// Copyright 2005 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. #include using std::min; using std::max; using std::swap; using std::reverse; #include "s2latlngrect.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "util/coding/coder.h" #include "s2cap.h" #include "s2cell.h" #include "s2edgeutil.h" #include "util/math/mathutil.h" static const unsigned char kCurrentEncodingVersionNumber = 1; S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::FromCenterSize(S2LatLng const& center, S2LatLng const& size) { return FromPoint(center).Expanded(0.5 * size); } S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::FromPoint(S2LatLng const& p) { DCHECK(p.is_valid()); return S2LatLngRect(p, p); } S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::FromPointPair(S2LatLng const& p1, S2LatLng const& p2) { DCHECK(p1.is_valid()) << p1; DCHECK(p2.is_valid()) << p2; return S2LatLngRect(R1Interval::FromPointPair(p1.lat().radians(), p2.lat().radians()), S1Interval::FromPointPair(p1.lng().radians(), p2.lng().radians())); } S2LatLngRect* S2LatLngRect::Clone() const { return new S2LatLngRect(*this); } S2LatLng S2LatLngRect::GetVertex(int k) const { // Twiddle bits to return the points in CCW order (SW, SE, NE, NW). return S2LatLng::FromRadians(lat_.bound(k>>1), lng_.bound((k>>1) ^ (k&1))); } S2LatLng S2LatLngRect::GetCenter() const { return S2LatLng::FromRadians(lat_.GetCenter(), lng_.GetCenter()); } S2LatLng S2LatLngRect::GetSize() const { return S2LatLng::FromRadians(lat_.GetLength(), lng_.GetLength()); } double S2LatLngRect::Area() const { if (is_empty()) return 0.0; // This is the size difference of the two spherical caps, multiplied by // the longitude ratio. return lng().GetLength()* fabs(sin(lat_hi().radians()) - sin(lat_lo().radians())); } bool S2LatLngRect::Contains(S2LatLng const& ll) const { DCHECK(ll.is_valid()); return (lat_.Contains(ll.lat().radians()) && lng_.Contains(ll.lng().radians())); } bool S2LatLngRect::InteriorContains(S2Point const& p) const { return InteriorContains(S2LatLng(p)); } bool S2LatLngRect::InteriorContains(S2LatLng const& ll) const { DCHECK(ll.is_valid()); return (lat_.InteriorContains(ll.lat().radians()) && lng_.InteriorContains(ll.lng().radians())); } bool S2LatLngRect::Contains(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { return lat_.Contains(other.lat_) && lng_.Contains(other.lng_); } bool S2LatLngRect::InteriorContains(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { return (lat_.InteriorContains(other.lat_) && lng_.InteriorContains(other.lng_)); } bool S2LatLngRect::Intersects(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { return lat_.Intersects(other.lat_) && lng_.Intersects(other.lng_); } bool S2LatLngRect::InteriorIntersects(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { return (lat_.InteriorIntersects(other.lat_) && lng_.InteriorIntersects(other.lng_)); } void S2LatLngRect::AddPoint(S2Point const& p) { AddPoint(S2LatLng(p)); } void S2LatLngRect::AddPoint(S2LatLng const& ll) { DCHECK(ll.is_valid()); lat_.AddPoint(ll.lat().radians()); lng_.AddPoint(ll.lng().radians()); } S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::Expanded(S2LatLng const& margin) const { DCHECK_GE(margin.lat().radians(), 0); DCHECK_GE(margin.lng().radians(), 0); return S2LatLngRect( lat_.Expanded(margin.lat().radians()).Intersection(FullLat()), lng_.Expanded(margin.lng().radians())); } S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::Union(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { return S2LatLngRect(lat_.Union(other.lat_), lng_.Union(other.lng_)); } S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::Intersection(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { R1Interval lat = lat_.Intersection(other.lat_); S1Interval lng = lng_.Intersection(other.lng_); if (lat.is_empty() || lng.is_empty()) { // The lat/lng ranges must either be both empty or both non-empty. return Empty(); } return S2LatLngRect(lat, lng); } S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::ConvolveWithCap(S1Angle const& angle) const { // The most straightforward approach is to build a cap centered on each // vertex and take the union of all the bounding rectangles (including the // original rectangle; this is necessary for very large