# -*- mode: python; -*- import re import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import distutils.sysconfig EnsureSConsVersion( 2, 0, 0 ) if not os.sys.platform == "win32": print ("SConstruct is only supported for Windows, use build_posix for other platforms") Exit(1) # Command line options # AddOption("--dynamic-crt", dest="dynamic-crt", action="store_true", default=False, help="Link with the MSVCRT DLL version") AddOption("--enable-attach", dest="attach", action="store_true", default=False, help="Configure for debugger attach on failure.") AddOption("--enable-diagnostic", dest="diagnostic", action="store_true", default=False, help="Configure WiredTiger to perform various run-time diagnostic tests. DO NOT configure this option in production environments.") AddOption("--enable-lz4", dest="lz4", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="Use LZ4 compression") AddOption("--enable-python", dest="lang-python", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="Build Python extension, specify location of swig.exe binary") AddOption("--enable-snappy", dest="snappy", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="Use snappy compression") AddOption("--enable-tcmalloc", dest="tcmalloc", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="Use TCMalloc for memory allocation") AddOption("--enable-verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Configure WiredTiger to support the verbose configuration string to wiredtiger_open") AddOption("--enable-zlib", dest="zlib", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="Use zlib compression") AddOption("--prefix", dest="prefix", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", default="package", help="Install directory") AddOption("--with-berkeley-db", dest="bdb", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="Berkeley DB install path, ie, /usr/local") # Get the swig binary from the command line option since SCONS cannot find it automatically # swig_binary = GetOption("lang-python") # Initialize environment # var = Variables() var.Add('MSVC_USE_SCRIPT', 'Path to vcvars.bat to override SCons default VS tool search'); var.Add('CPPPATH', 'C Preprocessor include path', [ "#/src/include/", "#/build_win", "#/test/windows", "#/.", ]) var.Add('CFLAGS', 'C Compiler Flags', [ "/Z7", # Generate debugging symbols "/wd4090", # Ignore warning about mismatched const qualifiers "/wd4996", # Ignore deprecated functions "/W3", # Warning level 3 #"/we4244", # Possible loss of data "/we4013", # Error on undefined functions #"/we4047", # Indirection differences in types #"/we4024", # Differences in parameter types #"/we4100", # Unreferenced local parameter "/TC", # Compile as C code #"/Od", # Disable optimization "/Ob1", # inline expansion "/O2", # optimize for speed "/GF", # enable string pooling "/EHsc", # extern "C" does not throw #"/RTC1", # enable stack checks "/GS", # enable security checks "/Gy", # separate functions for linker "/Zc:wchar_t", "/Gd", "/MD" if GetOption("dynamic-crt") else "/MT", ]) var.Add('LINKFLAGS', 'Linker Flags', [ "/DEBUG", # Generate debug symbols "/INCREMENTAL:NO", # Disable incremental linking "/OPT:REF", # Remove dead code "/DYNAMICBASE", "/NXCOMPAT", ]) var.Add('TOOLS', 'SCons tools', [ "default", "swig", "textfile" ]) var.Add('SWIG', 'SWIG binary location', swig_binary) env = Environment( variables = var ) env['STATIC_AND_SHARED_OBJECTS_ARE_THE_SAME'] = 1 useZlib = GetOption("zlib") useSnappy = GetOption("snappy") useLz4 = GetOption("lz4") useBdb = GetOption("bdb") useTcmalloc = GetOption("tcmalloc") wtlibs = [] conf = Configure(env) if not conf.CheckCHeader('stdlib.h'): print 'stdlib.h must be installed!' Exit(1) if useZlib: conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useZlib + "/include"]) conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useZlib + "/lib"]) if conf.CheckCHeader('zlib.h'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["HAVE_BUILTIN_EXTENSION_ZLIB"]) wtlibs.append("zlib") else: print 'zlib.h must be installed!' Exit(1) if useSnappy: conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useSnappy + "/include"]) conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useSnappy + "/lib"]) if conf.CheckCHeader('snappy-c.h'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_BUILTIN_EXTENSION_SNAPPY']) wtlibs.append("snappy") else: print 'snappy-c.h must be installed!' Exit(1) if useLz4: conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useLz4 + "/include"]) conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useLz4 + "/lib"]) if conf.CheckCHeader('lz4.h'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_BUILTIN_EXTENSION_LZ4']) wtlibs.append("lz4") else: print 'lz4.h must be installed!' Exit(1) if useBdb: conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useBdb+ "/include"]) conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useBdb+ "/lib"]) if not conf.CheckCHeader('db.h'): print 'db.h must be installed!' Exit(1) if useTcmalloc: conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useTcmalloc + "/include"]) conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useTcmalloc + "/lib"]) if conf.CheckCHeader('gperftools/tcmalloc.h'): wtlibs.append("libtcmalloc_minimal") conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_LIBTCMALLOC']) conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN']) else: print 'tcmalloc.h must be installed!' Exit(1) env = conf.Finish() # Configure build environment variables # if GetOption("attach"): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["HAVE_ATTACH"]) if GetOption("diagnostic"): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["HAVE_DIAGNOSTIC"]) if GetOption("lang-python"): env.Append(LIBPATH=[distutils.sysconfig.PREFIX + r"\libs"]) env.Append(CPPPATH=[distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()]) if GetOption("verbose"): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["HAVE_VERBOSE"]) # Build WiredTiger.h file # version_file = 'build_posix/aclocal/version-set.m4' VERSION_MAJOR = None VERSION_MINOR = None VERSION_PATCH = None VERSION_STRING = None # Read the version information from the version-set.m4 file for l in open(File(version_file).srcnode().abspath): if re.match(r'^VERSION_[A-Z]+', l): exec(l) if (VERSION_MAJOR == None or VERSION_MINOR == None or VERSION_PATCH == None or VERSION_STRING == None): print "Failed to find version variables in " + version_file Exit(1) wiredtiger_includes = """ #include #include #include #include #include """ wiredtiger_includes = textwrap.dedent(wiredtiger_includes) replacements = { '@VERSION_MAJOR@' : VERSION_MAJOR, '@VERSION_MINOR@' : VERSION_MINOR, '@VERSION_PATCH@' : VERSION_PATCH, '@VERSION_STRING@' : VERSION_STRING, '@uintmax_t_decl@': "", '@uintptr_t_decl@': "", '@off_t_decl@' : 'typedef int64_t wt_off_t;', '@wiredtiger_includes_decl@': wiredtiger_includes } wtheader = env.Substfile( target='wiredtiger.h', source=[ 'src/include/wiredtiger.in', ], SUBST_DICT=replacements) # # WiredTiger library # # Map WiredTiger build conditions: any conditions that appear in WiredTiger's # dist/filelist must appear here, and if the value is true, those files will be # included. # condition_map = { 'ARM64_HOST' : False, 'POSIX_HOST' : env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix', 'POWERPC_HOST' : False, 'WINDOWS_HOST' : env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32', 'X86_HOST' : True, 'ZSERIES_HOST' : False, } def filtered_filelist(f): for line in f: file_cond = line.split() if line.startswith("#") or len(file_cond) == 0: continue if len(file_cond) == 1 or condition_map[file_cond[1]]: yield file_cond[0] filelistfile = r'dist/filelist' wtsources = list(filtered_filelist(open(filelistfile))) if useZlib: wtsources.append("ext/compressors/zlib/zlib_compress.c") if useSnappy: wtsources.append("ext/compressors/snappy/snappy_compress.c") if useLz4: wtsources.append("ext/compressors/lz4/lz4_compress.c") wt_objs = [env.Object(a) for a in wtsources] # Static Library - libwiredtiger.lib # wtlib = env.Library( target="libwiredtiger", source=wt_objs, LIBS=wtlibs) env.Depends(wtlib, [filelistfile, version_file]) # Dynamically Loaded Library - wiredtiger.dll # wtdll = env.SharedLibrary( target="wiredtiger", source=wt_objs + ['build_win/wiredtiger.def'], LIBS=wtlibs) env.Depends(wtdll, [filelistfile, version_file]) Default(wtlib, wtdll) wtbin = env.Program("wt", [ "src/utilities/util_alter.c", "src/utilities/util_backup.c", "src/utilities/util_cpyright.c", "src/utilities/util_compact.c", "src/utilities/util_create.c", "src/utilities/util_drop.c", "src/utilities/util_dump.c", "src/utilities/util_list.c", "src/utilities/util_load.c", "src/utilities/util_load_json.c", "src/utilities/util_loadtext.c", "src/utilities/util_main.c", "src/utilities/util_misc.c", "src/utilities/util_printlog.c", "src/utilities/util_read.c", "src/utilities/util_rebalance.c", "src/utilities/util_rename.c", "src/utilities/util_salvage.c", "src/utilities/util_stat.c", "src/utilities/util_upgrade.c", "src/utilities/util_verbose.c", "src/utilities/util_verify.c", "src/utilities/util_write.c"], LIBS=[wtlib] + wtlibs) Default(wtbin) # Python