// stat.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "client/dbclient.h" #include "db/json.h" #include "tool.h" #include #include #include namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace mongo { class Stat : public Tool { public: Stat() : Tool( "stat" , false , "admin" ){ _sleep = 1; _rowNum = 0; _showHeaders = true; add_hidden_options() ( "sleep" , po::value() , "time to sleep between calls" ) ; add_options() ("noheaders", "don't output column names") ("rowcount,n", po::value()->default_value(0), "number of stats lines to print (0 for indefinite)") ; addPositionArg( "sleep" , 1 ); } virtual void printExtraHelp( ostream & out ){ out << "usage: " << _name << " [options] [sleep time]" << endl; out << "sleep time: time to wait (in seconds) between calls" << endl; } BSONObj stats(){ BSONObj out; if ( ! conn().simpleCommand( _db , &out , "serverStatus" ) ){ cout << "error: " << out << endl; return BSONObj(); } return out.getOwned(); } double diff( const string& name , const BSONObj& a , const BSONObj& b ){ BSONElement x = a.getFieldDotted( name.c_str() ); BSONElement y = b.getFieldDotted( name.c_str() ); if ( ! x.isNumber() || ! y.isNumber() ) return -1; return ( y.number() - x.number() ) / _sleep; } double percent( const char * outof , const char * val , const BSONObj& a , const BSONObj& b ){ double x = ( b.getFieldDotted( val ).number() - a.getFieldDotted( val ).number() ); double y = ( b.getFieldDotted( outof ).number() - a.getFieldDotted( outof ).number() ); if ( y == 0 ) return 0; return x / y; } void cellstart( stringstream& ss , string name , unsigned& width ){ if ( ! _showHeaders ) { return; } if ( name.size() > width ) width = name.size(); if ( _rowNum % 20 == 0 ) cout << setw(width) << name << " "; } void cell( stringstream& ss , string name , unsigned width , double val ){ cellstart( ss , name , width ); ss << setw(width) << setprecision(3) << val << " "; } void cell( stringstream& ss , string name , unsigned width , int val ){ cellstart( ss , name , width ); ss << setw(width) << val << " "; } void cell( stringstream& ss , string name , unsigned width , const string& val ){ assert( val.size() <= width ); cellstart( ss , name , width ); ss << setw(width) << val << " "; } string doRow( const BSONObj& a , const BSONObj& b ){ stringstream ss; if ( b["opcounters"].type() == Object ){ BSONObj ax = a["opcounters"].embeddedObject(); BSONObj bx = b["opcounters"].embeddedObject(); BSONObjIterator i( bx ); while ( i.more() ){ BSONElement e = i.next(); cell( ss , (string)(e.fieldName()) + "/s" , 6 , (int)diff( e.fieldName() , ax , bx ) ); } } if ( b.getFieldDotted("mem.supported").trueValue() ){ BSONObj bx = b["mem"].embeddedObject(); BSONObjIterator i( bx ); cell( ss , "mapped" , 6 , bx["mapped"].numberInt() ); cell( ss , "vsize" , 6 , bx["virtual"].numberInt() ); cell( ss , "res" , 6 , bx["resident"].numberInt() ); } cell( ss , "% locked" , 8 , percent( "globalLock.totalTime" , "globalLock.lockTime" , a , b ) ); cell( ss , "% idx miss" , 8 , percent( "indexCounters.btree.accesses" , "indexCounters.btree.misses" , a , b ) ); cell( ss , "conn" , 5 , b.getFieldDotted( "connections.current" ).numberInt() ); { struct tm t; time_t_to_Struct( time(0), &t , true ); stringstream temp; temp << setfill('0') << setw(2) << t.tm_hour << ":" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << t.tm_min << ":" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << t.tm_sec; cell( ss , "time" , 8 , temp.str() ); } if ( _showHeaders && _rowNum % 20 == 0 ){ // this is the newline after the header line cout << endl; } _rowNum++; return ss.str(); } int run(){ _sleep = getParam( "sleep" , _sleep ); if ( hasParam( "noheaders" ) ) { _showHeaders = false; } _rowCount = getParam( "rowcount" , 0 ); BSONObj prev = stats(); if ( prev.isEmpty() ) return -1; while ( _rowCount == 0 || _rowNum < _rowCount ){ sleepsecs(_sleep); BSONObj now = stats(); if ( now.isEmpty() ) return -2; cout << doRow( prev , now ) << endl; prev = now; } return 0; } int _sleep; int _rowNum; int _rowCount; bool _showHeaders; }; } int main( int argc , char ** argv ) { mongo::Stat stat; return stat.main( argc , argv ); }