/*- * Public Domain 2014-2016 MongoDB, Inc. * Public Domain 2008-2014 WiredTiger, Inc. * * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "format.h" static int col_insert(WT_CURSOR *, WT_ITEM *, WT_ITEM *, uint64_t *); static int col_remove(WT_CURSOR *, WT_ITEM *, uint64_t); static int col_update(WT_CURSOR *, WT_ITEM *, WT_ITEM *, uint64_t); static int nextprev(WT_CURSOR *, int); static void *ops(void *); static int row_insert(WT_CURSOR *, WT_ITEM *, WT_ITEM *, uint64_t); static int row_remove(WT_CURSOR *, WT_ITEM *, uint64_t); static int row_update(WT_CURSOR *, WT_ITEM *, WT_ITEM *, uint64_t); static void table_append_init(void); #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB static int notfound_chk(const char *, int, int, uint64_t); static void print_item(const char *, WT_ITEM *); #endif /* * wts_ops -- * Perform a number of operations in a set of threads. */ void wts_ops(int lastrun) { TINFO *tinfo, total; WT_CONNECTION *conn; WT_SESSION *session; pthread_t backup_tid, compact_tid, lrt_tid; int64_t fourths, thread_ops; uint32_t i; int running; conn = g.wts_conn; session = NULL; /* -Wconditional-uninitialized */ memset(&backup_tid, 0, sizeof(backup_tid)); memset(&compact_tid, 0, sizeof(compact_tid)); memset(&lrt_tid, 0, sizeof(lrt_tid)); /* * There are two mechanisms to specify the length of the run, a number * of operations and a timer, when either expire the run terminates. * Each thread does an equal share of the total operations (and make * sure that it's not 0). * * Calculate how many fourth-of-a-second sleeps until any timer expires. */ if (g.c_ops == 0) thread_ops = -1; else { if (g.c_ops < g.c_threads) g.c_ops = g.c_threads; thread_ops = g.c_ops / g.c_threads; } if (g.c_timer == 0) fourths = -1; else fourths = ((int64_t)g.c_timer * 4 * 60) / FORMAT_OPERATION_REPS; /* Initialize the table extension code. */ table_append_init(); /* * We support replay of threaded runs, but don't log random numbers * after threaded operations start, there's no point. */ if (!SINGLETHREADED) g.rand_log_stop = 1; /* Open a session. */ if (g.logging != 0) { testutil_check(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session)); (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "=============== thread ops start ==============="); } /* Create thread structure; start the worker threads. */ tinfo = dcalloc((size_t)g.c_threads, sizeof(*tinfo)); for (i = 0; i < g.c_threads; ++i) { tinfo[i].id = (int)i + 1; tinfo[i].state = TINFO_RUNNING; testutil_check( pthread_create(&tinfo[i].tid, NULL, ops, &tinfo[i])); } /* * If a multi-threaded run, start optional backup, compaction and * long-running reader threads. */ if (g.c_backups) testutil_check(pthread_create(&backup_tid, NULL, backup, NULL)); if (g.c_compact) testutil_check( pthread_create(&compact_tid, NULL, compact, NULL)); if (!SINGLETHREADED && g.c_long_running_txn) testutil_check(pthread_create(&lrt_tid, NULL, lrt, NULL)); /* Spin on the threads, calculating the totals. */ for (;;) { /* Clear out the totals each pass. */ memset(&total, 0, sizeof(total)); for (i = 0, running = 0; i < g.c_threads; ++i) { total.commit += tinfo[i].commit; total.deadlock += tinfo[i].deadlock; total.insert += tinfo[i].insert; total.remove += tinfo[i].remove; total.rollback += tinfo[i].rollback; total.search += tinfo[i].search; total.update += tinfo[i].update; switch (tinfo[i].state) { case TINFO_RUNNING: running = 1; break; case TINFO_COMPLETE: tinfo[i].state = TINFO_JOINED; (void)pthread_join(tinfo[i].tid, NULL); break; case TINFO_JOINED: break; } /* * If the timer has expired or this thread has completed * its operations, notify the thread it should quit. */ if (fourths == 0 || (thread_ops != -1 && tinfo[i].ops >= (uint64_t)thread_ops)) { /* * On the last execution, optionally drop core * for recovery testing. */ if (lastrun && g.c_abort) { static char *core = NULL; *core = 0; } tinfo[i].quit = 1; } } track("ops", 0ULL, &total); if (!running) break; (void)usleep(250000); /* 1/4th of a second */ if (fourths != -1) --fourths; } free(tinfo); /* Wait for the backup, compaction, long-running reader threads. */ g.workers_finished = 1; if (g.c_backups) (void)pthread_join(backup_tid, NULL); if (g.c_compact) (void)pthread_join(compact_tid, NULL); if (!SINGLETHREADED && g.c_long_running_txn) (void)pthread_join(lrt_tid, NULL); g.workers_finished = 0; if (g.logging != 0) { (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "=============== thread ops stop ==============="); testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL)); } } /* * isolation_config -- * Return an isolation configuration. */ static inline const char * isolation_config(WT_RAND_STATE *rnd, bool *iso_snapshotp) { u_int v; if ((v = g.c_isolation_flag) == ISOLATION_RANDOM) v = mmrand(rnd, 2, 4); switch (v) { case ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED: *iso_snapshotp = false; return ("isolation=read-uncommitted"); case ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED: *iso_snapshotp = false; return ("isolation=read-committed"); case ISOLATION_SNAPSHOT: default: *iso_snapshotp = true; return ("isolation=snapshot"); } } typedef struct { uint64_t keyno; /* Row number */ void *kdata; /* If an insert, the generated key */ size_t ksize; size_t kmemsize; void *vdata; /* If not a delete, the value */ size_t vsize; size_t vmemsize; bool deleted; /* Delete operation */ bool insert; /* Insert operation */ } SNAP_OPS; /* * snap_track -- * Add a single snapshot isolation returned value to the list. */ static void snap_track(SNAP_OPS *snap, uint64_t keyno, WT_ITEM *key, WT_ITEM *value) { snap->keyno = keyno; if (key == NULL) snap->insert = false; else { snap->insert = true; if (snap->kmemsize < key->size) { snap->kdata = drealloc(snap->kdata, key->size); snap->kmemsize = key->size; } memcpy(snap->kdata, key->data, snap->ksize = key->size); } if (value == NULL) snap->deleted = true; else { snap->deleted = false; if (snap->vmemsize < value->size) { snap->vdata = drealloc(snap->vdata, value->size); snap->vmemsize = value->size; } memcpy(snap->vdata, value->data, snap->vsize = value->size); } } /* * snap_check -- * Check snapshot isolation operations are repeatable. */ static int snap_check(WT_CURSOR *cursor, SNAP_OPS *start, SNAP_OPS *stop, WT_ITEM *key, WT_ITEM *value) { WT_DECL_RET; SNAP_OPS *p; uint8_t bitfield; for (; start < stop; ++start) { /* Check for subsequent changes to this record. */ for (p = start + 1; p < stop && p->keyno != start->keyno; ++p) ; if (p != stop) continue; /* * Retrieve the key/value pair by key. Row-store inserts have a * unique generated key we saved, else generate the key from the * key number. */ if (start->insert == 0) { switch (g.type) { case FIX: case VAR: cursor->set_key(cursor, start->keyno); break; case ROW: key_gen(key, start->keyno); cursor->set_key(cursor, key); break; } } else { key->data = start->kdata; key->size = start->ksize; cursor->set_key(cursor, key); } if ((ret = cursor->search(cursor)) == 0) { if (g.type == FIX) { testutil_check( cursor->get_value(cursor, &bitfield)); *(uint8_t *)(value->data) = bitfield; value->size = 1; } else testutil_check( cursor->get_value(cursor, value)); } else if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND) return (ret); /* Check for simple matches. */ if (ret == 0 && !start->deleted && value->size == start->vsize && memcmp(value->data, start->vdata, value->size) == 0) continue; if (ret == WT_NOTFOUND && start->deleted) continue; /* * In fixed length stores, zero values at the end of the key * space are returned as not-found, and not-found row reads * are saved as zero values. Map back-and-forth for simplicity. */ if (g.type == FIX) { if (ret == WT_NOTFOUND && start->vsize == 1 && *(uint8_t *)start->vdata == 0) continue; if (start->deleted && value->size == 1 && *(uint8_t *)value->data == 0) continue; } /* Things went pear-shaped. */ switch (g.type) { case FIX: testutil_die(ret, "snap_check: %" PRIu64 " search: " "expected {0x%02x}, found {0x%02x}", start->keyno, start->deleted ? 0 : *(uint8_t *)start->vdata, ret == WT_NOTFOUND ? 0 : *(uint8_t *)value->data); /* NOTREACHED */ case ROW: testutil_die(ret, "snap_check: %.*s search: " "expected {%.*s}, found {%.*s}", (int)key->size, key->data, start->deleted ? (int)strlen("deleted") : (int)start->vsize, start->deleted ? "deleted" : start->vdata, ret == WT_NOTFOUND ? (int)strlen("deleted") : (int)value->size, ret == WT_NOTFOUND ? "deleted" : value->data); /* NOTREACHED */ case VAR: testutil_die(ret, "snap_check: %" PRIu64 " search: " "expected {%.*s}, found {%.