReadThroughCache; ValueHandle(typename Cache::ValueHandle&& valueHandle) : _valueHandle(std::move(valueHandle)) {} typename Cache::ValueHandle _valueHandle; }; /** * Signature for a blocking function to provide the value for a key when there is a cache miss. * * The implementation must throw a uassertion to indicate an error while looking up the value, * return boost::none if the key is not found, or return an actual value. * * See the comments on 'advanceTimeInStore' for additional requirements that this function must * fulfill with respect to causal consistency. */ struct LookupResult { // The 't' parameter is mandatory for causally-consistent caches, but not needed otherwise // (since the time never changes). Using a default of '= CacheNotCausallyConsistent()' // allows non-causally-consistent users to not have to pass a second parameter, but would // fail compilation if causally-consistent users forget to pass it. explicit LookupResult(boost::optional&& v, Time t = CacheNotCausallyConsistent()) : v(std::move(v)), t(std::move(t)) {} LookupResult(LookupResult&&) = default; LookupResult& operator=(LookupResult&&) = default; // If boost::none, it means the '_lookupFn' did not find the key in the store boost::optional v; // If value is boost::none, specifies the time which was passed to '_lookupFn', effectively // meaning, at least as of 'time', there was no entry in the store for the key. Otherwise // contains the time that the store returned for the 'value'. Time t; }; using LookupFn = typename ReadThroughCacheLookup::Fn; // Exposed publicly so it can be unit-tested indepedently of the usages in this class. Must not // be used independently. class InProgressLookup; /** * If 'key' is found in the cache and it fulfills the requested 'causalConsistency', returns a * set ValueHandle (its operator bool will be true). Otherwise, either causes the blocking * 'LookupFn' to be asynchronously invoked to fetch 'key' from the backing store or joins an * already scheduled invocation) and returns a future which will be signaled when the lookup * completes. * * If the lookup is successful and 'key' is found in the store, it will be cached (so subsequent * lookups won't have to re-fetch it) and the future will be set. If 'key' is not found in the * backing store, returns a not-set ValueHandle (it's bool operator will be false). If 'lookup' * fails, the future will be set to the appropriate exception and nothing will be cached, * meaning that subsequent calls to 'acquireAsync' will kick-off 'lookup' again. * * NOTES: * The returned value may be invalid by the time the caller gets to access it, if 'invalidate' * is called for 'key'. */ TEMPLATE(typename KeyType) REQUIRES(IsComparable&& std::is_constructible_v) SharedSemiFuture acquireAsync( const KeyType& key, CacheCausalConsistency causalConsistency = CacheCausalConsistency::kLatestCached) { // Fast path if (auto cachedValue = _cache.get(key, causalConsistency)) return {std::move(cachedValue)}; stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); // Re-check the cache under a mutex, before kicking-off the asynchronous lookup if (auto cachedValue = _cache.get(key, causalConsistency)) return {std::move(cachedValue)}; // Join an in-progress lookup if one has already been scheduled if (auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); it != _inProgressLookups.end()) return it->second->addWaiter(ul); // Schedule an asynchronous lookup for the key auto [cachedValue, timeInStore] = _cache.getCachedValueAndTimeInStore(key); auto [it, emplaced] = _inProgressLookups.emplace( key, std::make_unique( *this, Key(key), ValueHandle(std::move(cachedValue)), std::move(timeInStore))); invariant(emplaced); auto& inProgressLookup = *it->second; auto sharedFutureToReturn = inProgressLookup.addWaiter(ul); ul.unlock(); _doLookupWhileNotValid(Key(key), Status(ErrorCodes::Error(461540), "")).getAsync([](auto) { }); return sharedFutureToReturn; } /** * A blocking variant of 'acquireAsync' above - refer to it for more details. * * NOTES: * This is a potentially blocking method. */ TEMPLATE(typename KeyType) REQUIRES(IsComparable) ValueHandle acquire( OperationContext* opCtx, const KeyType& key, CacheCausalConsistency causalConsistency = CacheCausalConsistency::kLatestCached) { return acquireAsync(key, causalConsistency).get(opCtx); } /** * Acquires the latest