#!/bin/sh # wtperf_run.sh - run wtperf regression tests on the Jenkins platform. # # The Jenkins machines show variability so we run this script to run # each wtperf test several times. We throw away the min and max # number and average the remaining values. That is the number we # give to Jenkins for plotting. We write these values to a # test.average file in the current directory (which is # build_posix/bench/wtperf). # # This script should be invoked with the pathname of the wtperf test # config to run and the number of runs. # if test "$#" -ne "2"; then echo "Must specify wtperf test to run and number of runs" exit 1 fi wttest=$1 runmax=$2 home=./WT_TEST outfile=./wtperf.out rm -f $outfile # Each of these has an entry for each op in ops below. avg=(0 0 0 0) max=(0 0 0 0) min=(0 0 0 0) sum=(0 0 0 0) # Load needs floating point and bc, handle separately. loadindex=5 avg[$loadindex]=0 max[$loadindex]=0 min[$loadindex]=0 sum[$loadindex]=0 ops=(read insert update truncate) outp=("Read count:" "Insert count:" "Update count:" "Truncate count:") outp[$loadindex]="Load time:" # getval min/max val cur # Returns the minimum or maximum of val and cur. # min == 0, max == 1. getval() { max="$1" val="$2" cur="$3" ret=$cur echo "getval: max $max val $val cur $cur" >> $outfile if test "$max" -eq "1"; then if test "$val" -gt "$cur"; then ret=$val fi elif test "$val" -lt "$cur"; then ret=$val fi echo "$ret" } isstable() { min="$1" max="$2" tmp=`echo "scale=3; $min * 1.03" | bc` if (($(bc <<< "$tmp < $max") )); then ret=0 else ret=1 fi echo "$ret" } getmin=0 getmax=1 run=1 while test "$run" -le "$runmax"; do rm -rf $home mkdir $home LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib ./wtperf -O $wttest if test "$?" -ne "0"; then exit 1 fi # Load is always using floating point, so handle separately l=`grep "^Load time:" ./WT_TEST/test.stat` if test "$?" -eq "0"; then load=`echo $l | cut -d ' ' -f 3` else load=0 fi cur[$loadindex]=$load sum[$loadindex]=`echo "${sum[$loadindex]} + $load" | bc` echo "cur ${cur[$loadindex]} sum ${sum[$loadindex]}" >> $outfile for i in ${!ops[*]}; do l=`grep "Executed.*${ops[$i]} operations" ./WT_TEST/test.stat` if test "$?" -eq "0"; then n=`echo $l | cut -d ' ' -f 2` else n=0 fi cur[$i]=$n sum[$i]=`expr $n + ${sum[$i]}` done # # Keep running track of min and max for each operation type. # if test "$run" -eq "1"; then for i in ${!cur[*]}; do min[$i]=${cur[$i]} max[$i]=${cur[$i]} done else for i in ${!cur[*]}; do if test "$i" -eq "$loadindex"; then if (($(bc <<< "${cur[$i]} < ${min[$i]}") )); then min[$i]=${cur[$i]} fi if (($(bc <<< "${cur[$i]} > ${max[$i]}") )); then max[$i]=${cur[$i]} fi else min[$i]=$(getval $getmin ${cur[$i]} ${min[$i]}) max[$i]=$(getval $getmax ${cur[$i]} ${max[$i]}) fi done fi # # After 3 runs see if this is a very stable test. If so, we # can skip the last 2 runs and just use these values. We # define "very stable" to be that the min and max are within # 3% of each other. if test "$run" -eq "3"; then # Only if all values are stable, we can break. unstable=0 for i in ${!min[*]}; do stable=$(isstable ${min[$i]} ${max[$i]}) if test "$stable" -eq "0"; then unstable=1 break fi done if test "$unstable" -eq "0"; then break fi fi run=`expr $run + 1` done skipminmax=0 if test "$runmax" -le "2"; then numruns=$(getval $getmin $run $runmax) skipminmax=1 elif test "$run" -le "$runmax"; then numruns=`expr $run - 2` else numruns=`expr $runmax - 2` fi if test "$numruns" -eq "0"; then $numruns=1 fi # # The sum contains all runs. Subtract out the min/max values. # Average the remaining and write it out to the file. # for i in ${!min[*]}; do if test "$i" -eq "$loadindex"; then if test "$skipminmax" -eq "0"; then s=`echo "scale=3; ${sum[$i]} - ${min[$i]} - ${max[$i]}" | bc` else s=${sum[$i]} fi avg[$i]=`echo "scale=3; $s / $numruns" | bc` else if test "$skipminmax" -eq "0"; then s=`expr ${sum[$i]} - ${min[$i]} - ${max[$i]}` else s=${sum[$i]} fi avg[$i]=`expr $s / $numruns` fi done for i in ${!outp[*]}; do echo "${outp[$i]} ${avg[$i]}" >> $outfile done exit 0