*s}", start->keyno, start->deleted ? (int)strlen("deleted") : (int)start->vsize, start->deleted ? "deleted" : start->vdata, ret == WT_NOTFOUND ? (int)strlen("deleted") : (int)value->size, ret == WT_NOTFOUND ? "deleted" : value->data); /* NOTREACHED */ } } return (0); } /* * ops -- * Per-thread operations. */ static void * ops(void *arg) { SNAP_OPS *snap, snap_list[64]; TINFO *tinfo; WT_CONNECTION *conn; WT_CURSOR *cursor, *cursor_insert; WT_DECL_RET; WT_ITEM *key, _key, *value, _value; WT_SESSION *session; uint64_t keyno, ckpt_op, reset_op, session_op; uint32_t op, rnd; u_int i; int dir; char *ckpt_config, ckpt_name[64]; bool ckpt_available, intxn, iso_snapshot, positioned, readonly; tinfo = arg; conn = g.wts_conn; readonly = false; /* -Wconditional-uninitialized */ /* Initialize tracking of snapshot isolation transaction returns. */ snap = NULL; iso_snapshot = false; memset(snap_list, 0, sizeof(snap_list)); /* Initialize the per-thread random number generator. */ __wt_random_init(&tinfo->rnd); /* Set up the default key and value buffers. */ key = &_key; key_gen_setup(key); value = &_value; val_gen_setup(&tinfo->rnd, value); /* Set the first operation where we'll create sessions and cursors. */ session_op = 0; session = NULL; cursor = cursor_insert = NULL; /* Set the first operation where we'll perform checkpoint operations. */ ckpt_op = g.c_checkpoints ? mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 100, 10000) : 0; ckpt_available = false; /* Set the first operation where we'll reset the session. */ reset_op = mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 100, 10000); for (intxn = false; !tinfo->quit; ++tinfo->ops) { /* * We can't checkpoint or swap sessions/cursors while in a * transaction, resolve any running transaction. */ if (intxn && (tinfo->ops == ckpt_op || tinfo->ops == session_op)) { testutil_check( session->commit_transaction(session, NULL)); ++tinfo->commit; intxn = false; } /* Open up a new session and cursors. */ if (tinfo->ops == session_op || session == NULL || cursor == NULL) { if (session != NULL) testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL)); testutil_check( conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session)); /* * 10% of the time, perform some read-only operations * from a checkpoint. * * Skip that if we single-threaded and doing checks * against a Berkeley DB database, because that won't * work because the Berkeley DB database records won't * match the checkpoint. Also skip if we are using * LSM, because it doesn't support reads from * checkpoints. */ if (!SINGLETHREADED && !DATASOURCE("lsm") && ckpt_available && mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 10) == 1) { testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, g.uri, NULL, ckpt_name, &cursor)); /* Pick the next session/cursor close/open. */ session_op += 250; /* Checkpoints are read-only. */ readonly = true; } else { /* * Open two cursors: one for overwriting and one * for append (if it's a column-store). * * The reason is when testing with existing * records, we don't track if a record was * deleted or not, which means we must use * cursor->insert with overwriting configured. * But, in column-store files where we're * testing with new, appended records, we don't * want to have to specify the record number, * which requires an append configuration. */ testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, g.uri, NULL, "overwrite", &cursor)); if (g.type == FIX || g.type == VAR) testutil_check(session->open_cursor( session, g.uri, NULL, "append", &cursor_insert)); /* Pick the next session/cursor close/open. */ session_op += mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 100, 5000); /* Updates supported. */ readonly = false; } } /* Checkpoint the database. */ if (tinfo->ops == ckpt_op && g.c_checkpoints) { /* * Checkpoints are single-threaded inside WiredTiger, * skip our checkpoint if another thread is already * doing one. */ ret = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&g.checkpoint_lock); if (ret == EBUSY) goto skip_checkpoint; testutil_check(ret); /* * LSM and data-sources don't support named checkpoints * and we can't drop a named checkpoint while there's a * backup in progress, otherwise name the checkpoint 5% * of the time. */ if (mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 20) != 1 || DATASOURCE("helium") || DATASOURCE("kvsbdb") || DATASOURCE("lsm") || pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&g.backup_lock) == EBUSY) ckpt_config = NULL; else { (void)snprintf(ckpt_name, sizeof(ckpt_name), "name=thread-%d", tinfo->id); ckpt_config = ckpt_name; } ret = session->checkpoint(session, ckpt_config); /* * We may be trying to create a named checkpoint while * we hold a cursor open to the previous checkpoint. * Tolerate EBUSY. */ if (ret != 0 && ret != EBUSY) testutil_die(ret, "%s", ckpt_config == NULL ? "" : ckpt_config); ret = 0; if (ckpt_config != NULL) testutil_check( pthread_rwlock_unlock(&g.backup_lock)); testutil_check( pthread_rwlock_unlock(&g.checkpoint_lock)); /* Rephrase the checkpoint name for cursor open. */ if (ckpt_config == NULL) strcpy(ckpt_name, "checkpoint=WiredTigerCheckpoint"); else (void)snprintf(ckpt_name, sizeof(ckpt_name), "checkpoint=thread-%d", tinfo->id); ckpt_available = true; skip_checkpoint: /* Pick the next checkpoint operation. */ ckpt_op += mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 5000, 20000); } /* * Reset the session every now and then, just to make sure that * operation gets tested. Note the test is not for equality, we * have to do the reset outside of a transaction. */ if (tinfo->ops > reset_op && !intxn) { testutil_check(session->reset(session)); /* Pick the next reset operation. */ reset_op += mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 20000, 50000); } /* * If we're not single-threaded and not in a transaction, choose * an isolation level and start a transaction some percentage of * the time. */ if (!SINGLETHREADED && !intxn && mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 100) >= g.c_txn_freq) { testutil_check( session->reconfigure(session, isolation_config(&tinfo->rnd, &iso_snapshot))); testutil_check( session->begin_transaction(session, NULL)); snap = iso_snapshot ? snap_list : NULL; intxn = true; } keyno = mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, (u_int)g.rows); positioned = false; /* * Perform some number of operations: the percentage of deletes, * inserts and writes are specified, reads are the rest. The * percentages don't have to add up to 100, a high percentage * of deletes will mean fewer inserts and writes. Modifications * are always followed by a read to confirm it worked. */ op = readonly ? UINT32_MAX : mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 100); if (op < g.c_delete_pct) { ++tinfo->remove; switch (g.type) { case ROW: ret = row_remove(cursor, key, keyno); break; case FIX: case VAR: ret = col_remove(cursor, key, keyno); break; } if (ret == 0) { positioned = true; if (snap != NULL && (size_t) (snap - snap_list) < WT_ELEMENTS(snap_list)) snap_track(snap++, keyno, NULL, NULL); } else { positioned = false; if (ret == WT_ROLLBACK && intxn) goto deadlock; } } else if (op < g.c_delete_pct + g.c_insert_pct) { ++tinfo->insert; switch (g.type) { case ROW: key_gen_insert(&tinfo->rnd, key, keyno); val_gen(&tinfo->rnd, value, keyno); ret = row_insert(cursor, key, value, keyno); break; case FIX: case VAR: /* * We can only append so many new records, if * we've reached that limit, update a record * instead of doing an insert. */ if (g.append_cnt >= g.append_max) goto skip_insert; /* Insert, then reset the insert cursor. */ val_gen(&tinfo->rnd, value, g.rows + 1); ret = col_insert( cursor_insert, key, value, &keyno); testutil_check( cursor_insert->reset(cursor_insert)); break; } positioned = false; if (ret == 0) { if (snap != NULL && (size_t) (snap - snap_list) < WT_ELEMENTS(snap_list)) snap_track(snap++, keyno, g.type == ROW ? key : NULL, value); } else if (ret == WT_ROLLBACK && intxn) goto deadlock; } else if ( op < g.c_delete_pct + g.c_insert_pct + g.c_write_pct) { ++tinfo->update; switch (g.type) { case ROW: key_gen(key, keyno); val_gen(&tinfo->rnd, value, keyno); ret = row_update(cursor, key, value, keyno); break; case FIX: case VAR: skip_insert: val_gen(&tinfo->rnd, value, keyno); ret = col_update(cursor, key, value, keyno); break; } if (ret == 0) { positioned = true; if (snap != NULL && (size_t) (snap - snap_list) < WT_ELEMENTS(snap_list)) snap_track(snap++, keyno, NULL, value); } else { positioned = false; if (ret == WT_ROLLBACK && intxn) goto deadlock; } } else { ++tinfo->search; ret = read_row(cursor, key, value, keyno); if (ret == 0) { positioned = true; if (snap != NULL && (size_t) (snap - snap_list) < WT_ELEMENTS(snap_list)) snap_track(snap++, keyno, NULL, value); } else { positioned = false; if (ret == WT_ROLLBACK && intxn) goto deadlock; } } /* * The