// Copyright 2005 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Most of the S2LatLngRect methods have trivial implementations that // use the R1Interval and S1Interval classes, so most of the testing // is done in those unit tests. #include "s2latlngrect.h" #include "util/coding/coder.h" #include "s2edgeutil.h" #include "s2cap.h" #include "s2cell.h" #include "s2testing.h" #include "testing/base/public/gunit.h" static S2LatLngRect RectFromDegrees(double lat_lo, double lng_lo, double lat_hi, double lng_hi) { // Convenience method to construct a rectangle. This method is // intentionally *not* in the S2LatLngRect interface because the // argument order is ambiguous, but hopefully it's not too confusing // within the context of this unit test. return S2LatLngRect(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(lat_lo, lng_lo).Normalized(), S2LatLng::FromDegrees(lat_hi, lng_hi).Normalized()); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, EmptyAndFull) { // Test basic properties of empty and full rectangles. S2LatLngRect empty = S2LatLngRect::Empty(); S2LatLngRect full = S2LatLngRect::Full(); EXPECT_TRUE(empty.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(empty.is_empty()); EXPECT_FALSE(empty.is_point()); EXPECT_TRUE(full.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(full.is_full()); EXPECT_FALSE(full.is_point()); // Check that the default S2LatLngRect is identical to Empty(). S2LatLngRect default_empty; EXPECT_TRUE(default_empty.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(default_empty.is_empty()); EXPECT_EQ(empty.lat().bounds(), default_empty.lat().bounds()); EXPECT_EQ(empty.lng().bounds(), default_empty.lng().bounds()); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, Accessors) { // Check various accessor methods. S2LatLngRect d1 = RectFromDegrees(-90, 0, -45, 180); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d1.lat_lo().degrees(), -90); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d1.lat_hi().degrees(), -45); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d1.lng_lo().degrees(), 0); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d1.lng_hi().degrees(), 180); EXPECT_EQ(d1.lat(), R1Interval(-M_PI_2, -M_PI_4)); EXPECT_EQ(d1.lng(), S1Interval(0, M_PI)); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, FromCenterSize) { EXPECT_TRUE(S2LatLngRect::FromCenterSize(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(80, 170), S2LatLng::FromDegrees(40, 60)). ApproxEquals(RectFromDegrees(60, 140, 90, -160))); EXPECT_TRUE(S2LatLngRect::FromCenterSize(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(10, 40), S2LatLng::FromDegrees(210, 400)). is_full()); EXPECT_TRUE(S2LatLngRect::FromCenterSize(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(-90, 180), S2LatLng::FromDegrees(20, 50)). ApproxEquals(RectFromDegrees(-90, 155, -80, -155))); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, FromPoint) { S2LatLng p = S2LatLng::FromDegrees(23, 47); EXPECT_EQ(S2LatLngRect::FromPoint(p), S2LatLngRect(p, p)); EXPECT_TRUE(S2LatLngRect::FromPoint(p).is_point()); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, FromPointPair) { EXPECT_EQ(S2LatLngRect::FromPointPair(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(-35, -140), S2LatLng::FromDegrees(15, 155)), RectFromDegrees(-35, 155, 15, -140)); EXPECT_EQ(S2LatLngRect::FromPointPair(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(25, -70), S2LatLng::FromDegrees(-90, 80)), RectFromDegrees(-90, -70, 25, 80)); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetCenterSize) { S2LatLngRect r1(R1Interval(0, M_PI_2), S1Interval(-M_PI, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(r1.GetCenter(), S2LatLng::FromRadians(M_PI_4, -M_PI_2)); EXPECT_EQ(r1.GetSize(), S2LatLng::FromRadians(M_PI_2, M_PI)); EXPECT_LT(S2LatLngRect::Empty().GetSize().lat().radians(), 0); EXPECT_LT(S2LatLngRect::Empty().GetSize().lng().radians(), 0); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetVertex) { S2LatLngRect r1(R1Interval(0, M_PI_2), S1Interval(-M_PI, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(r1.GetVertex(0), S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, M_PI)); EXPECT_EQ(r1.GetVertex(1), S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(r1.GetVertex(2), S2LatLng::FromRadians(M_PI_2, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(r1.GetVertex(3), S2LatLng::FromRadians(M_PI_2, M_PI)); // Make sure that GetVertex() returns vertices in CCW order. for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { double lat = M_PI_4 * (i - 2); double lng = M_PI_2 * (i - 2) + 0.2; S2LatLngRect r(R1Interval(lat, lat + M_PI_4), S1Interval(drem(lng, 2*M_PI), drem(lng + M_PI_2, 2*M_PI))); for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { EXPECT_TRUE(S2::SimpleCCW(r.GetVertex((k - 1) & 3).ToPoint(), r.GetVertex(k).ToPoint(), r.GetVertex((k + 1) & 3).ToPoint())); } } } TEST(S2LatLngRect, Contains) { // Contains(S2LatLng), InteriorContains(S2LatLng), VirtualContainsPoint() S2LatLng eq_m180 = S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, -M_PI); S2LatLng north_pole = S2LatLng::FromRadians(M_PI_2, 0); S2LatLngRect r1(eq_m180, north_pole); EXPECT_TRUE(r1.Contains(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(30, -45))); EXPECT_TRUE(r1.InteriorContains(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(30, -45))); EXPECT_FALSE(r1.Contains(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(30, 45))); EXPECT_FALSE(r1.InteriorContains(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(30, 45))); EXPECT_TRUE(r1.Contains(eq_m180)); EXPECT_FALSE(r1.InteriorContains(eq_m180)); EXPECT_TRUE(r1.Contains(north_pole)); EXPECT_FALSE(r1.InteriorContains(north_pole)); EXPECT_TRUE(r1.Contains(S2Point(0.5, -0.3, 0.1))); EXPECT_TRUE(r1.VirtualContainsPoint(S2Point(0.5, -0.3, 0.1))); EXPECT_FALSE(r1.Contains(S2Point(0.5, 0.2, 0.1))); EXPECT_FALSE(r1.VirtualContainsPoint(S2Point(0.5, 0.2, 0.1))); } static void TestIntervalOps(S2LatLngRect const& x, S2LatLngRect const& y, const char* expected_relation, S2LatLngRect const& expected_union, S2LatLngRect const& expected_intersection) { // Test all of the interval operations on the given pair of intervals. // "expected_relation" is a sequence of "T" and "F" characters corresponding // to the expected results of Contains(), InteriorContains(), Intersects(), // and InteriorIntersects() respectively. EXPECT_EQ(x.Contains(y), expected_relation[0] == 'T'); EXPECT_EQ(x.InteriorContains(y), expected_relation[1] == 'T'); EXPECT_EQ(x.Intersects(y), expected_relation[2] == 'T'); EXPECT_EQ(x.InteriorIntersects(y), expected_relation[3] == 'T'); EXPECT_EQ(x.Contains(y), x.Union(y) == x); EXPECT_EQ(x.Intersects(y), !x.Intersection(y).is_empty()); EXPECT_EQ(x.Union(y), expected_union); EXPECT_EQ(x.Intersection(y), expected_intersection); if (y.GetSize() == S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, 0)) { S2LatLngRect r = x; r.AddPoint(y.lo()); EXPECT_EQ(r, expected_union); } } TEST(S2LatLngRect, IntervalOps) { // Contains(S2LatLngRect), InteriorContains(S2LatLngRect), // Intersects(), InteriorIntersects(), Union(), Intersection(). // // Much more testing of these methods is done in s1interval_unittest // and r1interval_unittest. // Rectangle "r1" covers one-quarter of the sphere. S2LatLngRect r1 = RectFromDegrees(0, -180, 90, 0); // Test operations where one rectangle consists of a single point. S2LatLngRect r1_mid = RectFromDegrees(45, -90, 45, -90); TestIntervalOps(r1, r1_mid, "TTTT", r1, r1_mid); S2LatLngRect req_m180 = RectFromDegrees(0, -180, 0, -180); TestIntervalOps(r1, req_m180, "TFTF", r1, req_m180); S2LatLngRect rnorth_pole = RectFromDegrees(90, 0, 90, 0); TestIntervalOps(r1, rnorth_pole, "TFTF", r1, rnorth_pole); TestIntervalOps(r1, RectFromDegrees(-10, -1, 1, 20), "FFTT", RectFromDegrees(-10, 