value from the cache, or an empty ValueHandle if the key is not present * in the cache. * * Doesn't attempt to lookup, and so doesn't block. */ TEMPLATE(typename KeyType) REQUIRES(IsComparable) ValueHandle peekLatestCached(const KeyType& key) { return {_cache.get(key, CacheCausalConsistency::kLatestCached)}; } /** * Invalidates the given 'key' and immediately replaces it with a new value. * * The 'time' parameter is mandatory for causally-consistent caches, but not needed otherwise * (since the time never changes). */ void insertOrAssign(const Key& key, Value&& newValue, Date_t updateWallClockTime) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); it != _inProgressLookups.end()) it->second->invalidateAndCancelCurrentLookupRound(lg); _cache.insertOrAssign(key, {std::move(newValue), updateWallClockTime}); } void insertOrAssign(const Key& key, Value&& newValue, Date_t updateWallClockTime, const Time& time) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); it != _inProgressLookups.end()) it->second->invalidateAndCancelCurrentLookupRound(lg); _cache.insertOrAssign(key, {std::move(newValue), updateWallClockTime}, time); } /** * Invalidates the given 'key' and immediately replaces it with a new value, returning a handle * to the new value. * * The 'time' parameter is mandatory for causally-consistent caches, but not needed otherwise * (since the time never changes). */ ValueHandle insertOrAssignAndGet(const Key& key, Value&& newValue, Date_t updateWallClockTime) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); it != _inProgressLookups.end()) it->second->invalidateAndCancelCurrentLookupRound(lg); return _cache.insertOrAssignAndGet(key, {std::move(newValue), updateWallClockTime}); } ValueHandle insertOrAssignAndGet(const Key& key, Value&& newValue, Date_t updateWallClockTime, const Time& time) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); it != _inProgressLookups.end()) it->second->invalidateAndCancelCurrentLookupRound(lg); return _cache.insertOrAssignAndGet(key, {std::move(newValue), updateWallClockTime}, time); } /** * Indicates to the cache that the backing store has a newer version of 'key', corresponding to * 'newTime'. Subsequent calls to 'acquireAsync' with a causal consistency set to 'LatestKnown' * will block and perform refresh until the cached value reaches 'newTime'. * * With respect to causal consistency, the 'LookupFn' used for this cache must provide the * guarantee that if 'advanceTimeInStore' is called with a 'newTime', a subsequent call to * 'LookupFn' for 'key' must return at least 'newTime' or later. * * Returns true if the passed 'newTimeInStore' is grater than the time of the currently cached * value or if no value is cached for 'key'. */ TEMPLATE(typename KeyType) REQUIRES(IsComparable) bool advanceTimeInStore(const KeyType& key, const Time& newTime) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); it != _inProgressLookups.end()) it->second->advanceTimeInStore(lg, newTime); return _cache.advanceTimeInStore(key, newTime); } /** * The invalidate methods below guarantee the following: * - All affected keys already in the cache (or returned to callers) will be invalidated and * removed from the cache * - All affected keys, which are in the process of being loaded (i.e., acquireAsync has not * yet completed) will be internally interrupted and rescheduled again, as if 'acquireAsync' * was called *after* the call to invalidate * * In essence, the invalidate calls serve as a "barrier" for the affected keys. */ TEMPLATE(typename KeyType) REQUIRES(IsComparable) void invalidate(const KeyType& key) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); it != _inProgressLookups.end()) it->second->invalidateAndCancelCurrentLookupRound(lg); _cache.invalidate(key); } /** * Invalidates all cached entries and in progress lookups with keys that matches the preidcate. */ template void invalidateKeyIf(const Pred& predicate) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); for (auto& entry : _inProgressLookups) { if (predicate(entry.first)) entry.second->invalidateAndCancelCurrentLookupRound(lg); } _cache.invalidateIf([&](const Key& key, const StoredValue*) { return predicate(key); }); } /** * Invalidates all cached entries with stored values that matches the preidcate. */ template void invalidateCachedValueIf(const