/*- * Public Domain 2014-2016 MongoDB, Inc. * Public Domain 2008-2014 WiredTiger, Inc. * * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "format.h" #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif void key_len_setup(void) { size_t i; uint32_t max; /* * The key is a variable length item with a leading 10-digit value. * Since we have to be able re-construct it from the record number * (when doing row lookups), we pre-load a set of random lengths in * a lookup table, and then use the record number to choose one of * the pre-loaded lengths. * * Fill in the random key lengths. * * Focus on relatively small items, admitting the possibility of larger * items. Pick a size close to the minimum most of the time, only create * a larger item 1 in 20 times. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g.key_rand_len) / sizeof(g.key_rand_len[0]); ++i) { max = g.c_key_max; if (i % 20 != 0 && max > g.c_key_min + 20) max = g.c_key_min + 20; g.key_rand_len[i] = mmrand(NULL, g.c_key_min, max); } } void key_gen_setup(WT_ITEM *key) { size_t i, len; char *p; len = MAX(KILOBYTE(100), g.c_key_max); p = dmalloc(len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) p[i] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[i % 26]; key->mem = p; key->memsize = len; key->data = key->mem; key->size = 0; } static void key_gen_common(WT_ITEM *key, uint64_t keyno, int suffix) { int len; char *p; p = key->mem; /* * The key always starts with a 10-digit string (the specified cnt) * followed by two digits, a random number between 1 and 15 if it's * an insert, otherwise 00. */ len = sprintf(p, "%010" PRIu64 ".%02d", keyno, suffix); /* * In a column-store, the key is only used for Berkeley DB inserts, * and so it doesn't need a random length. */ if (g.type == ROW) { p[len] = '/'; /* * Because we're doing table lookup for key sizes, we weren't * able to set really big keys sizes in the table, the table * isn't big enough to keep our hash from selecting too many * big keys and blowing out the cache. Handle that here, use a * really big key 1 in 2500 times. */ len = keyno % 2500 == 0 && g.c_key_max < KILOBYTE(80) ? KILOBYTE(80) : (int)g.key_rand_len[keyno % WT_ELEMENTS(g.key_rand_len)]; } key->data = key->mem; key->size = (size_t)len; } void key_gen(WT_ITEM *key, uint64_t keyno) { key_gen_common(key, keyno, 0); } void key_gen_insert(WT_RAND_STATE *rnd, WT_ITEM *key, uint64_t keyno) { key_gen_common(key, keyno, (int)mmrand(rnd, 1, 15)); } static uint32_t val_dup_data_len; /* Length of duplicate data items */ static inline uint32_t value_len(WT_RAND_STATE *rnd, uint64_t keyno, uint32_t min, uint32_t max) { /* * Focus on relatively small items, admitting the possibility of larger * items. Pick a size close to the minimum most of the time, only create * a larger item 1 in 20 times, and a really big item 1 in somewhere * around 2500 items. */ if (keyno % 2500 == 0 && max < KILOBYTE(80)) { min = KILOBYTE(80); max = KILOBYTE(100); } else if (keyno % 20 != 0 && max > min + 20) max = min + 20; return (mmrand(rnd, min, max)); } void val_gen_setup(WT_RAND_STATE *rnd, WT_ITEM *value) { size_t i, len; char *p; memset(value, 0, sizeof(WT_ITEM)); /* * Set initial buffer contents to recognizable text. * * Add a few extra bytes in order to guarantee we can always offset * into the buffer by a few extra bytes, used to generate different * data for column-store run-length encoded files. */ len = MAX(KILOBYTE(100), g.c_value_max) + 20; p = dmalloc(len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) p[i] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[i % 26]; value->mem = p; value->memsize = len; value->data = value->mem; value->size = 0; val_dup_data_len = value_len(rnd, (uint64_t)mmrand(rnd, 1, 20), g.c_value_min, g.c_value_max); } void val_gen(WT_RAND_STATE *rnd, WT_ITEM *value, uint64_t keyno) { char *p; p = value->mem; value->data = value->mem; /* * Fixed-length records: take the low N bits from the last digit of * the record number. */ if (g.type == FIX) { switch (g.c_bitcnt) { case 8: p[0] = (char)mmrand(rnd, 1, 0xff); break; case 7: p[0] = (char)mmrand(rnd, 1, 0x7f); break; case 6: p[0] = (char)mmrand(rnd, 1, 0x3f); break; case 5: p[0] = (char)mmrand(rnd, 1, 0x1f); break; case 4: p[0] = (char)mmrand(rnd, 1, 0x0f); break; case 3: p[0] = (char)mmrand(rnd, 1, 0x07); break; case 2: p[0] = (char)mmrand(rnd, 1, 0x03); break; case 1: p[0] = 1; break; } value->size = 1; return; } /* * WiredTiger doesn't store zero-length data items in row-store files, * test that by inserting a zero-length data item every so often. */ if (keyno % 63 == 0) { p[0] = '\0'; value->size = 0; return; } /* * Data items have unique leading numbers by default and random lengths; * variable-length column-stores use a duplicate data value to test RLE. */ if (g.type == VAR && mmrand(rnd, 1, 100) < g.c_repeat_data_pct) { (void)strcpy(p, "DUPLICATEV"); p[10] = '/'; value->size = val_dup_data_len; } else { (void)sprintf(p, "%010" PRIu64, keyno); p[10] = '/'; value->size = value_len(rnd, keyno, g.c_value_min, g.c_value_max); } } void track(const char *tag, uint64_t cnt, TINFO *tinfo) { static int lastlen = 0; int len; char msg[128]; if (g.c_quiet || tag == NULL) return; if (tinfo == NULL && cnt == 0) len = snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%4d: %s", g.run_cnt, tag); else if (tinfo == NULL) len = snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "%4d: %s: %" PRIu64, g.run_cnt, tag, cnt); else len = snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%4d: %s: " "search %" PRIu64 "%s, " "insert %" PRIu64 "%s, " "update %" PRIu64 "%s, " "remove %" PRIu64 "%s", g.run_cnt, tag, tinfo->search > M(9) ? tinfo->search / M(1) : tinfo->search, tinfo->search > M(9) ? "M" : "", tinfo->insert > M(9) ? tinfo->insert / M(1) : tinfo->insert, tinfo->insert > M(9) ? "M" : "", tinfo->update > M(9) ? tinfo->update / M(1) : tinfo->update, tinfo->update > M(9) ? "M" : "", tinfo->remove > M(9) ? tinfo->remove / M(1) : tinfo->remove, tinfo->remove > M(9) ? "M" : ""); if (lastlen > len) { memset(msg + len, ' ', (size_t)(lastlen - len)); msg[lastlen] = '\0'; } lastlen = len; if (printf("%s\r", msg) < 0) testutil_die(EIO, "printf"); if (fflush(stdout) == EOF) testutil_die(errno, "fflush"); } /* * path_setup -- * Build the standard paths and shell commands we use. */ void path_setup(const char *home) { size_t len; /* Home directory. */ g.home = dstrdup(home == NULL ? "RUNDIR" : home); /* Log file. */ len = strlen(g.home) + strlen("log") + 2; g.home_log = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_log, len, "%s/%s", g.home, "log"); /* RNG log file. */ len = strlen(g.home) + strlen("rand") + 2; g.home_rand = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_rand, len, "%s/%s", g.home, "rand"); /* Run file. */ len = strlen(g.home) + strlen("CONFIG") + 2; g.home_config = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_config, len, "%s/%s", g.home, "CONFIG"); /* Statistics file. */ len = strlen(g.home) + strlen("stats") + 2; g.home_stats = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_stats, len, "%s/%s", g.home, "stats"); /* BDB directory. */ len = strlen(g.home) + strlen("bdb") + 2; g.home_bdb = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_bdb, len, "%s/%s", g.home, "bdb"); /* * Home directory initialize command: create the directory if it doesn't * exist, else remove everything except the RNG log file, create the KVS * subdirectory. * * Redirect the "cd" command to /dev/null so chatty cd implementations * don't add the new working directory to our output. */ #undef CMD #ifdef _WIN32 #define CMD "test -e %s || mkdir %s; " \ "cd %s && del /s /q * >:nul && rd /s /q KVS; " \ "mkdir KVS" #else #define CMD "test -e %s || mkdir %s; " \ "cd %s > /dev/null && rm -rf `ls | sed /rand/d`; " \ "mkdir KVS" #endif len = strlen(g.home) * 3 + strlen(CMD) + 1; g.home_init = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_init, len, CMD, g.home, g.home, g.home); /* Primary backup directory. */ len = strlen(g.home) + strlen("BACKUP") + 2; g.home_backup = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_backup, len, "%s/%s", g.home, "BACKUP"); /* * Backup directory initialize command, remove and re-create the primary * backup directory, plus a copy we maintain for recovery testing. */ #undef CMD #ifdef _WIN32 #define CMD "del %s/%s %s/%s /s /q >:nul && mkdir %s/%s %s/%s" #else #define CMD "rm -rf %s/%s %s/%s && mkdir %s/%s %s/%s" #endif len = strlen(g.home) * 4 + strlen("BACKUP") * 2 + strlen("BACKUP_COPY") * 2 + strlen(CMD) + 1; g.home_backup_init = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_backup_init, len, CMD, g.home, "BACKUP", g.home, "BACKUP_COPY", g.home, "BACKUP", g.home, "BACKUP_COPY"); /* * Salvage command, save the interesting files so we can replay the * salvage command as necessary. * * Redirect the "cd" command to /dev/null so chatty cd implementations * don't add the new working directory to our output. */ #undef CMD #ifdef _WIN32 #define CMD \ "cd %s && " \ "rd /q /s slvg.copy & mkdir slvg.copy && " \ "copy WiredTiger* slvg.copy\\ >:nul && copy wt* slvg.copy\\ >:nul" #else #define CMD \ "cd %s > /dev/null && " \ "rm -rf slvg.copy && mkdir slvg.copy && " \ "cp WiredTiger* wt* slvg.copy/" #endif len = strlen(g.home) + strlen(CMD) + 1; g.home_salvage_copy = dmalloc(len); snprintf(g.home_salvage_copy, len, CMD, g.home); } /* * rng -- * Return a random number. */ uint32_t rng(WT_RAND_STATE *rnd) { char buf[64]; uint32_t r; /* * Threaded operations have their own RNG information, otherwise we * use the default. */ if (rnd == NULL) rnd = &g.rnd; /* * We can reproduce a single-threaded run based on the random numbers * used in the initial run, plus the configuration files. * * Check g.replay and g.rand_log_stop: multithreaded runs log/replay * until they get to the operations phase, then turn off log/replay, * threaded operation order can't be replayed. */ if (g.rand_log_stop) return (__wt_random(rnd)); if (g.replay) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), g.randfp) == NULL) { if (feof(g.randfp)) { fprintf(stderr, "\n" "end of random number log reached\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } testutil_die(errno, "random number log"); } return ((uint32_t)strtoul(buf, NULL, 10)); } r = __wt_random(rnd); /* Save and flush the random number so we're up-to-date on error. */ (void)fprintf(g.randfp, "%" PRIu32 "\n", r); (void)fflush(g.randfp); return (r); } /* * fclose_and_clear -- * Close a file and clear the handle so we don't close twice. */ void fclose_and_clear(FILE **fpp) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = *fpp) == NULL) return; *fpp = NULL; if (fclose(fp) != 0) testutil_die(errno, "fclose"); return; }