#!/usr/bin/env python # # Public Domain 2014-2017 MongoDB, Inc. # Public Domain 2008-2014 WiredTiger, Inc. # # This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. # # Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or # distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled # binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any # means. # # In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors # of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the # software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit # of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and # successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of # relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this # software under copyright law. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR # OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import glob, os, shutil, string import wiredtiger, wttest from helper import compare_files from suite_subprocess import suite_subprocess from wtdataset import SimpleDataSet, ComplexDataSet, ComplexLSMDataSet from wtscenario import make_scenarios # test_backup03.py # Utilities: wt backup # Test cursor backup with target URIs class test_backup_target(wttest.WiredTigerTestCase, suite_subprocess): dir='backup.dir' # Backup directory name # This test is written to test LSM hot backups: we test a simple LSM object # and a complex LSM object, but we can't test them both at the same time # because we need to load fast enough the merge threads catch up, and so we # test the real database, not what the database might look like after the # merging settles down. # # The way it works is we create 4 objects, only one of which is large, then # we do a hot backup of one or more of the objects and compare the original # to the backup to confirm the backup is correct. pfx = 'test_backup' objs = [ # Objects ('table:' + pfx + '.1', SimpleDataSet, 0), ( 'lsm:' + pfx + '.2', SimpleDataSet, 1), ('table:' + pfx + '.3', ComplexDataSet, 2), ('table:' + pfx + '.4', ComplexLSMDataSet, 3), ] list = [ ( 'backup_1', dict(big=0,list=[0])), # Target objects individually ( 'backup_2', dict(big=1,list=[1])), ( 'backup_3', dict(big=2,list=[2])), ( 'backup_4', dict(big=3,list=[3])), ('backup_5a', dict(big=0,list=[0,2])), # Target groups of objects ('backup_5b', dict(big=2,list=[0,2])), ('backup_6a', dict(big=1,list=[1,3])), ('backup_6b', dict(big=3,list=[1,3])), ('backup_7a', dict(big=0,list=[0,1,2])), ('backup_7b', dict(big=1,list=[0,1,2])), ('backup_7c', dict(big=2,list=[0,1,2])), ('backup_8a', dict(big=0,list=[0,1,2,3])), ('backup_8b', dict(big=1,list=[0,1,2,3])), ('backup_8c', dict(big=2,list=[0,1,2,3])), ('backup_8d', dict(big=3,list=[0,1,2,3])), ('backup_9', dict(big=3,list=[])), # Backup everything ] scenarios = make_scenarios(list, prune=3, prunelong=1000) # Create a large cache, otherwise this test runs quite slowly. conn_config = 'cache_size=1G' # Populate a set of objects. def populate(self): for i in self.objs: if self.big == i[2]: rows = 200000 # Big object else: rows = 1000 # Small object i[1](self, i[0], rows).populate() # Backup needs a checkpoint self.session.checkpoint(None) # Compare the original and backed-up files using the wt dump command. def compare(self, uri): self.runWt(['dump', uri], outfilename='orig') self.runWt(['-h', self.dir, 'dump', uri], outfilename='backup') self.assertEqual(True, compare_files(self, 'orig', 'backup')) # Check that a URI doesn't exist, both the meta-data and the file names. def confirmPathDoesNotExist(self, uri): conn = self.wiredtiger_open(self.dir) session = conn.open_session() self.assertRaises(wiredtiger.WiredTigerError, lambda: session.open_cursor(uri, None, None)) conn.close() self.assertEqual( glob.glob(self.dir + '*' + uri.split(":")[1] + '*'), [], 'confirmPathDoesNotExist: URI exists, file name matching \"' + uri.split(":")[1] + '\" found') # Backup a set of target tables using a backup cursor. def backup_table_cursor(self, l): # Create the backup directory. os.mkdir(self.dir) # Build the target list. config = "" if l: config = 'target=(' for i in range(0, len(self.objs)): if i in l: config += '"' + self.objs[i][0] + '",' config += ')' # Open up the backup cursor, and copy the files. cursor = self.session.open_cursor('backup:', None, config) while True: ret = cursor.next() if ret != 0: break #print 'Copy from: ' + cursor.get_key() + ' to ' + self.dir shutil.copy(cursor.get_key(), self.dir) self.assertEqual(ret, wiredtiger.WT_NOTFOUND) cursor.close() # Confirm the objects we backed up exist, with correct contents. for i in range(0, len(self.objs)): if not l or i in l: self.compare(self.objs[i][0]) # Confirm the other objects don't exist. if l: for i in range(0, len(self.objs)): if i not in l: self.confirmPathDoesNotExist(self.objs[i][0]) # Test backup with targets. def test_backup_target(self): self.populate() self.backup_table_cursor(self.list) if __name__ == '__main__': wttest.run()