rectangles). // Optimization: convert the angle to a height exactly once. S2Cap cap = S2Cap::FromAxisAngle(S2Point(1, 0, 0), angle); S2LatLngRect r = *this; for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { S2Cap vertex_cap = S2Cap::FromAxisHeight(GetVertex(k).ToPoint(), cap.height()); r = r.Union(vertex_cap.GetRectBound()); } return r; } S2Cap S2LatLngRect::GetCapBound() const { // We consider two possible bounding caps, one whose axis passes // through the center of the lat-long rectangle and one whose axis // is the north or south pole. We return the smaller of the two caps. if (is_empty()) return S2Cap::Empty(); double pole_z, pole_angle; if (lat_.lo() + lat_.hi() < 0) { // South pole axis yields smaller cap. pole_z = -1; pole_angle = M_PI_2 + lat_.hi(); } else { pole_z = 1; pole_angle = M_PI_2 - lat_.lo(); } S2Cap pole_cap = S2Cap::FromAxisAngle(S2Point(0, 0, pole_z), S1Angle::Radians(pole_angle)); // For bounding rectangles that span 180 degrees or less in longitude, the // maximum cap size is achieved at one of the rectangle vertices. For // rectangles that are larger than 180 degrees, we punt and always return a // bounding cap centered at one of the two poles. double lng_span = lng_.hi() - lng_.lo(); if (remainder(lng_span, 2 * M_PI) >= 0) { if (lng_span < 2 * M_PI) { S2Cap mid_cap = S2Cap::FromAxisAngle(GetCenter().ToPoint(), S1Angle::Radians(0)); for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { mid_cap.AddPoint(GetVertex(k).ToPoint()); } if (mid_cap.height() < pole_cap.height()) return mid_cap; } } return pole_cap; } S2LatLngRect S2LatLngRect::GetRectBound() const { return *this; } bool S2LatLngRect::Contains(S2Cell const& cell) const { // A latitude-longitude rectangle contains a cell if and only if it contains // the cell's bounding rectangle. This test is exact from a mathematical // point of view, assuming that the bounds returned by S2Cell::GetRectBound() // are tight. However, note that there can be a loss of precision when // converting between representations -- for example, if an S2Cell is // converted to a polygon, the polygon's bounding rectangle may not contain // the cell's bounding rectangle. This has some slightly unexpected side // effects; for instance, if one creates an S2Polygon from an S2Cell, the // polygon will contain the cell, but the polygon's bounding box will not. return Contains(cell.GetRectBound()); } bool S2LatLngRect::MayIntersect(S2Cell const& cell) const { // This test is cheap but is NOT exact (see s2latlngrect.h). return Intersects(cell.GetRectBound()); } void S2LatLngRect::Encode(Encoder* encoder) const { encoder->Ensure(40); // sufficient encoder->put8(kCurrentEncodingVersionNumber); encoder->putdouble(lat_.lo()); encoder->putdouble(lat_.hi()); encoder->putdouble(lng_.lo()); encoder->putdouble(lng_.hi()); DCHECK_GE(encoder->avail(), 0); } bool S2LatLngRect::Decode(Decoder* decoder) { unsigned char version = decoder->get8(); if (version > kCurrentEncodingVersionNumber) return false; double lat_lo = decoder->getdouble(); double lat_hi = decoder->getdouble(); lat_ = R1Interval(lat_lo, lat_hi); double lng_lo = decoder->getdouble(); double lng_hi = decoder->getdouble(); lng_ = S1Interval(lng_lo, lng_hi); DCHECK(is_valid()); return decoder->avail() >= 0; } bool S2LatLngRect::IntersectsLngEdge(S2Point const& a, S2Point const& b, R1Interval const& lat, double lng) { // Return true if the segment AB intersects the given edge of constant // longitude. The nice thing about edges of constant longitude is that // they are straight lines on the sphere (geodesics). return S2EdgeUtil::SimpleCrossing( a, b, S2LatLng::FromRadians(lat.lo(), lng).ToPoint(), S2LatLng::FromRadians(lat.hi(), lng).ToPoint()); } bool S2LatLngRect::IntersectsLatEdge(S2Point const& a, S2Point const& b, double lat, S1Interval const& lng) { // Return true if the segment AB intersects the given edge of constant // latitude. Unfortunately, lines of constant latitude are curves on // the sphere. They can intersect a straight edge in 0, 1, or 2 points. DCHECK(S2::IsUnitLength(a)); DCHECK(S2::IsUnitLength(b)); // First, compute the normal to the plane AB that points vaguely north. S2Point z = S2::RobustCrossProd(a, b).Normalize(); if (z[2] < 0) z = -z; // Extend this to an