180, 90, 20), RectFromDegrees(0, -1, 1, 0)); TestIntervalOps(r1, RectFromDegrees(-10, -1, 0, 20), "FFTF", RectFromDegrees(-10, 180, 90, 20), RectFromDegrees(0, -1, 0, 0)); TestIntervalOps(r1, RectFromDegrees(-10, 0, 1, 20), "FFTF", RectFromDegrees(-10, 180, 90, 20), RectFromDegrees(0, 0, 1, 0)); TestIntervalOps(RectFromDegrees(-15, -160, -15, -150), RectFromDegrees(20, 145, 25, 155), "FFFF", RectFromDegrees(-15, 145, 25, -150), S2LatLngRect::Empty()); TestIntervalOps(RectFromDegrees(70, -10, 90, -140), RectFromDegrees(60, 175, 80, 5), "FFTT", RectFromDegrees(60, -180, 90, 180), RectFromDegrees(70, 175, 80, 5)); // Check that the intersection of two rectangles that overlap in latitude // but not longitude is valid, and vice versa. TestIntervalOps(RectFromDegrees(12, 30, 60, 60), RectFromDegrees(0, 0, 30, 18), "FFFF", RectFromDegrees(0, 0, 60, 60), S2LatLngRect::Empty()); TestIntervalOps(RectFromDegrees(0, 0, 18, 42), RectFromDegrees(30, 12, 42, 60), "FFFF", RectFromDegrees(0, 0, 42, 60), S2LatLngRect::Empty()); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, AddPoint) { S2LatLngRect p = S2LatLngRect::Empty(); p.AddPoint(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(0, 0)); EXPECT_TRUE(p.is_point()); p.AddPoint(S2LatLng::FromRadians(0, -M_PI_2)); EXPECT_FALSE(p.is_point()); p.AddPoint(S2LatLng::FromRadians(M_PI_4, -M_PI)); p.AddPoint(S2Point(0, 0, 1)); EXPECT_EQ(p, RectFromDegrees(0, -180, 90, 0)); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, Expanded) { EXPECT_TRUE(RectFromDegrees(70, 150, 80, 170). Expanded(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(20, 30)). ApproxEquals(RectFromDegrees(50, 120, 90, -160))); EXPECT_TRUE(S2LatLngRect::Empty().Expanded(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(20, 30)). is_empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(S2LatLngRect::Full().Expanded(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(20, 30)). is_full()); EXPECT_TRUE(RectFromDegrees(-90, 170, 10, 20). Expanded(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(30, 80)). ApproxEquals(RectFromDegrees(-90, -180, 40, 180))); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, ConvolveWithCap) { EXPECT_TRUE(RectFromDegrees(0, 170, 0, -170). ConvolveWithCap(S1Angle::Degrees(15)).ApproxEquals( RectFromDegrees(-15, 155, 15, -155))); EXPECT_TRUE(RectFromDegrees(60, 150, 80, 10). ConvolveWithCap(S1Angle::Degrees(15)).ApproxEquals( RectFromDegrees(45, -180, 90, 180))); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetCapBound) { // Bounding cap at center is smaller: EXPECT_TRUE(RectFromDegrees(-45, -45, 45, 45).GetCapBound(). ApproxEquals(S2Cap::FromAxisHeight(S2Point(1, 0, 0), 0.5))); // Bounding cap at north pole is smaller: EXPECT_TRUE(RectFromDegrees(88, -80, 89, 80).GetCapBound(). ApproxEquals(S2Cap::FromAxisAngle(S2Point(0, 0, 1), S1Angle::Degrees(2)))); // Longitude span > 180 degrees: EXPECT_TRUE(RectFromDegrees(-30, -150, -10, 50).GetCapBound(). ApproxEquals(S2Cap::FromAxisAngle(S2Point(0, 0, -1), S1Angle::Degrees(80)))); } static void TestCellOps(S2LatLngRect const& r, S2Cell const& cell, int level) { // Test the relationship between the given rectangle and cell: // 0 == no intersection, 1 == MayIntersect, 2 == Intersects, // 3 == Vertex Containment, 4 == Contains bool vertex_contained = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (r.Contains(cell.GetVertexRaw(i)) || (!r.is_empty() && cell.Contains(r.GetVertex(i).ToPoint()))) vertex_contained = true; } EXPECT_EQ(r.MayIntersect(cell), level >= 1); EXPECT_EQ(r.Intersects(cell), level >= 2); EXPECT_EQ(vertex_contained, level >= 3); EXPECT_EQ(r.Contains(cell), level >= 4); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, CellOps) { // Contains(S2Cell), MayIntersect(S2Cell), Intersects(S2Cell) // Special cases. TestCellOps(S2LatLngRect::Empty(), S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(3, 0, 0), 