Pred& predicate) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); _cache.invalidateIf( [&](const Key&, const StoredValue* value) { return predicate(value->value); }); } void invalidateAll() { invalidateKeyIf([](const Key&) { return true; }); } /** * Returns statistics information about the cache for reporting purposes. */ std::vector getCacheInfo() const { return _cache.getCacheInfo(); } /** * ReadThroughCache constructor. * * The 'mutex' is for the exclusive usage of the ReadThroughCache and must not be used in any * way by the implementing class. Having the mutex stored by the sub-class allows latch * diagnostics to be correctly associated with the sub-class (not the generic ReadThroughCache * class). * * The 'threadPool' can be used for other purposes, but it is mandatory that by the time this * object is destructed that it is shut down and joined so that there are no more asynchronous * loading activities going on. * * The 'cacheSize' parameter specifies the maximum size of the cache before the least recently * used entries start getting evicted. It is allowed to be zero, in which case no entries will * actually be cached, but it doesn't guarantee that every `acquire` call will result in an * invocation of `lookup`. Specifically, several concurrent invocations of `acquire` for the * same key may group together for a single `lookup`. */ ReadThroughCache(Mutex& mutex, ServiceContext* service, ThreadPoolInterface& threadPool, LookupFn lookupFn, int cacheSize) : ReadThroughCacheBase(mutex, service, threadPool), _lookupFn(std::move(lookupFn)), _cache(cacheSize) {} ~ReadThroughCache() { invariant(_inProgressLookups.empty()); } private: using InProgressLookupsMap = stdx::unordered_map, LruKeyHasher, LruKeyComparator>; /** * This method implements an asynchronous "while (!valid)" loop over 'key', which must be on the * in-progress map. */ Future _doLookupWhileNotValid(Key key, StatusWith sw) { stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); auto it = _inProgressLookups.find(key); invariant(it != _inProgressLookups.end()); auto& inProgressLookup = *it->second; auto [promisesToSet, result, mustDoAnotherLoop] = [&] { // The thread pool is shutting down, so terminate the loop if (ErrorCodes::isCancelationError(sw.getStatus())) return std::make_tuple(inProgressLookup.getAllPromisesOnError(ul), StatusWith(sw.getStatus()), false); // There was a concurrent call to 'invalidate', so start all over if (!inProgressLookup.valid(ul)) return std::make_tuple( std::vector>>{}, StatusWith(Status(ErrorCodes::Error(461541), "")), true); // Lookup resulted in an error, which is not cancelation if (!sw.isOK()) return std::make_tuple(inProgressLookup.getAllPromisesOnError(ul), StatusWith(sw.getStatus()), false); // Value (or boost::none) was returned by lookup and there was no concurrent call to // 'invalidate'. Place the value on the cache and return the necessary promises to // signal (those which are waiting for time < time at the store). auto& result = sw.getValue(); auto promisesToSet = inProgressLookup.getPromisesLessThanTime(ul, result.t); auto valueHandleToSet = [&] { if (result.v) { ValueHandle valueHandle( _cache.insertOrAssignAndGet(key, {std::move(*result.v), _now()}, result.t)); // In the case that 'key' was not present in the store up to this lookup's // completion, it is possible that concurrent callers advanced the time in store // further than what was returned by the lookup. Because of this, the time in // the cache must be synchronised with that of the InProgressLookup. _cache.advanceTimeInStore(key, inProgressLookup.minTimeInStore(ul)); return valueHandle; } _cache.invalidate(key); return ValueHandle(); }(); return std::make_tuple(std::move(promisesToSet), StatusWith(std::move(valueHandleToSet)), !inProgressLookup.empty(ul)); }(); if (!mustDoAnotherLoop) _inProgressLookups.erase(it); ul.unlock(); // The only reason this loop pops the values as it goes and std::moves into the last value // is to support the CacheSizeZero unit-test, which requires that once the future it waits // on is set, it contains the last reference on the returned ValueHandle while (!promisesToSet.empty()) { auto p(std::move(promisesToSet.back())); promisesToSet.pop_back(); if (promisesToSet.empty()) p->setFrom(std::move(result)); else p->setFrom(result); } return mustDoAnotherLoop ? inProgressLookup.asyncLookupRound().onCompletion( [this, key = std::move(key)](auto sw) mutable { return _doLookupWhileNotValid(std::move(key), std::move(sw)); }) : Future::makeReady(Status(ErrorCodes::Error(461542), "")); } // Blocking function which will be invoked to retrieve entries from the backing store const LookupFn _lookupFn; // Contains all the currently cached keys. This structure is self-synchronising and doesn't // require a mutex. However, on cache miss it is accessed under '_mutex', which is safe, because // _cache's mutex itself is at level 0. // // NOTE: From destruction order point of view, because keys first "start" in // '_inProgressLookups' and then move on to '_cache' the order of these two fields is important. Cache _cache; // Keeps track of all the keys, which were attempted to be 'acquireAsync'-ed, weren't found in // the cache and are currently in the process of being looked up from the backing store. A // single key may be missing from '_cache', or contain an old 'kLatestCached' and have an active // lookup on this map for 'kLatestKnown'. // // This map is protected by '_mutex'. InProgressLookupsMap _inProgressLookups; }; /** * This class represents an in-progress lookup for a specific key and implements the guarantees of * the invalidation logic as described in the comments of 'ReadThroughCache::invalidate'. * * It is intended to be used in conjunction with the 'ReadThroughCache', which operates on it under * its '_mutex' and ensures there is always at most a single active instance at a time active for * each 'key'. * * The methods of this class are not thread-safe, unless indicated in the comments. * * Its lifecycle is intended to be like this: * * inProgressLookups.emplace(inProgress); * while (true) { * result = inProgress.asyncLookupRound(); * if (!inProgress.valid()) { * continue; * } * * inProgressLookups.remove(inProgress) * cachedValues.insert(result); * inProgress.signalWaiters(result); * } */ template class ReadThroughCache::InProgressLookup { public: InProgressLookup(ReadThroughCache& cache, Key key, ValueHandle cachedValue, Time minTimeInStore) : _cache(cache), _key(std::move(key)), _cachedValue(std::move(cachedValue)), _minTimeInStore(std::move(minTimeInStore)) {} Future asyncLookupRound() { auto [promise, future] = makePromiseFuture(); stdx::lock_guard lg(_cache._mutex); _valid = true; _cancelToken.emplace(_cache._asyncWork([ this, promise = std::move(promise) ]( OperationContext * opCtx, const Status& status) mutable noexcept { promise.setWith([&] { uassertStatusOK(status); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return _cache._lookupFn(opCtx, _key, _cachedValue); } else { auto minTimeInStore = [&] { stdx::lock_guard lg(_cache._mutex); return _minTimeInStore; }(); return _cache._lookupFn(opCtx, _key, _cachedValue, minTimeInStore); } }); })); return std::move(future); } SharedSemiFuture addWaiter(WithLock) { auto [it, unusedEmplaced] = _outstanding.try_emplace( _minTimeInStore, std::make_unique>()); return it->second->getFuture(); } Time minTimeInStore(WithLock) const { return _minTimeInStore; } bool valid(WithLock) const { return _valid; } std::vector>> getAllPromisesOnError(WithLock) { std::vector>> ret; for (auto it = _outstanding.begin(); it != _outstanding.end();) { ret.emplace_back(std::move(it->second)); it = _outstanding.erase(it); } return ret; } std::vector>> getPromisesLessThanTime(WithLock, Time time) { invariant(_valid); std::vector>> ret; for (auto it = _outstanding.begin(); it != _outstanding.end();) { if (it->first > time) break; ret.emplace_back(std::move(it->second)); it = _outstanding.erase(it); } return ret; } bool empty(WithLock) const { invariant(_valid); return _outstanding.empty(); } void advanceTimeInStore(WithLock, const Time& newTime) { if (newTime > _minTimeInStore) _minTimeInStore = newTime; } void invalidateAndCancelCurrentLookupRound(WithLock) { _valid = false; if (_cancelToken) _cancelToken->tryCancel(); } private: // The owning cache, from which mutex, lookupFn, async task scheduling, etc. will be used. It is // the responsibility of the owning cache to join all outstanding lookups at destruction time. ReadThroughCache& _cache; const Key _key; bool _valid{false}; boost::optional _cancelToken; ValueHandle _cachedValue; Time _minTimeInStore; using TimeAndPromiseMap = std::map>>; TimeAndPromiseMap _outstanding; }; } // namespace mongo