var AmpersandView = require('ampersand-view'), PanelView = require('./panel'), _ = require('lodash'), debug = require('debug')('view:sidebar'); var SidebarView = module.exports = AmpersandView.extend({ props: { panelViews: 'object' }, template: require('./templates/sidebar.jade'), events: { 'click [data-hook=button]': 'clearClicked', 'input [data-hook=input]': 'inputChanged' }, bindings: { '': { type: 'value', hook: 'input' } }, render: function () { this.renderWithTemplate(this.model); this.panelViews = this.renderCollection(this.model.panels, PanelView, this.queryByHook('panels')); }, closeAndReset: function () { _.each(this.panelViews.views, function (view) { view.collapsibleClose(); view.resetStats(); }); }, clearClicked: function () { = ''; this.closeAndReset(); this.queryByHook('button').blur(); }, filterPanels: function (search) { _.each(this.panelViews.views, function (view) { view.filterStats(search); }); }, statChanged: function(stat, options) { this.parent.statChanged(stat, options); if (options.all) { // inform all other panels that they need to update their indicators _.each(this.panelViews.views, function (pv) { pv.statChanged(stat, {all: false, propagate: false}); }); } }, inputChanged: _.debounce(function () { var content = this.queryByHook('input').value; = content; if (content.trim() === '') { this.closeAndReset(); } else { this.filterPanels(content); } }, 200, {leading: false, trailing: true}) });