0); TestCellOps(S2LatLngRect::Full(), S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(2, 0, 0), 4); TestCellOps(S2LatLngRect::Full(), S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(5, 0, 25), 4); // This rectangle includes the first quadrant of face 0. It's expanded // slightly because cell bounding rectangles are slightly conservative. S2LatLngRect r4 = RectFromDegrees(-45.1, -45.1, 0.1, 0.1); TestCellOps(r4, S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(0, 0, 0), 3); TestCellOps(r4, S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(0, 0, 1), 4); TestCellOps(r4, S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(1, 0, 1), 0); // This rectangle intersects the first quadrant of face 0. S2LatLngRect r5 = RectFromDegrees(-10, -45, 10, 0); TestCellOps(r5, S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(0, 0, 0), 3); TestCellOps(r5, S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(0, 0, 1), 3); TestCellOps(r5, S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(1, 0, 1), 0); // Rectangle consisting of a single point. TestCellOps(RectFromDegrees(4, 4, 4, 4), S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(0, 0, 0), 3); // Rectangles that intersect the bounding rectangle of a face // but not the face itself. TestCellOps(RectFromDegrees(41, -87, 42, -79), S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(2, 0, 0), 1); TestCellOps(RectFromDegrees(-41, 160, -40, -160), S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(5, 0, 0), 1); // This is the leaf cell at the top right hand corner of face 0. // It has two angles of 60 degrees and two of 120 degrees. S2Cell cell0tr(S2Point(1 + 1e-12, 1, 1)); S2LatLngRect bound0tr = cell0tr.GetRectBound(); S2LatLng v0(cell0tr.GetVertexRaw(0)); TestCellOps(RectFromDegrees(v0.lat().degrees() - 1e-8, v0.lng().degrees() - 1e-8, v0.lat().degrees() - 2e-10, v0.lng().degrees() + 1e-10), cell0tr, 1); // Rectangles that intersect a face but where no vertex of one region // is contained by the other region. The first one passes through // a corner of one of the face cells. TestCellOps(RectFromDegrees(-37, -70, -36, -20), S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(5, 0, 0), 2); // These two intersect like a diamond and a square. S2Cell cell202 = S2Cell::FromFacePosLevel(2, 0, 2); S2LatLngRect bound202 = cell202.GetRectBound(); TestCellOps(RectFromDegrees(bound202.lo().lat().degrees() + 3, bound202.lo().lng().degrees() + 3, bound202.hi().lat().degrees() - 3, bound202.hi().lng().degrees() - 3), cell202, 2); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, EncodeDecode) { S2LatLngRect r = RectFromDegrees(-20, -80, 10, 20); Encoder encoder; r.Encode(&encoder); Decoder decoder(encoder.base(), encoder.length()); S2LatLngRect decoded_rect = S2LatLngRect::Empty(); EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_rect.Decode(&decoder)); EXPECT_EQ(r, decoded_rect); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, Area) { EXPECT_EQ(S2LatLngRect::Empty().Area(), 0.0); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(S2LatLngRect::Full().Area(), 4 * M_PI); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(RectFromDegrees(0, 0, 90, 90).Area(), M_PI / 2); } // Returns the minimum distance from X to the latitude line segment defined by // the given latitude and longitude interval. S1Angle GetDistance(const S2LatLng& x, const S1Angle& lat, const S1Interval& interval) { EXPECT_TRUE(x.