cursor is positioned if we did any operation other than * insert, do a small number of next/prev cursor operations in * a random direction. */ if (positioned) { dir = (int)mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 0, 1); for (i = 0; i < mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 100); ++i) { if ((ret = nextprev(cursor, dir)) == 0) continue; if (ret == WT_ROLLBACK && intxn) goto deadlock; break; } } /* Reset the cursor: there is no reason to keep pages pinned. */ testutil_check(cursor->reset(cursor)); /* * If we're in a transaction, commit 40% of the time and * rollback 10% of the time. */ if (!intxn || (rnd = mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 10)) > 5) continue; /* * Ending the transaction. If in snapshot isolation, repeat the * operations and confirm they're unchanged. */ if (snap != NULL && (ret = snap_check( cursor, snap_list, snap, key, value)) == WT_ROLLBACK) goto deadlock; switch (rnd) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: /* 40% */ testutil_check( session->commit_transaction(session, NULL)); ++tinfo->commit; break; case 5: /* 10% */ if (0) { deadlock: ++tinfo->deadlock; } testutil_check( session->rollback_transaction(session, NULL)); ++tinfo->rollback; break; } intxn = false; snap = NULL; } if (session != NULL) testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL)); for (i = 0; i < WT_ELEMENTS(snap_list); ++i) { free(snap_list[i].kdata); free(snap_list[i].vdata); } free(key->mem); free(value->mem); tinfo->state = TINFO_COMPLETE; return (NULL); } /* * wts_read_scan -- * Read and verify all elements in a file. */ void wts_read_scan(void) { WT_CONNECTION *conn; WT_CURSOR *cursor; WT_DECL_RET; WT_ITEM key, value; WT_SESSION *session; uint64_t keyno, last_keyno; conn = g.wts_conn; /* Set up the default key/value buffers. */ key_gen_setup(&key); val_gen_setup(NULL, &value); /* Open a session and cursor pair. */ testutil_check(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session)); testutil_check( session->open_cursor(session, g.uri, NULL, NULL, &cursor)); /* Check a random subset of the records using the key. */ for (last_keyno = keyno = 0; keyno < g.key_cnt;) { keyno += mmrand(NULL, 1, 17); if (keyno > g.rows) keyno = g.rows; if (keyno - last_keyno > 1000) { track("read row scan", keyno, NULL); last_keyno = keyno; } switch (ret = read_row(cursor, &key, &value, keyno)) { case 0: case WT_NOTFOUND: case WT_ROLLBACK: break; default: testutil_die( ret, "wts_read_scan: read row %" PRIu64, keyno); } } testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL)); free(key.mem); free(value.mem); } /* * read_row -- * Read and verify a single element in a row- or column-store file. */ int read_row(WT_CURSOR *cursor, WT_ITEM *key, WT_ITEM *value, uint64_t keyno) { static int sn = 0; WT_SESSION *session; int exact, ret; uint8_t bitfield; session = cursor->session; /* Log the operation */ if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64, "read", keyno); /* Retrieve the key/value pair by key. */ switch (g.type) { case FIX: case VAR: cursor->set_key(cursor, keyno); break; case ROW: key_gen(key, keyno); cursor->set_key(cursor, key); break; } if (sn) { ret = cursor->search_near(cursor, &exact); if (ret == 0 && exact != 0) ret = WT_NOTFOUND; sn = 0; } else { ret = cursor->search(cursor); sn = 1; } switch (ret) { case 0: if (g.type == FIX) { testutil_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &bitfield)); *(uint8_t *)(value->data) = bitfield; value->size = 1; } else testutil_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, value)); break; case WT_NOTFOUND: /* * In fixed length stores, zero values at the end of the key * space are returned as not found. Treat this the same as * a zero value in the key space, to match BDB's behavior. */ if (g.type == FIX) { *(uint8_t *)(value->data) = 0; value->size = 1; ret = 0; } break; case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "read_row: read row %" PRIu64, keyno); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (ret); /* Retrieve the BDB value. */ { WT_ITEM bdb_value; int notfound; bdb_read(keyno, &bdb_value.data, &bdb_value.size, ¬found); /* Check for not-found status. */ if (notfound_chk("read_row", ret, notfound, keyno)) return (ret); /* Compare the two. */ if (value->size != bdb_value.size || memcmp(value->data, bdb_value.data, value->size) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "read_row: value mismatch %" PRIu64 ":\n", keyno); print_item("bdb", &bdb_value); print_item(" wt", value); testutil_die(0, NULL); } } #endif return (ret); } /* * nextprev -- * Read and verify the next/prev element in a row- or column-store file. */ static int nextprev(WT_CURSOR *cursor, int next) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_ITEM key, value; uint64_t keyno; uint8_t bitfield; const char *which; keyno = 0; which = next ? "next" : "prev"; switch (ret = (next ? cursor->next(cursor) : cursor->prev(cursor))) { case 0: switch (g.type) { case FIX: if ((ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &keyno)) == 0 && (ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &bitfield)) == 0) { value.data = &bitfield; value.size = 1; } break; case ROW: if ((ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &key)) == 0) ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &value); break; case VAR: if ((ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &keyno)) == 0) ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &value); break; } if (ret != 0) testutil_die(ret, "nextprev: get_key/get_value"); break; case WT_NOTFOUND: break; case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "%s", which); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (ret); { WT_ITEM bdb_key, bdb_value; WT_SESSION *session; int notfound; char *p; session = cursor->session; /* Retrieve the BDB value. */ bdb_np(next, &bdb_key.data, &bdb_key.size, &bdb_value.data, &bdb_value.size, ¬found); if (notfound_chk( next ? "nextprev(next)" : "nextprev(prev)", ret, notfound, keyno)) return (ret); /* Compare the two. */ if (g.type == ROW) { if (key.size != bdb_key.size || memcmp(key.data, bdb_key.data, key.size) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "nextprev: %s key mismatch:\n", which); print_item("bdb-key", &bdb_key); print_item(" wt-key", &key); testutil_die(0, NULL); } } else { if (keyno != (uint64_t)atoll(bdb_key.data)) { if ((p = strchr((char *)bdb_key.data, '.')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "nextprev: %s key mismatch: %.*s != %" PRIu64 "\n", which, (int)bdb_key.size, (char *)bdb_key.data, keyno); testutil_die(0, NULL); } } if (value.size != bdb_value.size || memcmp(value.data, bdb_value.data, value.size) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "nextprev: %s value mismatch:\n", which); print_item("bdb-value", &bdb_value); print_item(" wt-value", &value); testutil_die(0, NULL); } if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) switch (g.type) { case FIX: (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64 " {0x%02x}", which, keyno, ((char *)value.data)[0]); break; case ROW: (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf( g.wt_api, session, "%-10s{%.*s/%.*s}", which, (int)key.size, (char *)key.data, (int)value.size, (char *)value.data); break; case VAR: (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64 " {%.*s}", which, keyno, (int)value.size, (char *)value.data); break; } } #endif return (ret); } /* * row_update -- * Update a row in a row-store file. */ static int row_update(WT_CURSOR *cursor, WT_ITEM *key, WT_ITEM *value, uint64_t keyno) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION *session; session = cursor->session; /* Log the operation */ if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s{%.*s}, {%.*s}", "put", (int)key->size, key->data, (int)value->size, value->data); cursor->set_key(cursor, key); cursor->set_value(cursor, value); switch (ret = cursor->update(cursor)) { case 0: break; case WT_CACHE_FULL: case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "row_update: update row %" PRIu64 " by key", keyno); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (0); bdb_update(key->data, key->size, value->data, value->size); #endif return (0); } /* * col_update -- * Update a row in a column-store file. */ static int col_update(WT_CURSOR *cursor, WT_ITEM *key, WT_ITEM *value, uint64_t keyno) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION *session; session = cursor->session; /* Log the operation */ if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) { if (g.type == FIX) (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64 " {0x%02" PRIx8 "}", "update", keyno, ((uint8_t *)value->data)[0]); else (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64 " {%.