/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kCommand #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kCommand #include "mongo/util/stacktrace.h" #if defined(MONGO_STACKTRACE_CAN_DUMP_ALL_THREADS) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/parse_number.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/bson/json.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/stdx/mutex.h" #include "mongo/stdx/thread.h" #include "mongo/stdx/unordered_map.h" #include "mongo/util/signal_handlers_synchronous.h" #include "mongo/util/stacktrace_somap.h" namespace mongo { namespace stack_trace_detail { namespace { constexpr StringData kTaskDir = "/proc/self/task"_sd; StringData getBaseName(StringData path) { size_t lastSlash = path.rfind('/'); if (lastSlash == std::string::npos) return path; return path.substr(lastSlash + 1); } ptrdiff_t offsetFromBase(uintptr_t base, uintptr_t addr) { return addr - base; } class CachedMetaGenerator { public: class File { public: File(uintptr_t base, std::string id, boost::filesystem::path path) : _base(base), _id(std::move(id)), _path(std::move(path)) {} uintptr_t base() const { return _base; } StringData id() const { return _id; } const boost::filesystem::path& path() const { return _path; } private: uintptr_t _base; std::string _id; boost::filesystem::path _path; }; class Symbol { public: Symbol(uintptr_t base, std::string name) : _base(base), _name(std::move(name)) {} uintptr_t base() const { return _base; } StringData name() const { return _name; } private: uintptr_t _base; std::string _name; }; class RedactedMeta { public: RedactedMeta(void* a, const File* f, const Symbol* s) : _addr(a), _file(f), _symbol(s) {} void* addr() const { return _addr; } const File* file() const { return _file; } const Symbol* symbol() const { return _symbol; } private: void* _addr; const File* _file; const Symbol* _symbol; }; CachedMetaGenerator() = default; ~CachedMetaGenerator() { LOGV2(23393, "CachedMetaGenerator: {hits}/{hits_misses}", "hits"_attr = _hits, "hits_misses"_attr = (_hits + _misses)); } const RedactedMeta& load(void* addr) { auto it = _cache.find(addr); if (it != _cache.end()) { ++_hits; return it->second; } ++_misses; const auto& rawMeta = _gen.load(addr); const File* file{}; if (const auto& rmf = rawMeta.file(); rmf) { auto it = _files.find(rmf.base()); if (it == _files.end()) { it = _files .insert({rmf.base(), File{rmf.base(), makeId(), boost::filesystem::path{std::string{rmf.name()}}}}) .first; } file = &it->second; } const Symbol* sym{}; if (const auto& rms = rawMeta.symbol(); rms) { auto it = _symbols.find(rms.base()); if (it == _symbols.end()) it = _symbols.insert({rms.base(), {rms.base(), std::string{rms.name()}}}).first; sym = &it->second; } return _cache.insert({addr, {addr, file, sym}}).first->second; } const File* findFile(uintptr_t soBase) const { if (auto it = _files.find(soBase); it != _files.end()) return &it->second; return nullptr; } private: std::string makeId() { return format(FMT_STRING("{:03d}"), _serial++); } size_t _hits = 0; size_t _misses = 0; size_t _serial = 0; std::map _files; std::map _symbols; stdx::unordered_map _cache; StackTraceAddressMetadataGenerator _gen; }; /** Safe to call from a signal handler. Might wake early with EINTR. */ void sleepMicros(int64_t usec) { auto nsec = usec * 1000; constexpr static int64_t k1E9 = 1'000'000'000; timespec ts{nsec / k1E9, nsec % k1E9}; nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); } int gettid() { return syscall(SYS_gettid); } int tgkill(int pid, int tid, int sig) { return syscall(SYS_tgkill, pid, tid, sig); } boost::filesystem::path taskDir() { return boost::filesystem::path("/proc/self/task"); } /** Call `f(tid)` on each thread `tid` in this process except the calling thread. */ template void iterateTids(F&& f) { int selfTid = gettid(); auto iter = boost::filesystem::directory_iterator{taskDir()}; for (const auto& entry : iter) { int