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(interval.is_valid()); // Is X inside the longitude interval? if (interval.Contains(x.lng().radians())) return (x.lat() - lat).abs(); // Return the distance to the closer endpoint. return min(x.GetDistance(S2LatLng(lat, S1Angle::Radians(interval.lo()))), x.GetDistance(S2LatLng(lat, S1Angle::Radians(interval.hi())))); } static S1Angle BruteForceDistance(const S2LatLngRect& a, const S2LatLngRect& b) { if (a.Intersects(b)) return S1Angle::Radians(0); // Compare every point in 'a' against every latitude edge and longitude edge // in 'b', and vice-versa, for a total of 16 point-vs-latitude-edge tests and // 16 point-vs-longitude-edge tests. S2LatLng pnt_a[4], pnt_b[4]; pnt_a[0] = S2LatLng(a.lat_lo(), a.lng_lo()); pnt_a[1] = S2LatLng(a.lat_lo(), a.lng_hi()); pnt_a[2] = S2LatLng(a.lat_hi(), a.lng_hi()); pnt_a[3] = S2LatLng(a.lat_hi(), a.lng_lo()); pnt_b[0] = S2LatLng(b.lat_lo(), b.lng_lo()); pnt_b[1] = S2LatLng(b.lat_lo(), b.lng_hi()); pnt_b[2] = S2LatLng(b.lat_hi(), b.lng_hi()); pnt_b[3] = S2LatLng(b.lat_hi(), b.lng_lo()); // Make arrays containing the lo/hi latitudes and the lo/hi longitude edges. S1Angle lat_a[2] = { a.lat_lo(), a.lat_hi() }; S1Angle lat_b[2] = { b.lat_lo(), b.lat_hi() }; S2Point lng_edge_a[2][2] = { { pnt_a[0].ToPoint(), pnt_a[3].ToPoint() }, { pnt_a[1].ToPoint(), pnt_a[2].ToPoint() } }; S2Point lng_edge_b[2][2] = { { pnt_b[0].ToPoint(), pnt_b[3].ToPoint() }, { pnt_b[1].ToPoint(), pnt_b[2].ToPoint() } }; S1Angle min_distance = S1Angle::Degrees(180.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // For each point in a and b. const S2LatLng& current_a = pnt_a[i]; const S2LatLng& current_b = pnt_b[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { // Get distances to latitude and longitude edges. S1Angle a_to_lat = GetDistance(current_a, lat_b[j], b.lng()); S1Angle b_to_lat = GetDistance(current_b, lat_a[j], a.lng()); S1Angle a_to_lng = S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance( current_a.ToPoint(), lng_edge_b[j][0], lng_edge_b[j][1]); S1Angle b_to_lng = S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance( current_b.ToPoint(), lng_edge_a[j][0], lng_edge_a[j][1]); min_distance = min(min_distance, min(a_to_lat, min(b_to_lat, min(a_to_lng, b_to_lng)))); } } return min_distance; } static S1Angle BruteForceRectPointDistance(const S2LatLngRect& a, const S2LatLng& b) { if (a.Contains(b)) { return S1Angle::Radians(0); } S1Angle b_to_lo_lat = GetDistance(b, a.lat_lo(), a.lng()); S1Angle b_to_hi_lat = GetDistance(b, a.lat_hi(), a.lng()); S1Angle b_to_lo_lng = S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance( b.ToPoint(), S2LatLng(a.lat_lo(), a.lng_lo()).ToPoint(), S2LatLng(a.lat_hi(), a.lng_lo()).ToPoint()); S1Angle b_to_hi_lng = S2EdgeUtil::GetDistance( b.ToPoint(), S2LatLng(a.lat_lo(), a.lng_hi()).ToPoint(), S2LatLng(a.lat_hi(), a.lng_hi()).ToPoint()); return min(b_to_lo_lat, min(b_to_hi_lat, min(b_to_lo_lng, b_to_hi_lng))); } // This method verifies a.GetDistance(b) by comparing its result against a // brute-force implementation. The correctness of the brute-force version is // much easier to verify by inspection. static void VerifyGetDistance(const S2LatLngRect& a, const S2LatLngRect& b) { S1Angle distance1 = BruteForceDistance(a, b); S1Angle distance2 = a.GetDistance(b); EXPECT_NEAR(distance1.radians() - distance2.radians(), 0, 1e-10) << a << ":" << b; } static S2LatLngRect PointRectFromDegrees(double lat, double lng) { return S2LatLngRect::FromPoint( S2LatLng::FromDegrees(lat, lng).Normalized()); } // This method verifies a.GetDistance(b), where b is a S2LatLng, by comparing // its result against a.GetDistance(c), c being the point rectangle created // from b. static void VerifyGetRectPointDistance( const S2LatLngRect& a, const S2LatLng& p) { S1Angle distance1 = BruteForceRectPointDistance(a, p.Normalized()); S1Angle distance2 = a.GetDistance(p.Normalized()); EXPECT_NEAR(fabs(distance1.radians() - distance2.radians()), 0, 1e-10) << a << ":" << p; } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDistanceOverlapping) { // Check pairs of rectangles that overlap: (should all return 0): S2LatLngRect a = RectFromDegrees(0, 0, 2, 2); S2LatLngRect b = PointRectFromDegrees(0, 0); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(a)); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(b)); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), b.GetDistance(b)); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(0, 