*s}", "update", keyno, (int)value->size, (char *)value->data); } cursor->set_key(cursor, keyno); if (g.type == FIX) cursor->set_value(cursor, *(uint8_t *)value->data); else cursor->set_value(cursor, value); switch (ret = cursor->update(cursor)) { case 0: break; case WT_CACHE_FULL: case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "col_update: %" PRIu64, keyno); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (0); key_gen(key, keyno); bdb_update(key->data, key->size, value->data, value->size); #else (void)key; /* [-Wunused-variable] */ #endif return (0); } /* * table_append_init -- * Re-initialize the appended records list. */ static void table_append_init(void) { /* Append up to 10 records per thread before waiting on resolution. */ g.append_max = (size_t)g.c_threads * 10; g.append_cnt = 0; free(g.append); g.append = dcalloc(g.append_max, sizeof(uint64_t)); } /* * table_append -- * Resolve the appended records. */ static void table_append(uint64_t keyno) { uint64_t *p, *ep; int done; ep = g.append + g.append_max; /* * We don't want to ignore records we append, which requires we update * the "last row" as we insert new records. Threads allocating record * numbers can race with other threads, so the thread allocating record * N may return after the thread allocating N + 1. We can't update a * record before it's been inserted, and so we can't leave gaps when the * count of records in the table is incremented. * * The solution is the append table, which contains an unsorted list of * appended records. Every time we finish appending a record, process * the table, trying to update the total records in the object. * * First, enter the new key into the append list. * * It's technically possible to race: we allocated space for 10 records * per thread, but the check for the maximum number of records being * appended doesn't lock. If a thread allocated a new record and went * to sleep (so the append table fills up), then N threads of control * used the same g.append_cnt value to decide there was an available * slot in the append table and both allocated new records, we could run * out of space in the table. It's unfortunately not even unlikely in * the case of a large number of threads all inserting as fast as they * can and a single thread going to sleep for an unexpectedly long time. * If it happens, sleep and retry until earlier records are resolved * and we find a slot. */ for (done = 0;;) { testutil_check(pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&g.append_lock)); /* * If this is the thread we've been waiting for, and its record * won't fit, we'd loop infinitely. If there are many append * operations and a thread goes to sleep for a little too long, * it can happen. */ if (keyno == g.rows + 1) { g.rows = keyno; done = 1; /* * Clean out the table, incrementing the total count of * records until we don't find the next key. */ for (;;) { for (p = g.append; p < ep; ++p) if (*p == g.rows + 1) { g.rows = *p; *p = 0; --g.append_cnt; break; } if (p == ep) break; } } else /* Enter the key into the table. */ for (p = g.append; p < ep; ++p) if (*p == 0) { *p = keyno; ++g.append_cnt; done = 1; break; } testutil_check(pthread_rwlock_unlock(&g.append_lock)); if (done) break; sleep(1); } } /* * row_insert -- * Insert a row in a row-store file. */ static int row_insert(WT_CURSOR *cursor, WT_ITEM *key, WT_ITEM *value, uint64_t keyno) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION *session; session = cursor->session; /* Log the operation */ if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s{%.*s}, {%.*s}", "insert", (int)key->size, key->data, (int)value->size, value->data); cursor->set_key(cursor, key); cursor->set_value(cursor, value); switch (ret = cursor->insert(cursor)) { case 0: break; case WT_CACHE_FULL: case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "row_insert: insert row %" PRIu64 " by key", keyno); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (0); bdb_update(key->data, key->size, value->data, value->size); #endif return (0); } /* * col_insert -- * Insert an element in a column-store file. */ static int col_insert(WT_CURSOR *cursor, WT_ITEM *key, WT_ITEM *value, uint64_t *keynop) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION *session; uint64_t keyno; session = cursor->session; if (g.type == FIX) cursor->set_value(cursor, *(uint8_t *)value->data); else cursor->set_value(cursor, value); switch (ret = cursor->insert(cursor)) { case 0: break; case WT_CACHE_FULL: case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "cursor.insert"); } testutil_check(cursor->get_key(cursor, &keyno)); *keynop = (uint32_t)keyno; table_append(keyno); /* Extend the object. */ if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) { if (g.type == FIX) (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64 " {0x%02" PRIx8 "}", "insert", keyno, ((uint8_t *)value->data)[0]); else (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64 " {%.