/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kControl #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/util/stacktrace.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/bson/json.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/platform/compiler_gcc.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" #include "mongo/util/stacktrace_somap.h" #include "mongo/util/version.h" #define MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_NONE 0 #define MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_LIBUNWIND 1 #define MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_EXECINFO 2 #if defined(MONGO_CONFIG_USE_LIBUNWIND) #if !defined(__has_feature) #define __has_feature(x) 0 #endif #if __has_feature(thread_sanitizer) // TODO: SERVER-48622 (and see also https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/943) #error "Cannot currently use libunwind with -fsanitize=thread" #endif #define MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_LIBUNWIND #elif defined(MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_EXECINFO_BACKTRACE) #define MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_EXECINFO #else #define MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_NONE #endif #if MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND == MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_LIBUNWIND #define UNW_LOCAL_ONLY #include #elif MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND == MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_EXECINFO #include #endif namespace mongo { namespace stack_trace_detail { namespace { constexpr size_t kSymbolMax = 512; constexpr StringData kUnknownFileName = "???"_sd; // Answer might be negative, but that should be a peculiar case. ptrdiff_t offsetFromBase(uintptr_t base, uintptr_t addr) { return addr - base; } struct Options { // Add the processInfo block bool withProcessInfo = true; // Add "human readable" breakdown when dumping stack. 1 line per frame. bool withHumanReadable = true; // only include the somap entries relevant to the backtrace bool trimSoMap = true; // include "a" field with raw addr (use for fatal traces only) bool rawAddress = false; }; // E.g., for "/foo/bar/my.txt", returns "my.txt". StringData getBaseName(StringData path) { size_t lastSlash = path.rfind('/'); if (lastSlash == std::string::npos) return path; return path.substr(lastSlash + 1); } class IterationIface { public: enum Flags { kRaw = 0, kSymbolic = 1, // Also gather symbolic metadata. }; virtual ~IterationIface() = default; virtual void start(Flags f) = 0; virtual bool done() const = 0; virtual const StackTraceAddressMetadata& deref() const = 0; virtual void advance() = 0; }; /** * Iterates through the stacktrace to extract the base for each address in the * stacktrace. Returns a sorted, unique sequence of these bases. */ std::vector uniqueBases(IterationIface& iter, size_t capacity) { std::vector bases; for (iter.start(iter.kSymbolic); bases.size() < capacity && !iter.done(); iter.advance()) { const auto& f = iter.deref(); if (!f.file()) continue; // Add the soFile base into bases, keeping it sorted and unique. auto base = f.file().base(); auto position = std::lower_bound(bases.begin(), bases.end(), base); if (position != bases.end() && *position == base) continue; // skip duplicate base bases.insert(position, base); } return bases; } void appendBacktrace(BSONObjBuilder* obj, IterationIface& iter, const Options& options) { BSONArrayBuilder frames(obj->subarrayStart("backtrace")); for (iter.start(iter.kSymbolic); !iter.done(); iter.advance()) { const auto& meta = iter.deref(); const uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast(meta.address()); BSONObjBuilder frame(frames.subobjStart()); if (options.rawAddress) { frame.append("a", Hex(addr)); } if (const auto& mf = meta.file(); mf) { frame.append("b", Hex(mf.base())); frame.append("o", Hex(offsetFromBase(mf.base(), addr))); } if (const auto& sym = meta.symbol(); sym) { frame.append("s", sym.name()); frame.append("s+", Hex(offsetFromBase(sym.base(), addr))); } } } /** * Most elements of `bsonProcInfo` are copied verbatim into the `jsonProcInfo` Json * object. But the "somap" BSON Array is filtered to only include elements corresponding * to the addresses contained by `bases`. */ void appendProcessInfoTrimmed(const BSONObj& bsonProcInfo, const std::vector& bases, BSONObjBuilder* bob) { for (const BSONElement& be : bsonProcInfo) { StringData key = be.fieldNameStringData(); if (be.type() != BSONType::Array || key != "somap"_sd) { bob->append(be); continue; } BSONArrayBuilder so(bob->subarrayStart(key)); for (const BSONElement& ae : be.Array()) { BSONObj bRec = ae.embeddedObject(); uintptr_t soBase = Hex::fromHex(bRec.getStringField("b")); if (std::binary_search(bases.begin(), bases.end(), soBase)) so.append(ae); } } } void appendStackTraceObject(BSONObjBuilder* obj, IterationIface& iter, const Options& options) { appendBacktrace(obj, iter, options); if (options.withProcessInfo) { const BSONObj& bsonProcInfo = globalSharedObjectMapInfo().obj(); BSONObjBuilder bob(obj->subobjStart("processInfo")); if (options.trimSoMap) { appendProcessInfoTrimmed(bsonProcInfo, uniqueBases(iter, kStackTraceFrameMax), &bob); } else { for (const BSONElement& be : bsonProcInfo) { bob.append(be); } } } } void printMetadata(StackTraceSink& sink, const StackTraceAddressMetadata& meta) { auto printOffset = [&sink](uintptr_t base, uintptr_t address) { ptrdiff_t offset = offsetFromBase(base, address); StringData sign = "+"_sd; if (offset < 0) { sign = "-"_sd; offset = -offset; } sink << sign << Hex(static_cast(offset), true); }; sink << " "; if (meta.file()) { sink << getBaseName(meta.file().name()); sink << "("; if (meta.symbol()) { sink << meta.symbol().name(); printOffset(meta.symbol().base(), meta.address()); } else { printOffset(meta.file().base(), meta.address()); } sink << ")"; } else { // Not even shared object information, just punt with unknown filename (SERVER-43551) sink << kUnknownFileName; } sink << " [0x" << Hex(meta.address()) << "]\n"; } void mergeDlInfo(StackTraceAddressMetadata& f) { Dl_info dli; // `man dladdr`: // On success, these functions return a nonzero value. If the address // specified in addr could be matched to a shared object, but not to a // symbol in the shared object, then the info->dli_sname and // info->dli_saddr fields are set to NULL. if (dladdr(reinterpret_cast(f.address()), &dli) == 0) { return; // f.address doesn't map to a shared object } if (!f.file() && dli.dli_fbase) { f.file().assign(reinterpret_cast(dli.dli_fbase), dli.dli_fname); } if (!f.symbol() && dli.dli_saddr) { f.symbol().assign(reinterpret_cast(dli.dli_saddr), dli.dli_sname); } } #if MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND == MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_LIBUNWIND class LibunwindStepIteration : public IterationIface { public: explicit LibunwindStepIteration(StackTraceSink& sink) : _sink(sink) { if (int r = unw_getcontext(&_context); r < 0) { _sink << "unw_getcontext: " << unw_strerror(r) << "\n"; _failed = true; } } private: void start(Flags flags) override { _flags = flags; _end = false; if (_failed) { _end = true; return; } int r = unw_init_local(&_cursor, &_context); if (r < 0) { _sink << "unw_init_local: " << unw_strerror(r) << "\n"; _end = true; return; } _load(); } bool done() const override { return (_i == kStackTraceFrameMax) || _end; } const StackTraceAddressMetadata& deref() const override { return _meta; } void advance() override { ++_i; int r = unw_step(&_cursor); if (r <= 0) { if (r < 0) { _sink << "error: unw_step: " << unw_strerror(r) << "\n"; } _end = true; } if (!_end) { _load(); } } void _load() { unw_word_t pc; if (int r = unw_get_reg(&_cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &pc); r < 0) { _sink << "unw_get_reg: " << unw_strerror(r) << "\n"; _end = true; return; } if (pc == 0) { _end = true; return; } _meta.reset(static_cast(pc)); if (_flags & kSymbolic) { // `unw_get_proc_name`, with its access to a cursor, and to libunwind's // dwarf reader, can generate better metadata than mergeDlInfo, so prefer it. unw_word_t offset; if (int r = unw_get_proc_name(&_cursor, _symbolBuf, sizeof(_symbolBuf), &offset); r < 0) { _sink << "unw_get_proc_name(" << Hex(_meta.address()) << "): " << unw_strerror(r) << "\n"; } else { _meta.symbol().assign(_meta.address() - offset, _symbolBuf); } mergeDlInfo(_meta); } } StackTraceSink& _sink; Flags _flags; StackTraceAddressMetadata _meta; bool _failed = false; bool _end = false; size_t _i = 0; unw_context_t _context; unw_cursor_t _cursor; char _symbolBuf[kSymbolMax]; }; #endif // MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND class RawBacktraceIteration : public IterationIface { public: explicit RawBacktraceIteration(StackTraceSink& sink) { _n = rawBacktrace(_addresses.data(), _addresses.size()); if (_n == 0) { int err = errno; sink << "Unable to collect backtrace addresses (errno: " << Dec(err) << " " << strerror(err) << ")\n"; return; } } private: void start(Flags flags) override { _flags = flags; _i = 0; if (!done()) _load(); } bool done() const override { return _i >= _n; } const StackTraceAddressMetadata& deref() const override { return _meta; } void advance() override { ++_i; if (!done()) _load(); } void _load() { _meta.reset(reinterpret_cast(_addresses[_i])); if (_flags & kSymbolic) { mergeDlInfo(_meta); } } Flags _flags; StackTraceAddressMetadata _meta; std::array _addresses; size_t _n = 0; size_t _i = 0; }; /** * Prints a stack backtrace for the current thread to the specified sink. * @param sink sink to print to, or print to LOGV2 if sink is nullptr. * * The format of the backtrace is: * * { * backtrace: [...], * processInfo: {...} * } * * The backtrace will be a JSON object with a "backtrace" field, and optionally others. * The "backtrace" field is an array of frame objects. A frame object has a * "b" field, which is the base-address of the library or executable containing the symbol, and * an "o" field, which is the offset into said library or executable of the symbol. * * The backtrace may optionally contain additional information useful to a backtrace * analysis tool. For example, on Linux it contains a subobject named "somap", describing * the objects referenced in the "b" fields of the "backtrace" list. */ void printStackTraceImpl(const Options& options, StackTraceSink* sink = nullptr) { using namespace fmt::literals; std::string err; BSONObjBuilder bob; #if (MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND == MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_NONE) err = "This platform does not support printing stacktraces"; #else #if (MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND == MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_LIBUNWIND) using IterationType = LibunwindStepIteration; #else using IterationType = RawBacktraceIteration; #endif StringStackTraceSink errSink{err}; IterationType iteration(errSink); appendStackTraceObject(&bob, iteration, options); #endif if (!err.empty()) { if (sink) { *sink << fmt::format(FMT_STRING("Error collecting stack trace: {}"), err); } LOGV2_ERROR(31430, "Error collecting stack trace", "error"_attr = err); } stack_trace_detail::logBacktraceObject(bob.done(), sink, options.withHumanReadable); } } // namespace } // namespace stack_trace_detail void StackTraceAddressMetadata::printTo(StackTraceSink& sink) const { stack_trace_detail::printMetadata(sink, *this); } size_t rawBacktrace(void** addrs, size_t capacity) { #if (MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND == MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_LIBUNWIND) return ::unw_backtrace(addrs, capacity); #elif (MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND == MONGO_STACKTRACE_BACKEND_EXECINFO) return ::backtrace(addrs, capacity); #else return 0; #endif } const StackTraceAddressMetadata& StackTraceAddressMetadataGenerator::load(void* address) { _meta.reset(reinterpret_cast(address)); stack_trace_detail::mergeDlInfo(_meta); return _meta; } void printStackTrace(StackTraceSink& sink) { stack_trace_detail::Options options{}; options.rawAddress = true; stack_trace_detail::printStackTraceImpl(options, &sink); } void printStackTrace(std::ostream& os) { OstreamStackTraceSink sink{os}; printStackTrace(sink); } void printStackTrace() { stack_trace_detail::Options options{}; options.rawAddress = true; stack_trace_detail::printStackTraceImpl(options, nullptr); } } // namespace mongo