0))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(RectFromDegrees(0, 1, 2, 3))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(RectFromDegrees(0, 2, 2, 4))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(RectFromDegrees(1, 0, 3, 2))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(RectFromDegrees(2, 0, 4, 2))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(RectFromDegrees(1, 1, 3, 3))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDistance(RectFromDegrees(2, 2, 4, 4))); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDistanceRectVsPoint) { // Rect that spans 180. S2LatLngRect a = RectFromDegrees(-1, -1, 2, 1); VerifyGetDistance(a, PointRectFromDegrees(-2, -1)); VerifyGetDistance(a, PointRectFromDegrees(1, 2)); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(-2, -1), a); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(1, 2), a); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(a, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(-2, -1)); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(a, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(1, 2)); // Tests near the north pole. S2LatLngRect b = RectFromDegrees(86, 0, 88, 2); VerifyGetDistance(b, PointRectFromDegrees(87, 3)); VerifyGetDistance(b, PointRectFromDegrees(87, -1)); VerifyGetDistance(b, PointRectFromDegrees(89, 1)); VerifyGetDistance(b, PointRectFromDegrees(89, 181)); VerifyGetDistance(b, PointRectFromDegrees(85, 1)); VerifyGetDistance(b, PointRectFromDegrees(85, 181)); VerifyGetDistance(b, PointRectFromDegrees(90, 0)); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(87, 3), b); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(87, -1), b); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(89, 1), b); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(89, 181), b); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(85, 1), b); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(85, 181), b); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(90, 0), b); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(87, 3)); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(87, -1)); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(89, 1)); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(89, 181)); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(85, 1)); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(85, 181)); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, S2LatLng::FromDegrees(90, 0)); // Rect that touches the north pole. S2LatLngRect c = RectFromDegrees(88, 0, 90, 2); VerifyGetDistance(c, PointRectFromDegrees(89, 3)); VerifyGetDistance(c, PointRectFromDegrees(89, 90)); VerifyGetDistance(c, PointRectFromDegrees(89, 181)); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(89, 3), c); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(89, 90), c); VerifyGetDistance(PointRectFromDegrees(89, 181), c); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDistanceRectVsRect) { // Rect that spans 180. S2LatLngRect a = RectFromDegrees(-1, -1, 2, 1); VerifyGetDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(0, 2, 1, 3)); VerifyGetDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(-2, -3, -1, -2)); // Tests near the south pole. S2LatLngRect b = RectFromDegrees(-87, 0, -85, 3); VerifyGetDistance(b, RectFromDegrees(-89, 1, -88, 2)); VerifyGetDistance(b, RectFromDegrees(-84, 1, -83, 2)); VerifyGetDistance(b, RectFromDegrees(-88, 90, -86, 91)); VerifyGetDistance(b, RectFromDegrees(-84, -91, -83, -90)); VerifyGetDistance(b, RectFromDegrees(-90, 181, -89, 182)); VerifyGetDistance(b, RectFromDegrees(-84, 181, -83, 182)); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDistanceRandomPairs) { // Test random pairs. for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { S2LatLngRect a = S2LatLngRect::FromPointPair(S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint()), S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint())); S2LatLngRect b = S2LatLngRect::FromPointPair(S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint()), S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint())); VerifyGetDistance(a, b); S2LatLng c(S2Testing::RandomPoint()); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(a, c); VerifyGetRectPointDistance(b, c); } } // This function assumes that GetDirectedHausdorffDistance() always returns // a distance from some point in a to b. So the function mainly tests whether // the returned distance is large enough, and only does a weak test on whether // it is small enough. static void VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(const S2LatLngRect& a, const S2LatLngRect& b) { S1Angle hausdorff_distance = a.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b); static const double kResolution = 0.1; // Record the max sample distance as well as the sample point realizing the // max for easier debugging. S1Angle max_distance; double lat_max, lng_max; int sample_size_on_lat = static_cast(a.lat().GetLength() / kResolution) + 1; int sample_size_on_lng = static_cast(a.lng().GetLength() / kResolution) + 1; double delta_on_lat = a.lat().GetLength() / sample_size_on_lat; double delta_on_lng = a.lng().GetLength() / sample_size_on_lng; double lng = a.lng().lo(); for (int i = 0; i <= sample_size_on_lng; ++i, lng += delta_on_lng) { double lat = a.lat().lo(); for (int j = 0; j <= sample_size_on_lat; ++j, lat += delta_on_lat) { S2LatLng latlng = S2LatLng::FromRadians(lat, lng).Normalized(); S1Angle distance_to_b = b.GetDistance(latlng); if (distance_to_b >= max_distance) { max_distance = distance_to_b; lat_max = lat; lng_max = lng; } } } EXPECT_LE(max_distance.radians(), hausdorff_distance.radians() + 1e-10) << a << ":" << b; EXPECT_GE(max_distance.radians(), hausdorff_distance.radians() - kResolution) << a << ":" << b; } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDirectedHausdorffDistanceRandomPairs) { // Test random pairs. for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) { S2LatLngRect a = S2LatLngRect::FromPointPair(S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint()), S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint())); S2LatLngRect b = S2LatLngRect::FromPointPair(S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint()), S2LatLng(S2Testing::RandomPoint())); // a and b are *minimum* bounding rectangles of two random points, in // particular, their Voronoi diagrams are always of the same topology. We // take the "complements" of a and b for more thorough testing. S2LatLngRect a2(a.lat(), a.lng().Complement()); S2LatLngRect b2(b.lat(), b.lng().Complement()); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, b); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b, a); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, b2); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b2, a); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a2, b); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b, a2); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a2, b2); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b2, a2); } } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDirectedHausdorffDistanceContained) { // Caller rect is contained in callee rect. Should return 0. S2LatLngRect a = RectFromDegrees(-10, 20, -5, 90); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(RectFromDegrees(-10, 20, -5, 90))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(RectFromDegrees(-10, 19, -5, 91))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(RectFromDegrees(-11, 20, -4, 90))); EXPECT_EQ(S1Angle::Radians(0), a.