tid; if (!NumberParser{}(entry.path().filename().string(), &tid).isOK()) continue; // Ignore non-integer names (e.g. "." or ".."). if (tid == selfTid) continue; // skip the current thread f(tid); } } bool tidExists(int tid) { return exists(taskDir() / std::to_string(tid)); } std::string readThreadName(int tid) { std::string threadName; try { boost::filesystem::ifstream in(taskDir() / std::to_string(tid) / "comm"); std::getline(in, threadName); } catch (...) { } return threadName; } /** Cannot yield. AS-Safe. */ class SimpleSpinLock { public: void lock() { while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { if (!_flag.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)) { return; } } sleepMicros(1); } } void unlock() { _flag.clear(std::memory_order_release); } private: std::atomic_flag _flag = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; // NOLINT }; template class AsyncStack { public: T* tryPop() { stdx::lock_guard lock{_spin}; T* node = _head; if (node) { node = std::exchange(_head, node->intrusiveNext); node->intrusiveNext = nullptr; } return node; } void push(T* node) { stdx::lock_guard lock{_spin}; node->intrusiveNext = std::exchange(_head, node); } private: T* _head = nullptr; SimpleSpinLock _spin; // guards _head }; class ThreadBacktrace { public: ThreadBacktrace* intrusiveNext; static const size_t capacity = kStackTraceFrameMax; auto addrRange() const { struct AddrRange { void **b, **e; void** begin() const { return b; } void** end() const { return e; } }; return AddrRange{addrs, addrs + size}; } int tid = 0; std::unique_ptr addrStorage = std::make_unique(capacity); void** addrs = addrStorage.get(); size_t size = 0; }; class State { public: void printStacks(StackTraceSink& sink); void printStacks(); /** * We need signals for two purpposes in the stack tracing system. * * An external process sends a signal to initiate stack tracing. When that's received, * we *also* need a signal to send to each thread to cause to dump its backtrace. * The `siginfo` provides enough information to allow one signal to serve both roles. * * Since all threads are open to receiving this signal, any of them can be selected to * receive it when it comes from outside. So we arrange for any thread that receives the * undirected stack trace signal to re-issue it directy at the signal processing thread. * * The signal processing thread will have the signal blocked, and handle it * synchronously with sigwaitinfo, so this handler only applies to the other * respondents. */ void action(siginfo_t* si); void markProcessingThread() { _processingTid.store(gettid(), std::memory_order_release); } void setSignal(int signal) { _signal = signal; } private: /** An in-flight all-thread stack collection. */ struct StackCollectionOperation { AsyncStack pool; AsyncStack results; }; struct AbstractEmitter { virtual void open() = 0; virtual void prologue(const BSONObj& obj) = 0; virtual void threadRecordsOpen() = 0; virtual void threadRecord(const BSONObj& obj) = 0; virtual void threadRecordsClose() = 0; virtual void close() = 0; }; /** Write several log statements, one per thread. */ void printToEmitter(AbstractEmitter& emitter); void collectStacks(std::vector& messageStorage, std::vector& received, std::vector& missedTids); ThreadBacktrace* acquireBacktraceBuffer(); void postBacktrace(ThreadBacktrace* msg) { _stackCollection.load()->results.push(msg); } int _signal = 0; std::atomic _processingTid = -1; // NOLINT std::atomic _stackCollection = nullptr; // NOLINT MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(decltype(_processingTid)::is_always_lock_free); MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(decltype(_stackCollection)::is_always_lock_free); }; ThreadBacktrace* State::acquireBacktraceBuffer() { while (true) { auto coll = _stackCollection.load(); if (!coll) { // Brute sanity check. Should not really happen. // A raise(SIGUSR2) could cause it, but we