orthonormal frame (x,y,z) where x is the direction // where the great circle through AB achieves its maximium latitude. S2Point y = S2::RobustCrossProd(z, S2Point(0, 0, 1)).Normalize(); S2Point x = y.CrossProd(z); DCHECK(S2::IsUnitLength(x)); DCHECK_GE(x[2], 0); // Compute the angle "theta" from the x-axis (in the x-y plane defined // above) where the great circle intersects the given line of latitude. double sin_lat = sin(lat); if (fabs(sin_lat) >= x[2]) { return false; // The great circle does not reach the given latitude. } DCHECK_GT(x[2], 0); double cos_theta = sin_lat / x[2]; double sin_theta = sqrt(1 - cos_theta * cos_theta); double theta = atan2(sin_theta, cos_theta); // The candidate intersection points are located +/- theta in the x-y // plane. For an intersection to be valid, we need to check that the // intersection point is contained in the interior of the edge AB and // also that it is contained within the given longitude interval "lng". // Compute the range of theta values spanned by the edge AB. S1Interval ab_theta = S1Interval::FromPointPair( atan2(a.DotProd(y), a.DotProd(x)), atan2(b.DotProd(y), b.DotProd(x))); if (ab_theta.Contains(theta)) { // Check if the intersection point is also in the given "lng" interval. S2Point isect = x * cos_theta + y * sin_theta; if (lng.Contains(atan2(isect[1], isect[0]))) return true; } if (ab_theta.Contains(-theta)) { // Check if the intersection point is also in the given "lng" interval. S2Point isect = x * cos_theta - y * sin_theta; if (lng.Contains(atan2(isect[1], isect[0]))) return true; } return false; } bool S2LatLngRect::Intersects(S2Cell const& cell) const { // First we eliminate the cases where one region completely contains the // other. Once these are disposed of, then the regions will intersect // if and only if their boundaries intersect. if (is_empty()) return false; if (Contains(cell.GetCenterRaw())) return true; if (cell.Contains(GetCenter().ToPoint())) return true; // Quick rejection test (not required for correctness). if (!Intersects(cell.GetRectBound())) return false; // Precompute the cell vertices as points and latitude-longitudes. We also // check whether the S2Cell contains any corner of the rectangle, or // vice-versa, since the edge-crossing tests only check the edge interiors. S2Point cell_v[4]; S2LatLng cell_ll[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { cell_v[i] = cell.GetVertex(i); // Must be normalized. cell_ll[i] = S2LatLng(cell_v[i]); if (Contains(cell_ll[i])) return true; if (cell.Contains(GetVertex(i).ToPoint())) return true; } // Now check whether the boundaries intersect. Unfortunately, a // latitude-longitude rectangle does not have straight edges -- two edges // are curved, and at least one of them is concave. for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { S1Interval edge_lng = S1Interval::FromPointPair( cell_ll[i].lng().radians(), cell_ll[(i+1)&3].lng().radians()); if (!lng_.Intersects(edge_lng)) continue; S2Point const& a = cell_v[i]; S2Point const& b = cell_v[(i+1)&3]; if (edge_lng.Contains(lng_.lo())) { if (IntersectsLngEdge(a, b, lat_, lng_.lo())) return true; } if (edge_lng.Contains(lng_.hi())) { if (IntersectsLngEdge(a, b, lat_, lng_.hi())) return true; } if (IntersectsLatEdge(a, b, lat_.lo(), lng_)) return true; if (IntersectsLatEdge(a, b, lat_.hi(), lng_)) return true; } return false; } S1Angle S2LatLngRect::GetDistance(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { S2LatLngRect const& a = *this; S2LatLngRect const& b = other; DCHECK(!a.is_empty()); DCHECK(!b.is_empty()); // First, handle the trivial cases where the longitude intervals overlap. if (a.lng().Intersects(b.lng())) { if (a.lat().Intersects(b.lat())) return S1Angle::Radians(0); // Intersection between a and b. // We found an overlap in the longitude interval, but not in the latitude // interval. This means the shortest path travels along some line of // longitude connecting the high-latitude of the lower rect with the // low-latitude of the higher rect. S1Angle lo, hi; if (a.lat().lo() > b.lat().hi()) { lo = b.lat_hi(); hi = a.lat_lo(); } else { lo = a.lat_hi(); hi = b.lat_lo(); } return hi - lo; } // The longitude intervals don't overlap. In this case, the closest points // occur somewhere on the pair