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(RectFromDegrees(-11, 19, -4, 91))); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDirectHausdorffDistancePointToRect) { // The Hausdorff distance from a point to a rect should be the same as its // distance to the rect. S2LatLngRect a1 = PointRectFromDegrees(5, 8); S2LatLngRect a2 = PointRectFromDegrees(90, 10); // north pole S2LatLngRect b = RectFromDegrees(-85, -50, -80, 10); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a1.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b).radians(), a1.GetDistance(b).radians()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a2.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b).radians(), a2.GetDistance(b).radians()); b = RectFromDegrees(4, -10, 80, 10); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a1.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b).radians(), a1.GetDistance(b).radians()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a2.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b).radians(), a2.GetDistance(b).radians()); b = RectFromDegrees(70, 170, 80, -170); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a1.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b).radians(), a1.GetDistance(b).radians()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a2.GetDirectedHausdorffDistance(b).radians(), a2.GetDistance(b).radians()); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDirectedHausdorffDistanceRectToPoint) { S2LatLngRect a = RectFromDegrees(1, -8, 10, 20); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, PointRectFromDegrees(5, 8)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, PointRectFromDegrees(-6, -100)); // south pole VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, PointRectFromDegrees(-90, -20)); // north pole VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, PointRectFromDegrees(90, 0)); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDirectedHausdorffDistanceRectToRectNearPole) { // Tests near south pole. S2LatLngRect a = RectFromDegrees(-87, 0, -85, 3); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(-89, 1, -88, 2)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(-84, 1, -83, 2)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(-88, 90, -86, 91)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(-84, -91, -83, -90)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(-90, 181, -89, 182)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, RectFromDegrees(-84, 181, -83, 182)); } TEST(S2LatLngRect, GetDirectedHausdorffDistanceRectToRectDegenerateCases) { // Rectangles that contain poles. VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(0, 10, 90, 20), RectFromDegrees(-4, -10, 4, 0)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(-4, -10, 4, 0), RectFromDegrees(0, 10, 90, 20)); // Two rectangles share same or complement longitudinal intervals. S2LatLngRect a = RectFromDegrees(-50, -10, 50, 10); S2LatLngRect b = RectFromDegrees(30, -10, 60, 10); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(a, b); S2LatLngRect c(a.lat(), a.lng().Complement()); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance(c, b); // rectangle a touches b_opposite_lng. VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(10, 170, 30, 180), RectFromDegrees(-50, -10, 50, 10)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(10, -180, 30, -170), RectFromDegrees(-50, -10, 50, 10)); // rectangle b's Voronoi diagram is degenerate (lng interval spans 180 // degrees), and a touches the degenerate Voronoi vertex. VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(-30, 170, 30, 180), RectFromDegrees(-10, -90, 10, 90)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(-30, -180, 30, -170), RectFromDegrees(-10, -90, 10, 90)); // rectangle a touches a voronoi vertex of rectangle b. VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(-20, 105, 20, 110), RectFromDegrees(-30, 5, 30, 15)); VerifyGetDirectedHausdorffDistance( RectFromDegrees(-20, 95, 20, 105), RectFromDegrees(-30, 5, 30, 15)); }