// Copyright 2005 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. #include "s2r2rect.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "r1interval.h" #include "s2.h" #include "s2cap.h" #include "s2cell.h" #include "s2latlngrect.h" S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::FromCell(S2Cell const& cell) { // S2Cells have a more efficient GetSizeST() method than S2CellIds. double size = cell.GetSizeST(); return FromCenterSize(cell.id().GetCenterST(), R2Point(size, size)); } S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::FromCellId(S2CellId const& id) { double size = id.GetSizeST(); return FromCenterSize(id.GetCenterST(), R2Point(size, size)); } S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::FromCenterSize(R2Point const& center, R2Point const& size) { return S2R2Rect(R1Interval(center.x() - 0.5 * size.x(), center.x() + 0.5 * size.x()), R1Interval(center.y() - 0.5 * size.y(), center.y() + 0.5 * size.y())); } S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::FromPoint(R2Point const& p) { return S2R2Rect(p, p); } S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::FromPointPair(R2Point const& p1, R2Point const& p2) { return S2R2Rect(R1Interval::FromPointPair(p1.x(), p2.x()), R1Interval::FromPointPair(p1.y(), p2.y())); } S2R2Rect* S2R2Rect::Clone() const { return new S2R2Rect(*this); } R2Point S2R2Rect::GetVertex(int k) const { // Twiddle bits to return the points in CCW order (SW, SE, NE, NW). return R2Point(x_.bound((k>>1) ^ (k&1)), y_.bound(k>>1)); } R2Point S2R2Rect::GetCenter() const { return R2Point(x_.GetCenter(), y_.GetCenter()); } R2Point S2R2Rect::GetSize() const { return R2Point(x_.GetLength(), y_.GetLength()); } bool S2R2Rect::Contains(R2Point const& p) const { return x_.Contains(p.x()) && y_.Contains(p.y()); } bool S2R2Rect::InteriorContains(R2Point const& p) const { return x_.InteriorContains(p.x()) && y_.InteriorContains(p.y()); } bool S2R2Rect::Contains(S2R2Rect const& other) const { return x_.Contains(other.x_) && y_.Contains(other.y_); } bool S2R2Rect::InteriorContains(S2R2Rect const& other) const { return x_.InteriorContains(other.x_) && y_.InteriorContains(other.y_); } bool S2R2Rect::Intersects(S2R2Rect const& other) const { return x_.Intersects(other.x_) && y_.Intersects(other.y_); } bool S2R2Rect::InteriorIntersects(S2R2Rect const& other) const { return x_.InteriorIntersects(other.x_) && y_.InteriorIntersects(other.y_); } void S2R2Rect::AddPoint(R2Point const& p) { x_.AddPoint(p.x()); y_.AddPoint(p.y()); } S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::Expanded(R2Point const& margin) const { DCHECK_GE(margin.x(), 0); DCHECK_GE(margin.y(), 0); return S2R2Rect(x_.Expanded(margin.x()), y_.Expanded(margin.y())); } S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::Union(S2R2Rect const& other) const { return S2R2Rect(x_.Union(other.x_), y_.Union(other.y_)); } S2R2Rect S2R2Rect::Intersection(S2R2Rect const& other) const { R1Interval x = x_.Intersection(other.x_); R1Interval y = y_.Intersection(other.y_); if (x.is_empty() || y.is_empty()) { // The x/y ranges must either be both empty or both non-empty. return Empty(); } return S2R2Rect(x, y); } bool S2R2Rect::ApproxEquals(S2R2Rect const& other, double max_error) const { return (x_.ApproxEquals(other.x_, max_error) && y_.ApproxEquals(other.y_, max_error)); } S2Point S2R2Rect::ToS2Point(R2Point const& p) { return S2::FaceUVtoXYZ(0, S2::STtoUV(p.x()), S2::STtoUV(p.y())).Normalize(); } S2Cap S2R2Rect::GetCapBound() const { if (is_empty()) return S2Cap::Empty(); // The rectangle is a convex polygon on the sphere, since it is a subset of // one cube face. Its bounding cap is also a convex region on the sphere, // and therefore we can bound the rectangle by just bounding its vertices. // We use the rectangle's center in (s,t)-space as the cap axis. This // doesn't yield the minimal cap but it's pretty close. S2Cap cap = S2Cap::FromAxisHeight(ToS2Point(GetCenter()), 0); for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { cap.AddPoint(ToS2Point(GetVertex(k))); } return cap; } S2LatLngRect S2R2Rect::GetRectBound() const { // This is not very tight but hopefully good enough. return GetCapBound().GetRectBound(); } bool S2R2Rect::Contains(S2Point const& p) const { S2CellId cellid = S2CellId::FromPoint(p); if (cellid.face() != 0) return false; return Contains(cellid.GetCenterST()); } bool S2R2Rect::Contains(S2Cell const& cell) const { if (cell.face() != 0) return false; return Contains(S2R2Rect::FromCell(cell)); } bool S2R2Rect::MayIntersect(S2Cell const& cell) const { if (cell.face() != 0) return false; return Intersects(S2R2Rect::FromCell(cell)); } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, S2R2Rect const& r) { return os << "[Lo" << r.lo() << ", Hi" << r.hi() << "]"; }