SWIG wrapper for WiredTiger if GetOption("lang-python"): # Check that this version of python is 64-bit # if sys.maxsize < 2**32: print "The Python Interpreter must be 64-bit in order to build the python bindings" Exit(1) pythonEnv = env.Clone() pythonEnv.Append(SWIGFLAGS=[ "-python", "-threads", "-O", "-nodefaultctor", "-nodefaultdtor", ]) swiglib = pythonEnv.SharedLibrary('_wiredtiger', [ 'lang\python\wiredtiger.i'], SHLIBSUFFIX=".pyd", LIBS=[wtlib] + wtlibs) copySwig = pythonEnv.Command( 'lang/python/wiredtiger/__init__.py', 'lang/python/wiredtiger.py', Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE')) pythonEnv.Depends(copySwig, swiglib) swiginstall = pythonEnv.Install('lang/python/wiredtiger/', swiglib) Default(swiginstall, copySwig) # Shim library of functions to emulate POSIX on Windows shim = env.Library("window_shim", ["test/windows/windows_shim.c"]) examples = [ "ex_access", "ex_all", "ex_async", "ex_call_center", "ex_config_parse", "ex_cursor", "ex_data_source", "ex_encrypt", "ex_extending", "ex_file_system", "ex_hello", "ex_log", "ex_pack", "ex_process", "ex_schema", "ex_scope", "ex_stat", "ex_thread", ] # WiredTiger Smoke Test support # Runs each test in a custom temporary directory def run_smoke_test(x): print "Running Smoke Test: " + x # Make temp dir temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wt_home") try: # Set WT_HOME environment variable for test os.environ["WIREDTIGER_HOME"] = temp_dir # Run the test ret = subprocess.call(x); if( ret != 0): sys.stderr.write("Bad exit code %d\n" % (ret)) raise Exception() finally: # Clean directory # shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) def builder_smoke_test(target, source, env): run_smoke_test(source[0].abspath) return None env.Append(BUILDERS={'SmokeTest' : Builder(action = builder_smoke_test)}) #Build the tests and setup the "scons test" target testutil = env.Library('testutil', [ 'test/utility/misc.c', 'test/utility/parse_opts.c' ]) #Don't test bloom on Windows, its broken t = env.Program("t_bloom", "test/bloom/test_bloom.c", LIBS=[wtlib, testutil] + wtlibs) #env.Alias("check", env.SmokeTest(t)) Default(t) #env.Program("t_checkpoint", #["test/checkpoint/checkpointer.c", #"test/checkpoint/test_checkpoint.c", #"test/checkpoint/workers.c"], #LIBS=[wtlib]) t = env.Program("t_huge", "test/huge/huge.c", LIBS=[wtlib] + wtlibs) #t = env.Program("t_recovery", # "test/recovery/recovery.c", # LIBS=[wtlib] + wtlibs) #Default(t) t = env.Program("t_fops", ["test/fops/file.c", "test/fops/fops.c", "test/fops/t.c"], LIBS=[wtlib, shim, testutil] + wtlibs) env.Append(CPPPATH=["test/utility"]) Default(t) t = env.Program("t_format", ["test/format/backup.c", "test/format/bulk.c", "test/format/compact.c", "test/format/config.c", "test/format/lrt.c", "test/format/ops.c", "test/format/rebalance.c", "test/format/salvage.c", "test/format/t.c", "test/format/util.c", "test/format/wts.c"], LIBS=[wtlib, shim, testutil] + wtlibs) Default(t) #env.Program("t_thread", #["test/thread/file.c", #"test/thread/rw.c", #"test/thread/stats.c", #"test/thread/t.c"], #LIBS=[wtlib]) #env.Program("t_salvage", #["test/salvage/salvage.c"], #LIBS=[wtlib]) t = env.Program("wtperf", [ "bench/wtperf/config.c", "bench/wtperf/idle_table_cycle.c", "bench/wtperf/misc.c", "bench/wtperf/track.c", "bench/wtperf/wtperf.c", "bench/wtperf/wtperf_throttle.c", "bench/wtperf/wtperf_truncate.c", ], LIBS=[wtlib, shim, testutil] + wtlibs) Default(t) #Build the Examples for ex in examples: if(ex in ['ex_all', 'ex_async', 'ex_encrypt', 'ex_file_system' , 'ex_thread']): exp = env.Program(ex, "examples/c/" + ex + ".c", LIBS=[wtlib, shim] + wtlibs) Default(exp) env.Alias("check", env.SmokeTest(exp)) else: exp = env.Program(ex, "examples/c/" + ex + ".c", LIBS=[wtdll[1]] + wtlibs) Default(exp) if not ex == 'ex_log': env.Alias("check", env.SmokeTest(exp)) # Install Target # prefix = GetOption("prefix") env.Alias("install", env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, "bin"), wtbin)) env.Alias("install", env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, "bin"), wtdll[0])) # Just the dll env.Alias("install", env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, "include"), wtheader)) env.Alias("install", env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, "lib"), wtdll[1])) # Just the import lib env.Alias("install", env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, "lib"), wtlib))