// exportimport4.js t = new ToolTest( "exportimport5" ); c = t.startDB( "foo" ); install_test_data = function() { c.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "setup1" ); c.save( { a : [1, 2, 3, Infinity, 4, null, 5] } ); c.save( { a : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] } ); c.save( { a : [ Infinity ] } ); c.save( { a : [1, 2, 3, 4, Infinity, Infinity, 5, -Infinity] } ); c.save( { a : [1, 2, 3, 4, null, null, 5, null] } ); c.save( { a : [ -Infinity ] } ); assert.eq( 6 , c.count() , "setup2" ); }; // attempt to export fields without Infinity install_test_data(); t.runTool( "export" , "--out" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "-q", "{a:{\"$nin\":[Infinity]}}" ); c.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "after drop" , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" ); t.runTool( "import" , "--file" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "--drop" ); assert.eq( 3 , c.count() , "after restore 1" ); // attempt to export fields with Infinity install_test_data(); t.runTool( "export" , "--out" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "-q", "{a:Infinity}" ); c.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "after drop" , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" ); t.runTool( "import" , "--file" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "--drop" ); assert.eq( 3 , c.count() , "after restore 2" ); // attempt to export fields without -Infinity install_test_data(); t.runTool( "export" , "--out" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "-q", "{a:{\"$nin\":[-Infinity]}}" ); c.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "after drop" , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" ); t.runTool( "import" , "--file" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "--drop" ); assert.eq( 4 , c.count() , "after restore 3" ); // attempt to export fields with -Infinity install_test_data(); t.runTool( "export" , "--out" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "-q", "{a:-Infinity}" ); c.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "after drop" , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" ); t.runTool( "import" , "--file" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "--drop" ); assert.eq( 2 , c.count() , "after restore 4" ); // attempt to export everything install_test_data(); t.runTool( "export" , "--out" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" ); c.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "after drop" , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" ); t.runTool( "import" , "--file" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo", "--drop" ); assert.eq( 6 , c.count() , "after restore 5" ); t.stop();