/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/hex.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" namespace mongo::str { using std::string; TEST(StringUtilsTest, Basic) { // // Basic version comparison tests with different version string types // // Equal ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3", "1.2.3") == 0); // Basic ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3", "1.2.4") < 0); ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3", "1.2.20") < 0); ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3", "1.20.3") < 0); ASSERT(versionCmp("2.2.3", "10.2.3") < 0); // Post-fixed ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3", "1.2.3-") > 0); ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3", "1.2.3-pre") > 0); ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3", "1.2.4-") < 0); ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3-", "1.2.3") < 0); ASSERT(versionCmp("1.2.3-pre", "1.2.3") < 0); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, Simple1) { ASSERT_EQUALS(0, LexNumCmp::cmp("a.b.c", "a.b.c", false)); } void assertCmp(int expected, StringData s1, StringData s2, bool lexOnly = false) { LexNumCmp cmp(lexOnly); ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, cmp.cmp(s1, s2, lexOnly)); ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, cmp.cmp(s1, s2)); ASSERT_EQUALS(expected < 0, cmp(s1, s2)); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, Simple2) { ASSERT(!isdigit((char)255)); assertCmp(0, "a", "a"); assertCmp(-1, "a", "aa"); assertCmp(1, "aa", "a"); assertCmp(-1, "a", "b"); assertCmp(1, "100", "50"); assertCmp(-1, "50", "100"); assertCmp(1, "b", "a"); assertCmp(0, "aa", "aa"); assertCmp(-1, "aa", "ab"); assertCmp(1, "ab", "aa"); assertCmp(1, "0", "a"); assertCmp(1, "a0", "aa"); assertCmp(-1, "a", "0"); assertCmp(-1, "aa", "a0"); assertCmp(0, "0", "0"); assertCmp(0, "10", "10"); assertCmp(-1, "1", "10"); assertCmp(1, "10", "1"); assertCmp(1, "11", "10"); assertCmp(-1, "10", "11"); assertCmp(1, "f11f", "f10f"); assertCmp(-1, "f10f", "f11f"); assertCmp(-1, "f11f", "f111"); assertCmp(1, "f111", "f11f"); assertCmp(-1, "f12f", "f12g"); assertCmp(1, "f12g", "f12f"); assertCmp(1, "aa{", "aab"); assertCmp(-1, "aa{", "aa1"); assertCmp(-1, "a1{", "a11"); assertCmp(1, "a1{a", "a1{"); assertCmp(-1, "a1{", "a1{a"); assertCmp(1, "21", "11"); assertCmp(-1, "11", "21"); assertCmp(-1, "a.0", "a.1"); assertCmp(-1, "a.0.b", "a.1"); assertCmp(-1, "b.", "b.|"); assertCmp(-1, "b.0e", (string("b.") + (char)255).c_str()); assertCmp(-1, "b.", "b.0e"); assertCmp(0, "238947219478347782934718234", "238947219478347782934718234"); assertCmp(0, "000238947219478347782934718234", "238947219478347782934718234"); assertCmp(1, "000238947219478347782934718235", "238947219478347782934718234"); assertCmp(-1, "238947219478347782934718234", "238947219478347782934718234.1"); assertCmp(0, "238", "000238"); assertCmp(0, "002384", "0002384"); assertCmp(0, "00002384", "0002384"); assertCmp(0, "0", "0"); assertCmp(0, "0000", "0"); assertCmp(0, "0", "000"); assertCmp(-1, "0000", "0.0"); assertCmp(1, "2380", "238"); assertCmp(1, "2385", "2384"); assertCmp(1, "2385", "02384"); assertCmp(1, "2385", "002384"); assertCmp(-1, "123.234.4567", "00238"); assertCmp(0, "123.234", "00123.234"); assertCmp(0, "a.123.b", "a.00123.b"); assertCmp(1, "a.123.b", "a.b.00123.b"); assertCmp(-1, "a.00.0", "a.0.1"); assertCmp(0, "01.003.02", "1.3.2"); assertCmp(-1, "1.3.2", "10.300.20"); assertCmp(0, "10.300.20", "000000000000010.0000300.000000020"); assertCmp(0, "0000a", "0a"); assertCmp(-1, "a", "0a"); assertCmp(-1, "000a", "001a"); assertCmp(0, "010a", "0010a"); assertCmp(-1, "a0", "a00"); assertCmp(0, "a.0", "a.00"); assertCmp(-1, "a.b.c.d0", "a.b.c.d00"); assertCmp(1, "a.b.c.0.y", "a.b.c.00.x"); assertCmp(-1, "a", "a-"); assertCmp(1, "a-", "a"); assertCmp(0, "a-", "a-"); assertCmp(-1, "a", "a-c"); assertCmp(1, "a-c", "a"); assertCmp(0, "a-c", "a-c"); assertCmp(1, "a-c.t", "a.t"); assertCmp(-1, "a.t", "a-c.t"); assertCmp(0, "a-c.t", "a-c.t"); assertCmp(1, "ac.t", "a.t"); assertCmp(-1, "a.t", "ac.t"); assertCmp(0, "ac.t", "ac.t"); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, LexOnly) { assertCmp(-1, "0", "00", true); assertCmp(1, "1", "01", true); assertCmp(-1, "1", "11", true); assertCmp(1, "2", "11", true); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, Substring1) { assertCmp(0, "1234", "1234", false); assertCmp(0, StringData("1234"), StringData("1234"), false); assertCmp(0, StringData("1234", 4), StringData("1234", 4), false); assertCmp(-1, StringData("123", 3), StringData("1234", 4), false); assertCmp(0, StringData("0001", 3), StringData("0000", 3), false); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, VariousConversions) { ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("0"), integerToHex(0)); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("1"), integerToHex(1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("1337"), integerToHex(0x1337)); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("FFFFD499"), integerToHex(-11111)); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("F1FE60C4"), integerToHex(-234987324)); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("80000000"), integerToHex(std::numeric_limits::min())); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("7FFFFFFF"), integerToHex(std::numeric_limits::max())); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"), integerToHex(std::numeric_limits::max())); ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("8000000000000000"), integerToHex(std::numeric_limits::min())); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, unsignedFixedLengthHex) { ASSERT_EQUALS(unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(std::numeric_limits::max()), std::string("FFFFFFFF")); ASSERT_EQUALS(unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(0), std::string("00000000")); ASSERT_EQUALS(unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(123), std::string("0000007B")); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, CanParseZero) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("0"); ASSERT(result && *result == 0); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, CanParseDoubleZero) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("00"); ASSERT(result && *result == 0); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, PositivePrefixFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("+0"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, NegativePrefixFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("-0"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, CanParseIntValue) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("10"); ASSERT(result && *result == 10); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, CanParseIntValueWithLeadingZeros) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("0010"); ASSERT(result && *result == 10); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, TrailingLetterFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("5a"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, LeadingLetterFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("a5"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, LetterWithinNumberFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("5a5"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, HexStringFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("0xfeed"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, BinaryStringFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("0b11010010"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, LeadingWhitespaceFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer(" 10"); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, TrailingWhitespaceFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer("10 "); ASSERT(!result); } TEST(StringUtilsTest, WhitespaceWithinNumberFailsToParse) { boost::optional result = parseUnsignedBase10Integer(" 10"); ASSERT(!result); } } // namespace mongo::str