of longitudinal edges which are nearest in // longitude-space. S1Angle a_lng, b_lng; S1Interval lo_hi = S1Interval::FromPointPair(a.lng().lo(), b.lng().hi()); S1Interval hi_lo = S1Interval::FromPointPair(a.lng().hi(), b.lng().lo()); if (lo_hi.GetLength() < hi_lo.GetLength()) { a_lng = a.lng_lo(); b_lng = b.lng_hi(); } else { a_lng = a.lng_hi(); b_lng = b.lng_lo(); } // The shortest distance between the two longitudinal segments will include at // least one segment endpoint. We could probably narrow this down further to a // single point-edge distance by comparing the relative latitudes of the // endpoints, but for the sake of clarity, we'll do all four point-edge // distance tests. S2Point a_lo = S2LatLng(a.lat_lo(), a_lng).ToPoint(); S2Point a_hi = S2LatLng(a.lat_hi(), a_lng).ToPoint(); S2Point a_lo_cross_hi = S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, a_lng.radians() - M_PI_2).Normalized().ToPoint(); S2Point b_lo = S2LatLng(b.lat_lo(), b_lng).ToPoint(); S2Point b_hi = S2LatLng(b.lat_hi(), b_lng).ToPoint(); S2Point b_lo_cross_hi = S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, b_lng.radians() - M_PI_2).Normalized().ToPoint(); return min(S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance(a_lo, b_lo, b_hi, b_lo_cross_hi), min(S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance(a_hi, b_lo, b_hi, b_lo_cross_hi), min(S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance(b_lo, a_lo, a_hi, a_lo_cross_hi), S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance(b_hi, a_lo, a_hi, a_lo_cross_hi)))); } S1Angle S2LatLngRect::GetDistance(S2LatLng const& p) const { // The algorithm here is the same as in GetDistance(S2LagLngRect), only // with simplified calculations. S2LatLngRect const& a = *this; DCHECK(!a.is_empty()); DCHECK(p.is_valid()); if (a.lng().Contains(p.lng().radians())) { return S1Angle::Radians(max(0.0, max(p.lat().radians() - a.lat().hi(), a.lat().lo() - p.lat().radians()))); } S1Interval interval(a.lng().hi(), a.lng().GetComplementCenter()); double a_lng; if (interval.Contains(p.lng().radians())) { a_lng = a.lng().hi(); } else { a_lng = a.lng().lo(); } S2Point lo = S2LatLng::FromRadians(a.lat().lo(), a_lng).ToPoint(); S2Point hi = S2LatLng::FromRadians(a.lat().hi(), a_lng).ToPoint(); S2Point lo_cross_hi = S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, a_lng - M_PI_2).Normalized().ToPoint(); return S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance(p.ToPoint(), lo, hi, lo_cross_hi); } S1Angle S2LatLngRect::GetHausdorffDistance(S2LatLngRect const& other) const { return max(GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(other), other.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(*this)); } S1Angle S2LatLngRect::GetDirectedHausdorffDistance( S2LatLngRect const& other) const { if (is_empty()) { return S1Angle::Radians(0); } if (other.is_empty()) { return S1Angle::Radians(M_PI); // maximum possible distance on S2 } double lng_distance = lng().GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(other.lng()); DCHECK_GE(lng_distance, 0); return GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(lng_distance, lat(), other.lat()); } // Return the directed Hausdorff distance from one longitudinal edge spanning // latitude range 'a_lat' to the other longitudinal edge spanning latitude // range 'b_lat', with their longitudinal difference given by 'lng_diff'. S1Angle S2LatLngRect::GetDirectedHausdorffDistance( double lng_diff, R1Interval const& a, R1Interval const& b) { // By symmetry, we can assume a's longtitude is 0 and b's longtitude is // lng_diff. Call b's two endpoints b_lo and b_hi. Let H be the hemisphere // containing a and delimited by the longitude line of b. The Voronoi diagram // of b on H has three edges (portions of great circles) all orthogonal to b // and meeting at b_lo_cross_b_hi. // E1: (b_lo, b_lo_cross_b_hi) // E2: (b_hi, b_lo_cross_b_hi) // E3: (-b_mid, b_lo_cross_b_hi), where b_mid is the midpoint of b // // They subdivide H into three Voronoi regions. Depending on how longitude 0 // (which contains edge a) intersects these regions, we distinguish two cases: // Case 1: it intersects three regions. This occurs when lng_diff <= M_PI_2. // Case 2: it intersects only two regions. This occurs when