This branch is to run format as a docker container to work with Antithesis. This results in two containers, one for the binary to run test format, and one for a config that will launch docker compose (requested by Antithesis). 1. Install docker on your host 2. Configure and build with these options (requires cmake_build under the wiredtiger top directory) $ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/toolchains/mongodbtoolchain_stable_clang.cmake -DENABLE_ANTITHESIS=1 -DENABLE_STRICT=0 -G "Ninja" ./.. $ ninja 3. Execute the following command to build the binary docker container (from this directory): $ sudo docker build -f test_format.dockerfile -t wt-test-format:latest ../.. 4. Execute the following command to build the config docker container (from this directory): $ sudo docker build -f config.docker -t wt-test-format-config:latest ../.. 5. Test via docker-compose (from this directory): $ sudo docker-compose up If you want to run just format from the docker image, this is the command that works for me: $ sudo docker run --rm --mount type=bind,src=/home/ubuntu/git/wiredtiger/tools/antithesis/CONFIG.antithesis,dst=/opt/bin/test/format/CONFIG.antithesis wt-test-format:latest /bin/bash /opt/bin/ -c CONFIG.antithesis -h /data/RUNDIR As needed, we can export the containers: $ sudo docker image save wt-test-format > wt_test_format.tar $ sudo docker image save wt-test-format-config > wt_config.tar Alternatively, you can create an evergreen patch build from this branch and trigger the variant/task Ubuntu 20.04 Antithesis / build-and-push-antithesis-containers which will build the containers and upload to Antithesis directly. We are including libstarvoid which helps with Antithesis integration.