aren't supporting that. return nullptr; } if (ThreadBacktrace* msg = coll->pool.tryPop(); msg != nullptr) return msg; sleepMicros(1); } } void State::collectStacks(std::vector& messageStorage, std::vector& received, std::vector& missedTids) { std::set pendingTids; iterateTids([&](int tid) { pendingTids.insert(tid); }); LOGV2(23394, "Preparing to dump up to {pendingTids_size} thread stacks", "pendingTids_size"_attr = pendingTids.size()); messageStorage.resize(pendingTids.size()); received.reserve(pendingTids.size()); // Make a StackCollectionOperation and load it with enough ThreadBacktrace buffers to serve // every pending thread. StackCollectionOperation collection; for (auto& m : messageStorage) collection.pool.push(&m); _stackCollection.store(&collection, std::memory_order_release); for (auto iter = pendingTids.begin(); iter != pendingTids.end();) { errno = 0; if (int r = tgkill(getpid(), *iter, _signal); r < 0) { int errsv = errno; LOGV2(23395, "failed to signal thread ({iter}):{strerror_errsv}", "iter"_attr = *iter, "strerror_errsv"_attr = strerror(errsv)); missedTids.push_back(*iter); iter = pendingTids.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } LOGV2(23396, "signalled {pendingTids_size} threads", "pendingTids_size"_attr = pendingTids.size()); size_t napMicros = 0; while (!pendingTids.empty()) { if (ThreadBacktrace* message = collection.results.tryPop(); message) { napMicros = 0; if (pendingTids.erase(message->tid) != 0) { received.push_back(message); } else { collection.pool.push(message); } } else if (napMicros < 50'000) { // Results queue is dry and we haven't napped enough to justify a reap. napMicros += 1'000; sleepMicros(1'000); } else { napMicros = 0; // Prune dead threads from the pendingTids set before retrying. for (auto iter = pendingTids.begin(); iter != pendingTids.end();) { if (!tidExists(*iter)) { missedTids.push_back(*iter); iter = pendingTids.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } } } _stackCollection.store(nullptr, std::memory_order_release); } void State::printStacks(StackTraceSink& sink) { struct SinkEmitter : public AbstractEmitter { explicit SinkEmitter(StackTraceSink& s) : _sink{s} {} void open() override {} void prologue(const BSONObj& obj) override { for (auto& e : obj) _bob.append(e); } void threadRecordsOpen() override { _threadRecords = std::make_unique(_bob.subarrayStart("threadInfo")); } void threadRecord(const BSONObj& obj) override { _threadRecords->append(obj); } void threadRecordsClose() override { _threadRecords->done(); } void close() override { _sink << tojson(_bob.done(), ExtendedRelaxedV2_0_0); } StackTraceSink& _sink; BSONObjBuilder _bob; std::unique_ptr _threadRecords; }; SinkEmitter emitter{sink}; printToEmitter(emitter); } void State::printStacks() { struct LogEmitter : public AbstractEmitter { void open() override { LOGV2(31423, "===== multithread stacktrace session begin ====="); } void prologue(const BSONObj& obj) override { LOGV2(31424, "stacktrace prologue: {}", "prologue"_attr = obj); } void threadRecordsOpen() override {} void threadRecord(const BSONObj& obj) override { LOGV2(31425, "stacktrace record: {}", "threadRecord"_attr = obj); } void threadRecordsClose() override {} void close() override { LOGV2(31426, "===== multithread stacktrace session end ====="); } }; LogEmitter emitter; printToEmitter(emitter); } void State::printToEmitter(AbstractEmitter& emitter) { std::vector messageStorage; std::vector received; std::vector missedTids; collectStacks(messageStorage, received, missedTids); CachedMetaGenerator metaGen; const BSONObj& bsonProcInfo = globalSharedObjectMapInfo().obj(); // Load all addrs in all threads into the metaGen. for (auto&& msg : received) for (auto&& addrPtr : msg->addrRange()) metaGen.load(addrPtr); emitter.open(); { BSONObjBuilder prologue; if (!missedTids.empty()) { BSONArrayBuilder tidArray(prologue.subarrayStart("missedThreadIds"_sd)); for (int tid : missedTids) tidArray.append(tid); } { BSONObjBuilder procInfo(prologue.subobjStart("processInfo"_sd)); for (const BSONElement& be : bsonProcInfo) { StringData key = be.fieldNameStringData(); // Handle 'somap' specially. Pass everything else through. if (be.type() == BSONType::Array && key == "somap"_sd) { BSONArrayBuilder soMapArr(procInfo.subarrayStart(key)); for (const BSONElement& ae : be.Array()) { BSONObj bRec = ae.embeddedObject(); uintptr_t soBase = Hex::fromHex(bRec.getStringField("b"_sd)); // Skip any files that aren't present in the metaGen. const auto* file = metaGen.findFile(soBase); if (file == nullptr) continue; BSONObjBuilder outLibrary(soMapArr.subobjStart()); // Replace "b" with the `file->id()`. Pass everything else through. for (auto&& be : bRec) { if (be.fieldNameStringData() == "b"_sd) { outLibrary.append("b"_sd, file->id()); } else { outLibrary.append(be); } } } } else { procInfo.append(be); } } } emitter.prologue(prologue.done()); } emitter.threadRecordsOpen(); for (ThreadBacktrace* msg : received) { BSONObjBuilder threadRecord; if (auto threadName = readThreadName(msg->tid); !threadName.empty()) { threadRecord.append("name"_sd, threadName); } threadRecord.append("tid"_sd, msg->tid); { BSONArrayBuilder backtrace(threadRecord.subarrayStart("backtrace"_sd)); for (void* const addrPtr : msg->addrRange()) { const auto& meta = metaGen.load(addrPtr); const uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast(addrPtr); BSONObjBuilder frame(backtrace.subobjStart()); if (const auto& mf = meta.file(); mf) { StringData base = mf->id(); // really a made-up id string frame.append("b"_sd, base); frame.append("o"_sd, Hex(offsetFromBase(mf->base(), addr))); } if (const auto& sym = meta.symbol(); sym) { frame.append("s"_sd, sym->name()); frame.append("s+"_sd, Hex(offsetFromBase(sym->base(), addr))); } } } emitter.threadRecord(threadRecord.done()); } emitter.threadRecordsClose(); emitter.close(); } void State::action(siginfo_t* si) { switch (si->si_code) { case SI_USER: case SI_QUEUE: // Received from outside. Forward to signal processing thread if there is one. if (int sigTid = _processingTid.load(std::memory_order_acquire); sigTid != -1) tgkill(getpid(), sigTid, si->si_signo); break; case SI_TKILL: // Users should call the toplevel printAllThreadStacks function. // An SI_TKILL could be a raise(SIGUSR2) call, and we ignore those. // Received from the signal processing thread. // Submit this thread's backtrace to the results stack. if (ThreadBacktrace* msg = acquireBacktraceBuffer(); msg != nullptr) { msg->tid = gettid(); msg->size = rawBacktrace(msg->addrs, msg->capacity); postBacktrace(msg); } break; } } State* stateSingleton = new State{}; /** * Called from single-thread init time. The stack tracer will use the specified `signal`. */ void initialize(int signal) { stateSingleton->setSignal(signal); struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_sigaction = [](int, siginfo_t* si, void*) { stateSingleton->action(si); }; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_ONSTACK; if (sigaction(signal, &sa, nullptr) != 0) { int savedErr = errno; LOGV2_FATAL( 31376, "{format_FMT_STRING_Failed_to_install_sigaction_for_signal_signal_strerror_savedErr}", "format_FMT_STRING_Failed_to_install_sigaction_for_signal_signal_strerror_savedErr"_attr = format(FMT_STRING("Failed to install sigaction for signal {} ({})"), signal, strerror(savedErr))); } } } // namespace } // namespace stack_trace_detail void printAllThreadStacks(StackTraceSink& sink) { stack_trace_detail::stateSingleton->printStacks(sink); } void printAllThreadStacks() { stack_trace_detail::stateSingleton->printStacks(); } void setupStackTraceSignalAction(int signal) { stack_trace_detail::initialize(signal); } void markAsStackTraceProcessingThread() { stack_trace_detail::stateSingleton->markProcessingThread(); } } // namespace mongo #endif // !defined(MONGO_STACKTRACE_CAN_DUMP_ALL_THREADS)