*s}", "insert", keyno, (int)value->size, (char *)value->data); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (0); key_gen(key, keyno); bdb_update(key->data, key->size, value->data, value->size); #else (void)key; /* [-Wunused-variable] */ #endif return (0); } /* * row_remove -- * Remove an row from a row-store file. */ static int row_remove(WT_CURSOR *cursor, WT_ITEM *key, uint64_t keyno) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION *session; session = cursor->session; key_gen(key, keyno); /* Log the operation */ if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf( g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64, "remove", keyno); cursor->set_key(cursor, key); /* We use the cursor in overwrite mode, check for existence. */ if ((ret = cursor->search(cursor)) == 0) ret = cursor->remove(cursor); switch (ret) { case 0: case WT_NOTFOUND: break; case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "row_remove: remove %" PRIu64 " by key", keyno); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (ret); { int notfound; bdb_remove(keyno, ¬found); (void)notfound_chk("row_remove", ret, notfound, keyno); } #else (void)key; /* [-Wunused-variable] */ #endif return (ret); } /* * col_remove -- * Remove a row from a column-store file. */ static int col_remove(WT_CURSOR *cursor, WT_ITEM *key, uint64_t keyno) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION *session; session = cursor->session; /* Log the operation */ if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf( g.wt_api, session, "%-10s%" PRIu64, "remove", keyno); cursor->set_key(cursor, keyno); /* We use the cursor in overwrite mode, check for existence. */ if ((ret = cursor->search(cursor)) == 0) ret = cursor->remove(cursor); switch (ret) { case 0: case WT_NOTFOUND: break; case WT_ROLLBACK: return (WT_ROLLBACK); default: testutil_die(ret, "col_remove: remove %" PRIu64 " by key", keyno); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB if (!SINGLETHREADED) return (ret); /* * Deleting a fixed-length item is the same as setting the bits to 0; * do the same thing for the BDB store. */ if (g.type == FIX) { key_gen(key, keyno); bdb_update(key->data, key->size, "\0", 1); } else { int notfound; bdb_remove(keyno, ¬found); (void)notfound_chk("col_remove", ret, notfound, keyno); } #else (void)key; /* [-Wunused-variable] */ #endif return (ret); } #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB /* * notfound_chk -- * Compare notfound returns for consistency. */ static int notfound_chk(const char *f, int wt_ret, int bdb_notfound, uint64_t keyno) { /* Check for not found status. */ if (bdb_notfound && wt_ret == WT_NOTFOUND) return (1); if (bdb_notfound) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s:", g.progname, f); if (keyno != 0) fprintf(stderr, " row %" PRIu64 ":", keyno); fprintf(stderr, " not found in Berkeley DB, found in WiredTiger\n"); testutil_die(0, NULL); } if (wt_ret == WT_NOTFOUND) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s:", g.progname, f); if (keyno != 0) fprintf(stderr, " row %" PRIu64 ":", keyno); fprintf(stderr, " found in Berkeley DB, not found in WiredTiger\n"); testutil_die(0, NULL); } return (0); } /* * print_item -- * Display a single data/size pair, with a tag. */ static void print_item(const char *tag, WT_ITEM *item) { static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; const uint8_t *data; size_t size; int ch; data = item->data; size = item->size; fprintf(stderr, "\t%s {", tag); if (g.type == FIX) fprintf(stderr, "0x%02x", data[0]); else for (; size > 0; --size, ++data) { ch = data[0]; if (isprint(ch)) fprintf(stderr, "%c", ch); else fprintf(stderr, "%x%x", hex[(data[0] & 0xf0) >> 4], hex[data[0] & 0x0f]); } fprintf(stderr, "}\n"); } #endif