lng_diff > M_PI_2. // // In the first case, the directed Hausdorff distance to edge b can only be // realized by the following points on a: // A1: two endpoints of a. // A2: intersection of a with the equator, if b also intersects the equator. // // In the second case, the directed Hausdorff distance to edge b can only be // realized by the following points on a: // B1: two endpoints of a. // B2: intersection of a with E3 // B3: farthest point from b_lo to the interior of D, and farthest point from // b_hi to the interior of U, if any, where D (resp. U) is the portion // of edge a below (resp. above) the intersection point from B2. DCHECK_GE(lng_diff, 0); DCHECK_LE(lng_diff, M_PI); if (lng_diff == 0) { return S1Angle::Radians(a.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b)); } // Assumed longtitude of b. double b_lng = lng_diff; // Two endpoints of b. S2Point b_lo = S2LatLng::FromRadians(b.lo(), b_lng).ToPoint(); S2Point b_hi = S2LatLng::FromRadians(b.hi(), b_lng).ToPoint(); // Cross product of b_lo and b_hi. const S2Point& b_lo_cross_b_hi = S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, b_lng - M_PI_2).ToPoint(); // Handling of each case outlined at the top of the function starts here. // This is initialized a few lines below. S1Angle max_distance; // Cases A1 and B1. S2Point a_lo = S2LatLng::FromRadians(a.lo(), 0).ToPoint(); S2Point a_hi = S2LatLng::FromRadians(a.hi(), 0).ToPoint(); max_distance = S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance(a_lo, b_lo, b_hi, b_lo_cross_b_hi); max_distance = max( max_distance, S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance(a_hi, b_lo, b_hi, b_lo_cross_b_hi)); if (lng_diff <= M_PI_2) { // Case A2. if (a.Contains(0) && b.Contains(0)) { max_distance = max(max_distance, S1Angle::Radians(lng_diff)); } } else { // Case B2. const S2Point& p = GetBisectorIntersection(b, b_lng); double p_lat = S2LatLng::Latitude(p).radians(); if (a.Contains(p_lat)) { max_distance = max(max_distance, S1Angle::Radians(p.Angle(b_lo))); } // Case B3. if (p_lat > a.lo()) { max_distance = max(max_distance, GetInteriorMaxDistance( R1Interval(a.lo(), min(p_lat, a.hi())), b_lo)); } if (p_lat < a.hi()) { max_distance = max(max_distance, GetInteriorMaxDistance( R1Interval(max(p_lat, a.lo()), a.hi()), b_hi)); } } return max_distance; } // Return the intersection of longitude 0 with the bisector of an edge // on longitude 'lng' and spanning latitude range 'lat'. S2Point S2LatLngRect::GetBisectorIntersection(R1Interval const& lat, double lng) { lng = fabs(lng); double lat_center = lat.GetCenter(); // A vector orthogonal to the bisector of the given longitudinal edge. S2LatLng ortho_bisector; if (lat_center >= 0) { ortho_bisector = S2LatLng::FromRadians(lat_center - M_PI_2, lng); } else { ortho_bisector = S2LatLng::FromRadians(-lat_center - M_PI_2, lng - M_PI); } // A vector orthogonal to longitude 0. static const S2Point ortho_lng = S2Point(0, -1, 0); return S2::RobustCrossProd(ortho_lng, ortho_bisector.ToPoint()); } // Return max distance from a point b to the segment spanning latitude range // a_lat on longitude 0, if the max occurs in the interior of a_lat. Otherwise // return -1. S1Angle S2LatLngRect::GetInteriorMaxDistance(R1Interval const& a_lat, S2Point const& b) { // Longitude 0 is in the y=0 plane. b.x() >= 0 implies that the maximum // does not occur in the interior of a_lat. if (a_lat.is_empty() || b.x() >= 0) return S1Angle::Radians(-1); // Project b to the y=0 plane. The antipodal of the normalized projection is // the point at which the maxium distance from b occurs, if it is contained // in a_lat. S2Point intersection_point = S2Point(-b.x(), 0, -b.z()).Normalize(); if (a_lat.InteriorContains( S2LatLng::Latitude(intersection_point).radians())) { return S1Angle::Radians(b.Angle(intersection_point)); } else { return S1Angle::Radians(-1); } } bool S2LatLngRect::Contains(S2Point const& p) const { return Contains(S2LatLng(p)); } bool S2LatLngRect::ApproxEquals(S2LatLngRect const& other, double max_error) const { return (lat_.ApproxEquals(other.lat_, max_error) && lng_.ApproxEquals(other.lng_, max_error)); } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, S2LatLngRect const& r) { return os << "[Lo" << r.lo() << ", Hi" << r.hi() << "]"; }